“One more thing, we need proposed a meeting, Shao Kailan, Su Qian, Yuan Wen Qian and other nine courtiers, bathing generations bounties, but the idea did not serve the country, but corruption public funds, human life as grass, murdered colleagues, encroachment of land …… these were wicked and sinners, do you think, how they deal with? “

Cai Zheng Xuan see no courtiers to speak out, he looked towards Jiang Yin Fan, with his eyes beckoned him, let him speak out!

The new emperor because Jiang Yin Fan will know what to say.

Jiang Yin Fan cold face, stand up and handy, said: “Your Majesty, the minister believes that nine people should not even Bei Zhu clan!”

a courtiers looked at each one other in blank dismay.

They didn’t expect Jiang Yinfan to be so cruel!

not kill their people, even family revenge Shaokai Lan Su Qian, Yuan Wen Qian behind the other nine people!

However, these courtiers head down, afraid to come out with Jiang Yin Fan singing a different tune.

They all saw it, Jiang Yin who seems to have been Deng Yifei blue eyes, if you really put Jiang Yin Fan offended, maybe someday Jiang Yin Fan went to the front of Deng Yifei, tell us about them …… they’re dead!

However, accidents still occur from time to time will ……

“Your Majesty, the matter can not be absolutely ah!” Suddenly there was a courtier ran out and shouted, “implicated clan was too harsh, and many innocent people will be implicated. “

Jiang Yin Fan closer look, this man called Yang Hao yuan, yuan Wen Qian is said to be a distant Tang Shu ……

If The nine tribes who really want to punish Yuan Wenqian may really involve Yuan Yanghao.

Yuan Yanghao and Yuan Wenqian had a bad friendship. I heard that they had conflicts before, which caused Yuan Yanghao to leave the Yuan family.

“Zhulian Nine Clan is indeed too cruel, I have just ascended the throne, should not be too harsh!” Cai Zhengxuan thought for a moment, “then confiscate their property and behead the whole family!”

“Your Majesty is wise!”

yuan Yang Hao excited loudly shouted.

No way, he is also afraid of being implicated.

He also knows that all the clansman of Yuan Clan family must be grateful to him if he can reduce from Zhulian Jiuzu to execute the whole family unto the third generation!

Thank him for his regeneration!

Jiang Yinfan also directly shouted: “Your Majesty is wise!”

Other courtiers also sparsely echoed.

Cai Zhengxuan estimated the possible benefits of the nine families, and his mood was a little better.

He wants to accumulate as much money as possible, ready to run away for the family.

To be honest, if Deng Yifei is worth relying on, Cai Zhengxuan is not anxious, but Deng Yifei is not very reassuring… He can’t let Cai Family and Cai Zhengxuan gain a sense of safety!

Deng Yifei is indeed strong, but he has not forgotten his father before his death Cai sinus open, warned against him.

Deng Yifei is indeed strong, but if he does not change paranoid personality, or he destroy the entire Southern region, or the entire Southern region destroyed him!

There is no possibility of coexistence between the two parties!

Of course, it is more likely that Southern Region ruined Deng Yifei!

Preparing for a rainy day is something that every qualified family owner should seriously consider.

“Okay, then retreat!”

The little Court Eunuch cleaned the hall again, and the maids had to clean the dragon pillar. The height was cleaned by the Guard martial artists. hall has a new look, I do not see anyone, just before one hour, nine Cai Minister of violent death in the hall!

Jiang Yin Fan home, excited continuous Helehaoji altar wine, passed out in the back garden.

Jiang Yin Fan back garden is very special, after their gardens are beautiful flowers in someone’s home, and after his garden center is eight tombs!

At midnight, a beautiful woman appeared in his small courtyard.


Jiang Yin Fan propped himself, staring at the woman.

“I’m from Deng Young Master!”

Most of Jiang Yinfan’s alcohol strength disappeared. He stood up and said resolutely: “But Aurora Sword, Deng Young Master?”


“What’s the matter?”

“Master Deng Young didn’t say to find you. This is my own opinion. !” Pretty woman said with a smile, “I’m helping him, but the task he gave me is too heavy, and he is still an arm-flinging shopkeeper, I am in urgent need of manpower, I don’t know if you want to join us, let’s work together Playing for Deng Young Master?”

“But I am now a minister of Cai Guo!”

“It doesn’t matter, except for Deng Young Master’s person, I’m also from Black Feather Deputy Chief, if you come to help me, Your Majesty, let me say hello to him, he will certainly not object!”

“Can I?” Jiang Yinfan’s tone was slightly excited, “I Innate Realm strength, and now has over one hundred years old! “

Jiang Yin every five 16 years old when, breakthrough to Innate Realm of.

After becoming an Innate Martial Artist, he consciously realized that Martial Dao Road had come to an end. In order to restore his family glory, he wanted to join Cai Guo’s Imperial Court, but his natural character was too upright!

“I checked your information, your competence is good!” Pretty Woman said, “As your character, do not you think your character is very suitable for work in Deng Young Master men do ?”

“Then I agree!”

“Welcome to join!”

“I don’t know how you call it?”

“My last name is Huo! Call me Huo!”

“Yes, Huo!”

“Follow me!”

followed Huo Sining out of the garden, where Jiang Yin back to the tomb in the garden looked after, feel the entire world are not the same!

“Huo adults!”


“You need manpower it?”

Huo Sining pace slightly paused, I immediately understood what Jiang Yinfan wanted to do!

“Need! the more the better!”

Take over Cai Guo’s Black Feather Intelligence Organization, this easier said than done!

Huo Sining has been under great pressure recently.

Because of the special nature of intelligence organizations, wants to take over the complete black feathers, also need to meet Caiguo Huang Di and black feather chieftains!

If they are just saying one consent, secretly keep hands and feet, she was a person it is difficult to perceive!

when the time comes, as long as they leave a little flip, maybe she appears to be in control of black feathers may instantly disappeared in the vast sea ……

So she She needs someone who can be trusted, the more the better, she needs to support her newcomers in the black feather, cultivate her own strength, and she needs to truly control the black feather in her own hands!

Huo Sining is not worried about Jiang Yinfan’s loyalty.

Jiang Yinfan is lonely and widowed, and Deng Yifei helped him avenge his blood!

“Daren Huo, I have several trusted subordinates in the Criminal Ministry. They are very good people and capable. They are from a low background and have been squeezed out. They are not doing well!”

“My task now is to manage the intelligence organization. If you think they are suitable, you can convince them to join!”

“Okay, I can convince them!”

Huo Sining felt better after hearing Jiang Yinfan’s assurance.

She suddenly looked at Jiang Yinfan, and suddenly had an idea in her heart, can she directly dig some unhappy talents in Cai Guo’s Imperial Court?

You must know that there must be a lot of talents inside Cai Guo’s Imperial Court!

There should be people who were born in the civilian class and had unsatisfactory lives!

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