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Chapter 550 He is someone we cannot measure by his realm! (Please subscribe, please vote)

Now the entire laboratory, except for the strange corpse lying there.

The other four weirdos were all kneeling in the corner with their heads in their hands, looking very professional.

The weird clown in the lead was under the greatest pressure, because standing in front of him was Zhang Yangqing.

A man who didn't have any energy fluctuations in his body, but could kill a strange man with one slap.

The leader of the weird clown knew that it was not that a boss of this level had no energy, but that he was not qualified to let him use his energy.

If he could, he wished he could take a time machine to go back and slap himself a few times. When the other person was so arrogant just now, he should have thought of such an ending.

The most annoying thing was that the three weird colleagues next to him actually knelt down some distance away from him in order to avoid being affected.

Just letting him face the terrifying existence of Zhang Yangqing alone would have no sense of loyalty at all.

I greeted my colleagues inwardly, then raised my head and put on a professional smile.

As the saying goes, you can wear everything you wear, but you can never wear flattery.

Unlike the big-shoe clown who has a bit of backbone, the leader of the group is a weird clown who is a good at flattering.

He first apologized sincerely, made a profound self-examination, and then began to change the subject, saying that if he had known about Zhang Yangqing's arrival earlier, he would have definitely led a team to pick him up downstairs.

It can be seen that the leader of the team, the weird clown, has strong language skills. He cleverly avoided the topic of conflict and expressed his shortcomings in treating people and accepting guests.

That is to say, a typical big thing is turned into a trivial matter.

I have to say that this kind of weirdo who doesn't have much strength and doesn't have much pursuit can actually master some survival skills.

After all, only the strong need dignity. These ordinary weirdos have no dignity. If they just kneel down and beg for mercy, Zhang Yangqing really doesn't bother to kill these ants.

This is actually the only possibility for the big-shoe clown to survive, but he doesn't believe in this evil and just wants to sneak attack Zhang Yangqing.

After hearing the words of the team leader, the weird clown, Zhang Yangqing did not continue to sort out his thoughts, but just prepared for the next stage of work.

At this time, most people didn't notice that the little girl with twin tails was actually walking around the area, and could even be said to have looked at the four weirdos.

If any of the four weirdos had better items, she might find a way to kill him and explode his equipment.

Unfortunately, she didn't find any useful props, or the props weren't valuable enough for her to use, which made her a little disappointed.

But she also learned a truth. These 'little monsters' can't explode any good equipment. Generally, good equipment can only be found on special monsters.

Her next target is the new director of this puppet amusement park.

It can also be seen that the aboriginal people who are used to hanging around Zhang Yangqing don't even take the weirdness seriously.

Normal aboriginal people should be like the parents of the little girl with a big back, who would be frightened when they see something strange.

At this moment, the little girl's parents looked at each other, and they saw looks of surprise in each other's eyes.

They both still remember that when they first lurked in, they were frightened whenever these weird clowns and weird staff appeared around them.

Stay as calm as possible to avoid these strange discoveries.

As long as they are discovered, the only thing that will greet them is death.

Entering the interior of this strange pagoda, everything here is a horror movie for them.

There were many things here that could kill them both, so they were walking on a knife's edge.

Every step, every breath needs to be done carefully.

But looking at the scene in front of them, the weirdness that once made them tremble, actually made them kneel on the ground and tremble.

The most terrifying team leader, the weird clown, is now as humble as a licking dog.

All of this is because of the owner of the photo studio in front of me.

His presence makes all dangers seem so weak.

The couple had an idea at the same time. Maybe what they saw as a horror movie was a comedy in the eyes of the photo studio owner.

The little girl's mother murmured: "What kind of state is this photo studio owner?"

The little girl's father sighed: "Perhaps, he is someone we cannot measure by his realm."

According to the little girl's father, measuring Zhang Yangqing's strength based on the realm of this world is just a glimpse.

Perhaps what he showed was only superficial. How could he rely on the existing intelligence to guess someone's realm.

Only now did the couple realize that their long-haired colleague was not bragging at all. He was even at a loss for words and could not even express one ten thousandth of what he was saying.

The long-haired staff member looked at the couple's somewhat complaining eyes, shrugged and said: Is it my fault?

At this time, the little girl with a big back finally broke away from her father's arms, and she stomped on the ground angrily.

Why did you two run away when your eldest brother was abusing others?

Forget it if you two don’t watch it, I still want to watch it!

This makes the little girl with twin tails next to me see it and think she’s scared of me!

Comparison among little girls always appears in some inexplicable places.

Under the greeting of the long-haired staff, the couple also walked out of the dark area.

At this time, Weiyi, who was kneeling on the ground, also had a confused look on his face. Did they remember that these two people were not 'one of their own'?

When they saw the long-haired staff communicating with the couple, they realized that they were moles.

Especially the leader, the weird clown, whose eyes seemed to be asking: Are you two the ones who led the boss here?

It's hard for the couple to deny this, because in a sense, Zhang Yangqing was really caused by them.

Next is the questioning phase, which is the investigation of intelligence.

Zhang Yangqing doesn't have to get involved in such trivial matters.

After all, he is essentially the owner of a photo studio, and he doesn't seem to be interested in what's going on here.

But he had nothing to do, so he took out his camera and took a photo of these weird people kneeling on the ground.

In the photo, you can also see the little girl with twin ponytails looking at the group of people in a sly manner.

There was also a long-haired staff member who was asking for strange information in a pretentious manner.

At this stage, only two chosen ones did not trigger the process of the little girl going berserk.

That was Martin and Robert who came in without their mobile phones. They wanted to trigger it, but they didn't have the conditions.

However, good and bad things depend on each other. As long as they can live here, they can actually drink the potion by themselves.

With their abilities, they are still capable of fighting after regaining their strength. I dare not say that they can deal with the BOSS, but the ordinary weird things along the way are really no match for them.

The most worried person is Hunter, the Chosen One of Britain.

Hunter won the battle with the little girl's outburst, but now the most critical question is why the little girl's parents died.

Hunter needs to analyze this by himself. If he can't analyze it, then everything he did at the Muppet Amusement Park this time will be in vain.

After observing the mess around him, he was thinking about it.

If I hadn't come, this probably wouldn't have happened.

That is, the cell phone rang, and the clown with big shoes realized that he had lurked in.

If this had not happened, the little girl's parents would not have died.

That means that the little girl’s parents were not killed by the big-shoe clown. Now that the big-shoe clown is dead, it cannot change their death outcome.

So what is the real cause of their death, and how can I prevent them from dying?

After thinking for a few minutes, Hunter racked his brains and couldn't figure out why, but he started to act.

As a chosen one with some experience, he has a kind of thinking, that is, since he can't figure it out, he should investigate more and collect information, and maybe there will be unexpected gains. Isn't it now a gap period when the danger is relieved? It is the right time to explore. Ichiban.

According to the couple, all the weirdos in the new principal's office area have been killed, so Hunter can find the clues he wants here.

What the audience found more annoying was that he did not believe the aborigines and chose to find clues on his own.

If you show the photos to the couple, it’s actually relatively simple.

As for why the audience thinks so, it’s because that’s what the ‘standard answer’ did.

If other chosen ones did this, the audience would not dare to say that what he did was definitely correct, but as long as Zhang Yangqing did this, it was the right choice anyway.

On the big screen in Longguo, Zhang Yangqing handed the photo to the little girl's parents.

At this time, the long-haired staff also came over curiously to take a look.

The little girl with a big back wanted to see it, but her parents didn't let her see it and let her play with another little girl.

Because in the photo, the little girl's parents have turned into bloody mud and collapsed on the ground.

The little girl also had a bad expression, and the bear behind her became extremely ferocious.

The three people looking at the photos looked solemn. They all seemed to have heard the rumors about the mysterious photo studio.

The little girl's father wanted to confirm something and asked Zhang Yangqing: "Boss, please tell me why I look like this in this photo."

Zhang Yangqing breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The photos taken with red background are from the future, so they foretell the way of your death. If you want to avoid death, you have to find a way to solve it yourself."

After saying that, Zhang Yangqing didn't care about them. Anyway, his work was almost completed.

His way of playing is to leave the headache to others.

Anyway, it's you two who die, not me, so why should I be anxious?

Hunter just took care of everything and didn't have much trust in the aborigines.

However, being busy still paid off. During the search of the other three channels, he also obtained some useful information.

First, he learned that the new principal had not returned yet, so he went to the new principal's office.

Opening the door anxiously, the inside was spacious and bright, filled with various high-end furniture, and no one was there.

But the stench of poultry hit him, and Hunter was confused.

Here, he found the Pigeon Breeding Guide, and the little girl's parents planned to drug things in the office that the new director might come into contact with.

For example, the new director’s tea cup and water dispenser.

As long as the new director drinks the water here, he will be attacked by the weird moth BOSS after he goes out.

However, Hunter stopped them, which puzzled the couple.

There was no extra explanation for the time being, so Hunter asked directly: "When will you two get off work?"

The little girl's father replied: "12 o'clock in the evening."

Hunter nodded and expressed his guess.

He had just taken a cursory look at the pigeons' "Raising Guide", which contained dots marked with a pen by the new director, which stated the meaning of the pigeons' existence.

These pigeons were actually 'imprisoned' in this place by the new director using a special method.

Because the new director discovered that these pigeons have special rules. As long as they are where they are, it will not rain.

As for why the new director doesn't let it rain here, is it because he is afraid of delaying the business of the amusement park?

No, it's because the new director is afraid of rain.

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