I Am A Priest In The Otherworld

Chapter 218: .In fact, I know this trick long ago

Gallo told Wendini of his plan.

Not only was Wendini a little stunned after listening to it, but even the side of Misseran showed an unbelievable expression.

Performing divine magic across a wall is equivalent to letting the power of faith forcefully penetrate the wall, forming divine magic on the other side...

This kind of operation seems to her to be incredible.

The power of faith is not as simple and rude as the fighting spirit of a warrior, and it can hurt people if it is sprayed out. If this power can not form a magical technique, it will be very weak if it is simply released.

Wanting to penetrate the wall with pure power of faith is like using eyes to make you pregnant. It is difficult to think about it.

And even if a part of the power of faith can pass through the wall, its control will be greatly weakened, and it is difficult to control them to form divine arts.

Like many long-distance magic arts, they first form the magic arts, and then release the magic arts far away, but Gallo intends to do the opposite, release the power of faith before forming the magic arts.

It is difficult for Misseran to imagine what knowledge and mastery of the power of divine arts and beliefs would be necessary to achieve this kind of operation.

If someone tells her about the plan, she must think that the other person is joking.

But what Gallo said that made her think there might be something possible?

He is Gallo after all, Gallo who can do everything, Gallo the best.

Wendini felt that the plan was feasible when he saw the genius magical girl, Misseran, and naturally did not refute anything. He quickly took the two to find the team of the Supreme True God Sect, and explained to them Gallo's plan. And expect them to cooperate.

After hearing the plan, the paladin leading the opponent shook his head again and again and denied:

"The plan looks great, but it is impossible to achieve. It goes against common sense."

A pastor on the side also said:

"Yes, how can it be possible to forcefully perform divine arts through a wall? That person is an angel, but not?"

Seeing that the other party didn't trust him so much, Gallo couldn't help but narrowed his mouth. He wanted to refute, but he held back.

It is daytime, so I have to be modest and cautious, and cannot argue with others.

On the contrary, Misseran was a little angry, with a straight face, to help him defend:

"Gallo is great! Don't underestimate him!"

The other party couldn't help but glanced at her and found that this was actually a young and beautiful bishop?

There is only one such bishop in the City of Innocence, and they guessed the identity of Misseran in an instant, and their expressions changed slightly.

"Your Excellency... Bishop Misseran?"

"This is the legendary Pastor Gallo?"

"It's the Gallo who is hailed as a super magical genius, the rising star of the Orthodox Church, the future saint, the guardian of the City of Innocence, the restorer of the Wall of Sighs, the door-to-son-in-law of the Cardinal?"

The other party reported a series of titles in one breath, bluffing Gallo into a daze...

What's the matter with these so tall, so flamboyant hats? Who did it for yourself?

With these big hats that hate the sky, how will I be low-key and humble in the future? How to practice the doctrine?

Besides, what happened to the last title? I'm a man of Gallo, how come I become a son-in-law?

What rumors are circulating outside?

Not only him, but even Messerland and Wendini were so stupid to hear, and unanimously said with emotion in their hearts:

Why didn't I know that Gallo was so good?

But such a title is pretty good, I like it a lot, let's have more!

After confirming the identities of Gallo and Misseran, the team hurriedly bowed slightly to pay their respects, and continued:

"Since it was Pastor Gallo's plan, there is no problem. After all, he is a super genius who can repair the Wall of Sighs. It is not surprising that we can do such things that we cannot understand."

"We will naturally cooperate with you!"

"Pastor Gallo, I hope I can ask you some questions about enchantment studies. I don't know when you will be free?"

"Pastor Gallo, our sect has a lot of female fans of yours. Can you sign them? Or leave an address..."

The change in the other party's attitude was almost unpredictable, and even the rescue of the hostages was temporarily forgotten...

This sudden burst of enthusiasm made Gallo, who has always been low-key, extremely uncomfortable, and he really wanted to choke the guy who spread the rumors to death.

And he also fully realized the need for the old bishop to ask him to be low-key and restrained, not only to practice the doctrine, but also to save himself.

Otherwise, how can I handle so many female fans?

He waved his hand again and again, and then said:

"Leave everything else aside, let's save people before we talk..."

Having said that, he confessed more details to the other party, and found an officer from the city guard, hoping that the other party would cooperate.

The officer did not nod in a hurry, but first asked Mrs. Carola's opinion.

"Try it? There won't be any worse results anyway, will it?"

She then whispered to Gallo:

"Thanks for your hard work, Bishop Gallo, this shouldn't have troubled you..."

"It's okay, I've always been jealous of evil."

Gallo replied from the bottom of his heart.

"If I can rescue them smoothly, I will thank you very much afterwards!"

Gallo felt full of energy all at once, so he found a blind spot in the view of the second floor, sneaked over the courtyard wall, and successfully sneaked into the first floor of the villa.

After all, this group of gangsters are not professionals, their methods are quite amateur, and they are intentional and lack preparation, so they only know that they guard the stairs and do not pay attention to the surrounding investigations, making Gallo easily get in.

The team of priests outside has been paying attention to Gallo's movements. Seeing his agility and agility, he couldn't help but comment:

"As expected of Pastor Gallo, even his sneaking skills are so professional!"

"Yeah, it's like a real assassin!"

"Sure enough, if you want to be a successful pastor, you have to learn more and even master the skills of sneaking..."

"Yes, yeah, as long as you learn this technique, it will be much more convenient to have a tryst with any lady in the future..."

And those in the city guard, following Gallo's suggestion, began to make some movement to attract the attention of those inside.

They dispersed the encirclement, and then selected two burly men, took off their upper body clothes, and had a passionate wrestling.

Other city guards raised their voices, cheered and cheered, or knocked on armor shields to make noises, which made it extraordinarily lively and made passers-by think that there was a celebration here.

This movement naturally attracted the gangsters on the second floor.

"What are they trying to do? Are they crazy?"

"Maybe you want to show force? Forcing us to submit?"

"Then what shall we do?"

"Huh~ As long as we can hold the stairs and they can't go up, they can't do anything to us, just wait and see what happens."

Hearing the excitement outside, Gallo couldn't help showing a dumbfounded look.

I just hope you attract their attention, not to make you make such a big move...

Isn't this easy to cause suspicion?

Gallo suddenly had an experience of leading a pig teammate...

No way, he had to hurry up here.

He quietly moved the table and chair and put them together, while he carefully climbed up, holding his hands high and pressing them on the ceiling above his head.

It is very difficult for him to let the power of faith penetrate such a thick wall. If he can get closer, he should try to get closer.

Then, he released the power of faith from his hands and scattered it into strands thinner than the strands of hair, starting with his ten fingertips, thinking about spreading around.

If the power of faith had colors, the picture before him would look like Gallo’s fingertips had hair growing out of it and spreading across the ceiling.

After a while, these powers of faith, thinner than hair, covered the entire ceiling like liquid.

Then, they began to slowly penetrate upward bit by bit.

If you want the pure power of faith to penetrate the wall, you definitely can't use brute force, and no one can do it. This is determined by the weak attribute of the power of faith.

So the point is not to wear it, but to penetrate, soak it like water.

It's just a special technique created by Gallo.

And it's the kind of skill that no one else can learn, or even imagine.

This requires precise control of the power of faith that is thinner than a hair, and the requirements for control have reached a jaw-dropping state. In this world, apart from Gallo's accident, no one can master it.

Even the brother in the story can't do it.

If you want to control the power of faith to reach this state, it’s useless to rely on talent. You have to practice and perform those complex high-level magic skills for a long time. At least seven levels, not just one, multiple seven levels It is possible to reach such a realm after repeated magical techniques.

But normal people can learn a seventh-order divine technique is already very remarkable, and can master even fewer, let alone switch back and forth a variety of seventh-order divine arts and use them in actual combat.

Normal people simply do not have the conditions for repeated practice like this.

But the brother in the story didn't work hard enough, he died early, and of course he couldn't learn.

But Gallo actually did it two years ago...

At that time, he was alone in the church, and he didn't play with Lilian Luo in a daze. When he was bored but didn't want to read, he could only entertain himself, and then mastered this technique by accident.

That's why he proposed this kind of plan that others sounded incredible, because he already had a certain degree of assurance.

Gallo has always been very cautious on issues involving human life.

But at that time, I simply felt it was fun. I never thought that there would be a day when it would come in handy. The wall that I successfully penetrated was not as thick as the ceiling, and the psychological pressure would not be so great.

So whether he can succeed this time, he is not 100% sure in his heart...

Just in case, the small wooden hammer floated beside him.

If he fails, he can only violate the doctrine...

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