Chapter 556: The Glory Inheritance of the Ma Clan

Chapter 354 The Glory Inheritance of the Ma Clan

weakness? Are there still three?

Zhong Yao’s eyebrows were covered with question marks, and he asked with interest. “Sir, can you tell me in detail?”

“Of course…” Yi Xiaotian chuckled, then narrowed his eyes and spoke in detail. “Ma Teng’s father is Ma Ping, a native of Maoling who helped the wind, once served as a Tianshui Lan lieutenant, and later lost his official position and lived in Longxi, Liangzhou. Married a Qiang woman and gave birth to his son Ma Teng!”

Yi Xiaotian first gave a detailed account of Ma Teng’s fathers…

Zhong Yao muttered in his heart, he also knew it, because Life was in the Qiang all year round and was not closely connected with the big man, so the four words “loyal to the emperor and patriotic” did not penetrate into his bones, in order to instigate him, no Are you idiotic about dreams?

Just thinking of this, Yi Xiaotian’s voice continued.

“It seems that from the perspective of this relationship alone, Ma Teng does not seem to return to the court, to the Han Dynasty, let alone to Cao Cao… He should be used to a local warlord, delusional to dominate one side… But…”

Speaking of this, Yi Xiaotian suddenly got up, and he waved his hand gently.

“Few people know that the Ma clan is full of loyalty. Their ancestor was General Fubo Ma Yuan. After Wang Mang usurped power, the humorous minister of the ZTE Han clan, and the brilliant Si One word-‘loyalty to the emperor and patriotism’! With this relationship, Ma Teng will not rebel, let alone ruin the loyalty of the Ma family’s ancestors.”

Hmm… General Fubo Ma Yuan? Ma Teng is actually a descendant of Ma Yuan?

Zhong Yao was a little surprised, this news, this information…it was the first time he knew about it.

Huh…Zhong You sighed lightly, and his brows were also raised, although his eyes were still unbelievable, but if what the young man said was true, then…then there might not be no chance to rebel against the horse. Ah!

After all, General Fubo Ma Yuan’s reputation for being “loyal to the emperor and patriotic” is too loud. If it is not a last resort, how can his descendants be willing to betray the court and become the name of this rebel?

Faintly, Zhong Yao feels that there is a play, and it is worthwhile to rebel against Ma Teng!

and many more.

Zhong Yao suddenly thought of something.

…If it’s just because of this relationship, although it is considered an opportunity, it seems that the weight of this opportunity is not enough…not enough for Ma Teng to shift the camp at once and direct the gun head to Yuan Shi…

Are there other connections?

Zhong Yao is also a smart person, and he has keenly captured something from Yi Xiaotian’s confident eyes.

He raised his brows and asked curiously. “Young man, I’m afraid it’s more than that!”

“Of course, this is just one.”

First throw out a sentence, Yi Xiaotian pinched to count the days, pondered a little for so ten breaths of time, and then spoke.

“Only ten days and a half month, Yecheng will definitely fall, when the Yuan clan promised to Ma Teng, all of them will be thrown into the water…Of course, it won’t be that long to rebel against Ma Teng, but… the people in Yecheng Ma Teng must be aware of the situation… the brothers are fighting each other, and when they meet each other, the Yuan clan is incompatible with their own brothers, so how can they tolerate Ma Teng? Guanzhong, Ma Teng should be shaken.”

When talking about this, Yi Xiaotian smiled slightly, shook his head, and continued.

“The reason why the Yuan clan was able to win over Ma Teng was that he drew a piece of cake for him, which made Ma Teng feel that he was holding the thigh of the Yuan clan as stable as a dog, but Cao Cao could give these big cakes, not only. You can also give it in the name of the court, giving it upright and righteously.”

“Isn’t Ma Teng short of food and grass? Our Chang’an prefect Zhong Yao can’t give it, but Zhong Yao can cooperate with Ma Teng to conquer the rebellious Xiliang warlords. If you can’t give food and grass, you can grab it by another method. Warlords, while grabbing food and territory… In this way, wouldn’t Ma Teng and Cao Cao become a cooperative relationship? Ma Teng helped Cao Cao beat Yuan Shang, and Cao Cao helped Ma Teng calm Guanxi.”

“Cohesion will benefit both, and division will result in two injuries. At this point, Ma Teng must be clear! Besides, what Ma Teng dreams of is just to hug a thigh tightly and help him calm Kansai. Now Cao Cao is this thigh, and it’s a very thick thigh. He Ma Teng is afraid that the music will bloom!”

Yi Xiaotian talks freely…

From Ma Teng’s careful thinking, from the advantages of Cao Cao, from the ills of the Yuan clan to analyze in detail.

He is best at this, exploiting his strengths and avoiding weaknesses, infinitely amplifying the strengths of Cao Cao and the weaknesses of the Yuan clan, so he has nothing to lose.


On the other hand, Zhong Yao, the more he listened, the more fascinated he became, and the more he listened, the more he admired Yi Xiaotian in his heart.Obediently… This young man analyzed the situation with a clear head. The key is that every sentence and every point of view has countless corroborations, which is convincing.

Looking at Yi Xiaotian again, Zhong Yao couldn’t help but glance higher…

Amazing, really amazing…

Now he feels that it seems…to rebel against Ma Teng is not only reliable, but feasible and feasible…

Never thought, Yi Xiaotian hasn’t finished speaking yet.

“Furthermore, I previously burned two thousand cavalry in Xiliang to ashes with a fire. This action was enough to deter him, not only to deter him, but also to deter every Xiliang warlord; but, I changed hands. He also released Ma Teng’s son Ma Teng and Ma Teng’s daughter Ma Yunlu. This is kindness! With both kindness and power, he Ma Teng just wants to surrender, and he will not surrender! What is lacking now is nothing more than a surrender That’s it!”

Finally, Yi Xiaotian finished speaking.

Looking at Zhong Yao’s side, he fell into a long thought.

Zhong Yao asked back. “Young man…what you said is very reasonable, but one of them, although the prefect Zhong You can use Ma Teng to fight against Yuan, but… after the matter is done, do you really want to help Ma Teng calm Kansai? What if Ma Teng? Really defeated the princes from all walks of life in Guanxi one by one, then…it’s not the front door driving the tiger into the back door and entering the wolf. In case, he rebelles again, I am afraid it is more terrible than the rebellion of the Yuan clan!”

Zhong You’s words are a point…

Yi Xiaotian’s eyes turned, he pondered carefully, and then waved his hand.

“The Taoist chief is half right. Of course, if Zhong Yao and Ma Teng join forces, coupled with the help of Ma Teng, Dage Han Sui, and the bravery of Ma Chao, the eldest son under his command, it is really not a problem to calm Kansai… but such a big deal. Give them a piece of cake cupped hands, can’t Zhong Yao prefect, can’t he provide some conditions? For example… Quan Qi invited Ma Teng to Xuducheng to be an official in the imperial court. In this way, the hostages are in hand, and the Xiliang Ma clan counts. It’s bigger, and I don’t dare to act rashly! On the contrary, it can help Cao Cao keep the West Gate well!”


Hearing this, Zhong Yao patted his forehead!

He immediately felt that the young man in front of him was simply a sentence-“How bold is a man, how productive is the land”…

By…by…by…why? Can he be sure that Ma Teng will go to Xudu honestly?

People are not stupid… Going to Xudu is nominally an official, but isn’t it actually a hostage?

Thinking of this, Zhong Yao shook his head.

“Young man, would Ma Teng agree to go to the court as an official? Hehe, I don’t believe…After all, he is a prince in Kansai. How could he leave the own base, leave the own soldiers and horses, but instead go to the court as an official? Common sense!”

Haha…It’s not in line with common sense!

Hearing this question, Yi Xiaotian “haha”.

In fact, when he had studied this period of history, he was also very doubtful. He even suspected that Ma Teng was in arrears in his brain, so he gave up Guanzhong and went to the court to become an official? This is not…lighting a lantern in the toilet-looking for death!


This happened really, and not only did it happen, but Ma Teng was an official in Xuducheng, and he did it for a few years! If it weren’t for participating in the Fu family’s rebellion to help the royal family, and the protection was not complete, it could be done for decades!

As for the various reasons…

Before crossing, Yi Xiaotian really went to read relevant records, historical books, documents…

I came to the conclusion…the only one–

——It’s really not that Ma Teng’s brain was flooded, or his brain was kicked by a donkey…

The core point is that, deep in Ma Teng’s heart, he always wanted to go to the court to be an official. He wanted to get close to the emperor, and he wanted to regain the glory that his ancestor Fubo General Ma Yuan brought to the Ma family.

Although a little strange, it seems that this is reasonable again!

In the world, there will really be such people, who do not do for profit or power, but only for fame…only for the reputation of the Ma family’s glory that can be passed on from generation to generation.

Of course, it’s such a thing…

How do you explain to this old-fashioned man?

Yi Xiaotian scratched his head, and it was time for the bludgeoning and mystery that I love to hear.

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