It has just dawned. It rained for a long time last night. It finally stopped this morning. Thick fog enveloped the tall buildings in the city at the end of the field of vision, making it difficult to see what was inside. The sky was also dark in the distance. It seemed a little dark, and the humid air exuded a chill, as if it was about to penetrate into the clothes.

The Student Union of the School of Economics and Management is busy at this time.

As the external relations department, after attracting sponsorship, their work is basically completed. However, organizing such a large event, especially when setting up the venue, still requires a lot of manpower, so if you really want to be free, Coming down is still impossible.

But it was nothing more than helping other departments move some things.

At this point, there is no need to be too fussy. Although basically no one from other departments can help with matters that belong to them, but if you think about reciprocal rewards in everything, there is really not much pattern to speak of. .

The venue was mainly decorated by three departments: the Life Department, the Arts Department and the Sports Department. At this time, the president of the student union directed some officials to move things around. Sun Mingen went up to help, picked a relatively light iron shelf and walked backstage.

Although he said he could come over to help, the division of labor is the division of labor after all. In this kind of situation, he is already well-organized by being able to come. He has a small calculation in his heart, so there is no need to be too honest and make himself very tired.

After a while, the clouds and fog in the sky finally dispersed a little, and the sun shined through the clouds and fog, so the scene became a little brighter. Sun Mingen looked at the scene. Some classmates passed by and said hello to him. They all responded with smiles and nods.

In the eyes of others, you should be humble and gentle.

This made him very satisfied.

At this moment, he looked around and saw the figures of two people, and suddenly he felt a little unhappy.

On the trail, Pan Yang and Luo Zibo were walking over talking and laughing.

Luo Zibo has a smart short hair, but it does not give people the feeling of being ungirly. This hairstyle, combined with her big black and bright eyes and soft facial lines, will only add a touch of independent temperament, but will not weaken her. Feminine charm.

In terms of height, Luo Zibo is considered to be above average among girls, about 1.6 meters tall, but her body proportions are very good. Seeing her from a distance will give people a high visual experience.

In comparison, Pan Yang is very short.

The two of them were not a good match.

To be precise, there should be no reason why Luo Zibo would like a boy like Pan Yang.

Sun Mingen is very confident in recognizing people, and many things in the past have proven his vision.

The time he had been in contact with Luo Zibo was not long, but it was enough for him to have a rough outline of this school girl in his mind.

It is very difficult for a girl to be powerful, and it is even more difficult to be powerful and not be annoying to others. Luo Zibo has a gentle temperament. She is very strong in what she does, but she is strong at the same time. It is difficult to achieve this feeling of tenderness by relying on interpersonal experience or thoughts. It must be done from the inside out...

Her character has to be like that.

To be more specific, such a girl must be gentle in character, but also possess a kind of perseverance, initiative and enthusiasm in her heart.

This is a good girl.

He admires girls like this.

Once such a girl falls in love, it is difficult to break up, and a sense of "responsibility" will drive her.

It is difficult to break up with a boy. Unless the boy makes an unforgivable mistake, they will often adhere to the mentality of "taking responsibility for this relationship", work hard to get along, and work hard to move on.

This is a guess and based on experience from seeing similar girls.

Of course, this kind of appreciation is not yet upgraded to a strong liking. On the one hand, it is something subconscious, something that he himself is not very aware of... If he really likes it, it will be a shame if he can't pursue it. thing, so as long as you tell yourself "I don't like her that much, I just admire her", the final mood will not be too bad no matter what. On the other hand, I still have some flawed views of Luo Zibo...

Although it is difficult for people to misunderstand a boy like Pan Yang, he is a boy after all. Luo Zibo spends all day with that boy... there is always something not good about it.

At this time, Pan Yang and Luo Zibo walked over talking and laughing.

Of course, it would be inappropriate to regard Pan Yang as a love rival or to be jealous of him, as that would really seem out of place.

It's just that, no matter what the situation, girls prefer outstanding boys. Excellence in school is reflected in various aspects, such as grades, sports, figure, and even appearance. In various aspects, more importantly, it can help Girls solve real problems.

In comparison, Pan Yang has no advantages.

Well, my grades are not in the same grade, so it’s hard to compare. I’m a little over 1.7 meters tall, and my height is even more worthy of Luo Zibo’s. And my looks... I’m tall, so height should be more important. The most important thing is that I can help. Luo Zibo solved the problem. Pan Yang followed Luo Zibo around all day long, but in the end he still couldn't get any sponsorship...

Although Luo Zibo usually doesn't behave like a real strong woman, she should appreciate strong people more.

The favor I received from helping her get sponsorship is very precious, and with her character, she will remember it.

Relying on this, it should be easier to ask her out, show more of your advantages bit by bit, and at the same time get to know her deeply, and show her your humble and gentle side...

Chasing a girl and confessing her love directly is the stupidest thing.

Stalking is not good either.

To attract, to attract!

Sun Mingen came up to greet him and said hello: "Luo Zibo, Pan Yang!"

"Hey, senior?"

Luo Zibo was obviously a little surprised to meet Sun Mingen here, and asked doubtfully: "Well... why are you here?"

"Oh, well, although our task of soliciting sponsorship has been completed, there is no matter about the student union. I am idle, so I came here to see if there is anything I can do to help."

"Oh, that's right..." Luo Zibo smiled, "That senior is so enthusiastic."

Pan Yang didn't really want to talk to Sun Mingen, so he urged: "Zibo, where is the president?"

Sun Mingen's heart moved slightly and asked: "Are you looking for the president?"

"Yeah." Luo Zibo nodded, "Have you seen him?"

"Oh, I should be arranging some things in the background..."

"Then... let's wait a moment." Luo Zibo said to Pan Yang.

Sun Mingen took the initiative to stir up the topic and smiled: "What do you want to do with the president?"

Pan Yang replied directly: "We need to talk to the president about soliciting sponsorship."


Sun Mingen showed a slightly surprised expression. After all, he had already solved the sponsorship issue for Luo Zibo and assigned her a 3,000 yuan task...

Speaking of this, it is also a very proud thing.

After all, in total, he directly attracted 6,000 yuan in sponsorship this time. Although 3,000 yuan of it should be regarded as Luo Zibo's task, he was the one who brought the money, and there will be no change in this matter. The news has spread a while ago, and when evaluating abilities, what everyone focuses on is who actually gets the sponsorship.

This will be a big plus when I run for Minister of External Affairs next year.

And what exactly is "about sponsorship" that Pan Yang is talking about at this time?

He couldn't help but frown and asked: "Did something go wrong with the sponsorship? Didn't I tell you that for the 6,000 yuan I negotiated with Yongshang Supermarket, half of the task will be yours?"

Luo Zibo was a little embarrassed. She didn't want to talk about it originally... After all, although Pan Yang mentioned the sponsorship, it was an exclusive sponsorship and there was an introduction session that would take a few minutes. Can the president agree? , I don’t know yet, in case I can’t agree, Sun Mingen’s three thousand yuan sponsorship can be regarded as a guarantee... Of course, such a small thought is really a bit shameful, but I have to take such double insurance now, and I am asked about my face at this time. On...

She glanced at Pan Yang and made a decision instantly.

"Senior, we have another sponsor, but the other party has some conditions. We need to discuss it with the president, and he will make the decision."

After hearing Luo Zibo's words, Sun Mingen's mood suddenly sank, but the expression on his face remained gentle, and he said with a smile: "Is that many sponsorships have you negotiated?"

Luo Zibo hesitated and stretched out two fingers.

Seeing this, Sun Mingen felt a little better...

She originally thought it was a comeback that would turn the tide, but it turned out to be just the icing on the cake... Two thousand, she was still one thousand away from the mission. She still had to accept her favor. She nodded with a smile: "Oh... that's still awesome. Alright, the president should be over there, I’ll go with you.”

Luo Zibo thought for a moment and found no reason to refuse, so she nodded.

"By the way, what requests did they make?" Sun Mingen asked casually.

Luo Zibo said: "Exclusive sponsorship..."

"Exclusive sponsorship?!" Sun Mingen stopped immediately and said, "This is too outrageous, you won't agree, right?"

Pan Yang said: "Why don't you agree?"

Sun Ming'en glanced at Pan Yang, frowned and said: "Do you understand what exclusive sponsorship means? That means that other sponsors cannot be used, which is equivalent to giving up other sponsors' money! For those two thousand yuan... "

"What two thousand yuan?" Pan Yang said, "It's twenty thousand yuan!"

A look of astonishment suddenly appeared on Sun Mingen's face, and he didn't react for a moment, "Huh? Twenty thousand?"

Luo Zibo also nodded, blushing and said, "It's twenty thousand..."

She stretched out two fingers, just not wanting the other party to think she was too arrogant.

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Sun Ming'en's face, and he didn't know what to say for a moment, "Twenty thousand yuan...then...then we can still talk...but, does our minister know about this?"

The conflict between the Minister of External Relations Wu Jiqiang and Luo Zibo became known to everyone from the first day she entered the External Relations Department.

Pan Yang snorted coldly: "There's no need to let him know about this, right? Exclusive sponsorship should be a matter decided by the president."

"But...if it becomes an exclusive sponsorship, you know me, I don't care, but for the minister, this is equivalent to letting his early work go to waste...he won't be willing, right?"

Luo Zibo also knew that this was obliterating the efforts of the two of them, so she was a little entangled. But after hearing Sun Mingen's words, she glanced at Sun Mingen curiously and said, "Senior, do you really not mind?"

Sun Mingen was slightly startled...

do not mind? Shit doesn’t mind!

How could you not mind?

He is a sophomore, and the director Wu Jiqiang is a junior. Both of them had their limelight stolen by Luo Zibo alone. How could they not mind!

But now that the words had been released, he could only continue and smiled: "Don't you know me yet..."

Pan Yang chuckled: "I didn't expect the senior to be so generous and dignified! If the president doesn't agree later, or Wu Jiqiang has objections, you have to stand by our side!"

Sun Mingen could only laugh twice: " depends on the situation."

Then I finally met Zhao Ping, the president of the student union.

After hearing what Pan Yang and Luo Zibo said, Zhao Ping thought for a while and said, "We'd better discuss this matter."

Zhao Ping then called several ministers, and by the way also called Wu Jiqiang, the director of the External Relations Department, and a group of people briefly discussed the matter in a small room behind the stage.

"This is a matter of integrity!"

"We have twenty thousand!"

"That's the sponsorship we've agreed upon!"

"The boss may not want to pay for this money! But we have 20,000!"

"This is not a matter of money..."

"Of course it's a matter of money! One family's sponsorship is twice as much as that of you and Senior Sun Mingen combined! What's there to discuss? And Senior Sun Mingen's family has raised 6,000, and they don't have any objections! Right, Senior Sun?" ?”


"This is sponsorship, not business. The highest bidder wins. Have you signed the contract? What does this have to do with integrity?!"

The scene was quite noisy, Luo Zibo said nothing, and Pan Yang argued his case alone, guarding Luo Zibo like a knight.

Wu Jiqiang pushed his eyes, looking excited.

Zhao Ping shook his head and said, "You two stop, what do others think?"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. No matter how you express your opinions at this time, you are bound to offend someone. After staying in the student union for a long time, most of them are tactful and don't want to speak for a while.

Seeing this, Zhao Ping said calmly: "Then let me tell you my opinion. I agree with giving Luo Zibo the exclusive sponsorship rights. On the one hand, they are classmates in our school and should support it. On the other hand... they gave it to them. It’s a lot of money, an extra 10,000 yuan, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Zhao Pingneng is the chairman of the student union of the School of Economics and Management. His family owns several companies, and his conduct and family resources are very good. Basically, what he said is considered a decision.

Wu Jiqiang looked a little ugly and said: "But...integrity..."

Zhao Ping said: "There is no such thing as honesty and dishonesty. In the matter of sponsorship, the highest bidder wins. Just tell the merchant directly that someone has offered 20,000 yuan for exclusive sponsorship rights. If they give more money, we can also give the exclusive sponsorship rights." Sponsorship rights are given to them.”

"I..." Wu Jiqiang stopped talking. He also hoped that after graduation, he could enter their company through his relationship with Zhao Ping...

Then, everyone looked at Luo Zibo, and the girl finally showed a relieved smile.

The depression she felt in the previous period disappeared in front of this astonishing number. Although she also knew that this was not her fault, it was all thanks to Pan Yang... To be precise, it was Yi Yang who should be thanked, but for this favor It must be remembered on Pan Yang.

During this period of contact, she also roughly understood that Yi Yang's focus was very strange. Although he ran for class president, he was not as concerned about the things in the class as he imagined. He was very enthusiastic, and there were classmates in the class. When he encounters trouble, he will proactively help solve it, but that seems a little weird... It seems that running for class president just makes his enthusiasm less obtrusive.

But this enthusiasm has boundaries. He does it casually, such as caring about Huang Shanshan, but if you want him to help do something for no reason, it will be offensive to him.

This time he was able to help get 20,000 yuan in sponsorship simply because Pan Yang was his roommate and had nothing to do with him. In other words, it was Pan Yang who he wanted to thank and should thank. As for Pan Yang, The relationship between Yang and him is a matter between them.


Everyone is good at different things. Although Yi Yang showed great ability in this matter, it actually showed that Pan Yang was extraordinary from the side... Just imagine, a boy like Yi Yang, other people Why can't he get help?

Thinking of this, she felt a little proud, at least for now... The previous answer was that she should be his dance partner, which was not a disadvantage.

He was a pretty good boy who kept his word. She looked at Pan Yang a few more times.

Of course, with Pan Yang's narration, Yi Yang, the real promoter of this sponsorship, gradually appeared in the eyes of several people.

"Yi Yang?"

"President of freshman class 1?"

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