"Breakfast is very important. If you are sick, eating something easy to digest will make you feel better."

Jiang Lili served Yi Yang a bowl of millet porridge.

The millet was well cooked, and the amount of water was just right. Yi Yang took a spoonful, blew on it, and slowly ate it into his mouth. It was neither too thick nor too thin, but it was just right.

His throat was still a little sore, so Yi Yang chewed it carefully several times before slowly swallowing it.

Jiang Lili also took a bite and said, "Is it delicious?"

Isn't it just millet porridge? What's so delicious about this thing?

But Yi Yang smiled and said: "Cook it just right. The simpler the food, the more it tests the cook's cooking skills. It can be seen from here that Sister Jiang's cooking skills are getting better and better... Ha... …”

Jiang Lili suppressed her laughter and lightly tapped Yi Yang's head: "It's too fake."


Jiang Lili pointed to several side dishes on small plates and said, "Try these dishes again."

Naturally, the side dishes for breakfast cannot be complicated and greasy. They are just a dish of stir-fried shredded potatoes, a plate of cold cucumbers, and a plate of pickled mustard.

Yi Yang said: "It's delicious. I haven't seen you for a few days. I'm very good at cooking."

Jiang Lili held back her smile, pointed at the millet porridge, and said, "I bought a new rice cooker. It's fully automatic. Just pour the millet and water into the measuring cup and forget about it."

Then he pointed to a few side dishes: "This shredded potato is cut by an automatic vegetable cutting machine and stir-fried by a fully automatic cooking machine. This pickled mustard, um, is bought from the supermarket. Only the cold cucumber is made by myself, but It’s very simple, just pour some soy sauce, vinegar, MSG or something…”

Yi Yang blinked, scooped out another spoonful of millet porridge and ate it.

This woman...

Seeing Yi Yang's embarrassment, Jiang Lili put a smile on her face, supported her chin with her hand, slowly lowered her head, looked at the bowl, and gently stirred the millet porridge in the bowl.

She likes simple life.

It's easy to make things complicated, but it's hard to simplify things into an orderly form.

Life is nothing more than food, clothing, housing and transportation. In Jiang Lili's view, simple life is nothing more than wearing the clothes you like, eating the food you like, living comfortably, and going wherever you want.

But the simpler life is, the more expensive it is.

Whenever she thinks of this, she feels extremely happy because her parents have created conditions for her to make her life simple. She does not feel that she is superior to others because she likes to live a simple life. She just has the conditions to choose this way. This is her sincere thought. Something for which my heart is grateful.

But many times, troubles also come from this.

The life I want is incompatible with the pursuits of the people around me, including my parents.

Sometimes I think that I am probably just hopelessly lazy.

Too lazy to think about complex interpersonal relationships, too lazy to think about complicated work, too lazy to pursue those fascinating reputations, status, power, etc.

Jiang Lili raised her head and asked Yi Yang: "By the way, Yi Yang, have you ever thought about what you want to do in the future?"


Yi Yang held the spoon in his mouth, thought for a while, and then said: "Let's take the college entrance examination... go to a good university."

"What about the future? What about after you go to college?"

Yi Yang pondered for a moment, then scooped another spoonful of millet porridge. At this time, the millet porridge was no longer very hot, and his throat seemed to have adapted to the touch, and he swallowed it very comfortably.

After finishing this spoonful, Yi Yang smiled and said, "To be honest, I haven't seriously considered this before."

When they are in high school, most people's idea is to get high scores and go to a good university, but what they really want to do is often after the scores are released, the family even looks for various consultants, although they look very serious. The best choice was carefully researched, but in fact, if you think about it carefully, the process was rigorous for the situation at the time, but it was such a hasty thing for the parties involved.

Just let other people make a big decision in their lives in a noisy way.

The sad thing is that most people know that it may be wrong, but they don’t know what to do.

When most people fill out their application for the college entrance examination, they don’t even know what they like...or, in other words, their goals and hobbies are actually completely blank.

I neither understand nor love any major.

Yi Yang does not criticize this phenomenon. Most people can only do this. There is nothing wrong with choosing a good major with a bright future according to social consensus.

But he is different, he... is a reborn person!

A few years ago, he probably wouldn't have had such confidence, but now with the improvement of his cognitive ability, it is no longer what it used to be.

He is now confident that he does not have to choose his future path for the sake of livelihood.

Yi Yang said with a smile: "You have to work hard to live the kind of life you want to live."

Jiang Lili asked curiously: "What kind of life do you want to live? What kind of life?"

Yi Yang looked at Jiang Lili, hesitant to share it at this moment... Because he was worried that he would be looked down upon if he spoke out, he took a precaution: "I'm not very mature, sister, don't laugh at me."

Jiang Lili came closer and said, "Why are you laughing? Let's talk about it."

"Well... I hope to earn enough money to be wealthy and free at a very young age, and then do what I like in a place I like, with the people I like."

Jiang Lili said with a smile: "People with free wealth want to go further. If they have hundreds of millions, they want billions. If they have billions, they want tens of billions. If they reach tens of billions, they will want to be cheered by everyone... In short, people I won’t be satisfied.”

Yi Yang shook his head: "I don't pursue those. For me, the most ideal life is to have no debt worries, to have an office building or a big hotel to collect rent, and to have enough money for a year. At this time, I You can travel if you want to. If you feel bored, you can also go to Tsinghua University or Peking University and take classes for a whole year to see what the smartest minds in China are thinking..."

“Buy a house near the provincial library and read books for a whole year without any stress.”

"Meet some great basketball players and ask them to play a few games."

"Spend some money, find a few very good musicians, study music seriously, buy a set of equipment, and if possible, write a few songs yourself without seeking to make money, and post them online, where some people will listen and others will criticize you. It doesn’t matter.”

"Or, write a book. If traditional writers don't accept my wild approach, then write an online article called...well, how about calling it "Daily Life after Financial Freedom"?"

"Of course, these ideas of mine may be criticized by some professors as sophisticated egoists, ha..."

A BJ University student who only works hard to make money and live a better life after graduation will often be criticized, while a high school dropout who works hard to make money and live a better life will be praised as an inspirational model.

Yi Yang narrated relaxedly, his smile getting thicker, and the negative impact of the cold seemed to be completely gone.

"Hee..." Jiang Lili looked at Yi Yang describing that kind of life very seriously and couldn't help but laugh: "Are you the only one in your life?"

Yi Yang was slightly startled, glanced at Jiang Lili, and then said somewhat relaxedly: "There will be one more person..."

“What if that person doesn’t agree with your life?”

"Just find someone who agrees."

"Huh? What should I do if I can't find it?"



"Well, I'm alone." Yi Yang looked serious.

Jiang Lili was stunned and murmured: "Oh... I'm alone..."

Yi Yang had already finished eating. Jiang Lili stood up and was about to clear away the dishes, but Yi Yang took the chopsticks over first and said, "I'll do it."

"Huh? Forget it, just rest."

Yi Yang shook his head: "I'm going to be made useless by Sister Jiang. Besides, isn't there a dishwasher at home? You can still put the tableware in it and do it."

Jiang Lili stopped arguing, but when Yi Yang put the tableware into the kitchen, she followed him in and watched Yi Yang work.

"This model of dishwasher... well, how should I put it? Before I bought a dishwasher, I thought it would really make life more convenient, but after I bought it, I still found that it was not very suitable for China."


"Pots and some bowls with special shapes are not convenient to put in, but Chinese food usually uses tableware like that, and the food residues have to be disposed of before they can be put in... It's actually not that convenient."

"Oh, um... But it's reasonable. It was originally imported from abroad. It is an equipment adapted to Western food. The tableware of Western food is relatively uniform, mainly plates, and there are not too many food residues and the like..."

The two of them exchanged words with each other.

Jiang Lili selected the settings for the dishwasher. She looked up and saw Yi Yang's face. She was slightly startled, then lowered her head and laughed.

It feels very warm...

Just thinking of something again, the smile gradually disappeared.

"Yi Yang, thank you for the gift." Jiang Lili stood up.

Yi Yang's eyes lit up, "Do you like it?"


"nice! You love it."

Time flies.

After returning from Donghai, Yiyang returned to Qinghe County to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day.

In the blink of an eye, autumn passes and winter comes again.

Sang Ning was as full of enthusiasm for learning as ever. She made rapid progress at the beginning, and even achieved a high score of 140 in English several times. However, she soon encountered a bottleneck and retreated instead of making progress. It was so hard for her. My heart was strong enough, and I began to fall into deep self-doubt. There were several nights when I cried while doing the questions.

Yi Yang can probably understand that state.

Learning knowledge is a dynamic process.

Scores before the college entrance examination can only reflect the dynamic results of a certain period of time, but if the range of reflection is extended to the entire high school, the length, intensity, and depth of knowledge will crush people to death.

As Luo Bing once described, many people have good grades in the first year of high school, but there are some differences. Some are good at the knowledge in the first year of high school, some master the rules by rote memorization or repeated questions, and some are ...I have mastered all the knowledge in three years of high school, but I just happened to be in my first year of high school at that time.

As the study progresses, some people can no longer understand the knowledge in the second year of high school. Some people find that there are so many question types that it is too much to want to master all the knowledge by studying the questions. Some people do not understand the knowledge in their brains, but just Blindly memorizing, forgetting the previous ones after learning, and even memorizing knowledge points. When I finally started to take the diagnostic test, the span of knowledge suddenly became wider. When I put a pot in front of me, my grades became unstable and collapsed. Start doubting life.

But he has been steady, building a knowledge system bit by bit, and will never rush forward until he has fully understood a theorem. Although his grades have not been able to improve to the top for a long time, he can endure... After a while, many top-ranked students lost control and fell behind him.

The results of the last monthly exam were already in the top fifteen.

Yi Yang also agrees with a point of view more and more.

From the perspective of the country, the essence of the college entrance examination is the country’s mechanism for selecting talents. The fundamental purpose of colleges and universities, especially prestigious schools, to train undergraduates is to enhance the country’s research capabilities in advanced and sophisticated subjects, thereby enhancing the country’s international competitiveness. For example, there is a The game is called "Empire", and the "university" unit in it is to provide technological enhancements for one's own units. Therefore, one of the purposes of the college entrance examination is to screen out those with high IQs who are suitable for research and let them do scientific research.

Therefore, thinking from this perspective, Yi Yang can now figure out why the country in the previous life vigorously engaged in "burden reduction". It was not just to help children reduce their burden, but because various training institutions used cramming and cheating methods to If the country's mechanism for screening high-IQ talents fails and people who are not suitable for research are also screened into the scientific research team, it will inevitably drag down the country over time.

Yi Yang suddenly came back to his senses when he thought of this. It was a bit funny. I don't know when he started to develop this habit. When he encounters a phenomenon, he wants to think about its underlying logic. If he understands it, it will be very easy. There is a sense of accomplishment, but he rarely shares these views and ideas with others, unless they are people with similar knowledge to himself.

He lowered his head and glanced at Wang Sangning who was working on the question.

Wang Sangning is becoming more and more silent now. Her hair is getting shorter and shorter, and she has completely transformed into a tomboy hairstyle. But strangely, her temperament is more gentle than when her hair was slightly longer.

Short hair is easy to take care of.

Yi Yang said: "get out of class is over, why don't you go out and get some fresh air?"

Wang Sangning looked up at Yi Yang and said with a smile: "Let's finish this question first..."

Yi Yang glanced sideways and shook his head: "After finishing it, get out of class will be over."

Wang Sangning rubbed her temples painfully and nodded: "Okay."

Looking out from the balcony, it was a desolate scene.

Withered yellow leaves were scattered on the walking path outside the school gate. The aunt sweeping the floor slowly swept a few times, and the wind blew a few more leaves. She looked up at the tree as if sighing.

Wang Sangning stared there in a daze.

Yi Yang looked at Wang Sangning quietly for a while and suddenly said: "Sang Ning, do you have anything to do this weekend?"

Wang Sangning was slightly startled: "Huh? Make up the class..."

She signed up for a tutoring class a while ago.

Yi Yang shook his head: "I will take the test for subject three this Saturday. If it goes well, subject four will be taken together, and I can get my driver's license. I have agreed with Sister Jiang that we will go together then."

Wang Sangning smiled and said: "You have to work hard, I won't go..."

Yi Yang said: "But I made a bet with Sister Jiang. Come and witness it."

After a pause, Yi Yang said seriously: "If you keep a tight thread, people will easily collapse."

Wang Sangning was stunned for a moment, his eyes moved, he lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said with a smile: "Well, if you pass the exam, treat us to something to eat!"

"I'll buy a car after I pass the exam and take you for a ride."

"Huh? Buying a car?"


Wang Sangning covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

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