I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 796: 1 difficult task that can be used as a family heirloom to pass down from generation to

(Reward for the Garden of Eden of Book Friends Books plus 3/5)

This conversion ratio is a bit too complicated for the old primitive people.

Han Cheng explained it to Miao Ting, and after confirming that Miao understood what he meant, he let Miao communicate it to the old primitive people.

Mao pointed to what was written on the wooden board and said that after seeing the old primitive people they still didn't understand for a while, he scratched his hair and led the old primitive people to walk towards the bronze highway that had been built for a certain distance.

Let the stone measure the length of one hundred meters with a ruler and circle it with lime powder, then point to this distance and point to a large spoonful of salt scooped out from the salt jar, and then said okay. After a while, let them understand that after building such a distance, they can get these.

After confirming that some of the old primitive people understood the exchange, Mao took out five more bowls, and then pointed to the five normal-sized pottery bowls and continued to convey to them in his way.

After gaining an understanding of salt, the old primitive people understand faster that they can buy five precious pottery bowls for building such a distance.

But even though it seemed that the old primitive people had already understood, Han Cheng asked Mao to show them again to make sure that they all understood.

Because he was worried that the old primitive people would understand it as constructing a 100-meter pavement, and they could get so many things at the same time.

If this is the case, then there may be misunderstandings in the future.

In fact, at the beginning, Han Cheng wanted to calculate according to the number of days, but after thinking about it, he changed to the current way of working more and earning more.

In this case, it may prevent some people from being lazy.

Although according to the upright character of these people, these people basically do not do this, but there is nothing wrong with taking precautions in advance.

The old primitive people looked at the salt jars, pottery bowls, and the yellow food on the side of the road, and then looked at the pavement that was circled with lime and seemed to be only a short distance away. They couldn’t help but put their eyes on it. Light.

They all know the deliciousness and usefulness of table salt and pottery. The old primitive people and the people of the other five wind tribes have also eaten that kind of yellow food. They are very impressed, especially this kind of food. The kind of dishes made by Shangqingque tribe is even more delicious.

These are all good things!

Now that they only need to build such a distance, they can get these things separately. It would be a strange thing for their eyes to not shine.

Even under the stimulation of these things, the old primitive people can't wait to start building roads one by one.

The old primitive man stretched out his left hand, and after looking at the fingers on his left hand for a while, he thought about it and stretched out his right hand again, extending both hands together, only then showed a satisfied smile.

He felt that with these people in the tribe, he could build as many roads divided into sections as there are fingers on two hands in one day.

After learning about the old primitive man's ambitions from the interpreter, Han Cheng, a smile appeared on his face.

When working out such a "salary table", Han Cheng referred to the speed at which his tribe built these roads.

On the premise that he is proficient in using various tools for road construction and is also proficient in building roads, his own tribe’s twenty adults can build at most one hundred and one hour a day when only building dirt roads. That's it.

Nowadays, in the two tribes of Feng and Linfeng tribes, one tribe has 22 adults, and the other has 25 people.

With this number of people, a tribe still wants to build a thousand meters a day, they really think they are all humanoid bulldozers and road rollers!

However, he thought so in his heart, but Han Cheng didn't let Mao tell the old primitive people these things. It is always good to have such ambitions...

Sometimes, if you don't work hard, you won't realize what despair is.

In the evening, looking at the old primitive people, they looked at the two sections of the road that were just more than half of the road just built. They looked unlovable. This kind of poison suddenly appeared in Han Cheng's mind. chicken soup.

Thinking about the old primitive people's ambitions before, and seeing how they seem to have lost all their dreams at this moment, Han Cheng feels that this poisonous chicken soup is quite reasonable...

When the old primitive people arrived on the first day, the place where they stayed was not well repaired. The adults rested in the courtyard of the Tongshan residential area that night, and the minors slept in the house of the Qingque tribe.

Because the doors and windows of the houses of the Qingque tribe are made of hessian and bamboo screens and curtains, mosquitoes run in, and they will be smoked with wormwood woven ropes, so there are basically no mosquitoes. The presence.

Lying on a flat, spacious tukang with a layer of cool bamboo mats underneath, with a soft fur on the belly to prevent cold, smelling the good smell of wormwood in the room after burning, Thinking back to the delicious food, the kind of food called'canned' that is so delicious that people will never forget, and the kind and kind smile of the noble **** son, these mixed wind tribes and neighboring wind tribes Adults only think that today’s experience is like a wonderful dream.

For the tribe that came here for the first time, they immediately fell in love with it.

As the night darkened, these minors gradually fell asleep in the sound of people sleeping outside beating mosquitoes with their hands from time to time.

For the first time in the summer, they were not bitten by mosquitoes, and they slept very peacefully. Some little guys did not know what good things were seen in their sleep, and they laughed out loud...

The old primitive people obviously also have the good qualities of being more courageous with frustration. Yesterday, they were all hit harder. They got up early this morning and ate two bowls of wild vegetables with two cold chopsticks. Millet porridge, after thinking about the salt that can be exchanged after the road is repaired, one by one becomes energetic again.

However, Han Cheng brought Mao and the others over and stopped the old primitive people.

Mao pointed to the long hair of the old primitive people, and then pointed to the short hair of himself and others, and began to communicate with them.

After such exchanges for a while, a scene like this appeared in the yard of the Qingque tribe——

Two members of the Feng tribe were sitting stiffly on the wooden pier, and their necks were surrounded by a piece of bare leather. The two members of the Qingque tribe held a wooden comb in one hand and a wooden comb in the other. Bronze scissors are cutting constantly.

With their movements, some hairs fell down one after another, and if a large glass mirror was set up in front of them, it would look more like a barbershop for later generations.

Beside them, the old primitive man who had changed a lot, and another person who had just cut his hair, kept touching their heads with their hands, with a strange look on their faces.

Shortening your hair is comfortable. Not only does it feel comfortable with your hands, your head becomes lighter and more importantly, it is cool!

You can experience the kind of refreshment that the wind blows on your scalp!

Seeing the old primitive people touching their heads with love and admiration, the rest of the people who were originally reluctant to cut their hair became tempted at this time.

Want to quickly experience the comfort of a short hair.

Even the female primitive people want to cut an inch like these male primitive people.

But such things were not allowed by Han Cheng.

Because a person with an inch head has a big breast, Han Cheng feels awkward just thinking about this situation.

Some of the women’s hair has also been cut off, but not too much has been cut, and the remaining hair is still going up from the waist.

Then, under the leadership of some female primitives in the Tongshan residential area, they went to the downstream of the stream to wash their hair.

The fragrant and smooth soap smells good, and it should taste delicious too.

The female primitives of the Feng Tribe and the Linfeng Tribe, who saw soap for the first time, swallowed at the soap.

There was even a primitive female who couldn't help but buckled some, secretly sent it into her mouth and chewed slowly, and then when she opened her mouth, bubbles came out of her mouth, and the people around her made a piece of it. Kind laughter.

Under the guidance of the women of the Qingque tribe, these primitive women understood the correct use of soap.

After dampening the hair with stream water, he took this fragrant and slippery thing and hit it on the hair, rubbing it for a while, and there was white foam on the hands.

These people who wash their hair with soap for the first time, look at the white foam in their hands, and then look up at the white clouds floating in the blue sky, all of them are surprised and full of faces. novel.

Through the novelty of the kind-hearted tribe, they actually took all the clouds in the sky in their hands!

After washing the hair, take the comb and start to comb it.

Women always have a natural kindness to combs. It is useless for the women of the Qingque tribe to demonstrate twice. People from these two tribes have already learned to use combs to comb their hair.

After the hair dries, start braiding by the stream.

The ungirls of the Wind Tribe have learned the skill of braiding under the guidance of the female primitive who has traveled to the Tongshan residential area of ​​the Qingque tribe three times.

The female primitive people of the neighboring wind tribe would not, standing there looked envious.

So, the women of the Qingque tribe came to weave for them. After the knitting, they used a head rope made of linen strips dyed red or yellow and tied a beautiful bow at the end, looking from a distance, It's like a beautiful butterfly fell on their hair, very beautiful.

These women with braids and beautiful bows looked at their reflections in the water, and they all looked a little dumbfounded.

In the past, they have been busy with life so that they never paid too much attention to their image.

Now, under the leadership of the kind-hearted Qingque tribe, they had freshened and dressed up, only to suddenly realize that they were actually so good-looking.

When they returned from the stream, these fresh-faced women walked back and laughed endlessly.

Although the language between them is not clear, some people speak Mandarin, and some people speak the simple and slurred language of the tribe, it is undeniable that the exchanges between the two parties are very cheerful.

Sometimes, it's so easy to establish feelings between women. A beautiful headband and a new style of hairstyle can greatly promote the feelings between them, and make them excited to talk about it for a long time.

This is true for both primitive and later women.

It's just that, relatively speaking, the happiness between primitive people accustomed to collective life is more pure and simple.

The minors of the two tribes also did the same thing.

When they went to the stream and took a bath with soap and hair, they all looked like they had changed.

Boys have short hair just like adult men.

The girls, after cutting their hair to the same ears, put on two croissants.

The end of the croissant braid is also tied with two bow knots with dyed linen.

As they ran, the curvy horn braids swayed, and the bow tied on it also danced up and down. It really looked like two bright butterflies lying on their hair and fluttering their wings. same……

The old primitive people looked at these laughing and running minors, and they were touched in their hearts.

They suddenly realized that these minors in the tribe are pretty.

Looking at them so happy at this time, and recalling them who were hungry and crying before, even the old primitive people find such a scene to look particularly comfortable, even more comfortable than eating delicious food. .

Han Cheng looked at this scene very comfortably.

This is not only because if you don’t speak, these people in the Wind Tribe and the Neighbor Wind Tribe seem to be no different from the people in your own tribe. More importantly, these people have become clean, no longer what they were before. That way, it's uncomfortable to watch.

"Take these out and burn them."

Han Cheng pointed to the pile of cut hair and said aloud.

There are no hair-removing people in this world, and Han Cheng naturally doesn't feel distressed at all if these cut hairs are burned out.

Moreover, even if these people are there, Han Cheng will also burn these hairs, because these cut hairs contain some indescribable and uncomfortable small animals...

In the morning, they had a bath and a haircut. In the afternoon, people from the two tribes continued to build and build. Han Cheng, Shishi and others served as technical guidance.

Because this is an extremely important road for the Qingque tribe, it was done with great care when it was built.

Someone in the front took out the grass roots and tree roots, and someone in the back shoveled the soil to level it.

These are not the most spectacular, the most spectacular are those who slammed the earth.

"One, two, three! Hey!"

"Come on! Hey!"

"Four, five or six! Hey!"

"Come on for meat! Hey!"

As the loud chants sounded, the stone piers bound by thick hemp ropes, as people's arms rise and fall, flying in the air, every time they fall, there will be a muffled sound, and the earth will follow. Shaking slightly.

The loose soil that had just been shoveled was dented a lot by the heavy stone piers.

The horn was made by Han Cheng.

When doing rammed earth and other tasks that require multiple people to work hard together, shouting not only does it raise energy, but it also allows everyone to work hard together to do the same.

It is a very good way.

It's just that the people of these two tribes have not yet learned to speak Mandarin. The people who call out are from the Qingque tribe. The people who ram the earth in these two tribes are only responsible for ‘hey’.

Looking at the long legs with blushing necks and thick chants, and the people of the Feng tribe who made the sound of "hey yee" and drove the stone pier to the sky, Han Cheng suddenly remembered using songs in future generations. The legend of the Phoenix who dominated the square dance...

After the road was rammed, it was not over yet. Someone behind was holding the donkey of the Qingque tribe, pulling the stone roller used for the grinding field and rolling back and forth...

When the people of these two tribes were building roads here, the trading team of the Qingque tribe, under the order of Han Cheng, walked a distance of almost fifteen miles and chose a The place is relatively flat and close to the road, clearing a piece of empty space.

Then, on this open space, use the felled wood and branches to imitate the semi-troglodyte houses of the semi-agricultural tribes to build houses here.

This is a shed built up.

The road built now is not too long, not far from the Tongshan residential area. These people can go back to the Tongshan courtyard to rest in the evening, and continue to work in the morning.

But when the road is built far away, running back and forth like this is unrealistic.

So Han Chenggong asked people to build a shed ahead of time to prepare for the future.

Otherwise, it is really unsafe to live at night in the wilderness outside.

Semi-agricultural tribes, semi-cavernous circular buildings, are simple to build, and they are most suitable for building temporary shelters.

Around the four round houses built, a small fence surrounded by branches and stumps.

The height is more than one meter.

Although it is lower, it can still play a defensive role.

When doing these things, there are people from the Wind Tribe and the Neighbor Wind Tribe watching and participating in it.

This was arranged deliberately by Han Cheng.

After all, they can't stay here for too long, nor can they build all the sheds they need along the way.

After they left, people from these two tribes needed to build the sheds.

As for this way of building houses will be learned by the people of these two tribes, Han Cheng is not worried at all, because this is not the core thing in the tribe.

The core of the tribe is farming.

Without adequate food support, it doesn't matter if this skill of building a house is learned by them.

Moreover, in Han Cheng's plan, people from these tribes can become their own people in time.

At this time, it doesn't matter to let them learn something like this in advance, because sooner or later they will all belong to a tribe.

Although this kind of domed semi-troglodyte house is far less majestic and tall than the kind of houses built of stones and wooden beams seen in the Tongshan residential area, it is very important for living in the cave and never For those two people who have never participated in the construction of houses, they still feel that they rely on their hands and some common materials to create this kind of "cavity" on the flat ground that can be used to live in. It's so novel, it can even be called a surprise.

After the completion of the construction, the two men looked at the igloos that appeared here and the fence made with branches around the hut, and then looked down at their hands. They couldn't believe these things were them and The people of this kind tribe built it with their hands...

On the premise that every one hundred meters of road built can get something from the Qingque tribe, the old primitive people naturally used the minors in their tribe.

These minors, of course, ramming the soil is not good, but it can be used to do some work such as cleaning the roots of grass roots.

However, Han Cheng did not let these minors participate in labor all day, but only for half a day.

I didn't idle for the rest of the day, but let them easily complete the measurement and circled the road-shaped stones with lime powder to teach them how to speak Mandarin and write.

Then, after letting the minors go back, the adults who taught their tribe said that they only need to speak Mandarin, and that the more difficult things like Chinese characters are not required.

The old primitive people saw the minors of their tribe living so happily in such a life. Although they felt a little distressed about the delayed life, they still held a very supportive attitude.

After these little guys came back, they always taught them to say something more sloppy in this tribe, which made the old primitive people quite painful.

After the kind-hearted **** son said, let these minors follow the stone to learn this, the Qingque tribe can provide these minors with half of the food subsidy every day, the old primitive people who did not have much objection, they also It becomes even less objectionable.

Seeing these two tribesmen who have the same hairstyles as his own tribe, are working hard for his tribe, and are gradually learning to speak his tribal language, Han Cheng's mood becomes very wonderful.

When alone in a place where people can't see, Han Cheng's face will show some wretched smiles from time to time, looking like a fox that stole a chicken.

Looking at these people who seemed to be a little blunt speaking Mandarin, Han Cheng suddenly had the idea of ​​how good it would be if all the tribes could speak Mandarin.

In this case, afterwards, the descendants of future generations will not be tempted to death by other external languages.

This is indeed a very good idea. Han Cheng thought with his chin in his mind. A blonde and a snow-white man appeared in his mind. After meeting with a black man who seemed to have just burned out of charcoal, he shook hands enthusiastically. We greeted each other in pure Mandarin, and then talked enthusiastically, and in the process, a few words such as'Your uncle' were suddenly produced, which suddenly felt very beautiful.

However, for such a thing to happen, the difficulty coefficient is more than ten times greater than that of growing rapeseed into real Chinese cabbage.

This is not just a series that is difficult to complete in his lifetime, even if you count Xiao Wandou, and Xiao Wandou's sons and grandsons, it is a bit mysterious.

This is an endless task that can be passed on as a family heirloom!

Han Cheng took the sorrow and trade with them, and stayed here for another seven days. Seeing that some things had already been decided, and the rest only needed to be done step by step, there would be no problems, so he explained to Junior Brother Sha and the others. Things that need attention, prepare to leave from here and return to the tribe of Green Sparrow.

This time they came out in a short time.

However, the high-end technician Shishi needs to stay. He is mainly responsible for the measurement of the road and the outline of the road for the people of the two tribes to build.

At the same time, the people of these two tribes will be kept in mind, and when they need it, they will be given their ‘salaries’.

The roads built by these two tribes must also be checked on the quality.

In addition to these three things, there is another important task, which is to continue to teach these minors to learn Mandarin and Chinese characters.

He is no stranger to teaching these things, and he is very good at it, because when he was in the main tribe, he often made these things. Later, most of the people who joined the Qingque tribe were taught by the stones to speak Mandarin. .

Regarding Han Cheng and the others' departure, Junior Brother Sha, the people in the Tongshan residential area, seemed very reluctant.

Because these days when the Son of God is there, they feel very at ease and a sense of security. It is a feeling of self-reliance and cannot be replaced by the blue bird flag.

Not only them, but the old primitive people who were hired to build roads for the Qingque tribe, when they learned that Han Cheng and they were about to leave the Tongshan residential area and go to another place of residence in the tribe, they also showed some dismay. And flustered.

These days, they have become accustomed to the existence of this kind **** son.

With the Son of God, everything will be arranged in an orderly manner...

More reluctant than them are the minors of the two tribes.

After all, during this period of time, Han Cheng was the member of the Qingque tribe who had come into contact with them the most except Stone.

And when it's okay, I will take them to some games or open a can of canned food.

Treat them very kindly.

Here in Han Cheng, these minors have experienced something they have never experienced before.

Therefore, it would be strange if they were willing to get Han Cheng to leave here.

Some older minors couldn't help but wipe their tears there.

They who had migrated with the tribe before, thought that Han Cheng would never come back this time, and they would never see the respected son of God again.

After learning the thoughts of these little guys, Han Cheng's nose was also sour, and while helping them wipe the tears, he smiled and comforted them.

"At the time I will come over, we can still see, and after the road is repaired, from here to our other place of residence, it will become very close. If time comes, if you want to see me, follow Just keep going along this road and that's it."

Trade General Han Cheng translated the meaning of these words to them. Those minors who understood Han Cheng's meaning felt much better in their hearts.

After staying here for a while, Han Cheng led the trade team and set off from the Tongshan residential area, along a road built for more than three miles, towards the location of the Green Bird tribe.

The minors from these two tribes and the old primitive people, along with Junior Brother Sha and the people from the Tongshan residential area, arrived at the end of the road.

Staying here under Han Cheng's repeated persuasion, looked at Han Cheng and the others as they were drifting away.

Until the blue bird flag floating in the breeze gradually disappeared from the field of vision, the crowd slowly dispersed, each doing its own thing.

These minors who have lived in the Tongshan residential area for a period of time and spent a carefree life~www.NovelMTL.com~ all became a lot quieter this morning.

With a sullen face and tools in his hand, he is doing road construction seriously.

They want to repair this road as soon as possible, so that they can go to another place to see the respected son of God.

This is what the Son of God said, and the Son of God never lied to them. These days, the things the Son of God said to them have all been realized, and this time it will be no exception!

It's not just them, but the old primitive people have to be more energetic than before when they build the road, and they are also more serious.

Because they were also somewhat reluctant to leave the Son of God, and they also wanted to visit another place where the Son of God lived.

These days, they also learned some news about another place of residence in some tribes.

Knowing that there are taller walls, more friendly people, more delicious food...

And they, as long as they can build this road, they can go over and take a look...

Time flies quickly, when Han Cheng started planning to build the bronze highway, it was only early summer.

And now, when everything is on track, midsummer has quietly passed, and the breath of autumn has come.

When walking on the road, occasionally some yellow leaves fall from the trees, like flowers and butterflies.



A group of wild ducks with a touch of green hair on their heads were startled by the movement made by Han Cheng and the others, quacked, incited their wings to flutter and flew in the distance, leaving a place of panic.

Han Cheng stopped and looked at the wild ducks that fell into the water after flying away with a thoughtful expression on their faces.

This was not because he suddenly wanted to catch all these green-headed wild ducks and eat roast duck, but because he thought of some other things related to this place.

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