I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 785: Bragging 1 hour is cool, 1 straight blowing 1 straightforward

Junior Brother Sha was sitting on the tukang, leaning against the wall on the side, and looking through the window at the same hazy house on the opposite side under the hazy moonlight.

Those few people who appeared around the tribe today and acted strangely were held in this house.

Junior Brother Sha hasn't fallen asleep at this moment, because these few suddenly appeared, and then he led someone to capture them.

On the one hand, I want to watch here to prevent them from escaping-even though those people have been tied up, and arranged for others to pay attention.

On the other hand, I was thinking about how to deal with these people.

Because most of the various tribes live independently, and there is generally little overlap in the weekdays, the language between the various tribes is not very smooth.

Moreover, these people are farther away from the place where the Qingque tribe originally lived, so the language barriers have become more serious, and Junior Brother Sha can't understand what these people are talking about.

Fortunately, just after the new year, during the ‘change of defense’ in the Tongshan residential area, two people ‘retired’ from the trade team also came to the Tongshan residential area.

Of course, the talents of these two people in translation are not as good as the talent trade of translators.

However, because I often follow out, I have a lot of contact with outside tribes, and there are also translators in the team. Therefore, under the influence of ears and eyes, I can also conduct some simple inquiries when outside tribes. .

After some seemingly difficult inquiries, through the mouth of the two former trade teams, Junior Brother Sha generally knew the following information——

This group of people didn't come for their own tribe. They came here this time to see if the Tengshe tribe was still there.

The place where their tribe lived before, it seems that it is not too far away from here.

As for more things, there is no way to know.

However, from these limited information centers, Junior Brother Sha can still know one thing, that is, these people and the tribes behind these people are not for their own tribe.

But it was precisely because of this that Junior Brother Sha appeared hesitant at this time, and didn't know what to do for a while.

Because if these people are hostile to their own tribe, it is much simpler to do it, and you can just turn these people into slaves of your own tribe.

Even through these people, they can lead the rest of the people together to capture the other people in their tribe and take them back together as slaves in the tribe.

It's a pity that they are not, so this matter is a bit of a headache for Junior Brother Sha.

Because deep in his heart, he wanted to turn these people into slaves, because in this way, there will be more people to work in the Tongshan residential area.

Whether it is the output of copper and tin ingots, or the mining of land around the tribe, it can be accelerated a lot.

But if you do? What is the difference between your own tribe and the evil tribe?

Junior Brother Sha fell into a deep entanglement.

It would be great if you were in the big tribe.

After tangling like this for a long time, Junior Brother Sha thought this way.

Because in the tribe, there are not only wise gods, but also witches and leaders. These entangled things don't need him to consider at all. They only need the gods to make a decision and implement them by themselves.

But now, the gods, witches, and chiefs are not around, and they are the biggest here, and these things have all fallen on their heads.

In the past, Junior Brother Sha would have thought in his heart how beautiful a life like the gods, witches and others should be, but now I understand that this kind of brainstorming thing is also extremely uncomfortable!

After sitting here and thinking for a long time, Junior Brother Sha finally made a decision...

The night is quiet, and there are some insects from far and near under the hazy moonlight, which deepens the cold and quiet of the night.

In the room opposite to Junior Brother Sha, a few people who were **** with their hands and feet and were anxious, finally couldn't help but fall asleep one after another.

Even the old primitive man with an arrow in his leg fell asleep in the end...


Time passed quietly in my sleep, and when I opened my eyes again, the night had faded silently with the passing time, and light fell on the world again.

Light leaked in through the erected windows, and by the way, the windows were divided into gaps.

The early morning that has just arrived, inherits the tranquility of the night, and leads the hustle and bustle that will be reached in the daytime, and blends the tranquility and the hustle and bustle together.

It's just the kind that is too noisy and a bit less and too quiet.

At this time, the door firmly inserted from the outside was pushed open from the outside, and there was a creak of someone coming in from the outside.

The sleeping person in the room woke up and looked up at the person who walked in. After a brief period of confusion, the quiet heart was immediately filled with fear and anxiety.

Several people who were **** struggled to sit up and drew back, looking at the person who walked in with extreme fear.

They remember very clearly that it was this guy yesterday, who led people to catch them all.

At this time, he came again...

Thinking of the terrifying Teng Snake Tribe’s brutal behavior and the news about the Teng Snake Tribe circulating among the tribes, these people became more anxious.

It is early in the morning and food is needed.

When this person came over at this time, it was easy for them to think of being eaten.

Especially the old primitive man with an arrow in his leg, his heart was even more terrified.

Because the rest of the people have only heard of the cruelty of the Tengshe tribe, and he has really seen how they killed people and then eat meat.

After being caught yesterday, this old primitive man and five other people have already identified that the person who caught them is the evil Teng Snake tribe!

Because they can survive not far from the original cave of the Teng Snake Tribe, and they are still so powerful, apart from the evil and powerful Teng Snake Tribe, the old primitive people really can’t think of any other tribe that will be here. And so powerful.

Just when the old primitive people were full of fear, the man who had captured them one by one yesterday, who looked extremely vicious, grinned at them silently.

This made the old primitive people even more frightened.

Because this smile fell in their eyes, it seemed too scary.

But Junior Brother Sha, who showed his ‘devil smile’, did not have such awareness. At this time, he was still intoxicated by his kind smile.

Because when he showed this smile, what appeared in his mind was the scene of Wu showing a kind-eyed smile while sowing grass in the rabbit circle.

This made him feel that the smile he had just now already had some kind of shameless eyes.

After smiling like this, several people walked in one after another. Among them, the two who walked in the front were the two people from the original trade team who were like them to question yesterday.

Looking at this posture, the old primitive men became even more frightened.

This is the proper rhythm to drag them all out!

Under the sign of Junior Brother Sha, the two former trade team members began to convey to them the kindness from the Qingque tribe.

It's a pity that the old primitive people are too scared and don't have the mood to see what the two people sign mean.

In addition, these two people are not a interpreter trader, so even sweating with gestures has no effect.

Seeing these few shivering people shrunk into a group, Junior Brother Sha suddenly stopped letting the two former trade team members pass on goodwill to them.

Feeling depressed, he greeted the rest of the people, bent over and grabbed one's arm, and then dragged out.

The other people followed suit, either pulling or lifting a few fearful howling guys out of the room. Following the footsteps of Junior Brother Sha, they came to the kitchen door and stopped.

It was early morning. Someone was cooking food in the kitchen. As the flames rose, there was heat rising, and at the same time, the aroma of some food wafted out.

Although the people of this tribe don't understand why they put the round stone pillars on the fire and burn them vigorously, the old primitive people and several others can still tell that they are making food.

Seeing the situation in front of him, and thinking about what he had experienced in the cave of the evil Teng Snake tribe, the old primitive man's heart suddenly became frustrated.

If the legs and feet are intact, he still has the chance to run out from here, but now, his leg has been injured by that small, but extremely sharp tree stick, and he can't run fast...

After leaving a few people here, Junior Brother Sha, apart from letting people look at them with weapons here, didn't explain the rest, but quietly waited for the food in the kitchen to be half cooked.

It didn't take long before someone began to scoop the cooked food in the pot into the bowl.

The morning meal is very simple. It is made by mixing chopped wild vegetables, some crushed dried salted fish and clean millet.

Pots of porridge were brought to the open space outside the kitchen, and two rattan baskets of dishes were also taken out.

This is where people in Tongshan residential area usually eat.

When the weather is fine, they eat outside. When the weather is bad, after serving the meal, they return to their sleeping rooms to sit on the kang, or eat directly in the not-so-spacious dining hall.

When Junior Brother Sha saw that the meal was ready, he sounded the clapper hanging from his waist.

The busy people scattered in the courtyard, after hearing the sound of clappers, gathered here one after another, and then Master Sha personally served them one by one.

Serving rice is an extremely important thing, especially in an age when food is extremely scarce.

Encountering the kind of people who practice shaking spoons to the utmost in cooking dishes, you can let the popular buckle the bowl on his head.

Of course, Junior Brother Sha would not do this, and every bowl of it was very fair.

After the meal was served, everyone started to drink with a bowl, and no longer deliberately looked after the six people who had their hands and feet tied up.

Seeing this scene before him, even though he was in fear, the old primitive man couldn't help but rise in doubt.

These people have already started to eat food, and it seems that they should not eat themselves.

But if they don't eat, what are they doing when they bring themselves and wait for someone here?

However, their food smells really good...

The old primitive man’s fear and confusion, after a while, became even more uncertain.

Because in his opinion, this group of people should be extremely vicious and evil. After eating the food, they actually used that kind of strange, but very beautiful stone objects, and brought them food, in front of everyone. There is one.

He could see clearly that it was the order given by the man who wounded his leg with a strange weapon.

Is this kind of food for yourself and others to eat?

They didn't eat themselves and waited for others, but gave themselves food to eat?

The old primitive man’s conjecture was immediately confirmed.

After serving them food, Junior Brother Sha asked them to loosen the rope on their hands and let them eat delicious food.

Looking at his loosened hands, then at the empty bowl in front of him, and the evil leader standing in front of him looking at him with a smile on his face, the old primitive man hesitated for a while, and pointed his finger at him. The bowl pointed to his mouth again.

After seeing Junior Brother Sha nod his head, he hesitated for a while before holding the bowl up.

One is that he is really hungry, and the other is that this strange food that has never been eaten before, the smell of it burrows into his nostrils, making him unbearable.

The old primitive man appeared to take a bite cautiously.

After this small bite of food was put into his mouth, the eyes of the old primitive man suddenly lit up, bringing out an unbelievable look.

After the mouthful of the meal, the old primitive man's speed of eating immediately increased by more than two gears.

As for these emotions of fear, they were directly thrown aside under the stimulation of the taste that had never been experienced before.

The reactions of the other few people were similar to those of the old primitive people, each holding a bowl to eat.

Especially the female primitive who looked a little thin and ate faster. After a while, a bowl of rice that was bigger than the bowl she brought with her was exhausted.

After eating, Tian greedily took the bowl of rice while he looked at Junior Sha with some fear and desire, and then quickly avoided his eyes.

Then he took another look, then avoided.

Having lived in the tribe for a long time, Junior Brother Sha has been affected by Han Cheng in many places. For example, now, he can't stand the actions of these people licking the bowl.

Immediately he walked over and took the empty bowl from the primitive woman.

Just when the female primitive thought she might be punished, she was surprised to find that the leader who looked extremely evil yesterday actually brought another bowl of that extremely delicious food to her and motioned her to continue eating. .

At the same time, holding two short wooden sticks in his hand, they gestured at the side of the bowl, making the action of slicing rice into the mouth.

This kind of stick was seen by primitive women not long ago, and all the people in this tribe use this kind of stick when eating food.

Primitive women didn't plan to use this small wooden stick, because eating food would become extremely uncomfortable when used.

But now she had to use it, because she was a little worried that if she didn't follow the leader's best words, not only would she not be able to eat this delicious food, she would even lose her life.

A few old primitive people also got a second bowl of rice, and all of them were still eating well.

In the morning, Junior Brother Sha specifically instructed the cooks to make more food for them to eat, so there is no need to worry about these people not being able to eat enough.

After thinking about it for a long time yesterday, Junior Brother Sha felt that it would be better to follow the usual practice in the tribe.

After this decision was made, how to act next became easier. After all, he had lived in the tribe for such a long time, and he had seen a lot of the methods adopted by the gods in dealing with foreign tribes.

Today, the food for this meal was imitated after carefully recalling what the son of God had done before.

Judging from the reactions of these people, the effect is not very good.

Sure enough, there is nothing that one bowl of rice can't solve. If it can't be solved, then two more bowls.

After eating three bowls of rice in a row, even though he was full and burped, the old primitive man insisted on eating chopsticks and the leaves on the side of the bowl cleanly, before he seemed reluctant to put down the empty bowl.

After three bowls of rice, when the old primitive man looked at Junior Brother Sha who was smiling at him, he no longer felt how evil the smile on his face was.

On the contrary, I feel that there is some peace in this smile.

After the three bowls of rice were eaten, the old primitive people no longer thought that these people would kill him for meat.

Because if these people want to kill them and eat meat, they won't give them so much food to eat, and it's still such delicious food.

With food in my stomach, my heart is not as panicked as before, and gradually calmed down. The old primitive man looked at Junior Sha with a smile on his face and looked very kind, and then looked at the surrounding scenes, and gradually got it in his mind. Some other ideas.

He felt that the tribe in front of him might not be the evil Tensnake Tribe, because the people of the Tensnake Tribe would not treat those caught by them so friendly.

Moreover, there are many people in the evil and powerful Teng Snake Tribe, and although there are many people in this tribe, it is still not as large as the Teng Snake Tribe.

In addition to these, the methods they used to make food, and the various novel utensils they used...including this strange cave, had never seen him before.

He had never seen these things before in the evil Tengshe tribe...

When a person is overly nervous, it is easy to get into the worst-case scenario that was previously expected, and thus ignore all kinds of things on the side.

After you relax, you will find all kinds of improprieties.

The old primitive man is like this at the moment.

Junior Brother Sha has been paying attention to the changes of several people. Seeing this, he once again asked the two former trade team members to come over and try to communicate.

The old primitive man had food in his stomach, and he was not nervous before. In addition, he already had the blue bird in his heart. It was not Teng Snake Tribe’s guess, so the conversation was much smoother than before.

He watched the movements of the two people carefully, and understood the meaning of it. After he understood the meaning, he would speak and gesture with his hands to express his meaning as much as possible.

The conversation between each other proceeded so hard and slowly.

But despite this, the old primitive man was more surprised as he talked, and he couldn't stop the more he talked. He couldn't wait to know more news.

About the tribe in front of me, about the disappeared Teng Snake tribe...

After a while, the old primitive man sat on the ground with his mouth wide open, looking at the people in the Tongshan district of the Qingque tribe in front of Junior Brother Sha, with a dull expression on his face.

Not only him, but the other people who learned something from him, the expressions on their faces are also not much better!

The ferocious and evil Teng Snake Tribe was not moved from here, but was wiped out by the tribe in front of you? !

That is the fierce and evil Teng Snake Tribe!

It was the Teng Snake Tribe that wiped out many tribes and forced them to leave the place where they had lived for a long time and go to a strange place to live in!

How did these people wipe out that tribe?

The old primitive man looked at Junior Sha and the others, and continued to be stupid.

And Junior Brother Sha and others~www.NovelMTL.com~ Seeing people who were stunned by such stimulating news for a while, the faces of the gods once said that they were called humble smiles, and they were refreshing. Up.

Although it has been a long time since the Tengshe Tribe was defeated and eliminated, this thing was indeed done by the Qingque Tribe. At this time, seeing someone surprised in this way because of this, Junior Sha’s hearts were refreshed No reduction.

Even when Bi just turned the Teng Snake Tribe into a blow, he was refreshed.

Moreover, it is conceivable that this kind of refreshment is definitely not only this time, as long as they encounter people like the old primitive people in the future, their refreshment will continue, time and time again.

Well, this is the legendary bragging that is cool for a while. It can be good for a whole generation and refreshed for a lifetime.

With a humble and polite smile on his face, Junior Brother Sha looked at the person in front of him who had been astonished by the petrochemicals. After thinking about it, he still didn’t let the two former trading team members meet last winter. Leading the Qingque Alliance army to take down the semi-agricultural tribe that is also no weaker than the Tengshe tribe.

Because he was worried that after he figured it out, these people might be surprised and never saved.

After all, he is still waiting for these people to go back, to promote the strength of his tribe in their tribe, and to spread the powerful and benevolent name of the Qingque tribe farther and let more people know.

This is the action taken by Junior Brother Sha after carefully referring to the method Han Cheng used to deal with the non-hostile tribe, and the effect he wanted to achieve.

If you can make this tribe and more tribes the same as those around the big tribe, when your tribe meets a big hostile tribe, there will be more people that can be gathered!

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