I am reborn and just want to concentrate on my studies

Chapter 352 Because of you, I want to be a warm person

Things in dreams are relatively abstract, and it is difficult to explain clearly what happened, but the general feelings are accurate, and the fragrant feelings are very close to reality.

The next day was a rainy day. I was still in bed and heard the patter of rain outside the window. I slowly moved to the bedside and opened the curtains. I saw that the city outside the window was completely submerged in layers of rain curtains. In the middle, in a closer place, a few umbrella flowers are swimming slowly. In this weather, most people don’t like to go out, and they look desolate. However, in a farther place, the cars and people on the street are all following the buildings. blurred and invisible.

With weather like this, it’s really hard to get anyone interested in going out.

Yi Yang leaned on the head of the bed, closed his eyes, and thought about what happened last night, feeling a little funny.

Actually, last night was a pretty good opportunity...an opportunity to complete the last step with Jiang Lili.

In the end, he didn't implement it, not because he wanted to be a saint on purpose, but because he felt the hesitation in Jiang Lili's heart, and she hadn't thought it through yet.

Maybe if you throw her down and act more decisive and domineering, you can break through the relationship naturally... but it's not necessary.

She wanted it, of course she wanted it, but she still kept her mind clear at the last minute. On the one hand, it was because she was in a hurry yesterday and did not prepare products such as DLS, and now if she accidentally won the prize, it would probably scare her.

But more important is the other reason.

He felt funny when he thought that Jiang Liliming was very ignorant, but always pretended to be mature and pretended to be a leader.

This is actually an exciting fun.

In his heart, he hoped that Jiang Lili would take the initiative in those matters.

She likes to play the role of sister, it makes her happy, and why doesn't she do the same? Pretending to be helpless and stimulating girls' motherhood, protectiveness, wildness, and desire to conquer actually have a different flavor.

In this process, she gained a sense of accomplishment and the joy of conquest, and what she gained was happiness that ordinary people cannot copy and experience.

The boy takes the lead, and in that matter, he also acts as a domineering guy, guiding the girl little by little. This kind of relationship is so common that you don't even have to experience it, you can understand the emotions after just a little thought.

It's actually not interesting.

It is almost difficult to find another example of Jiang Lili's situation: a sister who clearly knows nothing, but has to play the role of a guide, while being extremely nervous and blushing, she also has to tell her generously and gently. Brother, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, just do this, do that, do this again, look, isn't it very simple? Yes...that's right there...think about that scene, it's really...

It's hard to calm down.

So don't be anxious. This matter is completely dominated by her. It has beauty, and it is a beauty that trembles people's soul. Any initiative from yourself will destroy this beauty.

After thinking for a while, Yi Yang raised the corners of his mouth slightly, feeling proud of his little thought.

The so-called fun is to find the fun that is unique to you and her in the same relationship between the sexes, and you don't have to care about how other people play.

Because it rained, today's trip was temporarily put on hold. Of course, I had no plans to go out originally. It didn't matter where I was, what mattered was who I was with, chatting in the cafe outside, and at home. Sitting on the sofa, watching TV and chatting at the same time, is a wonderful fun, makes people feel happy, and is worth experiencing.

Staying at home, there is no need to change clothes. Jiang Lili wore a loose nightgown. Whether her skirt or pants, they were rarely above the knee, and often only her calves were exposed, but this was also easy. What Yang admires about him is that she is sexy, and her sexiness never lies in exposing any part of her body to the air. Her sexiness comes from her character, her understanding of female charm, and her understanding of male emotions. understand.

After breakfast, Yi Yang moved two chairs to the balcony of the living room, made a pot of lemon grapefruit tea, and called Jiang Lili. The two faced the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the city in the rain, drinking tea and chatting.

A long time ago, he fantasized about living such a life. To see whether a couple is happy or not, there is a theory that it depends on how much useless information two people exchange. The more, the happier they are. In short, it is what two people say. The more nonsense, the better the relationship... In fact, it makes sense. The inherent characteristic of Chinese people is that they like to think about problems and express opinions. This has formed a practical national character, but it also deprives many people of their emotional experience. Nonsense is relative. Talking about dry stuff, talking about emotions, telling stories, and talking about how you feel about a thing are all considered "nonsense", but the listeners will feel very comfortable and relaxed.

"I don't plan to go find my mother..." Yi Yang sighed and smiled sadly: "To be honest, I don't know how to face her."

"She is related to me by blood. Half of the blood flowing in my body comes from her. This is a fact that cannot be changed. Therefore, whether I want it or not, there is no way to change the fact that she is my mother. If I really see her one day, I will still call her mom, but this title cannot carry more things..."

"Because I have no feelings, this is also a fact. I don't know if this is right, but it is true. I don't love her, nor do I hate her... In fact, when I was younger, I hated her more than others. Any emotion... When I was a child, there were many children in the small county who would laugh at me for being a person without a father or a mother. It would be particularly painful during parent-teacher conferences, but the teachers in the elementary school did not take care of me because of this. Emotions, therefore, gradually developed a somewhat extreme character in childhood..."

"I am very sensitive. I can always feel the emotions of others. This seems to be an innate ability. I can feel the malice of those children towards me. When I first used violence to fight against this malice Later, I felt their fear. Although they still had malicious intentions, my own emotions became more consistent and comfortable. So I walked further and further down this road, and in the process, my hatred for her gradually faded away. Until now, there is neither hatred nor love... Well, if I use an accurate word to describe it, it would be, forget it, as if this person has never existed in my life."

Jiang Lili squeezed Yi Yang's hand with some distress, her nose twitched slightly, and she actually shed two tears.

Yi Yang looked at Jiang Lili in surprise, "Sister..."

Seeing Yi Yang's expression, Jiang Lili burst into laughter and said, "Don't worry about me, I'll just take it easy myself."

Yi Yang nodded slightly, looked at the quiet city outside the floor-to-ceiling window, and said, "Actually, my character is flawed. I am prone to extremes and stubborn. It is difficult to change the things I believe in. There was a time when I was very degenerate. Fortunately, I met my sister. She was like a beam of light in my life. Because of her, she made me gentle, made my extremeness become decisive, and made my stubbornness become Determined, now, I hope to become as warm a person as my sister."

These words have nothing to do with rebirth.

Yi Yang knew very well that although rebirth had brought about changes in his cognition, it was only the consequence of realizing that he was uneducated and did not study.

The experience in his previous life only made him want to learn.

Rebirth is to give this obsession a chance to be realized.

But the essence of his character has not changed.

If he had not met Jiang Lili, he would still study hard, maybe he could go to a good university, and he could change his destiny... But that kind of self is more like a refined egoist, just like himself when he was just reborn. , when measuring some relationships, they almost always take "what benefits he can bring to me" as the starting point. For example, whether it is getting close to Luo Luoyue or becoming friends with Luo Bing, it is all because they can benefit from them. Gain something and even see the possibility of so-called "personal connections" from them.

And Jiang Lili taught him the ability to love someone.

It brings him the possibility of interpersonal relationships and a way of emotional communication that is not mixed with interests.

Emotional intelligence is just an ability and a tool. It is emotionless in itself. He used to use this ability to be versatile, to talk to people, to weigh the pros and cons, to balance all parties, and to leverage other people. To achieve his goal, and because of Jiang Lili's subtle influence, he couldn't help but use this ability to warm others.

Jiang Lili was a little embarrassed and said, "It's not as exaggerated as you said."

Yi Yang insisted: "Yes, there is. Didn't sister say that if she misses me, she will not like other boys in the future? But why am I not the same? If sister doesn't want me one day, what will happen again? Who can be the light in my life like my sister? Others like to use white moonlight to describe that stunning girl, but I prefer to use golden sunshine to describe my sister. My sister is not white moonlight, but sunshine. It is the warm sunshine that dispels the gloom and melts the snow for me.”

Jiang Lili's eyes were watery. She gently wiped her tears again and said, "It's raining outside, and you still want to trick my tears."

"elder sister……"

"Call me Li Li."

"Li...Li Li!"

"Silly, come on, give me a hug."


"Oh, I can't fit into this chair. Come on, let me stand up..."

"Hold me like this from behind. How is my figure? Is my waist thin?"

"I like you all the way."

Jiang Lili leaned her head against Yi Yang's chest, looked at the rain outside, and asked softly: "Yi Yang, do you like rainy days?"

"I didn't like it before because I remember that the first woman in my life who could pull my emotions away was a rainy day when she left my life."

"Yi Yang..."

"But I like rainy days now, because I still remember that the second woman in my life who could pull my emotions came into my life on a rainy day."

Yi Yang also looked at the rainy scene, hugged Jiang Lili tightly, and said softly: "My sister was barefoot that day, so beautiful. I can't forget it, and I will never forget it in this life..."

"Okay...you, you have evil thoughts towards me since you were so young!"

"Nothing... it's just a simple appreciation of beauty..."



"That's it...actually, it's not impossible..."



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