I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 801: Vine shield with long fangs


As Han Cheng got up and went to the window, there was not too much noise outside, but it was still very rhythmic.

With curiosity and doubt in his heart, Han Cheng came to the window and looked out quietly.

The entrance is a bright moonlight, and the shadows of the houses and trees cast on the ground.

The inner courtyard was quiet, and nothing was unusual.

Han Cheng frowned slightly, then began to move slowly in front of the window, changing angles to look outside.

After a while, when he walked to the westernmost side of the window, he put his head on the side of the window, and looked as far as possible to the east, only then did he see some different scenes.

Under the bright moonlight, a figure draped in the moonlight stood in a place in the yard, holding a big wooden plank in his hand, hitting a wooden stake planted there.

With every impact he made, there would be a modest ‘pop’.

Han Cheng has already recognized this person who behaves strangely, it is the big brother.

He held it on the wooden stake without much effort, but hit the rattan shield.

After seeing this scene, Han Cheng couldn't help but sighed slightly, and then grabbed his hair.

He understands the feelings of the big brother, and it is precisely because of his understanding that he wants to think of a way to solve this matter with the best of both worlds.

It's just that there are so many ways to get the best of both worlds in this world? There are many trade-offs.

It really didn't happen, so I told the big brother not to rectify the Vine Shield team.

Judging from the current situation, even if rectification is not carried out, it is not easy for the tribes they encounter to gain any advantages over their tribes in terms of arms and equipment.

But this method is also a bit mysterious.

It’s not because Han Cheng could not make this determination or make this decision, but according to his understanding of the big brother, after knowing that the Vine Shield and the Vine Shield team are already tasteless for the current tribe, even if he said it himself If you keep the Fujishield team, the big brother himself will not agree.

As the first group of people in the entire tribe, and also the leader of the tribe, the big brother, who is usually not public, has no less love and contribution to this tribe than the rest.

He even loves this tribe more than Han Chengdu.

Han Cheng sighed secretly again. He didn't go out directly to persuade and condone the big brother. At this time, going out to talk to the big brother would only make him embarrassed.

Moreover, sometimes such hurdles can only be overcome on their own, and the rest cannot help much.

Han Cheng stood here and watched for a while, then quietly returned to the Kang.

Lie there with eyes open and continue thinking about things.

The faint ‘bang’ sound outside didn’t know when it stopped, but Han Cheng’s mind was still the picture of the big brother under the moonlight carrying a shield and hitting the stakes, lingering.

Han Cheng, who didn't know how long it took, seemed a little confused, suddenly brightened his mind.

Just now, he suddenly realized a misunderstanding about shields!

This misunderstanding is that the shield has always been treated as a defensive weapon before, but it has forgotten that shields can be used to attack people!

For example, just now the big brother is holding a shield in his hand and hitting a pile, which is a way to attack with a shield.

It's just that because the outside of the shield is too flat, even if it hits someone, the damage is far less than the damage caused by these sharp weapons such as bronze ge.

Therefore, whether it is Han Cheng or the big brother who often uses Vine Shield, he subconsciously ignores that Vine Shield can be used not only for defense, but also for attack.

Now that Han Cheng realized this, the problem that had plagued him for a long time before was solved at once!

Since the damage caused by the vine shield hitting the body is too small, it is because the outer side of the vine shield is too flat, so what about making the outer side of the vine shield not so flat?

For example, you can install some four or five centimeters long bronze spikes on the outside of the vine shield, and people with strong power can install more on the shield in their hands.

With the existence of these bronze thorns, then use this shield to hit people...

Han Cheng thought about that scene, and shuddered involuntarily.

If there are enough bronze thorns on the shield and the enemy is hit by such a shield, after such a blow, wouldn't the person who was hit become a sieve?

Pour down a scoop of water, and then leak water around like a shower...

In this way, these vine shields become a weapon for both offense and defense!

And compared to the armor worn on the body, the vine shield still has a certain advantage.

That is, once such a shield is connected together, a wall can be erected in front of the army immediately, and it is still a wall that moves forward like a hedgehog!

Because the Blue Sparrow Tribe did not have armor at the beginning when the rattan shield was made, so in order to maximize the defensive ability of the rattan shield, the rattan shield was made as high and wide as possible.

This created the current appearance of the vine shield of the Blue Sparrow tribe-the person carrying the vine shield only needs to bend down slightly, and the whole person can be completely covered by the vine shield.

Such a shield formation is very difficult to decipher on weekdays, and now the vine shield is equipped with bronze thorns...

As long as he thinks about the scene of the continuous line of barbed shield walls advancing quickly towards the enemy, Han Chengcheng feels a little helpless for the future enemies of the Qingque tribe...

After thinking of such a method, Han Cheng's whole body became excited.

He thought that at this time, he went out to find the senior brother and told him the good news, but after listening carefully, the sound of hitting the stake with the rattan shield in the yard did not ring anymore, and he went to the window and looked out for a while. Did not see the figure of the big brother, it is estimated that he has returned to the room to sleep.

At this time, the night is already very deep, and the harvest of autumn grain will continue tomorrow.

During the day, heavy labor is being carried out. If you can't sleep well at night, people will easily be unable to carry it.

For the sake of Senior Brother's health, Han Cheng decided to wait until tomorrow before talking to Senior Brother about this matter.

Han Cheng lying on the kang again, lying there thinking about these things.

The entangled things in his heart have now been solved very well, and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep...

"God, disband the Vine Shield team..."

The next morning, Han Cheng had just gotten up, before he had time to wash, the senior brother came over.

And without waiting for Han Cheng to say something, he took the initiative to talk to Han Cheng about disbanding the Vine Shield team.

The big brother's eyes were bloodshot, and his spirit also seemed a little sluggish. At first glance, he didn't sleep well at night.

If the big brother came to say this before last night, Han Cheng would still feel uncomfortable, but now, it won't be uncomfortable at all.

"The Vine Shield team does not need to be disbanded."

Han Cheng said to the big brother with a smile on his face.

The big brother was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately reacted.

This is because the son of God saw himself so uncomfortable, so he changed his decision.

But with armor, the vine shield really doesn't need to exist.

The big brother who realized this, his red eyes were now even redder.

"God, it's okay, disband..."

The big brother said to Han Cheng with red eyes and a smile, with a very firm attitude.

Looking at the state of the big brother at this time, Han Cheng basically understood what the big brother thought of.

"No, I thought of a way to make the vine shield better, which can also make the vine shield very lethal!"

Han Cheng said to the big brother with a smile.

The big brother, who was still very determined, suddenly stopped being determined.


After a while, he looked at Han Cheng with surprise and some suspicion, and asked aloud.

Immediately reflected the improper behavior of his own.

In terms of major events, the Son of God has never made a mistake in these years, and now the Son of God says that if there is a way, then there must be a way.

Although I have been thinking of a solution these days and haven't gotten it, my own wisdom is obviously different from that of the Son of God.

"of course it's true!"

With a smile, Han Cheng stretched out his hand to hold the big brother to his mouth, and said that he had flopped away, and said with great certainty.

"Just cast some bronze thorns with sharp front and thick back and install them on the outside of the vine shield..."

As soon as Han Cheng's words were spoken, the bloodshot eyes of the big brother suddenly lit up!

As a person who uses rattan shields a lot and has not yet used rattan shields to hit people, he quickly realized that once he really did what the **** child said, put some sharp bronze thorns on the outside of the shield, the rattan shield What a powerful attack power it will have!

Seeing the big brother standing with surprise on his face, Han Cheng felt very happy in his heart and turned around to wash, leaving the big brother who had been overthinking for a while and let him be here for a while.

"God... Son of God, this is really possible!"

"Put the vine shield with bronze thorns, I took the vine shield and bumped forward..."

In weekdays, there are not too many big brothers, and at this moment, he has completely become a talker.

Han Cheng squatted there while brushing his teeth while holding a cup, he followed Han Cheng's body, talking excitedly.

There he was talking about all the benefits of the vine shield with bronze thorns he could think of. Even though Han Cheng, who was squatting there, brushing his teeth, didn't say a word, the older brother was still more excited.

"God, I'm going to cut millet!"

Han Chenggang, who had finished washing, wanted to say something about this shield to the big brother. The excited big brother shouted at Han Cheng, turned around and ran away like a wind.

In this state of being resurrected with blood, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile.

After solving this matter, the Qingque tribe's autumn harvest was left with tired joy.

Han Cheng got up a little late. After washing, he fed the chickens, ducks, geese, and rabbits raised in the yard again. The people who got up and went down to harvest the millet came back with a sickle.

The tribe’s rice is also ready at this time, the thick millet porridge that can't be poured with chopsticks, and some dishes with cool notes, and one person eats half of the sliced ​​salted egg, which is light but appetizing.

After breakfast, everyone who took a break went to the ground again. Han Cheng did not stay in the tribe this time. He put on a straw hat and went to the ground with everyone, walking into the field full of hope and harvest...


Night fell once again, covering the surrounding fields, and the round above the sky became fuller and the moon appeared as scheduled.

Under the silvery white moonlight, the big brother held the vine shield that had been fitted with ‘fangs’ in his hand, and slammed into the grass man wrapped in leather in front of him.

The animal skin only blocked it a little, and the sharp bronze thorn on it had already penetrated.

When the big brother removed the vine shield, which was almost flush with his neck, all the onlookers around came to watch.

Looking at the five holes pierced out of the grass man, and then at the vine shield that shone with some cold light in the moonlight, the onlookers couldn't help but breathe in cold air.

Encountering such an enemy who can't move and possesses a strong common attack power, it will really make people desperate!

Even some of the Long Ge team wanted to join the Vine Shield team.

The people in the cane shield team looked at the cane shield with fangs, and they all looked eagerly, and they wished to put these things on the cane shields they used now.

"When the autumn harvest is over and all the grain is collected in the warehouse, I will start casting more bronze thorns and install all the rattan shields..."

Han Cheng announced to everyone, there was an excited response like a howling wolf...

With such a thing as the motivation to transform the Vine Shield, everyone who was already very active became more active at this time, especially the people of the Vine Shield team, each of them is like a chicken blood...

Under the efforts of everyone, the millet in the field is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the threshing floor, hills composed of grain poles have piled up.

The granary in the tribe quickly became full...

When more than half of the millet was harvested, the new peas planted this year had matured.

So Han Cheng split a group of people to harvest this kind of new grain.

Han Cheng has high expectations for these peas.

The days are in such a hectic, passing day by day, waiting until the Qingque tribe has harvested all the grain, took care of them, and dried them into the warehouse. It was already more than a month later.

In the autumn harvest that lasted for more than a month, the people in the tribe lost a circle, but in contrast, after the old granary in the tribe was fully filled, the two rows of newly constructed granaries were filled. .

The grain cellar was built last year, and after this winter, you can finally store grain in it!

When the grain entered the warehouse, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

What's going on is easy. You only need to harvest the hemp that has already begun to fall leaves, bundle them into a bunch and pack them in the hemp pond for good retting. Basically, you can live together.

As soon as the work in the ground was completed, some people wanted to continue to build the bronze highway. They were more industrious than Han Cheng, who came from later generations.

Han Cheng didn't agree, but forcibly gave the people in the tribe a three-day holiday to let everyone have a good rest.

After all, human beings are human beings and cannot be used as animals. A certain amount of rest is still very necessary.


It’s not the most terrible thing to treat people as animals, the most terrible thing is to treat animals as people...

After the three-day long vacation began, the Qingque tribe, who had been busy for more than a month, suddenly became relaxed and comfortable.

In such free days, people either go to the open-air bath to take a bath, or trim their long hair.

Some people who can't stay idle carry baskets to pick the ripe fruits.


Those duck eggs picked up from the future wild duck post have been hatched by drunk old roosters.

Successfully promoted to mother duck, it led a group of ducklings in a specially constructed duck house. From time to time, they would peck some food they found from the ground and put them back on the ground, tilting their heads and screaming. .

And once it makes such a cry, the group of godsons who crossed the species hatched by it will fly towards it with their short legs, like small velvet **** rolling on the ground, and then go Grab food.

When someone approached the duck house, this guy would squat on the ground with his wings half-spread and fluffy feathers.

The ducklings scattered around will scream in panic, and quickly get under the wings of the old rooster, seeking shelter from this special mother duck.

Some naughty ducklings will also drill a small head from under the feathers of the rooster, and novelty looks at the surrounding scenery with some natural dullness.

These little ducks, and the chickens next door, Han Cheng has not released them for free activities in recent years.

In this regard, these guys have less IQ than dogs, and they don't understand the profound truth of not being able to urinate and urinate anywhere.

On the other hand, Han Cheng worried that once they were released, they would never come back again...

On the outer wall, there are people wearing hats and leather gloves, holding bamboo knives and cutting down the hive.

Four or five meters away from them, there were some minors who were sucking their fingers, staring at the cut honeycomb, eager to share some food.

No matter how sweet the taste is, it makes people not eat enough.

It's just that compared to the population of the tribe, the honey nowadays is still too small.

A person cannot eat it several times a year.

For the sweet taste, many people are very yearning, especially children.

Han Cheng still remembers the taste of that fruit candy bitten in half as a child.

She swiped the fruit candy on her head back and forth in her mouth, listening to the crash of the candy cubes and teeth, the taste buds were stimulated by the sweet taste, the joy and satisfaction are really fresh in my memory.

In the era when Han Cheng was a child, children were still rare in candy, let alone the minors of the Qingque tribe.

Although life in the tribe is pretty good today, it is still much simpler than when Han Cheng was a child. At least in terms of snacks, it is far inferior to Han Cheng when he was a child.

Han Cheng had sugar cubes, melon seeds, spicy noodles, instant noodles, bubble gum, popsicles, wow haha...

The tribe now has nothing that can be called snacks except for canned food and some honey and jerky that they don't often eat.

Seeing the underage children in the tribe staring at the cut honeycombs drooling, Han Cheng sniffed, no matter how hard it is to suffer!

Sunflower seeds, spicy strips, and wow haha ​​Han Cheng didn't have the skills to make them. Popsicles could not be made without a refrigerator or high-purity saltpeter.

But you can still try something like fruit candy.

Although he hadn't done this before, Han Cheng felt that it was necessary to give it a try after seeing these minors in the tribe staring at the hive with greedy eyes.

Even if it is unsuccessful, at best some fruit and time will be wasted.

The tribe nowadays is no longer in the state of being unable to open the pot and relying on autumn harvest and storage in winter to survive. Some fruits are still wasted.

As for time...

What Han Cheng lacks most now is time.

Not to mention the rest. Without cell phones, computers, and these three things, Han Cheng can spend a lot of free time every day~www.NovelMTL.com~ Do whatever it takes. Procrastination is not a primitive style.

After making this decision, Han Cheng stepped to the other side of the tribe.

There, some people are peeling some of the fruits they picked, and preparing to boil canned food after washing.

Under Han Cheng's leadership, relying on his hands to build the tribe a little bit to the look that many tribes are admired today, the people of the Qingque tribe basically understand a truth.

That is, a good life can't wait. Only by relying on hands to work can we have more and better things and make the tribe better day by day.

So this has gradually developed a habit that many people can't take off.

Although Han Cheng said that he would take a three-day short holiday, many people in the tribe were still doing some things after bathing, haircuts and shaves.

For example, picking fruits and boiling canned food.

In their opinion, these things are not tiring.

Han Cheng said it several times, and they all smiled and said they were all right and not tired.

Facing a tribe with such good habits, Han Cheng could only helplessly let him go.

"Give me this pot of fruit, cut it into small pieces with a knife."

Han Cheng pointed to one of the pots of peeled fruit and said to these people.

For Han Cheng's words, these people naturally heard them, and immediately cut the fruits into small pieces according to Han Cheng's requirements.

After cutting like this for a while, someone curiously asked what to do to cut these fruits into such small pieces.

Because in the past, when the canned food was cooked, at most, the fruit was cut into four pieces. Now the son of God wants them to cut these fruits into pieces like this. Could it be a small piece of canned food?

"Rather than making canned food, I want to try to make a kind of food called fruit candy. If it is made, it will be very sweet and delicious."

Han Cheng explained to them with a smile.

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