Zhang Ruowan's beautiful eyes narrowed but she didn't stop him. She listened to his big words and even reached out to rub his face and said word by word, "Baby, don't be like you in this way."

Ji Yang: "..."

Does this mean you dislike him?

He lowered his head and saw that she was wearing a pair of light pink silk strapless pajamas. She slid down and rested her head on his lap.

A delicate and soft ball, her whole body has become more delicate since she was pregnant.

He doesn't cry, make trouble, or make any fuss. He's just very well-behaved, speaks softly, and acts coquettishly, which makes people's hearts melt at all times.

This is it at this time.

Zhang Ruowan was holding his hand and asked him to get the dictionary on the bedside. The two of them wanted to give the child a nickname.

She was flipping through the dictionary, looking up at him from time to time, pointing to the words in the dictionary, and saying, "Do you think this word is good?"

"It will sound great."

"How about one of the boys and one of the girls?"

"It's up to you." Ji Yang never refuted her. He stretched out his hand to play with her silky hair, and drew a conniving arc at the corner of his mouth.

The two of them were so happy together, it was just that there were no pink bubbles in the air.

She has a bad appetite and is prone to vomiting when she can't eat, so as long as she feels she has an appetite, Ji Yang will cook it for her.

Whether it's the middle of the night or early in the morning.

She was about to go to bed, but she accidentally said she was hungry. Ji Yang got up and went to make Zhang Ruowan a supper, the clear soup noodles she used to love.

Zhang Ruowan leaned on the bed and continued to read the dictionary.

It was also difficult to choose a nickname. She and Ji Yang had been looking at it for half a month and still hadn't decided on it, but it was still early and they could think about it slowly.

As he was watching, the phone he placed next to him lit up. Zhang Ruowan looked over and saw a text message.

What a long story.

She looked at the door, then put her eyes back on her phone. After hesitating for a while, she took it over.

"You can dream! A five hundred thousand buyout is my concession. Don't push yourself too far. Although I didn't raise you, I gave birth to you. Where would you be without me? I'm warning you, that old immortal..."

Zhang Ruowan looked at it and her pupils shrank. It was an unfamiliar number. She continued to stare at it. When her finger touched the round key, the phone automatically unlocked.

Ji Yang's cell phone also has her fingerprints.

She finally opened the text message and read it in its entirety. The more she read it, the more she felt shocked and felt sorry for him.

The two had obviously communicated before, but there was no message record. Ji Yang probably deleted it.

"It's done." Ji Yang's voice came.

"Here we come." Zhang Ruowan quickly pressed the black button on her phone, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and walked to the dining table, where there was a bowl of noodles and a pair of chopsticks.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"I won't eat, but I have to eat even if you can't finish it." Ji Yang was washing the pot and urged her, "Eat quickly and go to bed after eating."

"Yes." Zhang Ruowan moved her chopsticks and took two bites. She asked tentatively, "Husband, has the demolition matter you mentioned last time been done?"

Ji Yang happened to come over when she asked. He seemed a little surprised that she asked. He sat down and paused before saying, "Not yet, how could it be so fast."

"Then, how are the two sides going to resolve it? Will it cause a big fuss?" Zhang Ruowan said, biting her chopsticks.

"You..." Ji Yang stared at her with sharp eyes, "Wanwan, do you know something?"

How could Zhang Ruowan lie? After being stared at by him for a while, he gave in. He lowered his eyebrows and took the initiative to admit his mistake, "You just had a text message on your phone, so I took it over to read it. I'm sorry."

Ji Yang frowned, stood up and walked to the bedroom.

Seeing this, Zhang Ruowan felt uneasy in her heart. She ate noodles one by one and did not dare to continue talking.

After a while, he came out and put the phone aside.

Zhang Ruowan raised his head again and looked at him apologetically, but also a little worried, "How do you want to deal with it? I don't mean to interfere with you, I just care about you. If you have anything, you can tell me, maybe we can discuss it."

For her, having this money or not having it did not have a big impact on her. She had planned to save money together slowly, but he was more worried that he would get into trouble.

"No." Ji Yang refused flatly, "Don't pay attention to me, I won't give you a penny."

"But your father always has a share, and the current situation is like this. If he doesn't give it, will there be any trouble?" Zhang Ruowan whispered.

The text message was sent by Ji's father. There was a threat in his words, as if he would not give up.

This amount of money is considered a huge amount of money for many people.

"He borrowed a loan shark and owed more than 700,000 yuan with interest. Even if you give him 500,000 yuan, the remaining money will grow bigger sooner or later. This hole cannot be filled." Ji Yang looked at her, his voice was cold. , "This is not the first time, and it won't be the last time."

In his last life, he helped repay more than 700,000 yuan. Later, Ji's father borrowed more than 1 million yuan, lent him his car as a mortgage, and even gave his phone number and address to loan sharks.

As for Ji's mother, she gave him 300,000 yuan, but later ignored him and maintained the superficial hypocrisy.

No matter how much he longed for family affection, he didn't want to get close to her this time.

"It's useless. No matter how much money you give, it won't make any difference. It won't make any waves." Ji Yang pursed his lips tightly.

Zhang Ruowan was silent for a while before saying, "I'm worried about you."

Owing money is even more dangerous, and you can do anything.

"There's nothing to worry about. He does have a share in grandma's side, but grandma notarized it before she died. All the property belongs to me. If it's only for me, even if I sue, I won't win." Ji Yang comforted her, "Don't be frightened by him, and you'll end up talking nonsense."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Ruowan put down the big stone in his heart, and his words were full of trust, "Then you can handle it."

"I'll probably allocate funds by the end of the year. When the real estate goes on sale, I'll take you and your parents with me. We'll look at two similar houses and then buy them." He took the initiative to talk to her about this and told her with great interest. Calculate the account.

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