I am a Celestial Master at full level, you want me to join the Rules and Ghost Story?

Chapter 455 Just because I’m a vegetarian doesn’t mean I’m easy to mess with! (Please subscribe, ple

Zhang Yangqing's fighting style was so exaggerated and scary that the audience said it was an eye-opener.

The other chosen ones were tortured by the weird human-faced tree, but this one was directly tortured and humiliated by the weird human-faced tree.

But Robert, who was watching the Dragon Kingdom big screen, knew that Zhang Yangqing was not simply torturing the weird human-faced tree, he was trying to minimize the risk.

Because the five-fingered pig people don't have much loyalty at all now, and it is impossible to say that they can do things for Zhang Yangqing wholeheartedly.

Within Zhang Yangqing's visual range, he might still be a little obedient, but after all, he was a little afraid of Zhang Yangqing's strength.

Once you get to a place where you can't see it, it's hard to say.

Zhang Yangqing doesn't think that his personality charm can convince everyone who sees him.

All along, those followers either had a common goal with him or could benefit from him, so they could be used by him.

But what the Five-Finger Pig Man is doing now does not bring any benefits. He is just fulfilling his promise.

In front of Zhang Yangqing, he was just more obedient.

So Robert actually understood what Zhang Yangqing did.

But what Robert didn't understand was how Zhang Yangqing could confirm at a glance that the human face tree belonged to 'human beings'.

If he is not human, wouldn't Zhang Yangqing's work be in vain?

He really didn't dare to say that Zhang Yangqing was just guessing, after all, he was Zhang Yangqing.

Zhang Yangqing is actually not just guessing here. Although the rules are very vague, there are actually rules that can be combined.

And these rules that can be determined are not limited to this place.

Remember there is a rule on the farm.

[Rule 7: It is important for you to remember that domestic animals do not speak human language. 】

It can be inferred from this rule that those who cannot speak should not be counted as 'human beings'.

It's a hint that werewolf colleagues don't count as humans.

On the contrary, as long as the human-faced tree can speak, then he is defined as a ‘human being’.

This can be combined with current rules.

[Rule 6: In the forest, please do not refuse anyone's request, it is good for you, but only if he is alive. 】

This is also a point where other Chosen Ones try their luck without knowing the true core meaning.

Zhang Yangqing's reaction speed is not only fast, but also able to accurately judge and analyze the correct answer.

Different from other chosen ones, the core of Zhang Yangqing's playing style is to make bold guesses and earnestly seek verification.

As the Pope said, the strength of the Heavenly Master of the Dragon Kingdom is his greatest capital.

As long as he thinks about it, he can verify the results without requiring a lot of observation and risk-taking.

If the guess is wrong, he has the ability to solve the danger.

Zhang Yangqing went through the process because only by obtaining the props could he avoid encountering complicated problems in the future.

After all, the area behind this area is quite weird, and it's very tiring to cut through them one by one.

And Zhang Yangqing is not the kind of person who talks a lot. If he doesn't explain, others will really not understand how he analyzes it.

While the audience and the expert group were still struggling with this issue, Zhang Yangqing had already moved to the next destination, and could be said to be far ahead.

When the other chosen ones came here, they no longer knew when.

In this strange story, there are many smart chosen ones.

How could he be considered a smarter chosen one? He must have entered an area and could probably guess what dangers there were in this area.

The smarter chosen ones are those who are prepared to encounter danger before they even arrive.

The Chosen One of Danmark Kingdom, Munch, has always performed well.

Because of the home court advantage, he can indeed think of some problems that the Chosen One has not yet thought of.

After walking through the area of ​​​​the Human Face Tree, the atmosphere became quiet.

Munch looked around and quickly discovered the problem.

Because Munch was in the previous area, that is, before he passed the Human Face Tree, he observed many animal bones and heads on the ground.

There are not many ferocious beasts in that area, at most they are snakes, scorpions, rats and the like.

It looked like there was some kind of large-scale attack.

These small animals are relatively easy to survive, and there are very few large beasts.

But as soon as Munch entered this area, he found that there were very few bones and heads around under the moonlight.

So he guessed that this area was roughly where the beasts were.

Because there are few bones, it means that there must be a lot of surviving beasts.

This is the pattern he discovered.

When Munch came here, his behavior started to be weird, which made the audience confused.

Because he was smelling everywhere and even looking for some things on the ground, which looked a little disgusting.

However, there are still more professional viewers to explain to others.

Monk is all about smelling urine and looking for feces.

It's not that he has any special hobbies, it's because the rules say there are wild beasts here.

Since it is a beast, it will have territorial awareness.

They urinate near their territory to mark it.

This is what Munch smells like when he smells urine.

As for feces, you can tell the activity patterns of wild animals nearby just by looking at the dryness of the feces.

This is Munch's advantage. Only then did the audience realize that he was really trying to maximize his abilities as a breeder.

Others may not be able to smell it, but he has the ability.

In addition to Monk, there are many chosen ones who performed well.

Their performance lies in their understanding of the rules.

Jones, the chosen one from Kangaroo Country, is lucky, but he also has his own abilities.

Jones' advantage lies in his clearance experience.

After all, he had studied Zhang Yangqing's customs clearance routes a lot, and he was somewhat familiar with the rules.

[Rule 9: Light sources will attract the attention of some beasts. Unless you want to summon them, don't turn on the light source at will. 】

With this rule, Jones can analyze two pieces of information.

First, it means literally. Turning on lights at will in such a place will be dangerous and you will be attacked.

Second, if you encounter a group of beasts blocking the road, can you use a light source to attract them away?

It is analyzed that Jones carries many light sources with him.

In addition to five flashlights, he also brought oil and matches.

After all, this is a world of ghost stories. Setting fire to the mountains should not have such serious consequences.

As long as the settlement is quick, there is no fear of being caught by the patrol team.

Anyway, I had already offended the patrol team last night, so I was not afraid of this time.

But setting fire to the mountain is only the last option. Anyone who has nothing to do will burn themselves.

As long as you think of these and search carefully in the breeding farm, you will find them.

If that doesn't work, you can ask other staff or buy it in the village.

If you are a more powerful chosen one, you can even buy some tools to deal with wild beasts when you go to the village.

As for where the money comes from, it’s actually easy to make money.

There are so many livestock in the farm, so just take some secretly and sell them at the slaughterhouse next door.

That’s what fellow werewolves do anyway.

If I'm really afraid of being discovered by the management, it's okay to go to a werewolf colleague.

The reason why Zhang Yangqing's style of play is simple is just because his strength allows him to be so casual.

The other chosen ones have been making preparations in order to pass the test and reduce risks.

No one can have too many props.

For a cultivator like El Greco, just prepare some random props. If there are too many, he will consume his energy.

But for some of the chosen ones who are practicing physical training, they even carry broadswords on their backs.

Taking someone with them to do things really makes them feel more at ease, and they don't lack this physical strength.

But it’s hard to say whether he will die in vain next.

After all, having weapons on you makes you bolder and sometimes you take risks.

When the other chosen ones are being chased by ferocious beasts, they try to escape from them.

Munch has used his own expertise to choose a better route, avoid the patrol range of the beast, and move forward in the direction pointed by the pointer.

After traveling through this area for half an hour, Munch was stunned not to be attacked once.

However, he is not the only chosen one who is not attacked. Zhang Yangqing has a hunter called the Five-Fingered Pigman. The hunter's advantage in the forest is even several times stronger than that of Munch.

As long as he doesn't want to encounter the beast, it's really difficult for the beast to detect him.

Zhang Yangqing usually doesn't take action, mainly because of laziness, and secondly because he is afraid of killing by mistake.

If you are inexplicably killed by some important plot BOSS as a wild monster, you will be in big trouble.

The person who is more uncomfortable at this stage is undoubtedly Greco, the Chosen One of Ramen Country.

He had already escaped two attacks from ferocious beasts, and there were some scratches on his back.

Seeing Greco in such misery, Sidney felt a little regretful about why he couldn't replace Greco. He was a professional in dealing with beasts.

In the past, he didn't have much chance against the beast.

The reason why Greco is so miserable is not because he cannot avoid danger, but because he is looking for the creatures mentioned in Rule 7.

[Rule 7: All wild beasts eat meat. If you see a vegetarian wild beast, please peel off its skin. 】

This rule indeed leaves no room for speculation about the use of the skins of vegetarian beasts.

But since the rules say so, it might be beneficial to abide by them.

This is also the main reason why he was attacked by wild beasts.

El Greco was looking for the vegetarian beast, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

In finding vegetarian beasts, Munch's advantage is again reflected.

After all, the rules say they are vegetarian beasts, so as long as they look for bushes, grasslands and other places with lush vegetation, can't they be found?

The area around here is full of dirt and relatively dry trees. Occasionally there are a few dense trees, but they are very tall. Generally speaking, it is difficult for herbivores to survive here.

At this level, if the chosen ones search carefully, they will be able to find the vegetarian beast sooner or later.

It’s just a matter of the length of time. The less time it takes, the faster you can clear the level and the less danger you’ll encounter.

Meng could have thought of this, not to mention that Zhang Yangqing had a hunter under his command.

Among the chosen ones, Munch was the one who found the vegetarian beast relatively quickly.

But the scene before him made him a little puzzled.

He crossed a river and came to the other side of the river, where there was an area with lush pasture.

Vegetarian beasts like this the most.

But under the moonlight, Munch actually saw a tiger four or five times bigger than him eating grass?

The literal meaning of the rules seems to be correct, this guy is a beast.

The vegetarian tiger's muscles were as hard as iron stone in the moonlight, and its hair shone brightly.

The tiger's eyes flashed with a fierce and dangerous light, the eyes of a natural-born killer, cold and ruthless.

Even when it is eating grass, every movement it makes is full of explosive power, as if it can shake the entire forest.

Every breath it takes is like a strong wind blowing through it, causing the surrounding grass to sway.

The powerful sense of oppression emanating from the tiger was as heavy as a mountain, making it almost impossible to breathe.

This seems to tell the Chosen Ones that just because it is a vegetarian, it does not mean that it is easy to mess with.

Although the other chosen ones don't understand why the tiger is a vegetarian, there is no need to delve deeper.

After all, this is the world of ghost stories, and it is actually quite reasonable for many strange things to happen.

This herbivorous tiger is huge and looks like it needs to eat a lot of grass to fill its stomach.

But the question is, how to bring down this herbivorous tiger?

For a time, many chosen ones were in trouble, but I didn't have such ability.

And after searching nearby for a long time, there are no props that can solve it. Is it a dead end?

Or it could be said that this task can be done or not.

But without getting the skins of these vegetarian beasts, will it be more dangerous to enter the later areas?

Thinking of this, many of the Chosen Ones felt that this was the Monster World trying to make things difficult for them.

At this stage, the chosen ones can actually be divided into three, six or nine levels.

No reminder from Ghost Story World?

But in Munch's opinion, he had actually been warned a long time ago.

I still remember that when we were at the breeding farm, the mysterious man reminded the Chosen One to find an anesthetic. It was said that it could even anesthetize an elephant, and the werewolf colleagues would fall asleep after eating it.

Just sprinkle it wherever the veggie tiger is likely to eat and wait for it to fall over.

All these seemingly unrelated information and rules actually have a certain degree of continuity.

Think in advance, or the chosen one who likes to carry props to save his life, there will be more or less some anesthetics on his body.

Munch had considered dealing with the beast before he came, so he was naturally prepared.

After all, the rules are written like this. If you don’t prepare, is it possible that you will still find poisonous plants from the scene? That's no harder than finding a needle in a haystack. Even if you know which plants are poisonous, it still takes a lot of time to find them.

Some of the chosen ones who didn't expect it chose to go to the next area bravely.

It just occurred to me that the chosen ones who did not carry anesthetics and the less timid ones had already gone home and were preparing to come back tomorrow night.

After all, they feel that the rules have mentioned that they need to get these skins, and if they can't get it themselves, there will definitely be huge risks.

If you don't even make these preparations well, let alone get a high score reward, whether you can survive is still a question.

Therefore, they choose to play it safe as a means of accumulating experience.

According to statistics from the expert team, 27 chosen people chose to withdraw, go back to get anesthetics, and come back the next day.

There are also 15 talented people who choose to enter the next stage directly.

The audience has to worry about these 15 chosen ones. These guys are purely fighting for their lives and are really brave.

As for Zhang Yangqing, he didn't bring such a thing at all.

Even if I bring it, I don’t seem to be too lazy to use it because it takes time to wait.

At this stage, Zhang Yangqing even chose to skip waiting for the opportunity.

If any vegetarian beast touches him, it will be the end of its life!

It’s the end of the month, I’m begging you for a monthly ticket, thank you all.

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