I am a Celestial Master at full level, you want me to join the Rules and Ghost Story?

Chapter 594 The chosen ones who work hard can speculate on the rules of each other! (Please subscrib

Late at night, the small courtyard of the mourning hall is surrounded by a forest of strange rocks.

Everything here looks so eerie.

Every time you take a breath, you can feel an unconcealable corpse odor coming over you. The deeper the night goes, the stronger the corpse odor becomes, and it is also accompanied by a chill.

Peaceful nights are hard enough, but nights when you are calm and aware of danger are even harder.

The four decorators were huddled in the room on the east side of the small courtyard of the mourning hall.

In order not to attract attention, they didn't even turn on the lights, and everyone found a familiar corner to sit down and rest.

The blind man had better hearing. He sat next to the window, and the window was slightly opened so that he could listen to what was going on outside.

The brave mute, who was a master of arts, moved a chair and sat near the gate, ready to face emergencies at any time.

The Deaf Man and the Chosen One couldn't help at this time, so they rested in the house to recharge their batteries.

Just when the Chosen One felt drowsy, a knocking sound came into his ears.

Rahman was awakened by the sudden knocking sound. He asked the blind man with better ears if he heard any knocking sound.

The blind man said that except for the sound of the leaves of the locust tree in the yard, there was no sound of knocking.

He asked Rahman if he had discovered anything?

In order not to create complicated information to his teammates, Rahman said that it might be a phantom sound he heard just when he fell asleep.

After all, the rules have made it clear that just what you heard is probably your own illusion.

Since the rules say so, just ignore it.

Lest when something really goes wrong, his teammates will be suspicious of him because of his early performance.

Hearing this, the blind man said: "You have been working the hardest just now, so you are probably tired. Don't worry, I am here to listen. I will call you if anything happens."

Not only Rahman, but all the chosen ones are working very hard at this stage.

The chosen ones who can come in are not stupid. They know that this is a team project and they rely on these teammates to survive.

If you perform better, your teammates will see it and hear you clearly even if you can't see it.

If you encounter trouble, your colleagues will have a good impression of the Chosen One and will take the initiative to help.

If the chosen one chooses to be lazy at this time, colleagues will not actually say anything, but they will be dissatisfied inside.

When the time comes, if something unexpected happens, whether colleagues can help depends on their mood.

In order to avoid such a thing from happening, Rahman really took over many inconvenient jobs for the blind man, so the blind man said this to him.

It can also be seen from the dialogue that the blind man has a certain fondness for Rahman.

I took out my phone and clicked on the screen. It was already 2:11 in the middle of the night.

Even though Rahman was still a little sleepy and his mind was a little groggy, he knew that the tranquility of the world of ghost stories had been broken, and incidents were about to begin one after another.

The worse the situation becomes, the more weird things start to happen.

Since his teammates didn't hear it, he planned to take a nap for a while.

But at this moment, there was a strange sound of footsteps outside the house, as if something was approaching quietly and had reached the edge of the wall.

It felt like the sound was caused by stepping on the unpruned weeds around.

Not only Rahman, but also the blind man and the mute began to look tense.

Deaf people are still resting because they cannot hear.

At this time, the blind man said: "The footsteps sound very light, not like human beings can make them. There are many wild animals in the wilderness. They may smell the smell of carrion, so they are groping over here. Should we go out?" have a look?"

The mute also expressed in sign language: It's best for us to go out and take a look. If wild cats or the like come in and get close to the mourning hall, the corpse may be stolen.

Rahman was actually ready to say this, but his colleagues were not ordinary people and naturally knew some taboos.

Since his colleagues had said so, Rahman continued: "I also think this place is weird. Let's invite the deaf man to join us, lest he wakes up and finds that we are not here and scares himself."

When his colleagues nodded, Rahman woke up the deaf man who might have fallen asleep.

In fact, Rahman claimed that he was afraid that the deaf would be frightened, but in fact there was a potential danger here.

When they first came to the Kaitan World, the Chosen Ones all knew that Deaf could sleepwalk.

A deaf man in a sleepwalking state should be indifferent between friend and foe, and he will attack whoever wakes him up.

If the three of Rahman went out to check the yard and the deaf man happened to be sleepwalking at this time, they would not only lose a teammate, but also be in danger.

After all, not everyone has Zhang Yangqing's ability to 'wake up' his companions.

The deaf man was gently pushed awake by Rahman and took a breath. After understanding the situation, he followed his colleagues out of the room.

People who have just woken up will naturally feel a little cold. The deaf man rubbed his body and said angrily: "This employer is really serious about letting us come to such a dangerous place. I just want to ask if we should raise the price when we go back. For example, I want double the pay.”

Having said this, the deaf man still felt a little guilty. In his opinion, it was actually good for the employer to offer twice the price. It would not be good for him to ask for three times the price if the employer complained to them.

So he changed his tone and said that he was joking and that we should work hard and don't let those cats in.

When the audience saw this, they just wanted to say: Brother, you are still too timid. Even if the person next door is offered ten times the salary, you dare to speak, but you are afraid of being complained after only three times the salary.

Moreover, you are working seriously here, and the neighbors are still on their way here.

Rahman's grouping was still the same, with himself being in a group with the mute, and the blind and deaf being in a group.

The inspection places for blind and deaf people are near the gate and the west side of the small courtyard of the mourning hall.

The place where Rahman and the deaf man visited was the mourning hall and the area behind the mourning hall.

They want to ensure that no wild animals, not just cats, approach these two areas.

This small courtyard of the mourning hall is neither big nor small.

Rahman followed the map in his mind and carefully observed everything around him in the dark night through the light of his flashlight.

If the ground, windows, doors, eaves, etc. are different from what you remember, it means there is a problem.

But it's okay now, I haven't found anything yet.

The most important thing tonight is the mourning hall with nine coffins. There can never be any big problems here, but problems will definitely happen.

On the way to the mourning hall, Rahman also took out his mobile phone to read the rules.

Because no weird phenomenon was triggered for more than two hours, the rules may have been forgotten.

I'm afraid that there will be danger when the time comes, and I will be in trouble if I remember it wrong.

At this stage, even Rahman didn’t understand many of the rules.

Rule 6, for example, was very confusing to him.

[Rule 6: If someone comes to offer incense, please make sure whether he is related to the person in the coffin. If there is a relationship, you can only let him offer incense, otherwise the consequences will be serious. 】

You must know that this is a wilderness, and the road is blocked by strange rocks.

How could someone come to offer incense, but what if someone did come?

The most important thing is that he is not familiar with the person in the coffin. The rules ask him to [please confirm whether he is related to the person in the coffin]. How could Rahman do this?

So he once began to wonder if there was something wrong with his judgment.

But what puzzled him even more was rule 10.

[Rule 10: Please always remember that if a living person asks you to borrow something, you can help appropriately, which is good for you. When a dead person asks you to borrow something, never ignore it, and find a way not to let it go. He pesters you. 】

In Rahman's view, this rule is obviously related to Rule 6.

Since the rules say so, it proves that there must be living people coming to this small courtyard of the mourning hall.

"It's good to help living people. That proves that living people will most likely not harm me, but how can I find living people?"

Rahman continued to read the rules, and he felt that Rule 3 could be connected here.

[Rule 3: Dead people are cold, but living people have body temperature. 】

He can determine whether the person offering the incense is human or strange by touching it.

This is very difficult. If it is weird, it should not be easy for you to discover his abnormality, so you need a reasonable excuse.

When Rahman thought of this, he had already arrived in front of the mourning hall.

Although this is not my first time here, I feel terrified every time I come here.

His fingers touched the cold door, and then he pushed it open carefully.

When the door was pushed open, Rahman also wanted to prevent some sudden danger from coming inside.

Even though there were no clear rules, he felt it was something he had to do.

Dimitri was much more courageous here. He felt that if the rules were not violated, how could there be any danger inside.

After entering the door, Rahman glanced through the flashlight and found that the inside was almost the same as when he left last time.

He asked the mute to guard near the gate to prevent any stray cats from sneaking in when they went in to check.

Rahman took a flashlight and searched for clues in the dark mourning hall.

The first step is to check the windows and ceilings as usual to see if there are any loose spots that could easily allow feral cats to enter.

After all, I am also a member of a decoration company. I had actually inspected the place when I was decorating it before 12 o'clock, but I was afraid of any accidents.

Here you can infer the opposite based on the rules, or you can think from someone else's perspective.

Rahman felt that he was weird, but could not appear due to rules.

Then you must find a way to make other people or animals break the rules.

Rahman is wearing a decoration worker's uniform. Don't tell me, he does look a bit like him.

At least in such a short period of time, he became familiar with his business.

Near some windows, there are even props set up by Rahman so that he can sense if something unexpected happens.

The decoration of the coffin was also done according to the blind man's instructions. After all, the blind man was very good at Feng Shui layout, which minimized the risk of corpse fraud.

After checking that everything was normal, Rahman breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, there was a creaking sound, as if some door was gently pushed open.

The sound seemed to come from the back of the mourning hall. Rahman glanced at the mute at the gate. After confirming that the movement was not caused by the mute, he quickly ran to the area behind.

But there isn't even a door here, so how could there be a sound of the door being pushed.

"Could it be those two rooms behind the mourning hall? It's impossible, there's nothing in there!"

Rahman remembered that he and the mute had gone to check and found that the two rooms behind the mourning hall didn't even have any furniture, and were just so empty.

The most important thing was that the two doors were locked. In order not to damage the doors, Rahman climbed through the window himself to investigate. He was sure of this.

It was these two locked doors that actually made the sound of opening.

Thinking of this, Rahman began to feel frightened.

He seemed to be able to sense that there seemed to be something strange outside across a wall.

Just as Rahman was thinking about countermeasures, the blind man's voice came from behind.

"Cripple, I just heard a strange sound opening the door, so I came over to see if it was you who made it?"

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