After returning from Qinghe County, Yi Yang didn't have much time to spend time with his sister, so he hurried to Hou Lin's place.

The pre-sale of the commercial plaza in front of Xigu Industrial Park has started.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Hou Lin changed his house and now bought a villa worth tens of millions outside the Third Ring Road, truly living the life of a rich man. When Yi Yang went there, his daughter and wife were not there, and there were only two nannies and Hou Lin at home.

During this time, Hou Lin became obsessed with tea ceremony. He used exquisite purple sand tea sets to make tea in the living room, let Yi Yang sit across from him, and then started chatting about some topics.

At first, we didn't talk about the project, but rambled here and there, chatting about trivial matters, but soon the topic shifted to high-level topics such as the international and domestic situation, economy, and politics.

The scenery seen from different positions is different. Now Hou Lin can naturally better see the rules of how this society operates, and his mood is also different. Many people have a overlooking mentality, but after chatting with Yi Yang for a few times sentence, but I was a little surprised to find that some of his opinions and predictions were clearly no worse than those of those who made the rules within the system... It felt like he had traveled from the future to the future.

I can't help but sigh that the establishment of this country was also a business started by a group of young people at about this age.

Don’t underestimate young people!

So I put away the little remaining contempt.

"In the first half of China's economy, everyone took the elevator up and grew wildly. You could make money just by working hard, and the bold ones eliminated the timid ones. There was no need for positioning or careful thinking. But I guess, In two years, our social economy will be transformed, and the tide will recede..." Yi Yang smiled and said, "When the tide recedes, we have to find our own position and original intention. If we can't find our own position, , will definitely be eliminated.”

"Stocks, valuations, market capitalization, these things are actually just a dream. Every once in a while, society will reshape its value. No matter how high the peak is when the tide rises, it will eventually reshape its value. Return to reality."

Hou Lin nodded slightly.

In the past few years, he no longer thinks of himself as a "rural roughneck" and "uneducated" as before and is complacent. This depends on the people he comes into contact with. After all, in a business like his, the people he has to deal with are the elites of this society. Now, you don’t have to have an education, but you can’t have culture. Without culture, you will be excluded from the circle. This is a ticket to enter the gaming circle. Without it, you can only play with some upstarts. Over the years, he has Whether it was through exposure or self-study, he always absorbed some nutrients, so not only did he understand Yi Yang's words, but some points coincided with him.

"Yi Yang, to be honest, before you entered college, I was a little... how should I put it? I would say it was contempt, which is a bit much. To put it simply, I think what I learned in school is very different from what I learned in school. There are still some gaps in the real society. This year we also recruited a graduate from a prestigious school... It's not as amazing as I imagined, so I don't have particularly high expectations for how much useful knowledge you can learn in school... "

Hou Lin smiled and said: "But now I find that I was wrong, and very wrong. Some of your insights and opinions... really surprised me, because it is right, why am I so sure? Because I have had the honor to talk to some people who are really behind the rules and even make the rules, and your views are basically the same as what they said."

"I would like to ask another question. What do you think the prospects of this commercial plaza project we are doing are?"

This time, Hou Lin was no longer as determined as when he first decided on the strategy. He was high-spirited and there was some worry deep in his eyes.

This is often the case when doing things. When there is no action ahead, you can freely think about it. However, all the complicated things such as establishing relationships, finding funds, and construction in the early stage have been taken care of. When it comes to the sales step, you become nervous.

If he can't sell it, all his efforts will be in vain, and it may even bring him back to his original shape. Although the possibility of not being able to sell it is not high in his opinion, but even so, the experience of such a big gamble will still make him He was a little uneasy.

Yi Yang was silent for a moment and did not answer directly, but slowly said: "Uncle Hou, there is a 28/20 rule that says that 80% of the problems in things are caused by 20% of the contradictions, and the 20% of the contradictions There is also a core in China, which only accounts for 20%, which is 20% times 20%, which is 4%.”

"As long as you can find the core of these 4% and concentrate 80% of your energy to deal with it, the problem will always be solved."

Hou Lin thought for a moment and shook his head: "I don't quite understand...According to this theory, what we are mainly facing now is sales. Does that mean we have to focus a lot of energy on sales?"

Yi Yang shook his head, but smiled and said: "No, actually what I want to express is that for the contradiction we are facing now, we have to think further. If the sales are not good, the core What is the problem and how to solve it? In fact... sales is not the problem, what we should pay more attention to is the problems after selling."

Hou Lin frowned. In his opinion, if they were all sold, what would be the problem?

Yi Yang looked at Hou Lin and said somewhat seriously: "Uncle Hou, from the perspective of a buyer, is our plaza building good or not?"

Hou Lin thought for a while, "If I were a buyer, the shops in this square building have convenient transportation, and there is an industrial park not far away. The flow of people is large. It should be said that it is very large. I think it is very good!"

"I think most buyers have the same idea as you, Uncle Hou, so I think it will be sold out soon."

"Is it true?" Hou Lin paused and asked strangely: "If that's the case, what's the problem?"

Yi Yang said seriously: "But Uncle Hou, this is just the idea and publicity of consumers and our marketing department..."


"I mean, what if the reality is completely different from what we thought?"

Hou Lin was stunned and said, "How is this possible? The amount of people in that area..."

Yi Yang shook his head seriously and said: "Nothing is impossible in the world..." Of course he couldn't say that he had witnessed the loneliness of this commercial square in later generations. He said: "I think what we should think about is what if, I What if the business owners who bought the shops found that they couldn’t make any money after running the business for a few months and clamored to quit the shops... How should we deal with this situation? "

Hou Lin frowned, then laughed and shook his head: "I don't think it is necessary to think so far. On the one hand, even if that area is not as profitable as we advertised, it is not that bad...and if it is true... If the pre-sale is successful, now that we have sold it, the business risk will be borne by those who buy the shop. Oh, if we lose money, we have to cover it. But if we make money, will they give us more? What about the sharing? Where can such a good thing in the world be? Haha, right? That’s not how business is done. If the situation you mentioned really happens, of course we will ignore it. "

Yi Yang sighed slightly. He also knew that Hou Lin would not listen to his remarks when formulating strategies before or taking precautions at this time. Moreover, although he was nominally the second largest shareholder, he was actually the second largest shareholder in the company. For a person who is considered a "little person, but a person who speaks lightly", Hou Lin does not really regard himself as a partner more often than not.

He didn't try to persuade Hou Lin at first, but this time he knew that he couldn't persuade Hou Lin. Now that he had reached this point, it was also a key step in his plan...

Yi Yang took a sip of tea and said, "Uncle Hou, if this sale goes well and the funds are withdrawn quickly, what are you going to do with the money?"

After hearing this, Hou Lin became excited for a while. This strategy was something he had thought about for a long time. He said, "At that time, I will be free to do a lot of things! During this time, I have been exposed to several projects. …”

Yi Yang listened patiently to Hou Lin's description of his next business map. It has to be said that when a person reaches a certain level, his vision of the structure suddenly takes a qualitative leap. Hou Lin, who was the contractor at the time, now has He has the air of a real big boss, chatting and laughing, dealing with senior officials and big bosses, and even some small companies downstream waiting for him to give him some soup and support him. Such an environment will indeed make people feel a little lost. .

Hou Lin's plan is not only to invest all the money earned from the commercial plaza project into subsequent projects, but also to use some leverage to mobilize more funds to expand his business territory.

Yi Yang was silent for a while, and finally made up his mind and said, "Uncle Hou, I have a request."

Hou Lin was startled for a moment, then said with a smile: "In a relationship like ours, don't ask for anything. If you have any ideas, just mention them."

Yi Yang bit his nails. The next words were very difficult for him to say, but he had to say them.

"Uncle Hou... I want to quit."

Hou Lin thought he heard wrongly, and was stunned for a while before saying, "What do you mean...what do you mean by quitting?"

Yi Yang explained the reason he had been brewing for a while: "It's like this. I met a teacher in college, and he has a private equity fund project. Well... I want to join, but I'm short of money."

Kang Xin, who was far away in the East China Sea, was fishing when he sneezed. He thought to himself that spring had not arrived yet and his clothes were still a little too thin, so he subconsciously wrapped up his clothes.

Hou Lin was silent for a while and frowned: "Private equity fund..."

Simply put, private equity funds are to cheat other people's money, invest, and earn income. They are mainly divided into private securities investment funds and private equity investment funds. The difference between the two is that the former can only invest in stocks on the secondary market. , the latter can only invest in the equity of unlisted companies.

Of course he knows a little about this now, and understood what Yi Yang said. He shook his head and said, "Why is it so sudden? The company is now entering a period of rapid development..."

Of course Hou Lin doesn't want Yi Yang to quit. On the one hand, the company is in need of money now. If Yi Yang quits, he will be given a discount based on his shareholding ratio at this time. Then there are some things to do next. The project had to be put on hold. On the other hand, although he knew that Yi Yang was also very business-minded and was now studying finance and playing in higher-level things, from the perspective of an elder, he still had If you are young and have little social experience, there is no possibility of being deceived.

After thinking about it, Hou Lin said with a smile: "If you are short of money, let's do this. You don't have to quit. I will make a decision directly. This time the project sales funds are in place, and I will give you dividends directly... 10 million, what? How about that? You go and set up your private equity fund.”

Yi Yang was silent for a while, shook his head and said, "Uncle Hou, I have been thinking about this for a long time. I know that the company needs money now, and my shares are relatively large... …My money was given by Uncle Hou…”

"No, don't think so."

"I've done the calculations. If everything goes well, this time, the sales will exceed 250 million and the cost will be raised, which will be a net profit of almost 200 million!"

It was precisely because of such huge profits that Hou Lin suddenly expanded so much.

Yi Yang said: "I don't want to drag down Uncle Hou's development. I only need 40 million and I am willing to discount all the equity."

Hou Lin was silent for a while and said, "No, I won't agree. Although I don't know why you suddenly want to quit so firmly, but if you really want to leave, I will give you the money according to the market price."

In fact, this matter is not so difficult to accept.

The original intention of letting Yi Yang become a shareholder was that on the one hand, as Hongyao's only son, he wanted to take him with him; on the other hand, it was indeed the early stage of his career and he needed funds.

But now that Yi Yang is really on the road, he does not need his continued help, and some of the drawbacks of his high shareholding ratio have also been revealed. Because he does not hold many shares, it is very troublesome when designing the equity structure. To attract investment, the equity is diluted, and control of the company is lost. However, without dilution, it is difficult to find investment, and it is inconvenient to design an equity incentive plan...

However, 40 million is too small compared to Yiyang's shareholding ratio.

And this number is also very subtle. To be honest... this is indeed the limit that he can accept. If it is more, the enthusiasm for a big fight will have to be extinguished.

But this number, no matter how you think about it, is a trap for Yi Yang.

Very contradictory.

Hou Lin shook his head and said: "We are not in a hurry about this matter. I want to think about it carefully, and you should think about it carefully. After all, the shop hasn't been sold yet, right?"

Yi Yang nodded.

Afterwards, the two casually chatted about some family issues. However, Yi Yang also found that Hou Lin was not as natural as before. He was used to being aloof in the company, and his perspective on the structure was different. He had different views on some issues. He was more stubborn. When there was a disagreement, Yi Yang just smiled and said he was taught what Hou Lin said.

When he went back, Yi Yang found that his heart was beating very fast.

He sighed slightly, after all, it was a matter of tens of millions!

Tens of millions!


Most people will never see that much money in their lifetime.

But just now, it was like buying vegetables at the wet market with Hou Lin. A few words almost decided where they would go.

If it had been anyone else, this amount of money would have been enough for a lifetime.

But now that I have experienced so much and seen so much, my vision has certainly improved.

To live a truly simple life: buy a villa in several places you like, live with Sister Jiang for a while like a vacation, change your mood, and then change places to live; or run away without any distractions Go to a university library and read books for a few months; keep studying, and when your knowledge and vision reach a certain level, you will be able to see more cutting-edge possibilities, see a cutting-edge technology that can facilitate society, and invest in it. A sum of money, not for return, but simply to provide a small and insignificant contribution to this country...

This amount of money is still far behind!

Although he had participated in the previous primitive accumulation, it was more of a legacy from his father, and next, he really needed to be at the helm.

He took a deep breath, but felt confident.

The starting point is Hou Lin’s commercial plaza project and this money!

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