I Am Not Really Related

Chapter 291 Secret Treasure? !

Forgot? You forgot my old lady again?! These days, no one has come to repair the walls of the prison here! If there are people bringing food over every day, my old lady would have thought that you led someone to run away first!

When Zhenyang remembered what he had forgotten, he held the mentality of this guy is not stupid to stay in the cell, and then saw the bee in the cell with the walls collapsed, and then he was sprayed wildly!

Before this was changed, he had already used Qijiang's gaze to educate the other party.

But this time it was really his fault, so Zhenyang decided not to be as knowledgeable as this old lady, we are civilized people.

It's almost done. At most, I will take you to a good meal in the evening. Let's go, and I will give you another place to live.

After finishing speaking, Zhen Yang subconsciously walked out from the collapsed wall.

Huh? Why didn't I go through the main entrance? And why hasn't anyone come to fix it up to now?

Ah, I remembered.

Jing mentioned this to him. The main reason is that the cells here are generally useless. There is no need to throw in small mistakes. If you make a big mistake, you will be locked up in the cell in the air fortress, and it can also be used as a power source.

In addition, the construction of several countries has been booming recently, so there is a shortage of manpower. Anyway, there is no rush here, which is why the previous oolong incident happened.

And the bee's lungs were about to explode, she had never been ignored so many times before!

Think you can buy my old lady with a meal? What do you think of my old lady?

What do you want?

There must be at least 20 chicken drumsticks, otherwise there will be no discussion!

Zhen Yang: OK.

Well, Feng's favorite food is chicken drumsticks. The chickens in the entire Longin village have suffered, and they were guarded against her later, so there was no chance to eat them.

What a dick girl!

Even Zhen Yang didn't expect that this seemingly cruel and vicious crazy woman was actually a foodie at heart.

In the evening, Zhenyang really prepared 20 chicken drumsticks for Feng according to the agreement, which made her eat very well, and even dissipated most of the previous resentment.

Then she has a childlike face, but she insists on being a swordsman, so she finds her.

And it's a big gift as soon as you come.

Your Excellency's life-saving grace, Xue Yue will always remember it in her heart. I hope that Your Excellency will allow me to leave temporarily. If I continue to stay here, it will definitely cause more trouble.

Trouble? If you're referring to those Snow Ninjas, then there's no need, because I've already sent people to find their troubles. Maybe it won't be long before Snow Country will become my territory.

Zhen Yang said indifferently.

Fenghuaxueyue was surprised and worried at the same time, with a very complicated expression.

The environment in Snow Country is very bad, and the location is so remote, it's not worth the loss! I can go back and convince my father to let him

It's not necessary, I'm very interested in Snow Country.

Interested? Start a war just because you are interested, the people are innocent.

Zhen Yang interrupted her again, saying: This is not a war, it's just changing the leader of Snow Country, what's the matter with the people?

Well, go if you want to go,

It's nice to look at, but that's about it.

Fenghua Xueyue did not leave, she began to worry about her relatives, the people of Snow Country, and the whole country.

She wants to stop this!

Please stop the aggression against Snow Country, I can give you the secret treasure of Snow Country as compensation.

Secret treasure?

Zhen Yang was taken aback, is there any treasure in Snow Country?

He suddenly became interested!

Tell me, what kind of treasure is it?

Fenghua Xueyue shook her head, I don't know what the treasure is, but it is something that the royal family has passed down from generation to generation, so it must be very precious.

However, Zhenyang discovered Watson's blind spot, Since it's a secret treasure and it's so precious, how would you know it? According to your style of that old man who wants to kill you, he shouldn't let you know such important information That's right.

That's true. I shouldn't have known it. If I hadn't discovered this secret by accident, my mother wouldn't have died because of it.

Under Fenghua Xueyue's narration, Zhenyang learned that it was her mother who accidentally learned about the secret treasure, and then conducted a secret investigation.

As a result, this matter was leaked for some reason, and Xue Yue never saw her mother again.

Everyone knew that it was her ruthless king father who personally executed her mother who spied on royal secrets.

But what is unexpected is that Xue Yue's mother also left behind. Among the birthday gifts her mother gave her, she discovered the results of her mother's investigation.

She knew very well that if her father found out that she also knew the secret, he would kill her too.

So after reaching adulthood, she ran out without hesitation.

One is that he wants to stay away from that home without any warmth, and the other is that he is afraid of revealing this secret.

If Snow Country hadn't been in big trouble because of her now, she wouldn't have taken the initiative to reveal this secret.

Zhen Yang can tell that she is not lying.

What will be the secret treasure of Snow Country?

He was very curious and very interested.

Maybe you can sell it for a good price in exchange for more supplies.

He had to admit that he was moved.

But it is impossible to just abandon the original occupation plan!

I'm very interested in the treasure you mentioned. But I'm not ready to accept your proposal. When I occupy the Snow Country, I can still ask your father where the secret treasure of the Snow Country is. Even as long as If I want, I can let you tell this secret right now.

Zhenyang's eyes had unknowingly turned into Sangouyu.


There are no secrets under these eyes!

Feng Huaxueyue's face turned pale immediately, but she still insisted and said: I know, Your Excellency disdains to do this kind of thing, otherwise I wouldn't be standing here safely at this moment.

At this time and at that time, you still have one last chance to convince me.

Fenghua Xueyue gritted her teeth and said, I can take you to find the secret treasure of the Snow Country, but if the Snow Country is really defeated, I hope you will promise me to let my father and brother go, and not let the Snow Country People are hurting.

Zhenyang looked at this silly, naive, and stubborn woman, and nodded slightly.

Okay, as long as the treasure is found, it's okay to let them live afterwards. But if they insist on finding death, then I can't blame me.

Zhenyang said this with great confidence.

After all, he is ready to fight with the Five Great Nations at any time. If he can't win even the Snow Country, he might as well start farming as soon as possible!

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