“Listen well the disciplines of True Origin Realm. The experience has just begun. On the flying boat, you must allocate true yuan reasonably. If you fall from above, there is no People saved you!” That was a fierce-looking guardian with a scar on his face. He would pace around the edge of the flying boat and shouted to all True Origin Realm Blood Fiend Gate disciple, “The flying boat may take about five days to fly. , All pull yourself together!”

After the protector finished speaking, Qingyan realized that he gave Chen Gang a bad look.

“Who is that?”

Qingyan sound transmission asked Captain.

“Cheng Fenghan, Hall Master Chen’s old adversary, Cheng Yifei’s grandfather!” Ji Mengyu also sound transmission, “The scar on his face was drawn by Hall Master Chen!”

“At least he is also a Magical Powers Realm martial artist?” Qingyan asked in doubt, “It’s the Blood Fiend Gate guardian. It doesn’t make sense that you can’t even remove the scars?”

“Human Cheng left it on purpose. The scar is to remind myself!” Ji Mengyu added, “If you pay attention, you will find that some of our sects have scars on their bodies, and they all have scars.”

Two days later. At night, violent wind erupted, blowing Qingyan’s long hair into a flurry, forcing her to use her true essence to protect herself.

Qingyan turned around, seeing Feizhou about to break into a black cloud, she heard a loud thunder.

She pointed to the dark cloud behind her, Ji Mengyu was silent, lying on the deck of the flying boat.

“Does the flying boat avoid lightning?” Qingyan asked with some worry.

“Should be able to avoid it!”

“Then you are lying on your stomach…”

Ji Mengyu said: “Be comfortable on your stomach!”

“Will the flying boat bypass it?”

“No, I have sat a few times, encountered two thunders, and never see it bypass!” Ji Mengyu said, “I suggest you Get down too.”

“Um… well!”

“Our team, all get down!” He said solemnly.

“Okay!” Xia Lan and the monkey next to them also get down!

As the Qingyan team got down, there were others from the Blood Hand Hall, and the non-Blood Hand Hall discipline sitting on the edge of the flying boat wisely followed.

Of course, some martial artists still choose to sit cross-legged.

The flying boat was still rushing into the clouds, and it began to violently jostle, as if it was shaking constantly, the continuous lightning seemed to be splitting around, deafening sounds exploded in the ears, countless The rain splashed on the deck of the flying boat.

Countless rainwater splashed on Qingyan, but the rainwater simply couldn’t get close to her body and was blocked by her true essence.

“How is it? Isn’t it cool? It’s like taking a shower!” Ji Mengyu shouted.

Qingyan looked at Ji Mengyu, simply without the true essence of rain, the whole person is soaked!

“Not so much!”

Every time there was a thunder, the sound of thunder blasted in her ears, making her heart beating.

This is thunder!

If she is really hit, she probably can’t hold it!

Qingyan turned her face and opened her eyes, and saw the two Blood Fiend Gate disciple directly thrown into the air by the flying boat. In the flash of lightning, Qingyan saw that they were in midair in a flash. Silhouette of

“Fellow Daoist, are you in Transcending Tribulation?”

In the Red Blood Sword, Chen Hao asked about taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“Don’t worry, you can’t die!” Qingyan said without curiosity.

“It’s okay, even if you die, I don’t have to worry about leaving home. There are several Magical Powers Realm martial artists on the flying boat!”

“Uh…Master Sword Spirit, I’m not dead yet. Is it really appropriate for you to find a home as an impatient?”

“I’m just right-hearted, I won’t lie!”

“Sword Spirit, if you It’s a human being!” Qingyan sighed.


“If you are a human, I will let you taste my execution techniques…” Qingyan bit her glutinous rice teeth in the downpour said with a smile, “I want to cut you into silk!”

Her eyes smile like crescent moons.

Xia Lan saw Qingyan’s smile accidentally, and slowly moved back.

“Hehe, what a pity!”

Since he became a sword, he is no longer afraid of threats!

About two hours later, Feizhou rushed out of the dark clouds. Almost at the moment when he rushed out of the dark clouds, Ji Mengyu’s body was full of water vapor!

Qingyan glanced at the others. Of course, the people in the Blood Hand Hall didn’t have any problems.

The problem is those Blood Fiend Gate True Origin Realm common disciples, some True Origin Realm disciples are very dry, and some True Origin Realm disciples are all wet, but they are still not willing to use real Yuan to steam the body.

This seemingly unnecessary choice is likely to make them pay some painful price in the next time.

At the end of the 3rd day, almost no one fell off the flying boat. This kind of assessment, as long as you adapt to it in the early stage, will not be difficult.

Even the martial artist of True Origin Realm Early-Stage, who has a little better control over the true essence, and takes a little medicine pill to restore the true essence, can barely survive for five days.

It’s just to survive five days and five nights without sleep, and it’s a little difficult to test the mind.

But Qingyan feels that the discipline of Blood Fiend Gate should be pretty good, right?

Starting from the fourth day, a small number of True Origin Realm disciple faces became very pale, showing signs of excessive consumption of True Origin.

On the bumpy flying boat, it is not easy to absorb the Spirit Stone.

Absorb medicine pill, the medical power of medicine pill will also waste a lot, after all, it cannot be absorbed normally.

If they really have the ability to safely absorb the Spiritual Qi in the Spirit Stone on a turbulent flying boat, and have that kind of stable true element control ability, they won’t feel very strenuous!

The ones that are eliminated are those whose foundations are very unstable and do not make reasonable use of true yuan.

On the fourth day, towards the wee hours of the morning, two Blood Fiend Gate disciples fell. Originally only one would fall, but before the one who couldn’t support it fell, he pulled aside A handful of companions…

After this time, some True Origin Realm disciples that I had witnessed started to distance themselves from each other intentionally.

On the morning of the fifth day, three more Blood Fiend Gate disciple fell!

A True Origin Realm disciple who had finished taking medicine pill asked for help from the blood hand hall, but the blood hand hall member laughed coldly and shook the head refused.

After all, Guardian Cheng had something to say beforehand, and other people couldn’t help. Although their Blood Hand Hall did not return to Guardian Cheng, they had to respect the assessment. Many of them came here.

“You said, how many can fall before the sun sets?” The monkey whispered, “I guess there are at least ten!”

Xia Lan took a look at the scene:” I bet no more than five people.”

“What to bet?” Ji Mengyu asked in a low voice.

The monkey asked: “How about five thousand low grade Spirit Stone? How?”

“Yes!” Xia Lan said.

“What about Captain?”

“Yes, then I bet on 15 people!” Ji Mengyu turned to ask Qingyan, “Want to play?”

“Forget it!” Qingyan whispered, “I watch you play.”

Ji Mengyu whispered: “Okay, there are five people in Xia Lan, ten monkeys, and I bet fifteen, when the time comes, whoever has the closest number will win, can it?”



“That bet The appointment is established!”

Two hours later, the sun is about to set!

The afterglow of the setting sun is sprinkled on the flying boat, dyeing everyone’s golden, a very magnificent sunset.

The monkey said with a smile in a low voice: “It seems that I am going to win, and eleven people will fall!”

Xia Lan glanced at the monkey with anger, monkey When I am proud, I laugh a little annoyingly!

Ji Mengyu twitched his lips upset, but tilted his head to the left.

Qingyan followed his gaze and saw two look pale True Origin Realm martial artists not far away.

Because Qingyan and the others were the last to board the flying boat in the Blood Hand Hall, they occupy a position closer to some True Origin Realm disciple.

Then Qingyan saw the two look pale True Origin Realm disciple bodies supporting themselves, and their tired eyes revealed shock and joy!

Qingyan remembers that their brothers and sisters, when they passed through the dark clouds last time, these two True Origin Realm disciple also learned from Qingyan and they used their true essence to keep the rainwater out of the body in the heavy rain.

There are some things that you can’t learn randomly!

They have eaten medicine pill too, but they shouldn’t bring much, otherwise it won’t be like this.

After that, Ji Captain put his hand on the deck of the flying boat, and a billowing dark-green medicine pill slipped out of his fingers and rolled towards the two of them…

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