I am reborn and just want to concentrate on my studies

Chapter 378 Shopping with my wife and mother-in-law is the best opportunity to show off yourself

This meal was really enjoyable. The three people at the table all had their own ideas. Yi Yang knew that gaining the trust of his future mother-in-law would not be that simple. He had to do this slowly. His age was On the one hand, what is more important is to prove that he is worthy of Jiang Lili.

At present, there is no clear and feasible solution for this matter, but it is actually a bit wrong to think this way. Once you deliberately leave a good impression on someone, you will inevitably feel like a "routine", and my sister's mother Different from most people he has ever met, the woman who created such a career, although the impression left on him so far has been gentle and gentle, she must be extremely shrewd. If she expresses something too deliberately, On the contrary, it is not good.

Therefore, during the entire meal, Yi Yang did not deliberately hide anything. He had to make himself look more mature, or deliberately cater to something, so that the other party would feel that he was a potentially good son-in-law. For a lifetime, covering up was not the answer. He Believe that your natural self is your best self. Use this mentality to interact, stir up topics, or answer questions from your future mother-in-law, and you will feel that the other person is quite satisfied.

Of course, Yi Yang was not sure whether he was really satisfied or not.

You can see some personality in your behavior. Yi Yang feels that his personality is pretty good. After spending so long with his sister, some of the ways in which she treats others have also affected him. And a person's way of dealing with others is most likely influenced by her. My parents have a greater influence. My sister likes me. It’s not that I don’t belong to the same family, so I shouldn’t be disliked.

After the meal, Yi Yang was about to pay the bill. As soon as he got up, he was stopped by Wang Huamei. She shook her head: "The bill has been settled. I am a member here."

After Yi Yang heard this, he stopped being pretentious and sat down honestly. Sometimes he would think that there would be nothing wrong with being a lucky guy.

But for a girl like Jiang Lili, who is extremely beautiful and charming, her parents are willing to let men eat soft rice, but they often have the strength to live a good life. Those who want to eat are not qualified, and those who are qualified are not necessary, so this is a very contradictory situation. thing.

After dinner, Wang Huamei suggested that they take a walk around first. They had just eaten and were eating. Yi Yang and Jiang Lili looked at each other, and of course they had no objections.

It's another round of winter. Hanning City's iconic cold and humid air has a temperature that fluctuates between a few degrees, but the temperature you feel will be colder. The humid air brings a chill, coming from the inside out, just like the heat and humidity. There is nowhere to escape the heat except air-conditioned rooms in the summer, and there is no escape from the cold and humid winter.

Jiang Lili was wearing a black woolen coat and gloves. She still felt very cold. She stamped her feet lightly and looked at her mother. She was very calm. She looked left and right, pointed in a direction and said, "Just go over there." Let’s take a walk.”

It was getting late in the evening, and all kinds of lights on the street were on. Going in was a long pedestrian street with some small shops for buying clothes on both sides. However, most of the shops in this place were ordinary brand shops. Jiang Lili rarely went there. In a place like this to buy clothes, the three of them walked around and took a look at the clothes in a certain store from time to time. Most of the time, they took a cursory glance and left.

While shopping, Wang Huamei had actually been intentionally observing Yi Yang. Most of the time, this young man didn't talk much. He didn't stare at one place, but looked around, as if observing the surrounding environment. But this time He looked at her without losing his mind, because when he was asked something, he would respond naturally.

Wang Huamei hated that kind of dull young man who always seemed to be in a daze. When asked something, he would always be stunned for half a second, as if he could realize that he was talking to himself.

Yi Yang seemed to be much more spiritual.

After walking for a distance, she and Jiang Lili were both wearing high heels. Naturally, they were a little tired. They looked around and searched for public seats in their field of vision. At this moment, Yi Yang suddenly said to Jiang Lili: "Well, this store The shoes look good, why don’t you go in and take a look.”

Wang Huamei saw that it was a women's shoe store of unknown brand.

In fact, Wang Huamei is not picky when it comes to buying clothes. For her, unless she is attending some important occasions, she will be particular about the brand of clothes and even some small accessories. Most of the time, she will still be decent. Basically, whatever makes you feel comfortable is what makes her happy. She also doesn’t pay much attention to the brands of clothes. She occasionally takes her assistant to the mall, and if she likes something, she will wrap it up, and she never bothers to ask about the price.

If it's cheaper clothes and shoes, it doesn't matter. As long as the quality of the clothes is acceptable, it doesn't matter whether it costs 500 yuan or 5,000 yuan... Anyway, most of the time, the clothes you buy are only worn once at most.

Seeing this, Wang Huamei also followed in.

Yi Yang picked a pair of women's boots and asked the shopping guide: "Are there any size 39?"

Wang Huamei looked at Yi Yang with interest.

My daughter is 168cm tall, which is actually considered taller among girls, but for boys, unless they deliberately understand it, they have no idea about the shoe size of a girl of this height, but Yiyang can remember hers. Size... Well, she thought, her husband was the same, he remembered most of his size since they fell in love.

Of course Jiang Lili had no objection and just asked: "Why do you suddenly think of buying shoes?"

Yi Yang smiled: "I just suddenly saw that these shoes are interesting, and I thought they would match you very well."

Later, the shopping guide brought the boots.

Jiang Lili took off her high heels, tried them on, stood up and gestured in the mirror, and found that although these boots were much cheaper than her own high heels, they really matched the outfit.

In fact, for a few hundred yuan, you can already buy shoes with good quality. If it is more expensive, it will be more of the premium of the brand.

Yi Yang asked: "Are you comfortable?"

Jiang Lili smiled and nodded.

"Then put them on, I'm too lazy to take them off." Yi Yang picked up Jiang Lili's high heels, turned to the shopping guide and said, "Help me put these shoes on."

Wang Huamei noticed that the boots Yi Yang chose for Jiang Lili not only matched well with her clothes, but more importantly...these boots were not high-heeled, but slope shoes at best. The walking experience was similar to that of flat shoes, revealing a thoughtful look. expression.

While she was in a daze, Yi Yang brought another pair of small brown leather shoes to her and said, "Auntie, you should try it too. These shoes look like they suit you."

She was slightly startled and noticed that these were also a pair of shoes with no heel height, and how should I put it... they were also pretty good-looking. This guy did have good taste.

"Oh... okay."

Wang Huamei also put it on and tried it on. Her feet felt a lot more comfortable and she didn't want to take it off.

Yi Yang asked: "Auntie, does it fit?"

Wang Huamei nodded: "It's okay..." He walked to the mirror and took a look.

Looking back, Yi Yang had already gone there to pay.

Jiang Lili came over, took her mother's arm, and said with a smile: "He... isn't bad, right?"

Wang Huamei smiled softly: "It's a small trick."

"There are no adjectives like you."

"Is this how you fell in love with him?"

"I wasted so much talking at dinner!"

"Hey, are you still angry?"


"This little boyfriend...is a little more mature than I thought."

"Just a little?"

"How much more do you want? I just saw him today, and he's only a freshman."

"Mom, you are prejudiced against current students."

At this time, Yi Yang paid the money and Wang Huamei smiled: "I accepted another gift from you, but it seems that I am stingy. I didn't even give it a meeting gift."

Yi Yang: "Gifts are meant to make people feel happy. Auntie and Li Li feel happy after accepting the gifts. My mood will be happier than yours. In fact, I took advantage."

Jiang Lili couldn't help laughing, pinched Yi Yang's waist and said, "It's so numb."


This word was the first thing that came to Wang Huamei's mind. But when she saw Yi Yang's sincere and clean face, she couldn't associate this word with him. She sighed slightly, so she had to use ...can speak to describe it. She looked at her daughter. If he was like this in daily life, it would not be surprising that her daughter would like him.

Yi Yang naturally held up their high heels and walked behind.

After changing into comfortable shoes, my desire to go shopping became much stronger, and I no longer wanted to look for a chair to rest.

Wang Huamei was a little convinced... Just from the details shown during the dinner to now, to be honest, if he was an assistant to the boss of a certain group, or a secretary to a certain institutional leader, she would letter.

For many people who have a certain social status, they will basically follow one or two assistants when they go out. What these assistants have to do is to know what to do with just a glance from you. For example, when I go to a restaurant to order food, this dish If the food is slow, it would be too much to do it yourself. With just one look, the smart assistant knows how to do it. What he does is very simple, but it is not easy to find such a person. With this kind of spirituality, as long as you deal with people You won't do a bad job at all.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Yi Yang is the same as all his followers in his eyes. After all, he still has excellent results...

I thought, if he and his daughter can succeed in the future, then recruit him as a secretary assistant for himself, and then teach him how to do things bit by bit. If he is not disappointed, then he will be decentralized, and he will be transferred to several departments, and he will be trained. It is not impossible to gradually hand over the company to him.

I always have to find a successor.

The daughter is definitely at her wits end. She doesn’t have the will or ability. So under the same conditions, hiring a professional manager will definitely not be as good as one of your own.

Moreover, many professional managers may not be better than him in terms of academic background.

Then I burst into laughter. This thought was really too far gone. I was looking for a son-in-law, thinking about everything. I was really confused about being the boss and a devil.

After shopping, it was completely dark, and there was a light rain in the sky. The rain in winter is not heavy and very cool. The outline of the city was outlined in the night light, and the light in the distance and near reflected the rain curtain. , turned into clusters of sparks, coming from a distance and spreading across.

Fortunately, they had returned to the car before the rain came down.

Because she was meeting her son-in-law, Wang Huamei drove here by herself.

Her car is a million-dollar BMW 740 with a white body, which looks fashionable and elegant.

Wang Huamei suddenly looked at Yi Yang and asked casually: "By the way, can you drive?"

Yi Yang smiled: "It's okay."

Wang Huamei heard a theory that the quality of the car reflects the character. When driving, it will amplify a person's negative personality. After thinking about it, she handed the car key to Yi Yang and said, "Then you can drive." ..." She pointed to the parking space and said, "My skills are not very good and I am afraid of getting scratched when reversing."

Jiang Lili looked at her mother strangely but said nothing.

This location is indeed tricky, but since you can drive in...

Yi Yang nodded, but didn't say anything. After the car started, he looked at the rearview mirror, observed his surroundings, and then drove the car out smoothly.

Jiang Lili opened the back door for her mother, and they sat in together.

"Go to my house." Wang Huamei said.

Jiang Lili suddenly looked at her mother shyly, with questions in her eyes... but Wang Huamei ignored her.

Yi Yang hesitated for a moment and said, "Well... what's the location?"

Wang Huamei gave an address and asked, "Do you need navigation?"

Amap has been online for more than two years now, and many basic functions have been perfected.

But knowing the location, I don’t need navigation. I said, “It’s okay, I should be able to drive there directly.”

The million-dollar luxury car also has air suspension. After the windows are pulled up, the interior of the car is extremely quiet and stable. It is also the first time for Yi Yang to drive a car of this level. And with his current little assets, he really can't afford such a car. Regarding luxury cars, there is a theory that the value of the car should not exceed 5% of the net worth. In other words, if the net worth is less than 20 million, it is not wise to buy a car worth millions.

With a good car and excellent driving skills, the experience of two people in the back seat will be very comfortable.

Throughout the driving process, Wang Huamei was observing Yi Yang's driving habits.


The thing that surprised him the most was that Yi Yang didn't act coy and drive it carefully just because it was a luxury car. He didn't dare to step on the accelerator, and only dared to step on the brake when someone was stuck in traffic. Instead, he drove very boldly and freely. , to ensure that when it is smooth, you should be courteous when you should, but there is a bottom line, and the timing of stepping on the accelerator is just right. Sometimes you can feel the edges.

This kind of attitude makes her somewhat satisfied. Anyone who is doing a big and strong business has some arrogance in his heart. If some cars violate the rules and press your line, and don't give some fuel to hold the other party back, then It's so cowardly.

Of course, Jiang Lili couldn't feel all the details. She was just curious. Her mother's attention seemed to have been on the road today. Was she worried about Yi Yang's driving skills? Well... you will know after a long time that Yi Yang drives more steadily than many experienced drivers.

We arrived at Wang Huamei’s flat floor.

After getting off the car, Yi Yang put the mother and daughter at the elevator entrance, and he went to park the car not far away.

Wang Huamei suddenly asked Jiang Lili: "Are you going to sleep alone tonight or with your boyfriend?"

Jiang Lili's eyes suddenly widened.

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