I am reborn and just want to concentrate on my studies

Chapter 359 Yi Yang becomes an angel investor

After listening to Yi Yang describe their "project", Kang Xin remained silent and poured more tea.

Kang Huan looked at her father and her elder brother curiously, and suddenly felt a little happy. Many people wanted to visit him, but he rarely brought people to his home... Although she was young and could not intuitively understand this difference, But one thing she is sure of is that her father should like her eldest brother very much, and if her father likes her eldest brother, he can often see his eldest brother at home.

She liked him even more after being hugged by her eldest brother just now. She felt that his eldest brother had a nice smell.

Yiyang looked at Kang Xin silently. How should I put it? Although this curriculum app is a proven business model in the future... it may not be able to go to the end, but it did succeed for a while, but can it attract Kang Xin's people? What about eyes?

Kang Xin picked up the small tea cup, took a sip slowly, then slowly put the cup down, and then looked at Yi Yang with interest.

"I'll ask you a few questions. If you answer them correctly, I can help you open up the school's data channel."

Yi Yang was immediately overjoyed. With Kang Xin's status in Donghai University, no matter which leader needed to sign, it would not be a big problem if he said hello.

"When I make investments, I usually analyze it from three levels: industry, company, and management."

"When looking at the industry, we focus on the nature of the business. What is the logic of making money for your product? What is the competitive landscape like? How much room for growth is there?"

industry? company? Management?

After listening to Kang Xin's words, Yi Yang's eyes moved, and he suddenly realized that the other party was not only asking him questions, but also guiding him to learn a mature business logic! He perked up, thought carefully, and then spoke slowly.

"The essence of this product can be summarized in two words, that is traffic! If our app is developed and goes well, there will be a large number of college student users who will spend a lot of time on the app every day, and this traffic represents The possibilities are endless, and there are many ways to monetize them, such as advertising, enabling value-added services, etc..."

"In terms of competitive landscape... well, besides this one, there are some similar course schedule products on the market, but they basically require students to manually add course schedules, which is a hassle, and there are no online communities, confession walls, or lost items. Additional features like recruiting.”

"In terms of room for growth..." Yi Yang took a deep breath and said, "There are thousands of colleges and universities across the country. Even if mobile phones become popular in the future, high schools and junior high schools may not be included in the target group of our app."

Kang Xin had no expression. He pondered for a moment, nodded, and continued: "Then the next step is to look at the company. When looking at a company, look at the business model. How difficult is it to enter your product? What is the process mechanism? Do you have core competitiveness? ?”

Yi Yang said: "If you look at mobile phone software with similar functions, it is easy to develop, but it is difficult to import it with one click! And this is also our core competitiveness. Technically speaking, either through crawlers, One by one, we need to adapt to the academic management systems of universities, or we can seek cooperation from the school and directly open a data interface like ours."

"According to the description of our technical staff, there is a drawback in the method of adapting the academic management system of colleges and universities one by one, that is, once the school's management system is upgraded, it needs to be reconfigured, so the optimal solution is to let the school directly open a data interface."

"And this step is also our advantage, because once we can open an opening at Tunghai University, accumulate experience, and rely on Tunghai University, a famous school, we will be able to open up the business of all universities bit by bit in the future, and this will gradually improve Get into difficulty.”

Kang Xin still had no expression and said: "Okay, the last point is to look at the management. To look at the management is to look at the ability of the manager. Please evaluate the founder of this project."

After hearing this, Yi Yang was slightly startled and didn't know where to start.

Because, he suddenly realized that he no longer knew his position.

He came up with this idea, but the design, development, and debugging of mobile applications basically have nothing to do with him, and he has not participated in one of their activities since joining this club.

Thinking of this, he realized a big problem. In fact, the project would be the same with or without him.

Currently, he is in his freshman year, so there is no way for him to have as much time and energy to participate as they do. If a company is really established next, it will be impossible to participate in the management of the company...

So what is it that you are doing now?

Kang Xin glanced at Yi Yang playfully, and probably guessed what he was thinking. He pondered for a moment and said, "Tell me about your impression of the leader of the team that developed this application."

Ma Wenwu?

Yi Yang sorted out his thoughts for a while and said slowly: "Well... he is a senior of the School of Economics and Engineering. As a person... he is very capable of execution. How can you tell this? I just mentioned it. He found the idea of ​​the curriculum interesting, so he worked hard and figured it out in no time. In addition... his emotional intelligence should be good, and he should also be relatively calm."

Kang Xin put away the tea sets and asked casually: "Do you think he can be a good leader of a company?"

Yi Yang was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and then helped clean up. Then he shook his head and smiled and said, "To be honest... I'm not sure."


Kang Xin put away the tea set and smiled, "Let me tell you the most important principle of investment."


“Investment is in people.”

Yi Yang savored these words and thought thoughtfully.

Kang Xin stood up, stretched, and said with a smile: "I haven't thought about these things for a long time. Let me give you another suggestion."

"Yeah!" Yi Yang suddenly became serious.

"I probably understand your situation in this team. It should be said that it is very embarrassing. Maybe... you can learn investment in another way."

"Another way?"

"I previously suggested that you learn by starting a business, but starting a business is not suitable for you right now."

"Because after listening to your description just now, I think what you are doing has a certain future. Haha, if it goes well, it is not impossible to spread it to all colleges and universities across the country, and such a potential project... …It would be a shame to give up.”

"And you actually don't have much time to participate in their management and operations..."

"Even if you can participate, the effect may not be good. There is a saying in the investment community that professionals do professional things."

"So...don't you have some spare money? Maybe you can try to be an angel investor."

"Angel investor?" Yi Yang was slightly startled.

"Angel!" Kang Huanxi, who had been obediently listening to the two chatting, suddenly lit up when he heard the word "angel".

Kang Xin touched his daughter's head and said dotingly: "Can I buy you an angel toy next time?"


Kang Xin smiled and said: "However, it is not easy for you to be an angel investor in this company... because you may have discovered that Internet entrepreneurship is asset-light. In fact, you can't even spend money now." There is no place, and the demand for funds is relatively low, so it will be more difficult to enter the game.”

After a pause, he added: "But, you have to solve this matter yourself. If you are willing to follow the direction I told you, if everything goes well, you will probably be able to experience the growth process of an enterprise. If you develop in the future, If you get better at it, you may also be exposed to some venture capital, and it is not impossible to even go public. In the process, you will have an intuitive and profound understanding of value investing.”


The clothes over there had been washed and dried, and Yi Yang knew it was time to say goodbye. He thanked Kang Xin sternly: "Thank you, Teacher Kang, for your guidance!"

"Haha, it's not even about giving advice. The older you get, the more absolute you believe in things. You always like to talk about things with others. If you find it useful, you can come here often." Kang Xin paused. , pointed at Kang Huanxi with a smile: "This little girl really likes you."

Yi Yang looked at Kang Huanxi, and she was also looking at him.

Kang Huan saw this and covered his mouth with a "huhu" smile.

Kang Xin then said seriously: "If you really plan to do this, then just follow the process of starting a company. You will also need to do some corresponding materials and procedures for going to the Entrepreneurship Center. Once these are done, , I will help you say hello to the school leader."

For a moment, Yi Yang was moved.

After saying goodbye, Yi Yang kept thinking about this matter on the way back, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

No theoretical study is as intuitive as experiencing it yourself.

There is a great opportunity right now.

And as Kang Xin said, investing and holding shares does not involve participation in operations and management. Let professional people do professional things. Instead, they can focus on investment and understand the laws and requirements. ability.

As for the problem Kang Xin mentioned... the current project's demand for funds is not high, but it is actually easy to solve.

If there is no demand, just create demand.

"Already half done!"

Seeing Yi Yang's smiling expression, several members of the team were a little excited.

Only Ma Wenwu asked: "What does half-done mean?"

Yi Yang came up with the speech he had prepared, "I asked the dean of our college to help me say hello. There is basically no problem in opening the interface, but to do this, we need to meet several conditions."

“That’s to set up a real company!”

“We also need to prepare materials for the Entrepreneurship Center.”

After a pause, Yi Yang said seriously: "The most important thing is that if you want to do this as an entrepreneurial project, then you can't just focus on our school."

"After the mobile application is launched, how to open up channels to other universities is the most important thing. As long as we think clearly about this matter, the dean promised to help us."

After listening to Yi Yang's words, Ma Wenwu frowned slightly, and the rest of the team was also thinking.

After a while, Ma Wenwu said: "The first two are fine, just start working on them, but the key is the third one..."

"I understand what you mean, that is, if this project is to develop, it must focus on universities across the country."


Ma Wenwu thought for a while and said: "This matter is easy to say, but difficult to say."

"Our programmers here adapt online to the academic management systems of other universities and directly use crawlers to pull down their course schedules. But you also know that this method has drawbacks. Once the academic management system is upgraded, it will Need to re-adapt, unstable.”

"And the time cost of doing this is very high. The few of us who work overtime every day for a week can't do many colleges and universities..."

Yi Yang smiled slightly and said, "Actually, there is a way."


"There should be quite a few future programmers in the School of Engineering and Design, right?"

Ma Wenwu's eyes lit up and he said, "You mean, let students from the School of Economics and Engineering come to help with this?"

Sha Jin couldn't help but said: "Everyone is very busy, how can you do this for us for free?"

Yi Yang shook his head: "Who said it's free? Can't we just pay you? 20 or 40 yuan for adapting to a university... I don't know how much energy it takes. You can think about how much is more reasonable. It not only exercises their ability to apply knowledge, but it is also a good part-time job, and I think they will be happy to do it.”

"Of course, this method is not a long-term solution, so we still need to send people to discuss cooperation with other universities and strive to obtain their data interfaces..."

Ma Wenwu frowned and said, "But...where do we have the money?"

Yi Yang was waiting for this sentence.

He pondered for a moment, his expression became serious, and he said, "Now that we've come to this point, I want to ask the senior..."


"You..." looked at the others again, "Have you made any plans to start a business?"


"If you plan well, setting up a company, operations, management, and all kinds of messy things will follow."

Ma Wenwu was stunned.

"And our identity needs to change."

Yi Yang said seriously: "I can't have a hand in the entire application, from development to operation, so my position in this team is also very awkward. And it's not just me, but everyone who faces this problem. How much does each person contribute, how difficult is the responsibility, who is responsible for what, how to distribute the profits if there are any in the future, and how to exit if someone wants to leave... These questions need to be thought about."

Say it directly.

After listening to Yi Yang's words, everyone fell silent, and the atmosphere became a little subtle.

As Yi Yang said, when developing the application, Yi Yang basically never showed up or contributed. It is a bit awkward to count him as a member of the team, but the current docking matter is indeed his. Just kick them out? Inappropriate...

Even within their team, some people are responsible for simple things, while others are responsible for difficult things, and their strengths are also different. If the company is established, the benefits will be distributed...

Seeing that Yi Yang was confident, Ma Wenwu stopped beating around the bush and asked directly: "What are your plans?"

Yi Yang smiled slightly and said, "Aren't we short of money? Just let me be your first investor! I will not participate in management and operation, I will only hold shares."

After hearing Yi Yang's words, everyone looked at each other and were stunned.


The third uncomfortable day... When I woke up this morning, the quilt was soaked through and my throat was ulcerated. This is really much more painful than the new coronavirus.

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