I am reborn and just want to concentrate on my studies

Chapter 343 The Girl Who Gets Motion Sick [Additional update for Chicago, I’m Coming leader! 】

ps: I would also like to thank Ozawa’s father for the 10,000 coins reward for his pots and pans!

As Yi Yang expected, everyone seemed to be traveling, with their suitcases packed to the brim.

The sun was just right. On the square, everyone gathered together in twos and threes to chat. The bus was already lined up not far away, waiting for them to board.

Pan Yang struggled to drag his suitcase to the square. Yi Yang held his backpack in one hand and carried it easily. He looked at Pan Yang from time to time and showed a smirk.

The backpack looks big, but it is made of textiles and is lightweight.

The heavier ones are the luggage they brought with them.

Of course, for someone who travels so lightly, he has to look different among everyone.

Many people took a second look at Yi Yang's backpack.

Pan Yang looked at Yi Yang unconvinced, and smiled in his heart. It looks good to be dressed lightly now. You will be bored to death in the military camp.

He also carries so many disposable underwear and dozens of pairs of socks... This guy is so lazy that he doesn't even bother to wash his socks and underwear. He is still diligent. What's the point of not training himself when he gets to the army?


After a while, Luo Zibo also arrived. Similarly, while carrying a backpack, she also pulled a stupid and big suitcase. When she saw Yi Yang, she was also a little surprised and said, "Just bring a backpack." ah?"


"We have to live for more than twenty days!"

"Isn't the army all-inclusive of food and accommodation?"

"Uh...but that's too boring..."

Yi Yang showed a mysterious expression: "There is a high probability that it won't be boring."

"Yeah..." Luo Zibo just laughed twice.

Pan Yang took the opportunity to say: "Leave him alone, I tried to persuade him, but he didn't listen."

Luo Zibo glanced at Pan Yang and just smiled without responding.

Soon, counselor Wu Jiayan also arrived and asked Yiyang to organize a check to see if everyone had brought all the necessary items they had been informed to bring yesterday.

Looking at everyone's packed suitcases, Yi Yang estimated that everyone had just brought a lot more stuff, so there was no need to worry. However, in order to make Wu Jiayan feel that he was serious and responsible, he pretended to ask a bunch of questions. , and after confirming that there were no problems, we finally boarded the train.

Tunghai University's enrollment plan this year is more than 3,000 people. Freshmen from all colleges go to the same training base. In total, there are nearly a hundred buses. Although they go in batches, so many buses are still quite spectacular. of.

Everyone sang songs on the bus.

Yi Yang sat in the last row and watched with interest as the classmates in front played some ice-breaking games. A few boys who liked to socialize and had cheerful personalities raised their heads and talked about playing relay singing games. One boy even took out a A guitar came out, leaning against the car corridor, and performing with the guitar on his back. This was probably a good idea. After a while, a flute player, a harmonica player, and a girl who had obviously learned vocal music sang several songs in a row. Just make the atmosphere warm.

Everyone had a great time.

Students with excellent grades can even play better than you. This sentence really doesn't appear out of thin air.

Yi Yang was not in a hurry to show his face deliberately in such a place.

It is understandable that many students are a little excited when they have just entered college. They want to make friends and can’t wait to show their best side to others. But in fact, there is no need to be so anxious to impress others. , the principle of over and over again also applies here. After entering the military camp, there are many opportunities to show yourself, so you are not in a hurry for such a short time.

To show off, it's best to be a blockbuster.


Yi Yang recalled the content of his chat with Wang Sangning.

Her father often told her about the army, and Wang Sangning was happy to talk to him about those things.

If military training is really organized according to real military life, then the first day after arriving in the army will probably not be easy. It is best to keep your spirits up now.

Yi Yang slowly closed his eyes. Thanks to the noisy accommodation environment in his previous life, he had the special ability to fall asleep quickly and peacefully anywhere. Despite the noise in the carriage, he quickly fell asleep after closing his eyes. Then I saw Jiang Lili.

There are five seats in the last row. Yi Yang sits in the middle, with Pan Yang on one side and a girl on the other.

The girl is not tall and her face looks a little green. She is wearing a white T-shirt and slightly rustic cropped pants. Her face is a little ugly at this time, no, to be precise, it is very ugly, and her face is pale and bloodless. , swallowing saliva from time to time, closing his eyes, then opening them helplessly, his eyes gradually losing focus.

Motion sickness.

In fact, there is a good solution to the problem of motion sickness, which is to ride more cars. The more you sit, the more your body will get used to it, and you won’t get dizzy after it adapts. However, there are always people who rarely feel motion sickness during their long school days. If you get the opportunity to ride in a car, if you are unfortunate enough to be a person with an overly sensitive vestibular semicircular canal, motion sickness will be extremely painful for her.

Huang Shanshan is a girl who rarely rides in cars and has a very poor sense of balance.

Of course, there are various reasons for the lack of car rides, and she is the most unspeakable reason... poverty.

She is a girl from the mountains.

It is probably unimaginable for many children in the city. Before coming to Donghai City, the farthest place she had ever been was the county seat, and that was because there was no middle school in the township.

When she was a child, she spent her life with Zhucao and Shanlu. After graduating from elementary school, she was admitted to the best middle school in the county with excellent results. From then on, she began to live in school for six full years. She only went to school during the winter and summer vacations every year. She would take a minibus for more than an hour, and then walk for more than four hours on a mountainous road home. The few experiences of nausea and vomiting were not enough for her to develop the skills to avoid motion sickness.

She didn't dare to spit it out. She couldn't imagine what it would be like if she vomited here.

Hold it back.

She closed her eyes and thought about this, hoping to divert her attention and recall the reason why she applied for this university.

As the top scorer in the college entrance examination in the county, many teachers helped her when filling out her application. Unfortunately, she was still a little short of the score line in Qingbei, so she set her sights on a few TOP3 universities that were slightly worse.

Before filling out the application, she had no idea and didn't know what major she liked. She just hoped to study a major that would make it easier to find a job and make money in the future. A teacher said that the accounting major has been very popular in recent years, and except for Qingbei Besides, the university with the highest admission score for accounting is Tunghai University, so she came.

But she didn't expect that most people had different intentions from her when applying for the School of Economics and Management...

Most people's first choice of major after two years is finance. There are not many people like her who plan to major in accounting from the beginning...

Of course, this is not important to her, and she doesn't care so much about what others think of her.

For example, my roommate is a girl from a good family. I asked her to go to dinner with her on the first day she arrived. She said she couldn't afford it and was embarrassed to let her treat her. After rejecting several good intentions from her roommate, the roommate was helpless. She could only go with the little sister in the next dormitory, but she felt more comfortable being alone.

So, be prepared to spend a few years here alone.

She believes that there is nothing in this university that requires help from others.

However, I didn’t expect to make a mistake so quickly.

I really want to... I really want to vomit...

She didn't bring anything to catch the vomit.

At this time, the short boy who was one squad leader away from her was eating duck neck. The aroma was strong. The smell made her want to vomit even more.

After more than an hour of turbulence, the people in the car no longer had the excitement they had when they got on the car, and became much quieter.

Huang Shanshan plucked up the courage and shouted loudly: "Uncle! Can you stop for a moment!"

The driver has not responded yet, but someone in the car has already commented on her request...

"This is on the highway."

There was a bit of weirdness in his tone.

Of course, most people didn't speak, but many people looked back at Huang Shanshan curiously.

Yi Yang opened his eyes and glanced at Huang Shanshan beside him.

Huang Shanshan didn't know that parking was not allowed on the highway, but she also felt that the eyes of others looking at her were a little... weird. Some people were strange, and a few people were not so kind. But at this time, she had already There was no way to think about the reason, because with the words just now, my stomach had already started to churn, and a hot ball had already surged up along the esophagus.

She quickly covered her mouth.

Her head was buzzing.

At this moment, a plastic bag suddenly appeared in front of me.

Huang Shanshan had no time to think about anything else. As if grasping a life-saving straw, he grabbed the plastic bag and buried his face in it...

"Wow, wow, wow..."

At the same time, someone patted her back gently.

She felt better.

After spitting it out, she felt much better. She sighed weakly and gently squeezed the plastic bag tightly, trying not to let the smell in the bag escape. Then she looked at the person who handed her the bag and patted her back.

Yi Yang looked calm, shook his head and said, "If you get motion sickness, you should bring a plastic bag."

Huang Shanshan's face was still pale, and his eyes were a little evasive.

Naturally, I was deeply impressed by this tall and handsome boy who ran for class president yesterday.

Before getting on the bus, she just wanted to sit in a seat where no one would notice her, but she didn't expect that not long after, the squad leader led his little follower and came straight in this direction, and said: His butt sat next to his.

There is no so-called love, but I am very nervous, worried that I will trouble this class leader who does not seem to be very easy to get along with.

Fortunately, not long after getting in the car, the squad leader fell asleep, and she felt a little more relaxed.

The result now...sigh.

She said feebly: "Thank you..."

Yi Yang nodded: "It doesn't matter. You can't park on the highway. You can only make do with this bag first."

Huang Shanshan was startled slightly, an unnatural blush appeared on his pale face, and his head was buried lower: "Oh..."

After sorting out her chaotic thoughts, she suddenly thought of something and looked down at the bag where she had just vomited...

At the same time, a handsome guy next to Yi Yang who was nibbling on the duck neck burst into tears, his lips twitched slightly, and he was reluctant to bite off half of the duck neck in his hand.

Yi Yang said: "Isn't the situation a bit critical... When you come back, I'll treat you to duck necks for three days."

Pan Yang then pursed his lips and said, "This is what you said~"

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