The best mobile phone in this era is undoubtedly Apple. No domestic mobile phone can currently compete with it, while foreign players such as Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson and other established powerhouses are experiencing their final twilight.

This is a classic iPhone 4 phone.

Compared with other mobile phone manufacturers in this era, this mobile phone even looks different in its packaging. Other mobile phone packaging boxes come in various shapes, and more expensive mobile phones tend to have larger mobile phone packaging boxes, just like a box of mooncakes. It's a big lump, and when you open it, you can see six pieces of cake. The packaging box of the Apple mobile phone is almost as big as the mobile phone. It can be said that it pioneered this packaging style.

Open it and step into a brand new mobile phone.

Yi Yang had never used an Apple phone in his life.

For a long time, Apple mobile phones have been a symbol of superior conditions. Yi Yang remembers that in Qinghe County, there were not even a few Apple mobile phones in a school. Especially after the classic Apple 4 and Apple 4S came out, this mobile phone was once popular among people. It is so popular that some people even sell their kidneys just to buy an Apple.

In this era, Huawei has not yet raised its head, Xiaomi is still accumulating, and OV is still confused.

And he could not afford this phone from beginning to end in his previous life. Although the performance of Apple in this era may not be as good as the Xiaomi phone he later bought for more than 1,000 yuan, but it has to be said that what you can’t get will never be enough. In the commotion, looking at this phone, there is still some throbbing in my heart.

He watched silently for a while, feeling warm in his heart.

Jiang Lili said: "Don't you like it?"

Yi Yang shook his head slowly. He knew that Jiang Lili didn't like pretentious boys, and he didn't care about the thousands of dollars worth of this phone. As for the phone that was lost, it was just an excuse for him to keep it. Refusal at this time would make her Not happy... He said: "I like..."

Jiang Lili nodded with satisfaction: "Take it."

Yi Yang sighed: "Alas..."

Jiang Lili was startled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yi Yang said helplessly: "I owe my sister too much and I don't know how to repay it."

Jiang Lili knocked Yi Yang dissatisfied and said, "What do you think you owe me? Do you think anyone can owe me something?"

Then Jiang Lili said excitedly: "I have already planned today's arrangements. You and Sang Ning don't have to think about anything later, just listen to my arrangements."

Jiang Lili has fluffy hair, a refreshing fragrance, smooth and white skin, and clean and bright eyes, just like an 18-year-old girl.

Yi Yang felt warm and smiled slightly: "Okay... I will listen to you."

The atmosphere was harmonious. At this moment, something was vaguely heard. Wang Sangning said, "Have you heard..."

"Hmm..." Jiang Lili nodded: "It seems to be a ringtone." She asked Wang Sangning: "Is it your cell phone ringtone?"

Wang Sangning shook his head: "No..." took out his mobile phone

Jiang Lili rummaged through her bag, but there was no movement on her mobile phone. She suddenly realized something and looked at Yi Yang belatedly, with an embarrassed look on her face.

Yi Yang coughed twice, "Maybe... maybe it's my missing mobile phone."

The caller was quite persistent. He rang once and then called again after a while. The three of them had no choice but to follow the sound and finally found the phone under the bed in Yiyang's room.

At this time, Yi Yang was holding Jiang Lili's newly bought iPhone in one hand, and took it out from under the bed with the other hand. He had to cough lightly: "So it's here..."

Jiang Lili glared at Wang Sangning fiercely, as if to say, this is where you are hiding...

Wang Sangning said with a cute look on her face: "By the way, I remembered that the clothes haven't been dried yet, so I'll take a step first."

After Wang Sangning left, Jiang Lili quickly took out her mobile phone, flipped through it awkwardly, and murmured to herself: "Ah, it's such a good weather today..."

"Thank you sister." Yi Yang said.

Jiang Lili was slightly startled and laughed dryly: "What?"

Yi Yang said seriously: "I like the gift very much, not because it is expensive, but because it was given by you. In fact... no matter what it is, I will like it very much, and my sister doesn't have to worry about me getting angry because of this gift." It's very valuable, but I feel uneasy and embarrassed to accept it..." Yi Yang's eyes were clear.

Jiang Lili was silent for a while.

As Yi Yang said, she really put a lot of thought into choosing this gift. She hoped to give him something that would impress Yi Yang and highlight his hobbies. However, after thinking about it, she was a little shocked to find that she didn't know how to give it to him at all. I don’t know what Yi Yang likes!

After thinking about it seriously, his hobbies include basketball, music, studying... Oh, and he also likes to drive cars.

But give me a basketball? That's silly. Give me a guitar? Sent. "Five-Year College Entrance Examination and Three-Year Simulation"? Nonsense... As for the car, well, although the family conditions are indeed not bad, buying a car for Yi Yang casually is still a bit embarrassing.

After much debate, I finally decided to buy a mobile phone.

There is no doubt that an Apple mobile phone is a relatively expensive gift. Although I think I understand Yi Yang, I am still worried that he will be embarrassed to accept it because of the value of the mobile phone, which is why Wang Sangning made such a crappy move.

It was only then that I realized that my worries were unnecessary.

She was very satisfied with Yi Yang's reaction.

What follows is a full day of making happy memories together.

Jiang Lili had indeed carefully planned today.

First, we went to the Polar Park. Everyone sat in the audience and watched the interaction between the beluga whale and the beautiful trainer. The beluga jumped up from the bottom of the water with the beautiful trainer on his head. His graceful body rotated in the air, and the falling water drops reflected in the light. There was a brilliant light reflected from below. Jiang Lili and Wang Sangning were as excited as children. When they saw Yi Yang with a calm face, they angrily pinched Yi Yang's face to make a smile, and then took a bunch of selfies. .

Then there was the interaction session of touching the dolphin. Both Wang Sangning and Yi Yang were very enthusiastic about it. Under the guidance of the trainer, they touched the dolphin's head and fed it some fish, while Jiang Lili stayed away. , finally unable to resist Yi Yang and Wang Sangning, they came over to touch her. But just as they touched the smooth body of the dolphin, the dolphin turned over and frightened her so much that she screamed and ran away.

Yi Yang and Wang Sangning laughed.

After coming out of the Polar Park, the three of them drove to a farmhouse not far from the Polar Park. There were several activities such as fishing and real-person CS. Unfortunately, they were unable to experience the real-person CS because there were not enough people. People spent an afternoon fishing at the farmhouse.

During this period, I rented a charcoal barbecue grill from the boss and bought a lot of corn and green peppers, so I prepared to fish and grill the fish and green peppers.

Yi Yang said very proudly: "I am the best at fishing and so on. I must show my skills to you, sister."

Wang Sangning also said: "When we were training together, Yi Yang caught a lot of fish!"

Jiang Lili started to look forward to it, and was busy barbecuing, processing corn, green peppers, and mixing in seasonings.

So, with the joint efforts of everyone...

I successfully roasted four corns and six green peppers in one afternoon.

As for the fish...hehe, I didn't even see a single fish scale.

Seeing that the time was approaching evening and Yi Yang was facing Xiaguang Fishing's back, Jiang Lili and Wang Sangning looked at each other silently and sighed silently.

Wang Sangning said: "Sister... when are we going to withdraw? The corn is burnt."

Jiang Lili glanced at Yi Yang faintly, shook her head and said, "You don't understand..."


"We hope he catches fish soon..."


At this moment, Yi Yang, who had been sitting in his seat for a long time, finally stood up, gently hammered his stiff lower back, and then slowly put away the fishing rod, only to see a finger-sized fish hanging on the hook. Small fry.

Both Jiang Lili and Wang Sangning's eyes lit up.

Yi Yang casually pulled off the seedlings and threw them into the pond. Then he turned to Wang Sangning and Jiang Lili and said deeply: "I suddenly realized a truth."


Yi Yang shook his head like an old man: "Life is so beautiful, we are so young, we can eat and sleep, and we are so strong that nothing can hit us, so... don't waste your time on such frivolous things as fishing. superior……"

Wang Sangning and Jiang Lili were stunned for a moment, and then they both fell down laughing.

Before leaving, when Yi Yang went to the bathroom, Jiang Lili asked Wang Sangning: "Did you enjoy yourself today?"

"I'm very happy!" Wang Sangning nodded: "Yi Yang is so funny, I laughed to death...haha."

Jiang Lili couldn't help but smile and said, "I've known for a long time that he is a very stubborn person."

Wang Sangning thought for a while and then said: "Well... I think most excellent people have stubbornness, but I didn't think he was very stubborn before."


Wang Sangning said: "I think it's mainly because Yi Yang set a flag in front of you..."


"Have you forgotten what he said?"


"I'm the best at fishing and stuff like that. I have to show my skills to you, sister, hehe." Wang Sangning covered her mouth and smiled.

Jiang Lili was stunned and couldn't help laughing.

But today's schedule doesn't end there.

They also went to watch a CBA game in the evening, which surprised Yi Yang. He didn't expect that Jiang Lili would drag Wang Sangning to watch a basketball game for him.

Jiang Lili said: "Because it's your birthday, I want to find something you like. You accompanied me to a concert last time, and this time the two of us will accompany you to watch the basketball game."

Yi Yang himself had never seen a basketball game live, and this was the first time in two lifetimes... He looked at Jiang Lili silently, and said seriously in his heart, very seriously: Thank you, Jiang Lili.

Watching a basketball game live is a completely different experience than watching it on TV. Even the CBA will make people excited.

Watching it on TV, due to the camera angle and different reference objects, it always seems visually that the players' movements are slow and their height is very short. The basketball players on TV look like a group of people who are over 1.7 meters tall playing basketball. Normally, but it's different at the scene. A person's sight can only focus on a certain player. Almost everyone is close to two meters tall, and they feel full of pressure. When they run, they are extremely fast and galloping like lightning. You There will be an illusion that if I get hit by them, I will die...

Yi Yang is relatively better. "Little ones" like Jiang Lili and Wang Sangning are sitting in the VIP seats closest to the stadium, watching those little giants running and colliding, while there are waves of cheers behind them. The two of them became excited unconsciously. Whenever the Jiangnan team scored a goal, they danced and waved the cheering sticks, and even forgot about Yi Yang for a while.

Yi Yang was originally a little worried that the two girls were not interested in basketball, but now it's a little funny...

This is probably the charm of competitive sports.

It's a day of fun.

But it's not over yet.

After playing very tired, he passed by the cake shop before going home. Jiang Lili asked the two of them to wait and went in. After a while, he came out with a small cake in his hand, which was very delicate.

Yi Yang took a deep breath. He understood why those girls often fell completely in love with a boy after a birthday.

A well-arranged birthday can really fill a person's heart with something.

Let’s not talk about whether Jiang Lili can take care of others. When she decides to take care of someone, she does it wholeheartedly.

Yi Yang's eyes slowly moved from the cake to Jiang Lili. She was wearing a sweater today. The loose jacket and trousers gave her a bit of youthful vitality.

Noticing Yi Yang's gaze, Jiang Lili picked up the cake and waved it in front of his eyes: "Although I'm afraid of gaining weight, I will make an exception to have sweets at night for you today!"

Wang Sangning also said seriously: "Me too, let me make an exception for you!"

Yi Yang couldn't help but laugh: "I'm embarrassing you..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After returning home, the two girls couldn't wait to light the candles, and then Jiang Lili turned off the lights.

Wang Sangning stared at the cream on the chocolate cake and said to Yi Yang: "Make a wish! Make a wish quickly!"

Yi Yang raised the corners of his mouth slightly, closed his eyes, and muttered a few words silently, then opened them. Just as he was about to blow out the candles, Jiang Lili suddenly said: "Wait a minute..."

Wang Sangning and Yi Yang both looked at Jiang Lili.

Jiang Lili said: "Since we are celebrating Yi Yang's birthday... let's each say a blessing to Yi Yang."

Wang Sangning's eyes lit up and she nodded: "Okay, I'll go first, um... I wish Yiyang..." She thought for a while, then she had a flash of inspiration, looked at him and said: "I wish you... the first place, and no fear. , secondly, fearless, thirdly, still fearless!”

Then he stuck out his tongue, and Wang Sangning said, "If it's bacon, I like it very much, and I hope you like it. This is my blessing to you!" "

Yi Yang nodded: "Thank you, I like it very much."

Then came Jiang Lili.

Jiang Lili pouted and said, "I hate it. Sang Ning said such literary things, which made me embarrassed to speak. If I had known, I would have said it first."

Yi Yang listened silently.

Jiang Lili thought for a while and then said seriously: "Well, then I wish you happiness every day and everything goes well! The commonplace is the elegant."

Yi Yang also said: "I like it too!"

After a pause, Jiang Lili pushed the cake in front of Yi Yang and said softly: "Blow it."

Yi Yang nodded and silently told himself...

In this life, you are an adult again.

I also wish you that you will work hard throughout your life, have everything you want, and let go of everything you can’t get.


As the flickering candlelight goes out, the three small wishes are sent to the distance.

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