I am reborn and just want to concentrate on my studies

Chapter 346 Yi Yang’s plain and happy military training life

time flies.

A week has passed since the military training began.

On the first day he came to the military camp, he was given a slap in the face by Chen Chao, and then he finally officially entered the daily life of military training.

Looking back on the past week, it can be said that it was very hard... Of course, the most painful thing was the first day.

After returning to the dormitory, what you need to do immediately on the first night is to learn to fold quilts. The platoon leader gathered people from a platoon into a dormitory and taught them the folding method in the army. The common method here is the three-fold quilt method. It is easier than four-stack quilts, but it is still very difficult for students who have no foundation in this area. After simply explaining the method, they are allowed to go back and play freely.

It has to be said that most students who can get into prestigious schools have a character that refuses to admit defeat. After mastering the method, every dormitory becomes busy in full swing. Some even use their own iron benches to grind quilts patiently, hoping to Make it flat... Unfortunately, there is only one quilt, and it must be taken apart to sleep at night. As soon as the body heat warms up, the flat quilt becomes fluffy again the next day.

This is indeed a grueling process.

But this matter may not seem so complicated to most people. Yi Yang was the first one in the dormitory to fold the quilt, and the others quickly mastered the technique. Although the standard of folding was not that high, It finally looks like a military quilt. What's more painful is that Pan Yang is short and not very strong. Folding quilts is essentially a task that requires force and consumes physical strength. It took a long time to fold a quilt. Yi Yang couldn't stand it anymore, so he folded it for him...

Even so, after Pan Yang climbed into bed, he was still sweating profusely from exhaustion.

And this is something that needs to be done every day.

Military camps are never meant for people to enjoy, and the conditions are naturally incomparable to those in schools. The facilities in the dormitory are simple, with only one fan, five steel-frame beds with bunk beds, and a metal locker for each person. There is no independent bathroom, whether it is to take a shower or not. To go to the toilet, you need to walk a short distance to the public area, and there is a dedicated area on the top floor to dry clothes.

Yi Yang was prepared. He brought a total of forty pairs of good-quality pure cotton socks and special disposable underwear. He just put the changed ones in a garbage bag and threw them away. In comparison, the rest of the dormitory People didn't have this awareness, but they each brought washing supplies. When they learned about Yi Yang's daily selling strategy, they couldn't help but stamp their feet and beat their chests. They praised him for his foresight and were filled with envy at the same time.

He didn't have to think about trivial things like washing socks and underwear, so he had more time to rest. He watched the news in the evening and organized a practice of military songs. After returning to the dormitory, he took the basin directly to take a shower... He even just Bringing a towel saves you the trouble of finding a place to dry your bath towel. There is a saying in the army: start with a handkerchief, wipe your face and then wipe your crotch. There are not so many messy bathing procedures. Just shower with hot water and rub After getting rid of all the sweat stains on my body, I returned to the dormitory refreshed and refreshed, and the day came to an end.

The platoon leader who noticed this was a little surprised, and even this detail was enough to make him look up at Yi Yang. After all, it was quite unacceptable for a delicate and prestigious student to wash his face and wipe his body with a towel.

This guy... is not pretentious and has a military air.

At this time, roommates are often rubbing socks or washing underwear. After washing, they have to climb to the top floor to dry them. They are also always worried about rain or being blown away by the wind at night...

Happiness and misfortune are both contrasted.

Every time Pan Yang finished the chores and was about to take a shower, Yi Yang was already lying on the bed after finishing the video with his girlfriend and getting ready to rest. Every time he saw this scene, he regretted it and had a toothache...

It would have been better to listen to Yi Yang at that time.

And when everyone finished washing and began to enjoy the rare rest time, Yi Yang had already said good night to Jiang Lili and rested to fall asleep.

The more people in the dormitory, the greater the chance of a snoring baby appearing. The two roommates played a duet in the dead of night. When the noise made others unable to sleep, Yi Yang was already in his second deep sleep.

Excellent sleep guarantees energy and can also make a person's mood more stable.

In addition to being the first to sleep, Yi Yang was also the first to wake up.

When you get up, there is often more than an hour before the wake-up whistle blows.

But his sleep time may be the longest among all the people. He is full of energy, feels like he has been refreshed, and is in a very happy mood.

At this time, most of the others were still in deep sleep.

He got up gently, carried the quilt and toiletries and went out. After a brief wash, he folded the quilt on the tile floor in the corridor.

The act of folding a quilt actually has no important meaning, but it is valuable.

On the one hand, Yi Yang is actually a little too busy. On the other hand, when doing this, it is one of the few things where he can completely relax and think about things while still doing well. After it is square and beautiful, people will have an inexplicable feeling of refreshment...

There is a special kind of fun.

While doing this, Yi Yang often met Chen Chao in the corridor.

Yi Yang found that Chen Chao paid more attention to the training team than he thought. He would check the rooms many times every day. If there was one person missing from a certain dormitory, he would sneak to the bathroom to see if anyone was there. Toilet... Of course, you can find it in the bathroom every time, and if you can't find it, the consequences can be disastrous.

The first time Chen Chao saw Yi Yang folding a quilt in the corridor, Yi Yang said hello to him, and he looked at Yi Yang silently for a few minutes, and then said: "The quilt is folded well."

In the next few days, Chen Chao deliberately walked around during that time and saw Yi Yang in the same position. Every time, he would stand aside and observe for a while.

Yi Yang didn't care, and he wouldn't deliberately show off because of Chen Chao's attention, such as working harder or going faster.

He simply immersed himself in it.

I really enjoy this process. Because it is a new quilt and the quilt has to be dismantled every day, it is difficult to make the quilt automatically shape with a few kicks like the veterans. However, if you fold too many quilts, there will be traces of lines, so I fold the quilt every day. The difficulty is indeed getting lower and lower, but he spends the same time because the standard is higher. He takes a chopstick and pulls out the lines and pinches out the edges bit by bit.

It's like polishing a piece of art.

One day, Chen Chao finally couldn't help but comment with interest: "If we were to select outstanding military training students in the end, I would choose you."

Yi Yang smoothed the lines with chopsticks and said with a smile: "Captain... isn't this a bit sloppy?"

"Not hasty."

"The quilt is folded well..." Yi Yang slowly put away the chopsticks, smiled and said, "What can you tell?"

"There are many things that can be seen, and they are very accurate." Chen Chao said with a playful expression. After these days of devil training, not many people dare to talk to him like this.

"Haha... Really." Yi Yang lifted the quilt and prepared to enter the dormitory.

Chen Chao said: "What's your score in the college entrance examination?"

"It looks like I just got on the Qingbei Line."

"Oh..." Chen Chao was silent for a moment, "Why didn't you go?"

"I prefer this major now."

"I think you are quite suitable for joining the army."

Yi Yang thought for a while and asked: "Hmm...how can you tell?"

"It's rare to live with loneliness and boredom. You have perseverance, good observation skills, and are not pretentious."

Yi Yang smiled and said: "Captain Chen, what you mentioned...should be suitable for any profession, right?"

Chen Chao was stunned, "Oh...really?"

Yi Yang said: "Captain Chen, I'll go in first!"

Chen Chao smiled, nodded, then looked at his watch and went back to his dormitory to get the whistle.

I have a good relationship with other people in the dormitory.

When they first arrived at the university, they naturally wanted to show their best side, and they lived under the same roof. They would chat with each other after turning off the lights at night, and they became very familiar with each other as soon as they went back and forth.

People always have a low tolerance for procrastination. Fortunately, none of these nominal "comrades" have uncoordinated limbs or have lower emotional intelligence. After formal training begins during the day, at least on a class basis, No matter whether it is movements or discipline, everyone can quickly get into it after passing the confused state on the first day.

Apart from Pan Yang, the person closest to Yi Yang is Quan Xing.

The reason was basketball and debate.

Quanxing said that he also wanted to play basketball. After the school officially started, he wanted to try the college team and participate in various random basketball games in the school. He also asked Yiyang such a tall height, whether he could play basketball or not.

Yi Yang didn't want to hide his clumsiness, but he directly told the other party that he could enter Tunghai University through basketball, and it seemed a bit like showing off. He just said that he could play and liked to play. If there was a chance to play together... basketball level was something like that. After a fight, everyone knows everything.

In addition to basketball, Quanxing also has a strong interest in debating competitions. He said that after the official start of the school year, when the club recruits new members, he would like to experience the debating club or interview with the debate team of the School of Economics and Management. He also asked Yi Yang if he was interested... Neng smiled and said that he did a little debate in high school.

These two relationships made Quan Xing very happy. He probably regarded him as his first like-minded friend after entering university. They would eat together after training every day, stir up topics, exchange information, and become very familiar with each other... ...Of course, Pan Yang is also familiar with him.

The military training life is boring. Most of the time, the life pattern of the previous day is repeated. The main queue training is occasionally interspersed with some relatively lively subjects, such as health rescue and fire prevention and firefighting knowledge. But no matter what the content of the training is, The daily life system must be strictly followed, from getting up to turning off the lights and going to bed at night. This period of time is fully arranged. Naturally, there is also rest time, and it is not short, but the rest time is used for sleeping. Take lunch break for example. No one would think of using this time to play other things.

Pan Yang had never had a chance to take out the game console he had brought with him since he started military training... It was even more depressing to have so many things for nothing.

There were two days of rest on the weekend, but they still had to abide by the one-day rule and were not allowed to go out. So a group of people went to the chess and card room to play chess and board games.

On weekends, you can play basketball in the camp area.

Yiyang was using the toilet in the public restroom.

Quan Xing came over and took off the zipper.

Brush, brush, brush...

"Brother, let's go play ball later!" Quanxing said.

Yi Yang looked at Quan Xing and nodded.

Basketball is one of the few pastimes in the military camp. After all, smartphones in this era are not very powerful, and the popular games are still games like Happy Fun and Temple Escape. It is really difficult to indulge in them all day long. On the contrary, Face-to-face socializing or ball games are much more fun.

Yi Yang and Quan Xing changed into short-sleeved shorts. Pan Yang curiously asked them where they were going. After getting the answer, he couldn't sit still. He jumped out of bed and said that he was going too and played basketball with them.

Quan Xing was a little surprised. After all, Pan Yang was too short. He asked curiously: "Can you play basketball?"

Pan Yang said: "Yes! I will definitely do it! Please take me with you! Otherwise I will be too boring!"

Everyone else in the dormitory had gone out, some were in the leisure room, and some were hanging out in the few areas of the camp that were open to limited use.

Yi Yang didn't have any objections. Playing basketball itself is more interesting when there are more people.

The stadium is not as lively as expected. The training in the past few days has been very strict. Many people have exhausted their energy on the training ground. It is really impossible to squeeze out more energy to play, but it is not a lot, and several stadiums are full of energy. Some people play 3V3 standing wild ball. The rules are simple. Win 6 points and change to the next group.

The three of them came to the court. Quan Xing glanced around and spotted a field court that seemed to be of higher quality... Mainly because there were more people watching the game on that court, and the people on the court were taller. He looked at Yi Yang: "How about we go to that place?"

Yi Yang said: "I can do it."

Pan Yang said enthusiastically: "It's no problem for me either."

The game was very lively at that venue. There were a lot of people watching the game, including non-commissioned officers from the military camp, but most of them were students from Tunghai University. There were students from every college. Quan Xing went up to say hello, and the three of them sat down under the court. , waiting to come on stage.

Yi Yang observed it and found that the level was not high in general. After all, from his point of view, reaching a "high level" level was almost a level where he could make a living from basketball.

So I no longer continue to focus on the court.

His eyes glanced here and there casually.

Not far from the basketball, there is a lonely figure.

Girl... Or rather, it is inappropriate to call a girl at this age. Let’s say a young woman with a strong sense of girliness. She is wearing the camouflage uniform issued by the school, loose and loose, with her head lowered and serious. I was thinking about something. After thinking for a while, I probably figured it out. My eyes became firm, I raised my head, and with a stubborn expression in front of me, I straightened my arms and took a step... Two steps later, they became the same hand. Same foot.

She stopped, her expression looked a little painful, she pulled her hair, let out a long sigh, sat down, crossed her legs, propped her chin with her hands, and continued to think.

Yi Yang watched this scene silently from a distance.

That girl was none other than Huang Shanshan who almost vomited in the car that day.


This girl is actually a cisgender person, which is really surprising.

After a while, Huang Shanshan probably figured it out and stood up. This time he no longer tried to walk in unison, but clenched his fists and stuck them in his waist... He tried running, but before he could run a few meters, he staggered... ...fallen.

Yi Yang was even more speechless.

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