The hammer rang three times, and Zhang Ming opened his eyes.

Konoha Street, in a narrow apartment.

It was dark as far as the eye could see, and the wind chimes on the balcony on a midsummer night were blown by the wind, making a lonely sound.

A strange soul descended on Konoha and took possession of Naruto’s body.

【Ding! Lying flat system loading…..】


Zhang Ming had a terrible headache, and his eyes were a blurry blood red.

It won’t be blind, right?

Hurt! Hiss~!

It’s just a game, as for sudden death? How do you get to work tomorrow?

Immediately, the internship turned regular, and I saw that it had come to an end… The

pain slowly dissipated, Zhang Ming opened his eyes, and then the hazy light appeared, and his vision was a strange and chaotic room.

The air was filled with a faint stench, and the walls were pasted with old, moldy pale yellow wallpaper. The wooden floor was littered with clothes and books.

Zhang Ming seemed to realize something and glanced down at his hand.

The pupils dilated slightly, and with a bang, Zhang Ming fell backwards.

His own hand actually shrunk?

【System loading progress 13%】

A burst of mechanical synthetics sounded in his mind, and the fragments of memory suddenly pierced Zhang Ming’s mind, making him roll on the bed with a scream.

Constant sounds drilled into his ears like ants, and the pain almost made him faint,

Is that the child? It’s disgusting!

Told you not to play with him, who knows what that freak will do!

It was that fox demon that killed the fourth generation of Hokage.

Naruto, do you have the Will of Fire?

Naruto-sama is the most powerful person in the village, the one who protects us. Naruto, you also have to come on, try to become Hokage.

“Hokage? Are you kidding? Zhang Ming had a headache.

It was dark all around, and there were two small holes not far away.

He stumbled over, using all his strength to stick his eyes to it, and found that there were people outside, all kinds of people. With contempt, indifference, obscurity in the eyes.

Fuck off! You’re a monster!

Not sold to you! Get lost!

Why don’t you die? How do you still have the courage to live in this world! You youkai!

Cold emotions mixed with pain welled up in his heart, and Zhang Ming almost suffocated in this emotion. He rolled over and gritted his teeth and pounded his chest hard before he could breathe.

【System loading progress 17%】

Suddenly opened his eyes, Zhang Ming lay on the bed and found the panel slowly emerging in front of him. He did not read novels or play games, and roughly understood the situation in front of him.

He crossed over and became Naruto Uzumaki in Naruto. At present, he should still be at the stage of ninja school, and he will soon face the graduation exam of Shinobi.

He was relieved that the system unique to the stranger was also fully equipped. It seems to be still loading, what system is coming?

No matter, it’s better to have a system than nothing.

Looking at the night outside the window, Zhang Ming didn’t have the heart to sleep, rolled over and got out of bed and fumbled to turn on the light in the room.

With a click, the bright light dispelled the uneasiness in his heart.

“It’s Naruto Uzumaki from now on.”

Ignoring the cluttered room and the smelly table. No one can blame an orphan who no one hurts for not tidying up his room, after all, there is not even a person who reprimands him.

Naruto sat on the table, took out a pen and paper and tried to write down a line, automatically mastering the Sakura text.

But Naruto could understand too. He tried to say a word, and there seemed to be several options for the language he spoke. He can switch back and forth between three or four languages, although it is of little use in this world, as long as he knows the cherry blossom language.

He peeled off his clothes and couldn’t see the seal of the Nine Tails on his belly. This one is a bit troublesome, double four-elephant seal.

The gap revealed by the seal revealed the dispersing Nine-Tailed Chakra, which flowed through the eight veins of his strange meridian, and finally turned into a normal blue Chakra.

Although the Chakra of the Nine Tails can be used by him temporarily, it is not a long-term solution.

After thinking for a while, Naruto wrote down the practice plan on the paper. In this world, it is natural that powerful people have the right to speak.

Being as strong as possible will also help you grow later.

Then it was life, Naruto scratched his head, stood up and walked to the front of the dressing mirror. Looking at the young face in the mirror, he gritted his teeth and showed a big smile.


Who wants to be that kind of thing, protecting those who hate themselves? Dream, it’s better to die! Soulless, garbage! He vented

all the negative emotions accumulated in his heart, and instantly felt that his whole body was much more relaxed.

It’s okay to be a Hokage or something, but it’s still necessary to make your life better.

What companions, villages, and the will of fire all die, and live to enjoy. When the system is loaded, Ye can walk sideways in the village.

While humming a song, Naruto wrote down his plan for the Shimo-Shinobi practice on a piece of paper.

“Become the most beautiful boy in the village!”

【System loading progress 34%】

The next day, it was dawn.

After waking up early, the first thing Naruto did when he opened his eyes was to bring up the panel to check the system loading progress. This damn loading speed is like a 2G network, which is really painful.

【System loading progress 79%】

Yawned, Naruto didn’t sleep much last night. Seeing that it was dawn, I could only get up and wash up procrastinating.

I thought there would be a few ninja theory classes in the morning, so let’s catch up on sleep in the classroom. Anyway, Naruto in the eyes of his classmates is always like this, and no one cares about an ominous person.

After washing, it took another hour to tidy up the room.

When it came to choosing clothes before going out, Naruto made a difficulty. The original dress was like a very spiritual guy, and the big coat was hot in summer…

After hesitating for a moment, Naruto chose his usual black short sleeves with brown mid pants, and did not take the goggles on the table.

He is not a shinobi now, and he does not have Konoha’s forehead protector.

“I’m out!” Shouting that the empty room was unanswered, but he didn’t care and slammed the door.

He lives in an old apartment complex on Konoha Street, and goes downstairs to go around the alley. Looking at the person standing in the daylight, Naruto’s footsteps paused for a moment.

Until looking at the displeased eyes they threw at them, Naruto shrugged indifferently and lowered his head and silently walked through the crowd.

The expression on the villager’s face was grim and indifferent, and his eyes stayed low on Naruto’s body and suddenly retracted.

【System loading progress 87%】

Ninja school, Shikamaru casually swept through the crowd, and then seemed to see something. Pushed Ding Ci next to him, pointed in a direction and signaled Ding Ci to look over.

“Isn’t that Naruto?” Ding Ci stopped eating potato chips, “Someone beat you again on the road?”

“It should be.” Shikamaru showed a pair of dead fish eyes, “That group of people is also quite excessive.”

Ding Ci threw the last piece of potato chips into his mouth and snapped it up.

The two swaggered and squeezed towards the crowd with the advantage of Ding Jiyuan’s rolling figure, and no matter how strong the person who bullied Naruto was, he did not dare to offend the three clans of Pig Deer Butterfly.

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