I Am a Nobleman in England

Chapter 379: If you want to go public, you have to be fooled!

"There is only so much I can help you..."

With the blessing of Arthur, the focal figure, Sister Zhilin can say that she made the limelight at the reception, especially when Arthur invited Sister Zhilin to be his female companion, walked there and brought it there, whispering and chuckles from time to time. , Doing everything aimei can do, it seems very close.

And this made the invited media reporters almost crazy. It was really a crazy shot that you never missed. Everyone knows that this unexpected harvest tonight is enough for their newspapers to eat for a few days.

As for the information about sister Zhilin, an oriental beauty, had already been mastered by many people present, which surprised and surprised some people even more. 35 years old?

The youthful face shown by sister Zhilin looks like a young girl in her 20s, but in fact her age is 35, which makes many people feel incredible and cannot believe this.

When Arthur felt that his experience of helping Zhilin’s sister at the reception was almost done, he left the reception without hesitation, ditched the paparazzi chasing him in advance, and returned to the hotel suite where Zhilin was staying. .

After Arthur left, sister Zhilin, who had been neglected before, immediately became a hot photo interview subject for media reporters. Sister Zhilin also responded with her grace and gentleness one by one.

After the reception was over, Sister Zhilin prevented the agent and assistant from following and went back to the suite alone. She smiled sweetly and took the red wine that Arthur handed her, followed the sound of music, and danced with her hands in hand.

The next morning, after washing, Arthur, who was sitting on the sofa in his pajamas, looked at a stack of newspapers, and smiled to sister Zhilin, who was wearing a white bathrobe and a white towel on her head, walking out of the bathroom. .

"Hehe, you are really famous now. The "Daily Mail" uses "magic" and "elf face" to describe your beauty and praises you very much.

"Daily Mirror" said that your appearance is magic, and also said that you are like an elf, and also described you as a "perfect goddess". . . "

"Where? Let me see..."

Upon hearing what Arthur said, sister Zhilin's ruddy pretty face couldn't hold back her joy, she walked quickly to sit next to Arthur, and read the newspaper.

The report pointed out that she was a model, an actor, and her Facebook account had 367,000 followers, height, and other information. She also published her charming and charming photos. The first sentence of the report described it as "a A perfect actress from the celestial dynasty, she also revealed her true age and praised her as "too beautiful".

Seeing these contents, sister Zhilin's rosy cheeks became slightly red, and her beautiful eyes flashed like stars, and she happily qin on Arthur's cheeks, and looked at Arthur with tenderness, "Thank you. You little villain!"

"Haha." Arthur just smiled and shrugged, not caring.

The reason why sister Zhilin is grateful is because apart from this report, the rest of the report is almost all about the various scandal reports of Arthur Bolin’s close love to the oriental beauty. The photos of the two at the reception are full of all The entertainment section of the newspaper.

Sister Zhilin's beautiful eyes were full of tenderness. She held Arthur's hand and placed it on her cheek. She whispered, "I decided to stay with you for a few more days!"

Arthur looked at sister Zhilin’s beautiful eyes and couldn't help but laughed: "Why, this is inseparable?"

"I hate it--" Sister Zhilin pouted and gave Arthur a lightly coquettishly.

"Haha..." Arthur took Zhilin's sister upstairs into his arms and laughed triumphantly.

Approaching noon, Arthur was standing in front of the coat mirror, and sister Zhilin, who was wearing his white shirt, helped him tie his tie. After taking the suit and putting it on, he said to her: "You and my bodyguard will fly by plane first. When I go to Bristol, I'll be there soon. London can't stay. We can only have a few days in Bristol."

Zhilin's sister Wumei gave Arthur a blank look, and said with a grin, "I see, you little villain really refuses to let them go."

"No way, who makes you so charming, I'm really YU!" Arthur raised his eyebrows and said in Chinese.

"Bah!" Sister Zhilin naturally heard what Arthur liked, and snorted lightly, then said helplessly: "The only problem is how to convince my agent and assistant that the company has always been worried about my safety. They have always kept them in step."

"Hehe, I don't care about this, you can figure out a solution by yourself." Arthur raised the pretty face of Zhilin's sister, qin lowered, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Okay, I'm really going to go now. Take care of the work here."

Just leave, Arthur didn’t have the slightest bit of muddle-headedness. After getting in the car, he began to call other women with a headache to explain about last night’s reception. Everyone else could say, only Aimo, not at all. Next, for Aimo Alamudin, who is as smart as a fox, if he wants to remove his suspicion, he really can only show evidence to prove it.

However, fortunately, he went home first last night and was photographed by the paparazzi. It was the best alibi. Without answering the phone, Arthur sent a text message and told Aymo that he was going to cloth After Listo, he sighed helplessly.

It's so hard to be a man!

Bristol, after spending another romantic evening with sister Zhilin, the next day, Arthur appeared in the meeting room of the Bristol Coastal Power Plant with a face full of spring breeze and in a comfortable mood.

Some people say that listing a company is like a disaster.

From disclosure drafts to exchange inquiries, supplementary materials, feedback, secondary feedback, and adjustment plans. . . Waiting for work, things can make people and the company crazy.

Arthur sat down at the conference table, frowning at the one-centimeter-thick document in his hand, and he still had a large stack of arm-high documents beside him. If he finishes reading this, I don’t know when. .

So Arthur closed the document, looked at Ke Linna, the CEO of the power plant, unfurled his frown, and said helplessly: "It's better for you to talk about it, I'll take it back and take a look at it slowly..."

"Good boss, I will not repeat the procedures that have been completed before. We are currently at the stage where auditors are responsible for financial auditing and reporting. According to the property rights of our company, lawyers will conduct due diligence and execute equity. Restructuring. In addition to considering tax and legal firewalls in the design, its shareholding structure will meet the overall needs of the company. The design will take into account the company's existing structure and development funds.

After that, we need the listing sponsors, lawyers and brokers to work together to plan the materials needed for the future listing in the UK, and to cooperate with the public relations company to start the preliminary work in the UK capital market and invite investors.

Next, you will meet with the company’s executives, directors, employees, investment history, legal counsel, shareholders, and other consultants with accountants, sponsors, brokerage firms and lawyers to discuss the details of listing, confirm the listing timetable, and cooperate with the company. Perform due diligence and assist in the preparation of listing documents such as audit declarations, including listing prospectus and other materials.

We will work with sponsors and lawyers to design and recommend independent directors, audit committees, and remuneration committees on the London Stock Exchange’s corporate governance requirements.

Cooperate with sponsors, brokers and public relations companies to discuss the overall issuance strategy of the target investment circle. The relevant strategy will be affected by the stock issuance structure and method we will adopt.

The prospectus can be completed after the sponsor’s approval and the company’s board of directors’ approval. The lawyer will complete all due diligence at this stage and issue a lawyer’s opinion.

At this point we can start printing the prospectus red book, start the road show and seek potential investors in the market. And hire stock agent to perform company and stock affairs registration matters.

After the IPO price is set, the formal prospectus can be completed and submitted to the board of directors for approval together with all listing documents.

Then, prepare the accounting statements, prospectus and related documents required for the declaration, and submit them to the AIM working group 10 working days before listing, and officially announce them through the official information system.

The next step is to issue a prospectus announcement and declare the IPO fundraising and offer price. Investors will complete the subscription at this stage and add capital on the day of listing. If the number of subscriptions is greater than the number of shares issued, we need to release and issue a specific proportion of shares as agreed. If the number of subscriptions is lower than the number of issuances, if the underwriter agrees to sell under the underwriting system, they need to subscribe for the difference in full at the agreed price~www.NovelMTL.com~. At that time, we need to send the formal listing declaration three days before the scheduled listing date. After the formal acceptance of AIM on the London Stock Exchange, our stocks can be traded on AIM. . . "

Listening to the entire process, Arthur twitched his lips speechlessly, and said helplessly: "That is to say, my next job is to meet with different sponsors and brokers and accept their inquiries. ?"

"Yes, boss, in fact, most of them will ask you and the team's questions. As for the power plant, it will rarely be involved. After all, we have prepared very detailed information."

"Haha, that is to say, no matter how much funds we want to raise in the listing in the end, in fact, the price is the price of our group. Right?" Arthur shook his head and laughed.

"Boss, you are undoubtedly wise. What they value more is the boss's personal charm and the ability to manage the team!"

"Hehe, it won't trouble me! Then start tomorrow!" For Huyou, Arthur was still not at all shocked, after all, if he could not, just shout, let us together, suffocate our dreams!

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