I am a Celestial Master at full level, you want me to join the Rules and Ghost Story?

Chapter 520 The Chosen One is considering retreat before taking action! (Please subscribe, please vo

The sky is covered with thick clouds, and sunlight cannot penetrate, making the surrounding environment seem a bit depressing.

Entering the woods, murderous intent lurks in those dark corners, and strange screams come from the depths of the woods from time to time, as if to remind those who enter that this is a dangerous place.

On this gloomy and humid afternoon, a strange human-headed giraffe stood alone in the woods.

The human head on the giraffe opens its mouth slightly and sticks out its long tongue, which flexibly wraps around the leaves.

After the leaves reached his mouth, he chewed them extra hard every time, with a satisfied smile on his face, as if he was tasting the most beautiful food in the world.

Anyone who sees this weird human-headed giraffe feels that he is not pretending to be a giraffe, but that he is a giraffe.

Can normal people eat leaves with this kind of expression?

No one wants to complain about your tongue, your neck is too long!

And your eyes no longer have a human look.

This was not the first time that Martin, the Chosen One of Kangaroo Kingdom, had seen this thing, but this time it felt extremely strange to him.

As soon as he saw this weird human-headed giraffe, Martin had an idea. Just because this guy was a vegetarian, it didn't mean he was easy to mess with.

Martin recalled the rules mentioned by the red clown. He said that if tourists wearing carnivorous puppet costumes want to go out, they must tear off the stickers on the vegetarian costume. This costume is not only other tourists, but also staff member.

That said, staff also have stickers on them.

This man was obviously not the tourist with them. They couldn't remember any tourist with such a long neck.

So obviously, this is the staff that the red clown is talking about.

But this staff member didn't look very normal. It seemed that he had been contaminated and turned weird.

Seeing that some of his companions could not hold back, Martin immediately began to calm everyone down.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet, listen to me."

According to Martin, they had to first check whether the staff member had a sticker on him. If there was no sticker, wouldn't it be in vain even if they cleaned up this weird thing?

Having said this, the anxious people next to him calmed down a little and listened to Martin continue.

Martin's mind was spinning quickly, and he began to allocate manpower and analyze precautions for survival here.

He warned everyone that there was obviously something wrong with this staff member. If everyone approached rashly, he would definitely be angered. Don't underestimate the giraffe's fighting power.

Normally, a giraffe's legs are very powerful. If it is kicked by it, even a lion will be disabled.

No one wants to lie on the ground waiting to die from the beginning, right?

Martin began to create anxiety for everyone, describing the weird giraffe with a human head as terrifying, and even some timid tourists began to recoil.

Just when the tourists were panicking, Martin expressed his strategy: "Don't panic, everyone, we are just pretending to be carnivorous wild animals, but it does not mean that we are wild animals. You must know that we are all human beings. The advantage of having wild animals is that people can make props to avoid head-on confrontation with these huge wild animals."

The reason why he said this must be to win everyone's trust and let everyone know that he is the reliable person when they encounter a desperate situation.

Further taking the place of the tourist wearing the fox puppet suit.

As a master of the lower third lane, Martin is synonymous with cunning and cunning.

He never fights head-on. Even if he is much stronger than his opponent, he will always choose the safest way to play.

At this stage, many chosen people and tourists have entered into misunderstandings.

Because they have obtained the power of this animal from the puppet suit, they feel that they have to kill their prey like wild beasts.

But the rules don't say they have to do this. Essentially, they are still human beings.

Facing these huge 'wild animals', Martin has many strategies. Tourists with strong strength can dig holes and make traps, while tourists with quick reactions can attract the attention of the weird human-headed giraffe.

As long as the weird human-headed giraffe falls into the trap and its limbs are out of danger, why not just let them slaughter it?

As soon as these words came out, they were agreed by all the tourists present.

Some tourists even regard Martin as a guiding light.

This is the effect Martin needs.

The tourist in the team wearing a fox puppet suit also strongly supported Martin on the surface, but in his heart he was thinking about how to get rid of Martin first.

There were so many people here now that it was hard for him to make a move, so he could only wait for the right opportunity.

There was still plenty of time anyway, so he was not in a hurry.

The tourists began to act according to Martin's instructions. Two fast tourists followed Martin to conduct reconnaissance. After confirming that this weird human-headed giraffe had stickers on it, they prepared to implement the battle plan.

Those tourists dressed as lions, bears, and tigers worked the hardest and began to dig some holes around them, digging directly with their bare hands. Anyway, their hand strength was very strong.

Tourists wearing leopard, wolf, and hunting dog costumes found branches, leaves, etc. and threw them on the pit.

After doing all this, everyone had happy expressions on their faces.

Everyone seemed to be united and worked together to create such a masterpiece.

This is friendship between men! This is something we all do together!

The audience all felt that Martin was really powerful this time, and he actually had such terrifying cohesion that all the tourists relied on him.

It's almost enough to check the trap, and the second step of Martin's plan begins, which is to lure the enemy deeper.

At this time, Martin definitely took the lead and said he would come, but the puppet he chose was not very fast. A tourist wearing a cheetah puppet suit took the initiative to step forward.

After all, he is the tourist with the highest speed bonus on site. If he encounters danger, he will definitely have a chance to survive.

If that weird human-headed giraffe goes crazy, others might not be able to escape, so he might be fine.

Seeing a 'good brother' volunteering, Martin, as the temporary boss, praised him and praised his courage.

This put a smile on his face and an air of joy.

The tourist wearing a fox puppet suit saw all this, and he sneered in his heart: "Let you be proud for a while, I will make it worse later!"

Attracting prey to the bait is not a good thing if there are too many people.

If the weird human-headed giraffe sees many tourists wearing carnivorous animal puppet costumes, it will definitely not come.

So the tourists wearing cheetah puppet costumes went up alone to attract them.

Others were waiting near the trap.

Everyone held their breath and waited anxiously.

A gust of breeze came, and a rustling sound came from the woods.

If anyone were walking around, they wouldn't be able to spot the tourists hiding in the dark.

They are like wild beasts, waiting for their prey to arrive.

Not long after, the leaves in this area began to sway slightly automatically without any wind, and something huge was rushing towards this direction.

Visitors standing at a high point can see that the weird human-headed giraffe's limbs are constantly erupting with amazing power, and the whole body is rushing here like an arrow.

The ground shook violently under his attack, as if an earth-shaking power was being staged.

The dust in the woods was picked up by his huge hooves and flew into the air, forming a yellow dust mist.

The surrounding trees collapsed under the powerful impact, making deafening roars.

Every trample of the weird human-headed giraffe made the ground tremble, and even the earth was amazed by his power.

The tourists who saw this scene subconsciously swallowed their saliva, and even felt a little scared in their hearts.

They all thought, thanks to Martin's reminder, otherwise wouldn't they be doomed if they were stupid enough to go up and confront this thing head-on?

This makes them believe in Martin's judgment and decision-making power even more.

At this time, tourists wearing cheetah puppet costumes were also running desperately.

He just pretended to be cool and took the initiative to find excitement, but now he regrets it.

If he were stepped on by this huge creature with red eyes behind him, he would definitely be gutted and shattered to pieces. This is not an exaggeration at all.

This is a weird human-headed giraffe that is nearly 6 meters tall, and it is majestic and huge.

The ground collapsed under his feet. His small body was like a ball.

If he was given another chance, he would never pretend to be this cool.

Finally seeing the trap they had just dug, the tourist wearing a cheetah puppet suit gritted his teeth and accelerated.

Then he jumped in front of the trap and stepped directly over the trap.

There was a violent noise and screams from behind, and the strange 6-meter-tall human-headed giraffe fell into the pit.

At this time, the tourist wearing the cheetah puppet suit was exhausted. Others rushed forward and began to use their strengths to attack the neck of the tourist wearing the cheetah puppet suit crazily.

It has to be said that carnivorous animals are powerful. With everyone's cooperation, the neck of the weird human-headed giraffe was actually broken alive.

When the human head on the neck closed its eyes, the behemoth was finally subdued by them.

Looking at the mess in front of them and the huge body lying in the pit, they realized that this was the giant beast they were hunting.

Many tourists felt a sense of accomplishment.

If they faced this behemoth alone elsewhere, they would have no chance of winning.

They also realized the importance of unity for the first time.

Some even put their arms around each other and lamented the joy of this hunting operation!

At this time, the tourists wearing fox puppet costumes finally found the opportunity and began to criticize Martin.

Martin was right to do this, but it had a fatal flaw.

A tourist wearing a fox puppet suit said, "Don't be too quick to be happy. We worked for ten minutes to deal with a vegetarian animal. What's the point? You know, it's been nearly twenty years since we got off the bus." Minutes, ten minutes to find the target, ten minutes to dig traps, if we continue at this rate, we won’t be able to get out even after dark.”

This sentence was indeed a basin of cold water, but it woke everyone up.

That’s right, you’ve been busy for a long time and you just got a sticker?

You should know that 19 tourists chose the meat-eating puppet costume, and 11 tourists chose the vegetarian puppet costume.

I just caught the first one now and twenty minutes have passed.

Even if physical strength and unexpected accidents are not considered, this special code must be caught until dawn tomorrow!

Moreover, in about forty minutes, the vegetarian tourists will leave.

At that time, the only thing they faced was this powerful and weird puppet with a human head.

Just now, I was so moved and appreciating the trophies that no one thought of this.

It has to be said that these tourists wearing carnivorous animal puppet costumes not only gained strength, but may even have obtained the brains of carnivorous animals.

When the tourists wearing fox puppet suits reminded this, everyone began to question Martin's ability.

This is also the effect needed by tourists wearing fox puppet suits. Only when Martin makes a major mistake and falls into the bottomless abyss can he take over and take command of the team.

That's how people are, everyone is just a faggot and listens to whoever says the right thing.

After all, not everyone has the intelligence and ability to judge in dangerous areas.

If Martin does not provide a reasonable explanation, not only may his status plummet, but he may also be in danger.

Many people feel that things should not be arbitrary and ask Martin to explain things first. If he does not have a better solution, they will wait to be sanctioned.

A group of people who had just obeyed Martin began to question his ability.

But there are still many people who speak up for Martin. After all, without Martin's command, many people will be lost here.

The tourists talked for a long time, and one person exclaimed: "Hey, where is the man in the hound puppet suit?"

Because Martin is wearing a hound puppet suit, it is not very conspicuous, so under normal circumstances, no one pays much attention to it.

Moreover, he is not very tall and his appearance is not outstanding, so he does not feel like he stands out from the crowd.

As long as he doesn't reveal himself very deliberately, no one seems to pay much attention to this person.

While everyone was looking for Martin, another tourist discovered that in the trap, the body of the strange human-headed giraffe began to melt, emitting a burning smell.

Martin's disappearance and the strange melting of the human-headed giraffe left everyone present scratching their heads and thinking that some strange event was happening.

Seeing this, the strange tourist wearing a fox puppet suit really wanted to give each of these people a big mouth. He said angrily: "You are still looking for him, he should have run away long ago!"

Only then did everyone realize that Martin seemed to have touched the strange human-headed giraffe the moment it fell.

He must have torn off the stickers on the weird human-headed giraffe, and the weird human-headed giraffe started to melt.

Martin is Martin. If it’s not sinister, then that’s still his style?

What he just did was simply despicable to the point of being outrageous.

This time, he was purely conducting reconnaissance, and then he did nothing. He only directed everyone to work. He didn't expend much effort at all, and got the customs clearance sticker.

While the tourists were still feeling proud of having killed the weird human-headed giraffe, he had already fled.

As two of the rising stars in the Kaitan world, how could he not be awesome?

The more the chosen one is in the lower third lane, the more prosperous he can be in the world of ghost stories.

Because of the aborigines and weirdness of the weird world, I didn’t expect such a shameless person to come in.

From the beginning, this was Martin's plan. Anyway, all he needed was a sticker, and he would try to divert everyone's targets.

Martin can be said to be a thief when it comes to playing with people's hearts.

He can't be a big boss like Zhang Yangqing and solve problems perfectly.

But his mind is more than enough to play with other aborigines.

Martin not only wasted everyone's time, but also benefited himself.

A typical example of benefiting oneself at the expense of others. He is not wrong at all.

The audience in Kangaroo Country saw that he was so shameless and got huge benefits, and they didn't know whether to be happy or embarrassed for a moment.

Martin doesn't care so much. Apart from you, I've been busy for a long time to prepare to lead the aborigines through customs?

You think too much, I don’t care whether the aborigines are dead or alive.

This stupid fox thought I was trying to steal his position, and he didn't even know he was being tricked by me.

By the time these tourists came to find Martin, he had already returned to the place where the children were kept and picked up the little girl.

When faced with the questioning of the four female tourists, his excuse was that he had disagreements with the others. He was better off alone. The team only took off his hind legs. He finally got some stickers, but they didn't give them to him. He chose to leave the team in anger.

This excuse was so outrageous that the audience was surprised. He obviously didn't do anything, but he made it sound like other people were water skiing.

After all, Martin has certain abilities, and he found this reason very well. Those female tourists who were looking after the children were not able to stop him, nor could they stop him.

When other tourists came over, these female tourists realized that they had been tricked.

But at that time, even if they wanted to cause trouble to Martin, it was too late.

Martin had already disappeared.

How dare he take action without thinking of a way out.

He is the chosen one who is thinking about whether he can escape unscathed before taking action!

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