I Am Not Really Related

Chapter 599 Come on down!

Zhenyang, who was far away in the palace, didn't know that he was being missed by a female fairy whom he had never even met.

Soon, the luxury convoy of Sol and others drove into a majestic and resplendent building.

Obviously this is the palace mentioned by Faisal ibn Abdul just now.

Wow, isn't this too luxurious?

This pillar is actually made of solid gold?!

Are all Arabs so rich?

Jane and Daisy felt almost blinded, as if they had never seen the world.

In fact, this kind of trench, most people will never see it in their lifetime.

However, compared with the brilliance of Asgard, it is undoubtedly much inferior.

More local tyrants, less magnificence.

But already very good.

Saul walked in the front as if it should be taken for granted, and he was not moved by the gold at all.

After all, the layout is different!

What did you play when you were still Thor?

Mjolnir, the legendary Hammer of Thor, was forged by Urugin and the World Tree in a dying star!


No matter how much gold you give, you won't change it!

In the main hall, the formula is still the same extravagant, glittering with golden light, the main thing that stands out is the word 浪!

A group of beautiful dancers dance under the dynamic music, and at the end and in the center is a large throne made entirely of gold.

There are four other maids beside the throne, each of them is responsible for fanning the wind and feeding fruit.

A young man in plain robes was sitting on the throne, holding a golden scepter inlaid with various precious stones, which was enough to blind anyone's eyes.

And the most impressive thing is the black and white hair and the shockingly handsome face!

Probably only readers who subscribe to the genuine version can match it.

When Sol and others entered the hall, the first thing they saw was such a scene.

Your Majesty, your guests have arrived.

As soon as he entered, Faisal ibn Abdul immediately knelt down on the ground, prostrated and saluted, expressing his heart to the greatest God in his mind in the most respectful way.

Good job, get up and get ready for dinner. You all go down too.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Faisal immediately lowered his head and left with the others.

Then Saul walked up in a hurry, and gave Zhenyang a bear hug to Zhenyang who had just stood up.

Long time no see, my brother! You know, at the enthronement ceremony, I thought you would come back, but it turned out.

Sol couldn't go on talking all of a sudden, because the result was really not very good.

And Zhenyang finally didn't have to keep a straight face anymore, just broke free from under Sol's strong arms, and said helplessly: What happened? I couldn't say clearly on the phone, and why couldn't I feel it? Have you reached your divine power?

As soon as Sol's expression darkened, he began to describe what trouble he had caused during the time when Zhen Yang was not in Asgard.

It has been said that his father Odin demoted him, deprived him of his divine power, and the bad news that Loki brought him.

After Sol finished telling the story, which sounded outrageous to others, Zhenyang just nodded suddenly. It turned out that the plot had already developed to this point.

Some things can be changed, but some things can't be changed anyway.

For example, Loki's life experience and his innate cunning character.

It is undeniable that Loki is actually a tragic figure, but in many cases, it is the result of his own actions.

There is no need to blame yourself, I can feel that the father is not dead. And with the character of a mother, she loves you so much, how could she not agree to let you go back to Asgard, so Loki is just deceiving you.

Sol was startled suddenly, looked at Zhenyang with some excitement and anxiety and asked: Father, is he really all right? But why did Loki lie to me? If father is all right, how dare Loki do this!

Why? Don't forget that Loki is the god of lies and mischief. Lying and deceiving people is just commonplace for him. Haven't you been deceived by Loki less often in these years? As for why Loki dared to do this .”

I guess that something happened to my father's body, or he was attacked by Loki. After all, my father is old.

However, one thing is certain is that Loki will never dare and will not kill his father. I know Loki better than you. He is just a child who longs for his father's approval and has never grown up.

The reason why he wants to fight for the throne has always been different from yours. He just wants to prove that he is never worse than you, and can even do better than you. Maybe this way he can get more attention from his father.

Zhen Yang carefully analyzed for Sol, even though there is no blood relationship between their brothers.

But they are brothers after all.

It is still too late to prevent Loki from causing even greater disasters, and to avoid such a tragic end for Loki in the end.

Saul sat on Zhenyang's throne in a daze, and fell into deep thinking.

And Jane and the others, who had been eavesdropping quietly with their ears pricked up, began to suspect that this handsome man with legs that can't be closed had the same delusional disorder as Sol!

Of course, eavesdropping or something is just a theory, because Zhenyang and Sol didn't avoid them from the beginning of their conversation.

It's like when you are chatting with your friends, you don't pay attention to whether there are ants eavesdropping under your feet, it is meaningless at all.

What a pity~

What's wrong?

Seeing his best friend's nympho and regretful expression, he couldn't help but ask amusedly.

You're so handsome, you can rely on your face for a living, why do you have to be a magician? Is this disease a family inheritance?

It's not polite to speak ill of someone behind their back.

Although Daisy was already very quiet, how could it be possible to hide it from Zhenyang's ears.

Both women were startled, and stammered: I'm sorry, we didn't mean it.

Fortunately, Sol also woke up from his thoughts at this time, and returned to the previous topic, saying: Although I still don't understand some things, I think what you said may be right. All these years, I only know Loki Want to compete with me for the throne, but never know what Loki's original intention is.

Maybe I am not only not a qualified son, but also not a qualified brother.

Sol, who had lost his divine power, finally began to reflect on himself and realize himself.

If Odin could see this scene, he would be very pleased.

Because that's exactly what he intended to deprive Thor of everything.

And Zhenyang was somewhat relieved to see his idiot brother learned to think and introspect, and then suddenly changed the subject: These mortals know too many secrets, how about I help you deal with it?

PS: There is another one in half an hour

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