I am reborn and just want to concentrate on my studies

Chapter 374 Don’t understand the rules

"Mom...what should he call you later?"

Jiang Lili asked in Wang Huamei's office.

After hearing this question, Wang Huamei also hesitated.

In terms of age, I am probably only a dozen years older than him, so he should be an older sister, but he is my daughter's boyfriend...

Thinking of this, she spoke calmly and said, "Call me Auntie."

Since you want to be with your daughter, of course you have to call her that. This is the rule.

Jiang Lili thought the same, smiled, and sent a text message to Yi Yang: "I will see my mother later, call her aunt!"

Yi Yang looked at Jiang Lili's message and put his phone away.

Yesterday, I returned to Hanning City and stayed in a hotel for one night. Jiang Lili was at her mother's house, so she didn't see her. She stayed until the afternoon, and according to her instructions, she went downstairs to Wang Huamei's company.

Wang Huamei's company specializes in the production and sales of kitchen and bathroom appliances. In recent years, it has also been involved in some investment businesses. It has controlled the bus company and natural gas company in Heyang City, and also invested in the Rural Commercial Bank of Hanning City.

Because Jiang Lili also went to the company today and was in the company building now, he had to wait for a while.

Looking at the company's door, Yi Yang couldn't help but feel curious.

In this society, it is much more difficult for women to start such a large enterprise than for men.

Songhua Group's business has abundant cash flow, low debt, healthy capital operations, and compliant operations. Nowadays, society is booming, and people's demand for home appliances continues to increase. In response to the development of the times, their sales have continued to hit new highs in recent years. Investments outside the main business are all based on the company's own strength, and there is almost no leverage operation. This makes the company almost only face the risk of whether the market is booming.

It's very stable.

Naturally, he was very curious about his future mother-in-law, the legendary female boss.

In the process of getting along with my sister, I will naturally talk about her mother often.

Under Jiang Lili's description, an initial outline shape of her mother naturally formed.

If you were to use one word to summarize that woman, it would probably be wisdom. A woman who can be described as wise is amazing. In addition to this core adjective, some additional words are added to modify it, such as gentleness, character. Stable, interesting, and oh, one more thing, Jiang Lili inherited half of her beauty, and she is still beautiful today.

Of course, I still think about it. After all, the image of her mother I got from Jiang Lili may not have a filter effect, so it is unknown until I see the real person.

But this is enough for Yi Yang to look forward to.

Although I haven’t thought about it in detail, I do have a desire hidden in my heart...

He is a man who has lost his mother's love since he was a child.

When he was young, he experienced this lack of emotion. Every late night he woke up was accompanied by bursts of heartache, making him unable to extricate himself. As he grew older and even experienced such wonderful things as rebirth, the nights he woke up became less and less. But the pain of the past will not disappear out of thin air, it will just be buried in a certain corner of my heart.

And that missing thing has become a vacancy that cannot be filled.

Every time Jiang Lili talks about her mother, her eyes shine with warmth. She loves her mother, and she also loves her father. She grew up surrounded by father's love and mother's love, and that warmth The bright love almost overflowed from her words. Yiyang sighed with emotion, but also felt a little...envy.

Yes, even if it is his girlfriend, the sister he loves deeply, he will still be so envious when he sees something he has never had since he was a child.

He believed that he and Jiang Lili could go on, and then at a certain stage, it would be logical that her parents would also become his elders.

At present, she still doesn't know her parents' attitude towards her in the future...but it is enough to make people look forward to it, but besides this expectation, there is also some anxiety.

More expectation, more disappointment.

He suppressed this expectation, and it was difficult not to be entangled.

When chatting with Jiang Lili earlier, Yi Yang called her "Auntie". Jiang Lili did not correct her. In fact, it still made him a little disappointed... Of course, reason told him that this disappointment was unreasonable. If you don't call me aunt now, why don't you call me mom?

Then he burst out laughing, he was really stunned.

After standing in front of the building for a while, Yi Yang noticed a few students in front who looked like they had just graduated from college. Then a female staff member wearing a work badge came out of the building and shouted to everyone: "The person who came for the interview today ,Come with me."

Later, Yang Li, who was in charge of the interview, issued a temporary peer card to everyone.

Seeing this, the candidates followed the staff honestly.

Yi Yang glanced at them curiously.

Yang Li had naturally noticed Yi Yang for a long time, and it was hard not to ignore... a tall and handsome boy, and she was almost thirty years old and didn't have a boyfriend yet. Blind dates always failed, so it was hard not to look more at handsome guys. Two eyes.

Therefore, Yang Li was also looking at Yi Yang.

When their eyes came into contact, Yi Yang subconsciously averted his eyes.

And Yang Li has long been an "old fritter" in this field, especially when faced with those students who have just graduated from university. Knowing that they are young and can be bullied, instead of dodge, she boldly looks at Yi Yang twice.

There was something I regretted before. I once had an opportunity to pick up a handsome young man who had just graduated. Unfortunately, I gave up because of my face and morals. Afterwards, I beat my chest and regretted it endlessly. So now when I encounter a similar situation, I will Be more proactive.

This interviewer... looks really good, but why don't you remember such a handsome face on your resume? Hmm...did you miss it? Pay close attention to that stack of resumes later.

Yang Li came over and gave him a sign. With a smile on her face, she proactively said to Yi Yang, "Go this way."

Yi Yang understood that the other party regarded him as one of the interviewees. He was about to explain, but after thinking about it, he happened to be curious about his mother's company in the future, so he took the temporary pass and followed her in silently. Yeah, I haven’t admitted it anyway, so it doesn’t matter.

After entering, Yi Yang walked around the company, looking left and right, and looking around. The real interviewers in front of him had similar reactions.

Perfectly blended in.

When he walked to the door of the human resources department, Yi Yang planned to watch their interview again, but just then the phone rang.

Yi Yang picked it up and looked at it. It was a message from Jiang Lili, asking him to go to the restaurant first.

He sighed silently. At this time, the staff had already entered. There were interviewers queuing up in the corridor at the door. Seeing that no one noticed him, Yi Yang slipped away as if nothing had happened.

When he arrived at the restaurant, he was told that the reserved seat was at 6 p.m. and that it had not been cleaned yet. Yi Yang came to the door of the restaurant alone and stared blankly at the cars passing by on the road.

Well... I'm about to meet Jiang Lili's mother.

There's really nothing to be nervous about. There's really nothing to be nervous about.

Tell yourself silently.

Just thinking about the next scene, he couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster. He slowly put his palm on his chest, felt it for a while, and then smiled helplessly.

I have simulated many meeting scenarios in my mind, possible accidents, and countermeasures.

But the more I thought about this matter, the more nervous I became.

Of course, I have learned about that aunt's general impression of me.

Knowing that Jiang Lili has not talked about her several times in front of her mother, compared to her understanding of her mother, she should be very mysterious in her mother's eyes at present...

There are good and bad.

On the good side, if she doesn't know herself at all, then all impressions can be shaped by herself. On the bad side... if the other party has a vague outline of herself in her imagination that is far from the actual self, things will It is difficult to judge how it will develop.

While he was deep in thought, Yi Yang suddenly heard a cat meow...


Looking around, I realized that it was coming from above. I raised my head and saw a little kitten curled up on a tree on the side of the road.

If the cat can go up, it can definitely come down. Although he can reach the cat with his hand, Yi Yang does not intend to ruin other people's rest.

Just as Yi Yang was looking at the kitten in a daze, a person walked under the tree and looked up at the cat.

Yi Yang subconsciously looked at that person and was slightly startled.

An elegant woman touched her chin and looked at the cat curiously.

Yi Yang glanced at the woman, and his heart beat twice violently.

so similar……

Fifty percent...ah no, at least sixty percent looks like Jiang Lili!

If you can't tell at a glance that she is Jiang Lili's mother, then you are really sleeping with your sister in vain.

Yi Yang took two steps closer as if nothing had happened, as if talking to himself or saying to the cat: "It seems you are trapped up there. Let me get you down."

When Wang Huamei heard this voice, she noticed Yi Yang.

She was indeed wondering whether the cat was trapped in a tree, and how she could help. In this situation, she was definitely not tall enough, and she had to do this in public. Whatever the method, it seemed inappropriate. After hearing Yi Yang's voice, she looked at him.

Well...a young man.

Of course, I noticed that he looked good and was very tall. Of course, it was impossible to observe a stranger very carefully. I would soon forget this face, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. , and she felt that it was impossible to have any interaction with the person in front of her, so she focused on the cat.

Yi Yang reached for the cat and thought to himself, although it has disturbed your rest, there is nothing you can do about it, so just cooperate.

The cat was a little reluctant at first, but after being touched by Yi Yang on the head, it became energetic. It slowly stood up, bent over and stretched, followed Yi Yang's hand and jumped onto his shoulder, and then fell to the ground. , and then rubbed against his trouser legs.

Yi Yang squatted down and touched the cat. It rolled on the ground and turned over with its belly facing him.

After all, winter has come and the weather is still very cold. Yi Yang rubbed the cat's belly. It was warm and comfortable. Yi Yang paid attention to Wang Huamei with his peripheral vision, thinking about how to talk to her and leave a good impression. impression……

Well, the two sides should not know each other now... We should take advantage of this and do something.

At this moment, Wang Huamei suddenly saw the company pass card half exposed in Yiyang's trouser pocket, and was slightly startled, because many places in the company have access control systems. In order to facilitate people who come to the company temporarily, such a card was specially made. Pass card, and the one Yi Yang wears is only for interns.

An intern in the company?

Suddenly, Wang Huamei became interested. After thinking about it, it should still be working time. This guy actually came here. It was really strange, so she asked: "Young man, aren't you at work?"

Hearing Wang Huamei's voice, Yi Yang's heart moved slightly. He scratched the cat's head and stood up. The cat looked up at him and meowed twice more. When he saw that he ignored her, he ran away angrily. .

"Not at work..." Yi Yang smiled.

Wang Huamei was confused, absent from work? But she really shouldn't get involved in such trivial matters, and as an intern... It's just that Yi Yang doesn't look immature, and he looks tall and handsome, so he's a little more curious.

Many of the interns in her company have never seen her before, so it's normal for them not to recognize themselves. It seems... well, he probably didn't recognize himself.

Thinking that he was idle now, he smiled and said, "You must have just come from Songhua Company, right?"

After hearing Wang Huamei's words, Yi Yang was startled and suddenly became nervous...

How do you know?

Is this, do you recognize yourself?

Then this...

It's a bit passive.

But didn’t my sister say that her mother had never seen her photo? How did you recognize yourself?

Many thoughts went through my mind.

However, this question is a bit strange. If she really recognized herself, she asked herself if she came from Songhua Group... Or was she not sure? That’s not right either… So what is the logic of this question?

Unable to figure it out, Yi Yang had no choice but to nod: "Well..."

Wang Huamei smiled and said gently: "What is your major?"

"Uh... I study finance."

"Finance?" She thought for a moment. The company didn't seem to have any special needs for this major, so it was probably an intern with the wrong major.

"Which university?"

"Tunghai University."

Or a student from a famous school?

Wang Huamei's eyes moved. She hadn't paid much attention to the intern in front of her before, but after hearing about his prestigious school background, she suddenly started to pay more attention to him. As the company gets bigger, it is easier to fall into bureaucratic difficulties. Now the group has such has become a trend, and the learning ability of students from prestigious universities is indeed much better than that of ordinary undergraduates. Nowadays, apart from the R\u0026D department, the company really does not have many newcomers with backgrounds from prestigious universities.

Such fresh blood is needed.

But why do top students from Tunghai University come to our company as interns? In the past, top students who went to prestigious schools to study finance often wanted to go to large banks, consulting companies, and Fortune 500 companies. Industrial companies like hers were not necessarily attractive to others.

Too strange.

Out of curiosity, Wang Huamei smiled and said, "Do you know who I am?"

Yi Yang was stunned for a moment, hesitated, and nodded: "I didn't expect to see you in such a scene..."

Wang Huamei's eyes moved. He had recognized her a long time ago, and he could still be so indifferent...

At this moment, Yi Yang raised his head and spoke slowly: "Auntie..."


Wang Huamei's always calm face showed a hint of astonishment, and then her face darkened.


How could you call yourself that?

Don't understand the rules!

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