I am a Celestial Master at full level, you want me to join the Rules and Ghost Story?

Chapter 569 A very profound solution! (Please subscribe, please vote)

"Sorry for disturbing your sleep. I'll go ask someone else."

Rahman's attitude is very good, and few dare to be as crazy as Zhang Yangqing.

In fact, as long as you secretly rummage under bunk No. 2 and find the charger, you will know whether No. 2 is lying.

But does Rahman dare? Of course he didn't dare.

After leaving bed No. 2, Rahman went to bed No. 3.

During this period, he always felt that he was being stared at by someone. There were too many visible eyes and he didn't know who it was.

Now it can be judged that No. 2 is mute and sleepwalker No. 4 is in danger, so he can only go to bed No. 3 to take a look.

Rahman moved very slowly because there was not much light in the room and many corners were extremely dark. He did not dare to turn on the flashlight on his mobile phone. He moved carefully to avoid kicking things near the bed and causing unexpected noises.

Although these are small details, they are also details that can save lives.

Other Chosen Ones need to be serious, and in Rahman’s mind, that’s just his instinct.

Not long after, Rahman came to bed No. 3.

Strangely, the area here seems to be colder than other places, giving off a strange feeling.

Moreover, the smell of sweat in bed No. 3 was very strong, and it seemed that I didn't care much about hygiene.

In fact, when he came here, Rahman had been hesitating.

Because this person has no breathing sound, it looks weird no matter how you look at it.

A normal person would think that there is no problem with No. 2, but No. 3 and 4 are the ones with problems.

But this is the world of ghost stories, so Rahman decided to find out first.

Ever since, Rahman asked No. 3's pillow: "Brother, do you have a charger? My phone is almost out of power."

But after shouting a few times and getting no response, Rahman followed the old method and prepared to push the roommate in bed No. 3.

It's okay not to push. When Rahman's fingertips touched No. 3's body, he retracted as if he was electrocuted.

Because No. 3's body is extremely cold, almost like a dead person.

Rahman is experienced in this. After all, he is a veteran in the world of ghost stories. He often encounters dead people.

At this moment, in this dark and gloomy bedroom, three breathing sounds were rising and falling.

Two are relatively smooth and one is very jerky.

Everyone could tell that Rahman was very nervous at this time.

When he didn't get a response, Rahman bravely shook it again, but there was still no response and it still felt very cold.

Rahman seems to have begun to believe that he is weird.

According to the current intelligence, neither No. 3 nor No. 4 is normal.

No. 2 is mute and he is lame. In theory, he should discuss with No. 2 what to do.

Regardless of other circumstances, it can be analyzed like this: No. 4 does not know what is good or bad, and is temporarily immobile. He and No. 2 will take advantage of the strange and silent No. 3 to quickly deal with him.

The so-called solution is to throw No. 3 out. Something is obviously wrong outside the window, so we can only open the door and go out.

We can't let this weird thing spread the air-conditioning in the dormitory. Maybe he is in the awakening stage, and it will be troublesome when he wakes up.

And the rules also remind you that you must be accompanied by at least one roommate when you go out. Obviously you can ask No. 2 to accompany you.

But what’s strange about Rahman is, why does it feel so simple?

After only about forty minutes, I had sorted out the strange dormitory.

Although it was just a novice village to familiarize myself with the world of Kaidan, but it was just like this?

"No, did I miss some details? Is this a bit arbitrary? If the Heavenly Master of the Dragon Kingdom were here, what would he do?"

Rahman's thoughts have already flown to Zhang Yangqing.

He felt that if Zhang Yangqing was in this situation, he would definitely wake up all the roommates and observe their reactions.

But thinking of this, Rahman felt a little discouraged. The Dragon Kingdom Heavenly Master dared to fight, but he didn't dare.

Is there nothing we can learn from the Dragon Kingdom Celestial Master’s style of play?

Rahman thought carefully and suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, Master Long Guo is a person who is afraid of trouble. In order to better observe, he might turn on the lights directly. Turning on the lights does not violate the dormitory rules. After all, there is no rule that says that if I turn on the lights, I will die. "

It was too dark for Rahman to observe properly, so he thought of turning on the light.

But at this moment, the phone beeped.

It seems that the phone has been turned off due to low battery.

At this time, Rahman was completely dumbfounded and complained wildly in his heart. What a rubbish mobile phone. If the last 5% is not very durable, why would it disappear in a few minutes?

But judging from the roughness of the phone, it should be an older phone.

The battery of the old mobile phone is seriously aging. As soon as the battery reaches 5%, it will shut down soon.

Even if he knew it now, it would be useless. Rahman had to find a way to charge it first, because he had just arrived here and didn't know where the light switch in the dormitory was.

So he just sighed and went back to look under his bed.

But in the process of moving from bed No. 3 to his own bed, a shadow appeared in the faint light on the ground.

Rahman glanced out from the corner of his eye, almost frightening him out of his wits.

I saw a vague figure outside the window tapping on the window, but it never made a sound, as if it was performing a pantomime.

He waved to Rahman, looking very anxious, as if he wanted Rahman to come over quickly.

This is the seventh floor. How could there be someone jumping up and down outside the window?

The fear in Rahman's heart kept building up. This dormitory was too weird.

Judging from the current situation, No. 2 is not a big problem, but the others are all problems.

There was no rule to open the window, so Rahman pretended not to see it and calmly came under his bed.

The self-directed and self-acted skit "Surprise Finding the Charger" was staged.

In fact, I just pretended to be looking for it, and then took the charger out of my pocket without anyone paying attention.

He didn't know if anyone was observing, but it was probably right to act like this.

The next step is the blind man and the elephant. After all, the phone is out of battery and he cannot use the brightness of the phone screen to find the socket.

But when he first got off the bed, he roughly saw the location of the socket, which was near his desk.

So he touched it according to his feeling. In fact, this behavior was very dangerous, and there were also reminders on the barrage telling everyone not to imitate it.

But Rahman had no choice. It would be more dangerous not to charge, so he could only bite the bullet and fumble.

His memory was pretty good and he quickly touched the socket.

Moreover, this is the dormitory of a decoration company, and everyone is a decorator. The problem with the sockets here is not big, and there will be no leakage of electricity.

Otherwise, 50% of the chosen ones will be electrocuted to death before they are killed by Weird.

Rahman felt much better when he saw the brightness of the phone screen showing that it was charging.

But here comes the problem. This is an old mobile phone and charger. It is not the kind of fast charge. It will take at least more than an hour to fully charge, and it may take more time.

Isn't it already three o'clock when the battery is fully charged?

Thinking back on what I had just experienced, it seemed like I had gotten a lot of information, but no decisive intelligence.

As long as the lights can be turned on, you can observe whether No. 2 has a charger, you can also observe the abnormalities of No. 3 from the upper bunk, and you can even see whether No. 4 is sleepwalking.

Bravely, Rahman turned on the flashlight function of his phone while charging.

Light suddenly appeared in the dormitory, but Rahman did not dare to shine the flashlight elsewhere.

Because once he directly illuminates the bed of No. 2, and directly illuminates No. 3 and No. 4, it proves that he has discovered something strange.

The conditions for a strange attack on yourself may be triggered, or they may not be triggered.

But for safety reasons, he was still going to look for the switch.

But after searching for a while near the wall where the switch might be, he was surprised to find that there was no switch in this dormitory?

So, he came to bed No. 2 again and asked this roommate who could communicate. He wanted to turn on the light and asked his roommate where the switch was.

The mute No. 2 was woken up twice in a row, and it was normal for him to have a little impatience on his face.

He gestured and told Rahman that there were no lights in the dormitory, so naturally there was no switch, and asked Rahman not to ask this boring question.

Rahman knew a little sign language, so he knew what he was talking about.

Others who don't understand can also see something. After all, the mute's gestures are very clear and vivid.

Even the dumber one would have typed a message into his cell phone and shown it to him.

After saying thank you, Rahman fell into confusion again. The solution he finally thought of could not be realized.

This seems to be an endless loop that Rahman cannot solve.

The time soon came to 2 o'clock in the night, and Rahman began to feel restless.

He suddenly came up with a stupid idea, which was to learn from Hunter, and take out the rules.

Opening the text message on his phone, he scanned it up and down and suddenly stared at a rule.

[Rule 5: When you are hungry and thirsty, you can tell your roommate in the bed opposite you, and he will help you solve it, but you have to make sure he is your roommate. 】

Seeing this, Rahman wanted to slap himself.

It turns out the rule is for me to test things out, not for me to wait for something like this to happen.

Thinking of this, Rahman knew what to do.

He coughed a few times and then went back to the drill, pretending to be looking for water.

After he couldn't find it, he came to bed No. 2 for the third time and woke up No. 2.

Rahman obviously felt that No. 2 was a little impatient, but in response to Rahman's request, No. 2 gestured that there was no water here and that the water from the toilet outside could be drank directly.

After hearing this, all the doubts in Rahman's heart were solved.

Because Rahman suddenly had a whim, he considered that if he could not judge who was weird, then he would judge the conditions for the weird to attack him. Whoever meets this condition and who wants to make himself make mistakes is weird!

"I understand. Roommate No. 3 has a problem now. It's definitely useless to call him. Mute No. 2 obviously wants to trick me out. If I guess correctly, the condition for him to attack me is to leave me alone. Walk out of the dormitory, or walk out of the dormitory with him, because he will definitely not be able to attack me in the dormitory, so the real roommate should be the sleepwalking one on No. 4!"

This is just a relatively reliable guess by Rahman. It is not yet possible to directly determine that No. 2 is weird, but the probability that No. 2 is weird is very high.

Rahman was thinking about how to wake up the sleepwalker in bed No. 4 without being attacked to determine whether his behavior was the same as that of No. 2. If not, it would prove that his guess was correct.

At this moment, there was a strange sound of footsteps at the door.

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