I am a Celestial Master at full level, you want me to join the Rules and Ghost Story?

Chapter 461 Powerful ability to know the dead end in advance! (Please subscribe, please vote)

A dangerous scene appeared on the big screen in Danmark Country, because Monk secretly sold some livestock to the slaughterhouse in exchange for money.

Today, when the management staff were checking the number of pigs, they found that there were a few pigs missing from the pig shed, so they came to Monk to question him.

That expression seemed to say: You'd better explain yourself clearly, or I'll turn you into a pig!

Faced with the aggressive managers, Munch directly blamed the surrounding villagers. It was impossible to admit that it was his problem anyway.

Besides, it is quite reasonable for villagers to come and steal things.

The chosen ones who react will say so.

As long as the explanation is reasonable, even if the managers have doubts, they will not be able to find evidence to take action against the chosen one.

The manager scolded Munch, saying that he was not doing things well, but Munch didn't talk back because he had something wrong with him.

Zhang Yangqing was also asked this question by the aggressive management. After all, he released the five-fingered pig man as agreed, and there was one less pig in the pig shed.

The management staff stared hard at Zhang Yangqing's eyes, trying to see if he was lying.

That kind of momentum simply made the audience outside the big screen feel pressured.

But Zhang Yangqing looked at him with a sigh of relief and said, "Then what? What else was discovered?"

This sentence directly confused the managers.

The managers seemed a little confused when they heard Zhang Yangqing's tone. Am I your boss, or are you my boss?

It's obviously me questioning you, but why does it feel like I'm reporting the situation to you?

After gathering his emotions, the manager continued to ask: "You are a breeder, and you are responsible for the loss of livestock."

Zhang Yangqing said with an indifferent expression: "Oh, is there anything else? If nothing else, just step back."

Why doesn't he care? Let alone losing one head, what can you do to me if ten heads are lost?

Seeing Zhang Yangqing's helpless look, the management staff didn't know what to say for a moment, and their anger suddenly dimmed.

The audience has a feeling that the other chosen ones are like people who desperately need this job, so in the face of the oppression of managers, they can only swallow their anger and cannot survive without this job.

But if Zhang Tianshi acts like he doesn't care, then the managers are afraid that if they scold him, he will resign. Then it will be the managers who are in trouble, and he will be scolded by the boss.

Two simple sentences can directly make the pressure exerted by managers disappear.

Anyway, Zhang Yangqing is really not afraid. If you have the guts, go ahead and see who dies.

How weird is this breeding farm, you don’t know?

As long as you have the strength, even explanations are redundant.

But Zhang Yangqing's attitude was so casual that the managers began to wonder, didn't he lose it?

After all, there were already many problems in the breeding farm. Besides him, there was another mute breeder and a missing breeder.

Besides, the farm was only visited once or twice by villagers, so maybe it wasn't his problem.

Thinking of this, the managers left directly.

Zhang Yangqing is also going to get wine according to the rules.

Seeing this, the audience felt that it would be very troublesome for Zhang Yangqing to get wine. After all, he had never been to nearby villages and had no money.

Who would have thought that Zhang Yangqing's method was too direct.

He found his werewolf colleagues and asked them to buy him some wine, preferably spirits.

The werewolf colleague was a little dissatisfied. You are not my boss, so why should I run errands for you.

I was the one who made the first move that night, but I also received a beating from you, so the matter is now settled!

Seeing the werewolf colleague's somewhat resistant look, Zhang Yangqing touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Oh, I forgot to tell the management about what happened at the processing plant the night before yesterday."

Before Zhang Yangqing could finish speaking, his werewolf colleague got scared.

Please stop talking, brother, why don’t you let me go?

If people knew that he was using the resources of the processing plant for personal gain, he might become soup stock.

So he could only ask Zhang Yangqing to stop and go back by himself.

Seeing him leaving, Zhang Yangqing went back to rest.

So far, he seems to be the leader of the farm, able to direct others to do things for him.

After an hour or two, the chosen ones also came back from the village to buy wine.

These wines are all hidden and cannot be discovered.

If the boss finds out, let alone bonuses, it would be nice not to be punished.

When the chosen ones returned to the breeding farm, there were already many other types of staff here.

These people were wearing white clothes and had masks on their faces.

But the strange thing is that these masks have 'hair' around them, and their breathing is very heavy, which is very strange.

In addition, there are a group of guards wearing black clothes. These guards have weapons on their bodies, and they look like they are keeping strangers away.

Seeing the appearance of these people, Greco knew that the real danger was coming.

I am a breeder, and if I want to live and die with the livestock, I cannot let this place be destroyed.

The appearance of the guards patrolling was similar to what the Chosen Ones saw last night, and the Chosen Ones did not dare to take a second look.

At that time, most of the Chosen Ones had transformed into tiger overlords. Now that they see the Chosen Ones, they can't relate to them.

Greco found the familiar manager and asked what happened, why so many people showed up, who they were, and looked like "I don't know anything."

The manager simply said that the boss is here, and these are the boss's subordinates. Just let Greco go about his own business and not have any contact with them.

Hearing this, Greco nodded and was ready to start his next plan.

As for why Greco was not asked about the livestock by the management, it was because he did not touch the livestock. He went to 'borrow' some money from his werewolf colleagues.

Looking at the following rules, Greco, who was clear-headed, naturally figured out a main line to clear the level.

In this level, don’t worry about the hidden tasks. First think about how to pass the level.

Because some monster worlds are very special, you can get the clearance conditions first and then complete the hidden tasks. If you encounter danger during the process of clearing the hidden tasks, you can also directly choose to settle and escape.

It just so happens that this level can be played like this.

As long as you get the bonus from the boss, you can settle it at any time.

This is the tip of Rule 16.

How to get the bonus? Greco felt that Rule 11 had already prompted him.

[Rule 11: The boss of the farm likes excellent employees, and he will reward some employees who perform well. If you want to get rewards, please perform well in front of the boss. 】

But there are two huge problems here.

First, there are guards everywhere now, and you can't contact your boss. The chosen ones with some workplace experience know what it means to perform well? Does working hard mean you perform well? That's certainly not the case.

If you want to perform well, you must perform in front of the boss, and let the boss see you perform, then it counts as performance.

Otherwise, if you work hard and no one can see it, how can you get rewarded?

Secondly, you have to adapt to what the boss likes.

After all, if you think you work hard and are excellent, your boss may not necessarily think you are excellent.

The so-called "excellence" standard is based on the boss's preferences.

As long as you know what your boss likes and do what you do, you will be appreciated and rewarded by your boss.

The smarter Chosen Ones, or the less fortunate Chosen Ones, have already thought of what to do.

Because the rules seem to be interconnected.

Greco admitted that he was not a good person, but that was all he could understand.

[Rule 13: Technicians love drinking, but the boss doesn’t want to see anyone drinking. 】

Since the boss doesn't like to see anyone drinking, then if he finds a way to get the technicians to drink, and then goes to the boss to make a report, won't he be able to do what he likes and gain the boss's appreciation?

This approach is a bit damaging, but it is indeed a reasonable way to play.

This is how to complete the main quest.

Next, Greco considered hiding the mission.

There must be some huge secret buried in this breeding farm, that is, that behemoth.

If you want to find behemoths, you can actually use technicians. The technicians here must know something.

As long as they are drunk, they can tell some truth, that is, underground entrances and the like.

After getting this information, you can complete the hidden tasks.

However, Greco feels that this hidden mission may be complicated.

Because the rules were written this time so that he couldn't even guess.

[Rule 15: You can’t destroy it, and it won’t really help you. 】

Perhaps only by seeing this mysterious behemoth can we know what the rules mean.

This is Greco's idea of ​​​​clearing the level.

It can be seen that Greco, who is sober-minded, still has good judgment.

It's unclear what dangers we might encounter, but the general direction is that this is the right thing to do.

The next step is to continuously collect intelligence and then improve your plan.

Most of the Chosen Ones had the same idea as El Greco.

Zhang Yangqing's playing style is not as complicated as theirs. After all, Zhang Yangqing is a person who knows how to save steps.

There are also three relatively good tool livestock in the farm. If they want to survive, they must do what they are told.

At that time, your boss will not have the final say on the farm.

It doesn't matter what you like, it's what I let you like that matters!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yangqing first observed inside the breeding farm.

He found an area near the processing plant that was heavily guarded and had a five-story building there.

Looking in from the window, I could vaguely see some people in white clothes busy.

Seven more guards were added near the Bronze Statue Temple.

These guards are like an unattainable moat to the other chosen ones.

Zhang Yangqing just felt that it was broad daylight and it was difficult for him to take action.

By night, he could clean it all up.

Now, it's just a matter of knowing where the boss is, there's no stress in this level.

Apart from Zhang Yangqing, the one with the greatest advantage at this level is Jones.

His [Simulation] skill can finally come in handy.

Jones closed his eyes in the lounge. In his strange world, time would fall rapidly.

A world similar to the Kaidan world appears in Jones' mind.

He can explore the weird world in his mind to find the information he wants, and then follow the simulated route in the real world.

The activation time lasts for 5 minutes, the number of uses is 2, and the cooling time is 100 hours.

It can be seen from the cooling time that this is a very abnormal and outrageous ability.

Sometimes, I really have to say that Jones is lucky.

He originally planned to find the boss's location and prepare for a rainy day.

At first, I simply thought that this time in the world of ghost talk was relatively simple, as long as I wanted to please my boss.

But when he finished the first simulation, his face was frightened, his head was sweating profusely, and he was panting constantly.

Because he found his boss and saw his true face, the boss praised him for his outstanding performance and gave him a reward.

The so-called reward is to be eaten by the boss and become a part of the boss!

Jones didn't understand this. Could it be that you should never be an excellent employee?

But if I don’t do this, how will I get the bonus? What's the bonus?

With this in mind, Jones started his second simulation.

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