I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 706: Semi-agricultural tribe with 4 legs


When the leader of the sheep tribe found that the situation here was a bit weird, the person riding on the livestock here also found the people of the sheep tribe.

Because this tribe has already stepped into farming with one foot, let's call it a semi-agricultural tribe.

At this time, the leader of the semi-agricultural tribe was riding on the animal, squinting at the place where the leader of the sheep tribe and others were.

The luck of the semi-agricultural tribe today is really very bad, even though they have walked a long distance to the west, they still haven't gained much.

The leader of the semi-agricultural tribe was ready to take people back, because he was worried that he could not take people back to the tribe before dark.

If this were the case, the wise female priests would be worried.

At this time, the leader of the sheep tribe and the people of the sheep tribe appeared in their sight.

In fact, after discovering that this was a tribe at the beginning, the leader of the semi-agricultural tribe was ready to lead people back, because he was not very enthusiastic about snatching the rest of the tribe.

However, with this mindset, when he saw the prey on the shoulders and around the tribe, the leader of the semi-agricultural tribe changed a bit.

The leader of the semi-agricultural tribe riding on the animal had his mouth widened, and many of the semi-agricultural tribes who followed him also grew their mouths. Some of them were still rubbing their eyes vigorously, with an unbelievable look.

It's no wonder they couldn't believe it, because the scene that appeared in front of them was really too shocking.

Not many people appeared in front of them, but they carried a lot of prey!

The leader of the semi-agricultural tribe turned his head to look at the prey that his tribe put on the back of the animal, and the difference immediately appeared.

There are so many people, who have been busy for so long, and the prey obtained from walking so long is not as much as one of these people who appears in front of them.

In primitive societies without legal constraints, there are no people who are too kind, and good and bad are only relative terms.

Under certain circumstances, good people will do bad things, and bad people will do good things. It's just the difference between the number and degree of things.

Take the current leader of a semi-agricultural tribe.

Under normal circumstances, a semi-agricultural tribe with half of its foot into farming will not attack the other tribes.

But the current situation is obviously not included in this general situation.

The tribe’s new move to live in, the lack of food in the tribe, and the lack of harvest from hunting today are the fundamental and indirect reasons.

The direct reason is that the sheep tribe, which has just received a bumper harvest every year, appeared in front of the semi-agricultural tribe when they needed food the most.

Under these various reasons, even if it is generally not against the other tribes, the semi-agricultural tribes can't help it at this time.


The two sides looked at each other for a while. While the leader of the sheep tribe and the crowd were still turning around in surprise, the leader of the semi-agricultural tribe had already waved the weapon in his hand and yelled to attack the tribe. The command.

Then, he slapped the animal under him severely with his hand, and rushed towards the place where the leader of the sheep tribe was, relying on the rope in his hand to control the direction.

The other people in the semi-agricultural tribe, after hearing the leader's call, all screamed and rode the animals all the way.

Although they haven't robbed the remaining tribes often enough, they will not have any psychological pressure on the matter of robbing the remaining tribes.

This section of the terrain is relatively gentle, and there are few tall trees growing, mostly weeds, so it is very suitable for these semi-agricultural tribes riding animals to run.

The leader of the sheep tribe looked over here in amazement, and soon became frightened, not only him, but also became extremely frightened after seeing the appearance of the things standing there clearly.

Because these people are so weird!

They actually have four legs!

And the lower body looks very big, but the four legs look slim.

The first time I saw a monster like this, it would be strange if the people of the Sheep Tribe were not afraid.

So after watching this for a while, the leader of the sheep tribe gave an order to detour back to the tribe.

He didn't want to make any contact with these monsters.

As he walked, he thought in his heart that the people of the tribe must be careful when they go out to herd the sheep in the future. Not only must they increase their manpower, but they must also use more weapons.

It would be nice if there were the beautiful but extremely sharp weapons of the neighboring tribe.

With that kind of sharp weapon, my tribe will also have some ability to protect itself when encountering these scary people in the future grazing.

It seems that when I go to the tribe to exchange things tomorrow, in addition to some salt, I will try to exchange some sharp weapons back.

I just don’t know if the people from that tribe are still reluctant to exchange it like before...

Thinking about the matter in his heart, after walking a few steps forward with the prey on his back, the head of the sheep tribe changed his face and turned back quickly.

Then the scene that made him extremely frightened appeared before his eyes!

Those with four legs and a big lower body, howling loudly and waving weapons in their hands, ran towards themselves and others quickly!

With four legs, they run so fast!

What are these monsters going to do? !

The extreme panic engulfed the sheep tribe and the people of the sheep tribe almost in an instant.


The leader of the sheep tribe shouted loudly, leading the panicked tribe people, and ran to the front quickly.

As he ran, he turned his head and looked back, and then even more horrified emotions arose in the hearts of everyone in the sheep tribe.

Because these four-legged monsters run so fast!

The distance between them is narrowing flying away~www.NovelMTL.com~ The leader of the sheep tribe quickly threw an adult big ram he was carrying on the ground, and at the same time greeted the others to do so.

Although panicked after being chased by such a monster, the leader of the sheep tribe still thought of some solutions.

Food is extremely precious at this time. Although the people who are chasing them look terrifying, the leader of the sheep tribe still thinks of the food on his body for the first time.

Most people are like this. When encountering a snatch, the first thing that comes to mind is what they value most.

Although he was particularly willing to have the food on his body, the sheep tribe quickly issued an order to throw away these hard-hit prey.

They can run faster without being dragged down by too many prey...

(This is how the Centaur came from)

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