If this sect leader says that he is busy, then don’t ask me what he is busy with.

As long as you know I'm busy, you insist on asking...

This sect leader has to make it up for you on the spot, which is very troublesome.

——Taken from the Supreme Holy Demon of Heaven and Earth, Chapter 2171 of "My Diary" by Demon God Zhang

Stone tribe's residence.

Sect Leader Zhang Da took a detour.

Just in case, during the last stretch of the journey, even Sect Master Zhang had to get off the carriage himself, walk through the trail, and walk.

It has to be said that Sect Leader Zhang Da has not traveled such a long distance for a long time.

It’s been a long time since I’ve acted so secretly.

Hey, in order to save the human race and defeat the gods, this sect leader has really paid a lot!

This sect master feels wronged, but this sect master won’t say anything!

Entering the Stone Clan's residence, Sect Leader Zhang did not receive a warm welcome.

It turns out that when I saw my sect leader, the leader of the Stone Clan rushed over to flatter him.

What's going on today? I'm holding my head high, looking like a dead person.

Sect Master Zhang is also a person with a temper.

Seeing the appearance of the leader of the Stone Clan, Sect Leader Zhang D said loudly: "It seems that the Stone Clan doesn't welcome us very much!"

The leader of the Stone Clan stood in the distance and said equally loudly: "Lord Tianzhu. It's not that we don't welcome you, it's just that you have written too much about the Stone Clan!"

Sect Master Zhang understood it as soon as he heard it.

Spreading rumors makes people anxious.

Also, Lao Li and the others have not learned well over the years. In addition to making pornographic rumors, they still make pornographic rumors.

Although it looks pretty good!

However, the level doesn't improve much and the story doesn't completely stand out.

Literary speaking...well, not literary at all.

From an artistic point of view... well, it has nothing to do with art.

Anyway, in addition to offending people, it means offending people.

Hey, if I had known earlier, I should have let Lao Li relax a little.

I really didn’t think about it that much.

But it doesn't matter, face this situation.

Sect Leader Zhang Da also has a universal method.

That is, with a sharp look in his eyes, a slight snort, and then he put his hands behind his back and asked in a condescending tone: "I thought the Stone Clan had shrewd people with foresight and wisdom. I didn't expect that even this small situation could not be seen clearly. ? Do you still need me to explain this to you? "

That's right, Sect Master Zhang's method is to bluff.

Don't ask whether this trick is easy to use or not. Sect Leader Zhang Da has relied on this trick over the years.

It couldn’t be easier to use!

He believed that even smart people like Yang Shuo, Lao Li, and Lao Tu would fall into this trap.

With these stone heads in front of them, it would be a ghost if they didn't get tricked.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Sect Leader Zhang D, the face of the leader of the Stone Clan suddenly changed.

What he was thinking about at the moment was entirely the clan leader's warning.

The clan leader actually guessed it accurately.

It seems that Lord Tianzhu has indeed fallen into a trap.

Immediately, the leader of the Stone Tribe stepped forward quickly, showing his usual enthusiastic face again.

Holding Master Zhang's hand, he said: "Master Tianzhu, please don't be angry. I didn't think about it for a while. After Master Tianzhu just pointed me out like this, I finally figured it out. It's still your method, Master Tianzhu." Gao Ming, the brats from other clans have fallen into the trap!”

Sect Master Zhang raised his eyebrows slightly.

Look, look.

I don’t know who fell into the trap.

This trick is still easy to use, and the bluff is successful in one go.

But what exactly do you want to understand? Can you tell me about it? I am sure that I will deceive you later.

Oops, why can't you talk more?

Sect Master Zhang has never liked others talking too much, but today he sincerely hopes that the leader of the Stone Clan can talk more.

It's a pity that the leader of the Stone Clan is also a stone-headed man, and he stopped talking even half of the words, which made Sect Leader Zhang scratch his head somewhat.

Yang Shuo was also a little anxious.

He was not surprised to hear the sect leader's layout, but he was surprised how the leader of the Stone Clan guessed it.

This is not right!

He follows the sect master every day, but he has not yet guessed the sect master's specific plan, and he only knows a rough idea.

On the other hand, the leader of the Stone Clan changed his face so quickly, as if he had really followed the clan master's thoughts.

This is a bit unreasonable!

Can you tell me what's going on?

Yang Shuo frowned at the leader of the Stone Clan. This old boy really didn't want to talk anymore.

Take Sect Leader Zhang Da into the center of the residence.

Only then did Sect Master Zhang see that there was more than one piece of strange sand and stone in the Stone Clan's camp, but at least seven or eight at a glance.

Lao Li’s sales are good!

Wait a minute, something is wrong. When Lao Li reported it to him, he didn't say that one clan could be sold for so many pieces.

This guy must be greedy again!

You have to squeeze out his oil and water when you go back.

"Come on, eat, hurry up!"

After sitting down with Sect Leader Zhang Da, the leader of the Stone Clan hurried up to Ten Luo to eat.

He didn't know anything else, but he knew that the Tianzhu clan was delicious.

He still remembered the time he neglected Lord Tianzhu. This mistake cannot be made again.

Sect Master Zhang looked at the large amount of food being served this time and nodded with satisfaction.

In the days behind, the pigs even more excitedly made pig noises, and then began to devour and eat wildly.

The leader of the Stone Tribe glanced at them when he heard the sound. When he saw this group of guys of similar size, very powerful, and terrifying auras starting to eat like crazy, he knew that these must be the remaining Tianzhu.

It seems that the Lord Tianzhu in front of him should still be a clan leader.

The leader of the Stone Clan listened carefully, and sure enough, Sect Master Zhang nodded and said, "That's right. I am the clan leader now."

Immediately, the leader of the Stone Clan stood in awe.

He had heard of the legend that the Tianzhu clan fought against the gods and swallowed the True God alive.

If this is true, then the patriarch in front of him, who has inherited the inheritance of the Celestial Clan, is not a proper half-god.

It just lacks the altar to transform the divine body and the divine fire to temper the soul.

"Lord Tianzhu, forgive me for my blindness. I really didn't know that you were still the leader of the clan. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. How do you plan to help our Stone Clan defeat other clans this time? Do you need us to do anything?"

The leader of the Stone Tribe finally asked the key question.

The key to this critical question is that it is very critical.

And Sect Master Zhang didn’t want to answer this key.

After a pause, Sect Master Zhang Da was silent for a while, then replied: "There are some things that are not good to talk about now. Let's wait until the gods of your Stone Clan arrive to talk about it."

Zhang Dazong was careless and wanted to get over first.

He came to instigate a war between the gods, not to actually help the Stone Clan fight.

So mention the gods first and postpone the words later.

But what Sect Master Zhang didn't expect was just after he finished speaking.

The leader of the Stone Clan looked strange and said, "I still can't hide anything from you, Master Tianzhu. How did you know that the leader of our tribe has arrived? Respectfully greet me, leader!"

The leader of the Stone Tribe lowered his head, and sand and stones immediately gathered around him.

Zhang Dazong advocates a big mouth.

What does it mean?

The gods have arrived?

Hey hey hey, you told me earlier, this sect leader is not prepared at all. (End of chapter)

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