Yi Yang went to take the exam. Jiang Lili and Wang Sangning, who were accompanying him, did not feel bored and chatted in the hall.

The weather is getting clearer.

The city under the clouds seemed to be shrouded in shadow. Although the rain clouds had not dispersed, the sunshine penetrated and made the city warm.

It lit up outside the examination waiting hall.

Wang Sangning stood up, looked left and right, pointed in one direction, and said to Jiang Lili: "There seems to be drinks over there. I'll buy two bottles."


Wang Sangning went with vigorous steps.

Jiang Lili looked at Wang Sangning's back and felt a little relaxed.

In fact, I have quite a few cousins, but I like Sang Ning the most, not only because she and I are both girls, but because although they are obviously six years apart, they have not had any problems with each other since they were young. Generation gap.

It is true that there is a generation gap when there is a three-year age difference, but I have never thought about why this phenomenon exists.

When I was young, I was actually very happy to follow my older brothers and sisters, but now that I think about it, it seems that none of my older brothers and sisters like to follow me, which is really hurtful.

The strange thing is that friends of the same age don't like their younger brothers and sisters to be their followers.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lili couldn't help but smile.

Because at this point, she seems to be different from many people since she was a child.

At least at first, she not only liked her younger brothers and sisters to follow her, but also took them very seriously to do some bad things that now seem to be a big headache for adults.

Many of my memories from my childhood are a little blurry, but there are still a few deep impressions. In short, after doing something bad, I was scolded by my parents, and then they didn't let their children run away after me.

And if I remember correctly, those kids were having a great time, but when something happened, they all blamed themselves.

So angry.

Jiang Lili thought about it, and it seemed that it was at that time that she began to realize that it was not pleasant at all to have a little kid playing with her.

It seems that it was at that time that Wang Sangning started to follow him.

To be precise, I chose her.

Wang Sangning is the kind of good sister who will never betray her no matter how much trouble they get into together.

In addition to the time when she threw the dog into the river, I remember another Chinese New Year. It was at her grandfather's house in a small town. She took Wang Sangning and threw a few firecrackers into the pig pen at her grandfather's house, which exploded into a pile of firecrackers mixed with pig feces. Mud splashed everywhere, and Sang Ning's hair was accidentally hit.

After returning home, grandpa was very angry and asked Sang Ning what happened. She just insisted that it was a pig.

"A pig did it?!" Grandpa blew his beard and stared.

"Well, a pig did it!" The young Wang Sangning bit her lip and said stubbornly.

Thinking of that scene, Jiang Lili couldn't help laughing, but her expression became a little weird when she smiled. Her smile gradually faded and she coughed lightly...

Wang Sangning ran back and handed Jiang Lili a can of coconut milk.

Wang Sangning asked: "Sister, what are you thinking about?"

Jiang Lili said very deeply: "I am thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

“Think about the generation gap!”

"Ah? Sister, is there a generation gap between you and your students?"

"I'm thinking about why there is no generation gap between you and me..."


Wang Sangning blinked, lowered his head and silently opened his own Coke can.

Jiang Lili thought that the generation gap still lies in the cognitive gap.

In adolescence, when one has just gained some cognitive ability and begins to try to break away from the cognitive prison shaped by the older generation’s cognition, the so-called generation gap will uncontrollably arise.

But thinking about it, Sang Ning seems to have never been rebellious.

One of the characteristics of the rebellious period is that people of the older generation have the sour smell of middle-aged people, while older brothers and sisters can be described as outdated, do not understand the tricks of their own age, and chase after others. The celebrities are all old guys, not as cool as the celebrities I like at all. The songs they listen to are also old-fashioned songs, and the anime they watch... By the way, have those old guys watched anime too?

At that time, I will instinctively hate any suggestion or reason.

Now that she thinks about this, it seems that no matter what stage of her growth she is, she can agree with what Sang Ning said.

She really has no rebellious phase.

But is she really agreeing?

Jiang Lili glanced at Wang Sangning and felt very warm. She was excited and made an unexpected move.

Wang Sangning took a sip of Coke and was suddenly hugged. She looked over with wide eyes and saw Jiang Lili not only hugged him, but also came up and kissed her cheek fiercely.

Jiang Lili then sat upright, opened the coconut water gracefully, and took a sip.

Wang Sangning was a little confused, "Sister..."


"What happened to you just now?"

"Ha, it's nothing, I just want to kiss you."



Later, Wang Sangning, who was a little confused, couldn't help but laugh.

The two drank for a while and chatted casually. The topic focused on things at home, such as which cousin married a wife, and that wife's brother was a policeman and caught a certain criminal. The process was thrilling, and such as When he was a child, the goose that led the family went missing mysteriously. Everyone suspected that it was Wang Ergou, but in fact, when he got drunk one time, he revealed that it was the girl who helped lead the family to take the blame... All kinds of things, all kinds of things. Damn, it’s a mess.

The conversation was very comfortable, and the two girls laughed from time to time as if no one was watching.

Jiang Lili likes this kind of chat very much.

In fact, the more you chat with people with higher IQs and higher education, the more tiring you will be. Because people who have read a lot of books and thought about a lot of things, thinking has almost become their instinct. No matter what kind of thing, even if it is an interesting thing, they will try to peel off the cocoon and find the reason behind the incident. Logic, and then subconsciously share your insights with others.

But most of them will not realize that chatting is not a class. Although many of their views are correct, thought-provoking, and inspiring, they are not the form of chatting.

In other words, it is not the form of chat Jiang Lili likes.

What Jiang Lili likes is to listen to stories and feelings, and then share stories and feelings.

I am excited to tell you the story of a male star who participated in the basketball school team in the United States, can rap, sings well, and dances first-rate. I just want to share the happiness with you. I like him very much - I like Wilber Pan, not to let you Analyze to me seriously how good Wilber Pan’s school is in the NCAA...

Jiang Lili said: "Sang Ning, do you like chatting?"

"Huh? I like it."

"You like chatting with me, right?"

"Yeah, I like chatting with you."

Jiang Lili thought for a while and said, "Tell me, do other people also like chatting with me?"

Wang Sangning said without hesitation: "I think everyone will like it."

"Then why don't my parents like talking to me?"

Wang Sangning was stunned, hesitated, and said, "Maybe, generation gap?"

Jiang Lili sighed slightly: "People who are younger than me will think that I am too mature, but for people of the same age, either they are not interested in what I say, or I don't like what they say..."

After a pause, she shook her head: "Actually, the probability of two people who can chat well meeting each other is quite small, right?"

Wang Sangning took another sip of Coke and said, "It's not that pessimistic, right? You picked up Yi Yang casually, wouldn't you feel comfortable chatting with us?"

"Yi Yang..." Jiang Lili suddenly fell silent, her eyes a little dazed.

Just then, a couple walked past them.


The girl sobbed and twitched her shoulders slightly. The boy next to her hugged her and said, "It's okay, it's okay. We'll just do it again next time."


"Failure is the mother of success."


"I know you are sad. You feel that you are useless and so stupid that you can't even pass a simple subject three. But don't worry, you have me. I will be your driver..."

"Ugh...you, you are stupid! You can't find anything to comfort me...I just feel sorry for the money, the exam fee, money, ugh, it's so expensive..."

Wang Sangning and Jiang Lili were both stunned. Their eyes followed the couple. When they could no longer hear their conversation, they started laughing together.

Jiang Lili looked at the couple's leaving figures and secretly guessed that they were probably college students studying in Hanning City.

She gently crossed her legs, and the black leggings under her skirt outlined the soft lines of her legs. She bent down, rested her elbows on her knees, and put her chin on the palm of her hand, thinking slightly.

Wang Sangning glanced at Jiang Lili, lowered her head, took out a piece of wine-filled chocolate from her pocket, looked at it, hesitated, but still gently tore open the package...

"Sang Ning, I want to fall in love." Jiang Lili suddenly said.


The chocolate flew away.

Wang Sangning looked at the chocolate that she had spit on the ground in pain, but she was stunned for a moment before she realized what Jiang Lili had just said. She ignored the chocolate and turned to look at Jiang Lili.

The cousin looked serious and calm.

Wang Sangning thought for a while, "That's right...Sister, you are almost 25 years old..."

Jiang Lili shook her head: "Age is not the reason why I want to fall in love."


"I just suddenly wanted to be held by someone..."

I want to be held by someone, and I want to try kissing...

She glanced at Wang Sangning secretly, and changed what she almost said, "Being led... Then, when you are happy, you share your happiness with someone, and when you are sad, you share your sadness with someone."

"The day before yesterday, I saw a strange-looking dog on my way home. I was very happy at the time and took a photo of it. I had the urge to share it with others, but when I opened the address book, stunned……"

"I don't know who to share it with... At that time, I suddenly wanted to fall in love. Can you understand?"

Wang Sangning listened carefully, nodded, and touched his pocket again. He was slightly happy, and sure enough, there was one left, so he took it out.

Jiang Liliping looked forward: "Sang Ning, have you ever felt like falling in love?"

Wang Sangning had already peeled off the wrapping paper of the wine chocolate again. When she heard Jiang Lili's question, she thought about it and shook her head: "I'm still young."

Jiang Lili sighed and looked at her sister with a rather hateful look, "Oh, I still want to hear your thoughts."

This time Wang Sangning put the chocolate into her mouth and chewed it, then slowly said: "It's okay, cousin, I can listen."

Jiang Lili asked melancholy: "Sang Ning, what do you think it feels like to fall in love with a boy?"

Wang Sangning blinked, "Well, sister, haven't you ever liked a boy?"

"I have to say no. When I was in high school, I had a crush on a boy from our school for a while. I remember that boy was tall and had a very clean face. He rode his bicycle to school every day. I stood on the balcony and looked at him. ...Does this count as liking? If it doesn't count, I do have a good impression, but if it does... that boy later got together with a girl, but I didn't feel so lost in my heart. I just felt a little bit regretful that I was even with her. He didn’t say a word, but if he likes her, then this kind of liking is too trivial.”

"I used to feel that some TV shows were too fake. The heroine struggled with the past and the past. She didn't know whether she liked the hero or not. I just thought, how is it possible? Is it possible to like someone? Can you be unsure? But now that I think about it, it seems like this..."

"Hee... it's too trivial..." Wang Sangning smiled, thought again, and said, "I think if you follow the feeling that my sister just said, you can know if you like a boy. Feel it.”


"Didn't you just say that you don't feel lost when the boy you have a crush on is with a girl? On the other hand, if a boy is with another girl, you will be disappointed. Does feeling disappointed mean that I like him?"

Jiang Lili was stunned for a moment, then thought for a moment, "It seems...it makes sense."

Wang Sangning asked: "So, is there such a boy?"

Jiang Lili thought about it seriously, hesitated, and shook her head: "No..."

Wang Sangning smiled and said, "That means my sister doesn't have anyone she likes yet."


The two chatted for a long time, until it was completely clear outside and the sun shone through the glass window into the examination waiting hall.

Yi Yang finally came back.

He was holding a small dark blue notebook in his hand and had a relaxed look on his face. Wang Sangning and Jiang Lili knew that he had passed.

Wang Sangning stood up and said excitedly: "You also have a driver's license now!"

Jiang Lili said with a smile: "Huh, you are awesome. I lost the last bet. I will give you another gift, but I can't give it to you now because I am still going through customs."

Yi Yang shook his head and said, "Didn't you just give me a mobile phone not long ago...Sister Jiang, I'm really ashamed of myself if you do this."

Jiang Lili said easily: "There is no way, I have already bought it, and if you don't want this thing, you can only throw it away..."

Yi Yang said helplessly: "What is it?"

Wang Sangning replied proudly: "You will definitely like it, a pair of sneakers signed by NBA stars. My sister asked a friend to get them in the United States."

Yi Yang was stunned for half a second.

Signature sneakers? !

Very excited, he subconsciously asked: "Whose?"


"Uh, James...James?"

"Eh? You don't like it?"

"No! I'm so happy!"

Jiang Lili smiled on the side, her eyes always staying on Yi Yang.

It’s over…


Really, I will be disappointed.

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