I Am A Priest In The Otherworld

Chapter 299: . Smooth on both sides

Before Atanis set off, Gallo showed the power of power in front of him and the pope, and gave some concepts to the crown, scepter, and robe of Atanis.

In addition to the necessary security guarantees, Atanis will serve as his ‘eye’, sharing his vision, and acting as a foldover node, allowing Gallo to fold people to a certain range around him.

That’s how the ‘miracle’ shown just now was achieved.

At the same time, as long as Artanis stayed in Yanan City, it was equivalent to Gallo being watching here, which would make Visana dare not act rashly. As long as he shot, Gallo could react immediately.

Atani Stanran accepted this arrangement and felt extremely glorious and proud. He had the authority and was appointed by the King of Angels, equivalent to Gallo's substitute.

Strictly speaking, this position is one level higher than that of the Pope.

It’s just that in order to abide by the doctrine, Gallo must keep a low profile and prevent him from reporting his name indiscriminately, so he can only claim to be a ‘Miya’

Atanis and his team, who had been turned over, were able to gain a firm foothold in the East District very smoothly. Those enthusiastic citizens who were exquisite in martial arts, well-equipped, and possessed the blessings of magical skills were not the slightest threat.

They soon occupied a deserted Visayas, and directly cleaned up all the Visa-related portraits, idols and religious utensils in a pile, and then burned them down.

This is a very serious act of blasphemy, but Visa has no response to this, and they still do anything wrong.

It's impossible to be just frontal. You can't beat Gallo for a lifetime, so you can only persuade you to live like this.

Gallo then asked the Pope for a group of religious implements representing and symbolizing the Miya sect, folded over to Atanis, and asked him to arrange it in the church in Visa, and come out of the nest.

In fact, it was just a mosaic idol and an offering box. Although the Pope found a lot of things, Gallo only needed these two pieces.

This is already the most representative and most characteristic religious tool of the Miya sect.

After simply decorating the church, they immediately attracted the first group of believers, that is, the saved family.

They were originally the devout followers of Visa, but after being rescued, they immediately rebelled and joined the Miya sect.

This is one of the reasons why Gallo must choose to take root in the eastern part of the city. He has discovered that there are still some survivors here. If these people can be rescued from despair, they will almost instantly transform into Miya. A devout believer of the sect.

After all, this is the territory of the enemy. Visa has been in business for many years, and its influence is deeply ingrained. Normal missions are difficult to spread.

The efficiency of this will be a bit low, but the believers who develop are all pious, and it is much better than directly suppressing them by force and forcing people to submit.

The shallow believers and hypocrites are of little value to him, all he needs is the devout.

Atanis then ordered the temple to search and rescue more survivors according to Gallo's orders.

After gathering these basic believers, the remaining missionary work will be relatively easier.

"It should be almost done here, look at the situation on Youlan."

Gallo muttered in a low voice, checking the condition of Youlan through the connection established by the Flower of Destiny.

Sure enough, she got in touch with the remaining forces of the Visa sect, and she was sitting in the tavern, quietly listening to the endless talk of a Visa priest.

That person was a lobbyist sent by the Visa cult, hoping to use her mysterious power to move back to the unfavorable situation in the city, and for this he wrote many attractive empty checks, even the chief priest’s All important positions have been promised.

Youlan listened silently, without saying a word, as if thinking and weighing the pros and cons.

But in fact, there is no such thing at all. She does not need to think about it. According to Gallo’s plan, she would have provided assistance to the Visa sect and tricked them into getting their trust in order to get Visa. Before that, she only needed one effort. The pretense of being forced to create the image of a mysterious strong man is over.

So the lobbyist is actually wasting his tongue.

But Youlan did follow Gallo's suggestion, and when she didn't know how to pretend to be forced, she kept silent and adopted the deadliest invisible pretend.

The lobbyist talked for more than two hours in one breath, all kinds of emotions, knowing and reasoning, talking dry and sincere.

Youlan fantasized for two hours in her mind. How would Gallo reward herself after returning? Should I invite Misseran to the wedding? What is the name of the children of the two in the future? Think about it all again.

In the end, she did not explicitly answer to the party, but said with the old and hoarse voice that was disguised:

"I need a clean and quiet place."

The lobbyist was overjoyed, and quickly packed out a clean luxury villa for her.

The villa was originally owned by a wealthy businessman in the city, and he had been in a different place during the turmoil. As a result, the well-decorated luxury mansion was cheaper than Youlan, a villainous villain.

The other party then offered bread, grilled meat and various drinks, and brought in a few handsome young men to serve.

For today's Yanan City, this is already an extravagant hospitality, showing that the other party is really sincere.

Youlan drove away the men without touching the food. She hid in the room with Amia, and lay on Amia again, whispering:

"I have gained their initial trust, should I give some sweetness next?"

Gallo grabbed Amia’s rabbit ears and replied:

"Don't worry, the mysterious powerhouse doesn't like this little favor, it's not worth taking it personally, just let Amiya do it later."

"You can rest in your room for a while, and come back for dinner later."

Youlan asked strangely:

"Huh? Come back for dinner? Are you afraid of being discovered by them?"

Gallo explained:

"It doesn't matter if you find out, the mysterious powerhouse should be fascinating, so that it can be forced!"

"Okay, let's do this for the time being, is there anything I need to bring you here?"

Youlan thought for a while and replied:

"There is a novel under the head of my bed, can you bring it to me?"

After a while, a novel really appeared out of thin air in her hand, as if it had been directly given by a god.

"It doesn't matter, but if someone finds out, don't panic and embarrass, then the set will collapse."

Gallo reminded him again.

Atanis and Youlan have arranged arrangements here, and the plan is progressing smoothly, but he can't spare time, and there is more to do.

He approached Ma De, planning to customize a batch of magic puppets from him, and was going to discuss some magic puppet studies, mainly about control.

He felt that the most amazing thing in Ma De's work was not the lifelike, delicate and lovely girl dolls, but the little bird dolls who asked for help last time.

This is the real thing that can be expected in the future, and it can play a very important role.

He is going to deploy some of these small magic puppets in Yanan City to act as eyeliners so as to keep abreast of the situation in the city.

This guy Mad was also lucky. He was unscathed in the previous turmoil. He was just a little frightened. After getting over, he rushed to find Gallo, but Gallo had been sleeping at the time. He hadn't come a few times. When they met, they didn't dare to bother, so they stayed in the apartment.

This time he saw Gallo safe and sound, he was very happy, he had spent 100,000 gold to hold the big thick legs, but he didn't want to be so gone.

Although he didn't know what happened to Gallo, he still vaguely felt the subtle changes in his temperament and expression, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

The master looks a little different, he seems to be stronger and more powerful than before.

Did he go further?

But he is already a demigod himself, if he goes further, wouldn't it be...

When Ma De thought of this, he was clever and almost knelt down.

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