I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 791: Dogs who unlock new skills

(Reward for book friends AT book plus 11/12, 12/12)

When someone shelters from the wind and rain, the time of minors always looks colorful.

Because this is a particularly satisfying age.

A piece of marinated meat, a sip of sweet honey water, a little snowman, a crystal clear icy wind chime...will make them happy and laugh from ear to ear, whether it is sleeping or eating, These are all in my eyes...

Today, the carpenter's room of the Qingque tribe has become the favorite place for the children of the tribe.

Apart from squatting there and watching them turn wood into a sturdy and spacious donkey cart, what they want to do the most is to follow the example of a god, pushing the nail full of copper nails, connected by a yellow bronze axle. The wheel that got up ran for a while in the yard, let alone the happiness that this fresh toy can bring.

Of course, if you can be allowed to play on the donkey cart, it will make people feel more happy.

These children will be divided into two groups. The two or three people in front ride on the cowl, and the other people come to the high and tilted rear of the car and press down together.

As the weight of the rear of the car increases, people sitting on the cowl will be hoisted together with the cowl.

Children in the tribe can’t play enough with this kind of novel gameplay like sitting on a seesaw.

Not only those younger minors, but even older minors like cat ears, often want to play twice...

Therefore, recently, as soon as the broken ploughshare that was hung on a branch and used as a copper bell was struck, the adults who rushed out of the school would rush all the way. Coming to the carpenter's room.

When these children came in, the carpenter's room, in addition to the clanging sound, would leave a place with joyful laughter.

This is the taste of childhood.

Wu, an old man of the Qingque tribe, has recently gone to the carpenter’s room very well, but unlike most people who came to watch donkey carts, in addition to watching them make donkey carts, Wu came to see them making donkey carts. Watching the children playing and making jokes there.

Wu always didn't see enough of such scenes.

Very often, watching these children play and laugh here, Wu's face will show a look of recollection.

Sometimes, Yuan followed him over and said something, the most said was: "These little guys are so happy now. When I was young, I remember most clearly that I was hungry and cold. I often cry hungry, and go out of the cave to get grassroots to eat when I'm not too old..."

Yuan, who understands the meaning of witch, also feels deeply about this.

Born in this era, most of their childhoods are full of suffering.

Before coming to the Qingque tribe, Yuan Yuan never dreamed that these minors would have such a happy life.

Comparing the two, I can better understand how happy these minors are now.

However, in this reminiscence, not all are gray. A sweet and sour fruit, a little blackish grilled fish, can become an unforgettable color in childhood...

Time is always not enough, and I don’t feel much about it when I pass it, and when I look back, I suddenly realize that countless times have quietly passed.

It seems that people have grown up in the blink of an eye. Many things exist only in memory. Only when you dream back at midnight can you see the scene again and taste those unforgettable tastes. ...

After the people in the Qingque tribe were busy making donkey carts, the weather became hotter and hotter. Before they knew it, the early summer had slowly passed and the hot summer was about to come.

The early morning in summer is the most fascinating moment besides night. The quietness comes next, and the most important thing is coolness.

In such a moment, whether it is lying on the kang to sleep or do other things, it is very comfortable.

This morning, Han Cheng couldn't sleep well when he returned to sleep.

At this moment, the sky was just getting bright, and the moon in the sky had not completely disappeared. Han Chengcheng had already risen from the kang.

Han Cheng came to the small Kang where Xiao Wandou was sleeping alone by the wall, and looked down at his sleeping son.

The little guy who fell asleep had no mischief in the daytime, and he was very quiet.

The long eyelashes are covered, and sometimes they shake slightly, like a dragonfly standing on a reed leaf, shaking its wings.

Two little fat hands were raised on the sides of the head, clenched into small fists.

Han Cheng looked at it for a while, leaned down, and kissed the little guy lightly on the cheek.

It might be the stubble on Han Cheng’s mouth. The small pea with his eyes closed curled up and stretched out a small hand, scratching a few times at the place where Han Cheng had just kissed, and then turned over and head towards the kang. He arched upwards and continued to sleep, with a smile on Han Cheng's face as he looked at it.

Han Cheng didn't bother Xiao Wandou's dreams anymore, turned around and came to the Kang gently.

Bai Xuemei, who was sleeping on her side, carried a sense of tranquility.

Han Cheng looked at it quietly for a while, his gaze fell on the slightly raised belly of Xuemei Bai.

After a pause, he leaned down, tilted his head, and gently pressed his ear to Snow Girl's belly.

Bai Xuemei had only been pregnant with her second child for more than two months. At this time, except for the sound of bowel movements, she could not hear or feel everything else, but Han Cheng still listened very carefully.

After listening like this for a while, Han Cheng slightly raised his head to get off the kang, only to find that Bai Xuemei did not know when she was awake and was looking at him quietly.

When the two looked at each other, Bai Xuemei gave a sweet smile and opened her mouth softly: "Brother Cheng~"

The comfortable and quiet morning is easy to spend, and as the sky turns from dark to bright, the Qingque tribe gradually becomes lively.

The big brothers, Shang, Mao and others moved the things prepared two days in advance to the yard one by one, one by one, and Han Cheng also walked out of the room, followed by the same Bai Xuemei behind him.

"The Son of God."

"The Son of God."

Seeing Han Cheng coming out of the room, the senior brother and others greeted him.

"Are everything packed?"

After Han Cheng smiled and nodded to everyone, he asked.

"Everything is packed, you can leave at any time."

The trade responded.

As a person who often goes out with a trade team, he has the most say in this aspect of trade.

He knew what he needed to bring.

When Han Cheng saw this, he nodded again and said with a smile: "Then go to dinner, and leave early while the weather is cool after dinner."

Everyone took their orders and went to eat.

Han Cheng looked at Bai Xuemei who also wanted to go straight to eat. He stretched out his hand and pulled her, smiling and whispering, "Go brush your teeth first, and then go to eat."

I don't know what Bai Xuemei, the child bride-in-law who was brought into an old driver by Han Cheng, thought of, a little blush appeared on the face that was paler than most people in the tribe.

Then he showed two rows of white teeth towards Han Cheng, biting up and down and croaking, seeing Han Cheng's body chills.

This is really unattractive!

The two-wheeled donkey carts in the tribe have been built, and the remaining areas that need to be improved can only rely on people such as lame and black baby. It doesn’t matter if Han Cheng is around, and he doesn’t need to be a technical guide. .

The donkey cart has been built, and the Bronze Expressway needs to be on the agenda at this time.

A few days ago, Han Chengcheng had already started arranging the matter. He was planning to set off to survey the route the day before yesterday. However, it rained the day before yesterday and the matter was pushed to today.

This time I went to survey the route, not hunting or fighting, so I need to bring too many people, half a trade team, plus a dozen bluebird fighters who often participate in training. .

People in the trade team often walk in the wild, and naturally there is no problem with them.

And the reason why Han Cheng didn't bring the entire trade team this time was because he wanted to take this opportunity to exercise some other people, so as not to spend a long time in the tribe and forget how to survive in the wild.

The meals have been prepared long ago. They were made by the manpower arranged in advance yesterday, who got up before dawn.

Eat at this time, it's delicious, neither hot nor cold...

After eating, put the prepared things on the backs of donkeys and deer to carry them, or carry them on their shoulders, and they will soon be scattered.

Because this time it was not a leading army, there were no cumbersome rituals. After seeing everyone bringing all these things, Han Chengcheng led the people out.

"Come back early! Be careful on the way..."

Even if he understood that Han Cheng was only going to investigate the route to build the Bronze Expressway, there shouldn't be any danger, Wu still didn't worry about explaining it over and over again.

What I said was what had been repeated countless times in the past few days, and afterwards, I didn't even want to let Han Cheng go.

Han Cheng's consolation and persuasion can be regarded as coaxing Wu.

This time, Han Cheng still had to take it, because he knew the road the most in the entire tribe. Although in later generations, he never participated in the planning and construction of roads, but he understood the roads and chose to build them. Some principles that should be followed in the route of the road are still known.

"When I come back, I will start building the road. Once the road is built, I will drive a donkey cart and take you to Tongshan to see the pool..."

Han Cheng stretched out his hand and rubbed Xuemei's head, and said aloud.

He picked up the small pea from the ground again, and despite the little guy's objection, he pierced it twice with hard stubble. Amid the protest of the small pea, Han Cheng shouted: "Go!"

Then haha ​​smiled and walked forward first...

The farewell people stood outside the courtyard wall and refused to go back until everyone's figure and the blue sparrow flag disappeared. Then, under the order of the witch, they gradually dispersed and did their own things.

Just as they were doing things, people would involuntarily look in the direction where Han Cheng and them had left.

The Son of God is different from others. When the rest of the people go out, everyone just feels a little concerned. Every time the Son of God leaves from the tribe, everyone feels empty, feeling insecure, and feeling unreliable...

And the witch who drove everyone to work, did even more excessively. This guy climbed directly onto the wall of the tribe and stood there looking towards Han Cheng and the others...

After Han Cheng took the people forward for a while, he slowed down and looked around as he walked.

From the Qingquezhu tribe to the Tongshan residential area, after several years of walking, the people of the Qingque tribe have already made a way out.

It's just that this road is for people and deer, and many places are very rugged.

Now we are preparing to build a road that can be used by donkey carts. Naturally, we can no longer follow this road that was stepped on at will.

To build a road between the two places, it is of course best to build a straight line if possible.

Between the two points, the straight line is the shortest. Han Cheng remembers this knowledge he learned in elementary school very clearly.

Fixing straight lines is not only comfortable to walk, but also saves time and labor.

However, Han Cheng can only think about such a road now, because it is not a Pingchuan from the Qingquezhu tribe to the Tongshan residential area. Under such circumstances, some places must be detoured.

For example, you need to avoid streams as much as possible.

Some places that are prone to flash floods and mountain landslides need to be bypassed.

In the case of taking all of these into consideration, try to be as straight as possible.

These things are easy to say but not easy to do.

Because there is no aerial photography at this time, and there is no high-definition satellite image.

If you want to figure out this terrain, all you can rely on is your legs and a pair of eyes.

And because of the shortage of people at this time, many places are growing forests, and it’s summer, when the trees are at their most dense and prosperous. The layers of shade not only increase the difficulty of viewing and surveying. Even the difficulty of walking forward has been greatly increased.

When encountering dense places such as thorns, you have to use the bronze axe, sickle, and saw you carry with you to open the way.

And because the branches and leaves are too dense, there are many places where to figure out the topography, you need to go there for a while.

During this process, I could see a lot of animals of all kinds, and even a tiger encountered one.

Fortunately, when he came this time, Han Cheng had already had a certain degree of psychological preparation, and brought out more than half of the adult dogs in the tribe, a total of 60 or 70!

These dogs in the tribe are different from those in later generations who were locked in a cage and barked so badly that they were forced to open the cage and face to face. These guys really dared to rush and do it.

After all, their ancestors, fortune generals, are real wolves, and apart from some differences from wild wolves in some places, their wild aura is very heavy.

In addition, there are many two-legged beasts around, and the courage in my heart is stronger, even if I meet a tiger, I dare to bark.

Even under the howling of the Fu general, there are some dogs who always want to wander behind the tiger's ass, looking wretched to learn from the second brother digging a tank.

In the face of so many fierce dogs, plus more than 20 adults of the Qingque tribe with weapons such as bronze ge, cane shield, and bow and arrow, even the tiger has been fleeing and dare not stay here. .

This is really too scary. If you continue to stay here, you will not only lose your life, but you may also lose your egg when you die and become a tiger that has never been complete...

For these dogs in the tribe, when facing the tiger, they wanted to show the skills of the next generations of the second brother to dig a tank. Han Cheng was very surprised when he looked at the tiger and felt relieved. I don’t know. Under the leadership of a serious master like himself, when did these guys learn such a wretched skill without a teacher?

Such doubts, until when Han Cheng was resting, he saw Fu Jiang and the following old adversary, Uncle Deer, who were in love and killed each other again. Uncle Deer continued to use antlers full of dead trees. , When facing Fu Jiang this dog’s pi shares back and forth, it is considered to be completely unlocked.

"I go!"

Han Cheng, who knew the truth, finally uttered a sentence to express his feelings after he twitched for a while.

Everyone says that regular training with opponents can promote self-improvement. Han Cheng has always believed in this sentence, and in the daily training of the tribe, Han Cheng has also implemented this concept from time to time. It will also let people in the tribe fight in groups to improve the fighting ability of the tribe.

But I didn't expect that the most outstanding of these was not the people in the tribe, but the blessed generals and his descendants.

During the practice with Uncle Deer, he abruptly comprehended the god-level skill of digging the tank!

It can be seen that Fu Jiang always used his horns to fight him when he was okay with Uncle Deer, how much resentment he must have...

Han Cheng, who is sweaty and unwilling to take off the rattan armour on his body, holds in one hand a simple writing board made out of a wooden board before leaving, and in the other hand holds a charcoal pen to write and draw on the paper on the writing board. .

These drawings have mountain peaks marked with triangle symbols, and some of the mountain peaks are also contoured by circles of irregular lines, creating the shape of the mountain...

This is Han Cheng drawing a topographical map based on his observations around him.

As for the contour lines, because there is no precise instrument, you can only observe with your eyes, and then roughly estimate and draw.

Fortunately, what needs to be built in the tribe is a relatively spacious dirt road, not really a road like the highway of later generations. This kind of imprecise drawing method can still be used.

After a long while, before finally recording the main terrain observed, Han Cheng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

After putting all these papers into a pocket made of whole animal skins and tying the mouth of the pocket tightly with a string, Han Cheng shook his sore wrist and stood up and stretched out. A lazy waist.

As he stretched his waist, he had already worn the rattan armor that he was used to, and at this time some places became a little bit ugly.

But even if he was a gang, Han Cheng couldn't easily understand it.

Now it’s not like the tribe, and it’s all barren mountains and ridges. These days, after seeing with his own eyes how many types of beasts can be encountered, Han Chengcheng decided not to walk along the road that was just taken before Before arriving at the Tongshan residential area, there was absolutely no plan to remove the rattan armor from his body.

Moreover, in this kind of walking, encountering thorns and other things is the most normal thing.

If there is no such a hard cane armor outside, not only the linen clothes worn inside will be torn into strips, but even the body will definitely be made many scars.

If you want to be unharmed, you can only choose to wrap your body with a layer of animal skin.

In such a season, it was so sour and sour when covered in a thick layer of animal skins to climb up and down in the wild, as long as Han Cheng thought about it, he refused.

In contrast, the more ventilated rattan armor is more comfortable to wear.

Touching the cane armour on his body, and then looking at the people around him who were a little embarrassed, Han Cheng couldn't help but sniffed.

In the absence of various things, it is so difficult to build a rural dirt road.

But it's not without benefits. At least in this era, you don't need to consider the demolition and relocation expenses, and you don't have to worry about encountering nail households with big mouths...

While Han Cheng and the others were slowly approaching the Tongshan residential area while exploring, the Feng tribe in the northwest of the Tongshan residential area also acted.

The old primitive man took the five people who had followed him to search for news about the evil Tengshe tribe, and once again set off from the tribe and headed towards the direction of the evil Tengshe tribe.

It’s just that, unlike the previous panic and the tragic determination to be caught and eaten, this time the old primitive man and the five other people who went with them, no longer have the anxiety before, on the contrary, they are still There are strong expectations.

Because the evil Teng Snake Tribe has been wiped out by the kind and powerful Blue Sparrow Tribe.

As long as I think of the very wealthy and kind-hearted tribe that lives in the weird cave, the old primitive people and others can't help but swallow.

Because they all thought of the food that was delicious enough to make people forget which tribe they were...

When all these things came to mind, the old primitive people couldn't wait to flutter their wings across the sky like the birds flying in front of them, and immediately reach the tribe.

Therefore, without further instructions from the old primitive people, these five people would go to the Tongshan residential area one by one, even more energetically than when they drove from the Tongshan residential area to their tribe.

The old primitive people went to the Tongshan residential area this time to get some delicious salt and precious pottery back.

The thing called salt, which is as pure and delicious as snow, has been welcomed by everyone in the tribe since it was brought back by them.

Now, if the people of the Wind Tribe don't eat food with salt, they will feel uncomfortable.

Under such circumstances, the salt that Junior Brother Sha gave them was naturally consumed quickly.

As for pottery, their tribe now only has one pot and three bowls.

Even though the people of their tribe have been injured in the past two years, such pottery is obviously far from enough for them to use.

Therefore, after a lot of entanglement, the leader of the wind tribe made the decision to let the old primitive people take the last few people to the Tongshan residential area again...

When Han Cheng and others who surveyed the terrain, and the old primitive people of the Feng tribe, respectively, marched from different directions to the Qingque tribe's Tongshan district, the Qingque master tribe also ushered in a group of distant people. The guests.


The people of the Huo tribe, who were holding the bamboo raft all the way up the river, could not help exclaiming when they saw the wall of the Qingque tribe standing on the hill from a distance.

These two people who exclaimed were two people who had never been to the Qingque tribe.

Nowadays, every year when people from the Fire Tribe bring cloth to the Qingque Tribe, in addition to the few people who have been to the Qingque Tribe before, there will always be a few people who have never been to the Qingque Tribe and ride the bamboo raft together. Come to this tribe that has been said by those who have been here to gain insight.

At this time, seeing these two people who had never been to the Qingque tribe, they looked at the wall of the Qingque tribe from afar and exclaimed. Those who had been to the Qingque tribe all showed their understanding. The smile is so refreshing in my heart, as if everything that appeared in front of me was built by them...

These people who have been to the Fire Tribe of the Qingque Tribe more than once began to explain some things about the Qingque Tribe to the people who were in a sluggish state while propping up the bamboo raft, as if they became primitives. Tour guide.

In the process of explaining these things, looking at the extremely surprised expressions on the faces of the tribesmen, these people felt extremely comfortable in their hearts.

"Ma! Ma!"

One of the people who came to the Qingque tribe for the first time pointed to the lush hemp on both sides of the river and said with excitement.

Hemp, salt, pottery... and so on. These things were created after Han Sung arrived or developed great effects. People from the Qingque tribe always use the correct words when introducing people from outside. In Mandarin.

These outsiders have much less ability to create vocabulary and translation than later generations.

Therefore, in the face of these new things, most of them follow the name of the Qingque tribe, using Mandarin.

Therefore, it is not surprising that some of the tones of Mandarin pops out from the primitive population that is very different from those of the Qingque tribe.

Such a situation is also normal, after all, it has always been exported with commodities and culture...

In the past few years, the people of the Huo tribe have used hemp and hemp cloth to exchange a lot of good things from the Qingque tribe, which greatly improved the life of their tribe, so even if they saw hemp before, Plants that you don’t care about have a special feeling. After seeing them, you will involuntarily associate them with pottery, salt, and yellow millet.

So at this time, after watching so much hemp on both sides of the river downstream of the Qingque tribe, I was so excited.

After screaming in such excitement, this person suddenly shut up and stopped speaking. Looking at the numbness, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Not because the amount of hemp here is amazing, but because they suddenly discovered that the hemp here is much stronger than that of their tribe!

This is really an extremely magical tribe, not only in other respects that they are far from, but now they are far behind in the matter of linen weaving that they are proud of. Green bird tribe.

This is really a surprising, but also a shocking thing...

For the arrival of the fire tribe, the Qingque tribe has long been used to it.

After all, the people of Fire Tribe have never stopped in these years.

For the fire tribe people, when they came to the tribe, they appeared to be surprised and a little cowered, and the people of the Qingque tribe were also not surprised.

Because most of the people who came to the outside of the tribe will show this look.

To this kind of reaction of these people, the people of the Qingque tribe did not show any mocking expressions, but some only understood friendly smiles.

When faced with so many magical things in their own tribe, it is normal for these people to have such a reaction.

Those people who have been between the Qingque tribe and the Huo tribe many times, have been pretending to be indifferent in front of the two companions who came to the Qingque tribe for the first time, and behaved like veterans. Now they finally can’t do it anymore. .

Because they discovered that this was only a year after they hadn't seen each other, and there were many more people in this tribe than when they came last time!

This is an extremely surprising change.

Thinking carefully about the changes in the Qingque tribe in the past few years, the surprise in the hearts of these fire tribes became even more triumphant.

I remember when I came to the Qingque tribe for the first time, although there were more people in the Qingque tribe than their tribe, there were not too many.

Now that several years have passed, the population of their tribe has also increased because of pottery and some food like millet they exchanged for the Qingque tribe, but they have not reached the terrifying speed of the Qingque tribe.

The leader of their own tribe, and they all felt very happy. Now that they came to the Qingque tribe and compared with this tribe, the joy immediately faded a lot, and even became more felt. Blow up.

The few people in the Fire Tribe didn't know the saying, "People are more dead than people, and they are thrown around." But at this time, they all had such a feeling, which was extremely strong.

Moreover, in addition to these, the people of the Qingque tribe have also accomplished many things during these hours.

Not to mention the rest, just this wall that has become more majestic and tall is enough to be worshipped!

The two Huo tribe people who came to the Qingque tribe for the first time saw the few people who often talked to them about the Qingque tribe. Now they were more surprised than them, and they couldn't help but sniff. I think these people's indifference before is pretended.

After really coming to this tribe, even he and the others are far inferior.

Among the people of these fire tribes, amidst the continuous surprise, Bai Xuemei, who was dressed in light linen with a slightly raised belly, walked out of the inner courtyard.

As the first person in the tribe to weave, every time someone from the Fire Tribe transports linen to trade, it is Xuemei Bai to check the quality of the linen of the Fire Tribe.

Seeing Bai Xuemei wearing sackcloth, those people from the Fire Tribe who often come to the Blue Sparrow Tribe to do business, were shocked by the amazing'Blue Sparrow Speed' and completely out of their body, all of a sudden, they came back to their bodies, seemingly Looking at the approaching Bai Xuemei nervously and nervously, she was even more nervous than facing a fierce prey.

It wasn't that they were surprised by the beauty of Bai Xuemei. In their eyes, Bai Xuemei, a relatively thin person, was completely indifferent to beauty.

The reason for such a big reaction is because every time it comes to trade things with linen, this woman who should have been from their tribe can feel uncomfortable to abuse them.

"This won't work, you can only replace half a jar with three spoons of salt at most..."

Just like now, after opening a roll of linen they had transported, Bai Xuemei carefully shook her head, expressing this meaning in the language of the Fire Tribe.

Those few people who come to deal with the Qingque tribe every year suddenly felt bitter, and they knew it would be like this...

They didn't say a word, and the two Huo tribe women who had followed the Qingque tribe's experience were somewhat quit.

Some of these linen cloths were woven by them themselves.

They remember very clearly that the last time these people used bamboo rafts to carry linen cloth to conduct a transaction, after returning, they were happy to tell them that a roll of this quality linen cloth can be exchanged for a jar of salt.

Therefore, in the subsequent weaving, they have become more serious, striving to weave cloth of this quality, and plan to use this to exchange more things for the tribe.

However, I did not expect that the linen cloth with the same high quality as last year's cloth can not be replaced with a jar of salt now!

How would they be willing when such a thing happened?

Immediately, I felt a little excited and questioned. While speaking, one or two words such as ‘burlap’, ‘salt’ and ‘jar’ would pop out of the words from time to time, which was very interesting.

The few people who often come here to do exchanges hurriedly took action to pull the two primitive females and told them not to speak.

It's just that it's too late, and these two people have come out regardless.

When fighting for benefits, most of the time, whether it is primitive people or later generations, they are equally brave.

When the two primitive women saw these male primitives pulling them, they didn't let them talk. They only thought that these people were scared, and their feelings for them disappeared.

I immediately made the decision to go back and never play with them on the bamboo raft anymore.

Not only on the bamboo raft, but also didn't drill the grass with them after returning.

Not only do they not drill with these people, but also don't let other primitive females in the tribe drill with them, because they are so brave!

Such a movement naturally alarmed the big brothers and the others who had been paying attention to the situation here. They immediately came over with the vine shield and the long Ge. Even some people guarding the wall also pulled towards this side. Opened a bow and arrow.

Dare to be so bitter to the people of the Qingque tribe in the Qingque tribe, and the subject is still taking people to weave a lot of linen cloth, and feed the silkworm silk, weave another kind of cool, very comfortable cloth next to the white snow Sister, and Bai Xuemei is still the fixed sleepy spouse of the respected **** son, this kind of thing is unacceptable to the people of the Qingque tribe.

These two primitive females who were not brave enough by the men in the tribe just now, after seeing such a battle, they suddenly couldn't get up brave. They looked at the big brothers and others who came with weapons, and their eyes were full. fear.

But fear is fear, and the yearning and goodwill that I had for the Qingque tribe before is nothing left at this time.

Because they felt that when the tribe was trading, it was really unfair!

Bai Xuemei smiled at the people waiting for the big brother, and then led the fire tribe people to visit the room where the Qingque tribe stored cloth...

After a while, Bai Xuemei came out of the room with a few members of the Fire Tribe.

Several people in the Fire Tribe were very silent, especially those two primitive females who were good at weaving in the Fire Tribe, and they looked even more desperate.

After seeing the linen cloth placed there by the Qingque tribe, and then looking at the linen cloth they and the others had obtained, they thought it was of very good quality. They felt that Bai Xuemei gave half a jar and three spoons of salt too much.


Primitive people are basically straight-tempered. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. Basically, there is no such thing as a duck who can't save face, knowing that he is wrong, and don't bow his head.

After the two hard-fought female primitive women of the Fire Tribe gradually recovered from this shock, they began to bow their heads to the primitive female who was nearly burned to death in their tribe.

The male primitive men of the Fire Tribe looked at this scene with a calmer expression, because this result was already in their expectations.

In fact, when they first started trading, their reaction was similar to the two primitive women.

But after experiencing such things twice in a row, when they encountered it again, their reaction was not strong.

Because they know that anyone who used to be their tribe, given this kind of exchange, is this powerful and magical tribe, and they have produced better quality linen...

With such an episode, the next transaction became extremely smooth.

This is not the first time that the two parties have exchanged. They are very familiar with the rules.

Even before the people of the Fire Tribe arrived, Big Brother Wu and others had already prepared what the Fire Tribe would exchange...

Two days later, the fire tribe who completed this year’s linen trade, holding a bamboo raft, set off from the small wharf built in front of the Qingque tribe, planted on the things they exchanged for most of their work, and went down the river. .

Looking at the tall tribe farther and farther away from them, these people in the Huo tribe were filled with reluctance, especially the two primitive females who came here for the first time.

Even they all came up with the same idea as the others who came to the outside of the Qingque tribe, that is, stay here and never leave.

Because this tribe is really as rich, generous and kind as these people say!

They have linen that is far better than the linen they woven, but they are still willing to exchange so many precious things for the linen they transported.

Moreover, the woman who was confronted by them and had a high status in this tribe, not only did not blame them, but also taught them how to weave linen better~www.NovelMTL.com~ how can this not make them feel good Moved?

Within the Qingque tribe, Bai Xuemei watched from a distance the people of the Fire Tribe who were holding the bamboo raft down the river, and finally disappeared, with a bright smile on her face.

Xuemei Bai was very happy to teach the women of the two fire tribes a better way of weaving.

Because of this, when the next year comes, your tribe can get a batch of higher-quality linen from the Huo tribe.

The weaving of linen cloth is very troublesome, and the manpower and material resources spent in this process are much higher than those of Qingque tribe making salt and pottery.

The salt produced by one person in the Qingque tribe can be exchanged for the linen cloth that can be woven by three people in the Huo tribe for ten days, or even longer...

Hancheng had calculated this account with Bai Xuemei before, and Bai Xuemei remembered it very clearly.

With this calculation, we can know how much advantage Qingque Tribe has taken in such a transaction...

As for the people of the Fire Tribe, will they surpass her own tribe in weaving, Bai Xuemei is not worried at all, because she has a better way of weaving.

After these people weave the linen cloth according to the method she taught and transport it, they will find it uncomfortable to find that the quality of the Qingque tribe's linen has improved again, and the cloth they woven is still not as good as the Qingque tribe's. Cloth, the value can only fall again...

It is said that girls are extroverted, this sentence is not fake at all, Bai Xuemei did not have the slightest softness when she started to treat the tribe she once lived.

Those who are near Zhu are red, and those who are near Mo are black. Under the influence of a bad **** child, Bai Xuemei, who was pure like a little white flower, is now far less pure than before.

Get rid of the "maiden family", without blinking your eyes...

(The liver doesn't move...)

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