I am reborn and just want to concentrate on my studies

Chapter 426 Unofficial decision and process

It's another early morning.

The road leading to the quiet pond is not only filled with students reading and jogging in the morning, but also occasionally seeing some strange animals, such as frogs and squirrels.

On both sides of the avenue are old libraries with red bricks and blue tiles. From time to time, a few school cats are on a certain eaves, lazily basking in the sun.

The vermilion window, the morning light slanting in front of the window.


The lake surface was splashed with water.

After the jogging, Yi Yang stood by the quiet pond, kicking the stones on the roadside and thinking about something.

For him, there is something very important right now.

To put it simply, there is an opportunity to enter the investment office of Minghao Fund for internship.

But there is a lot of competition to face!

There are not only seniors from Tunghai University School of Economics and Management, but also top students from other universities, and even competitors from Peking University and Tsinghua University.

Originally, he was not qualified.

It’s not that I’m not qualified to participate in the internship, it’s that I’m not qualified to participate in the interview.

However, Kang Xin, as the dean of the School of Economics and Management and a member of the Minghao Fund Investment Research Center, has a recommendation quota, and he is willing to recommend Yi Yang for the interview.

The interview examiners include not only the top investors in the country, but also professors from the Investment Strategy Center of Yale University and Harvard University.

Of course, the specific situation is not clear yet, but judging from Kang Xin's tone, it is a very difficult interview.

The competitors are strong, the threshold is high, and the examiners are of high standard.

Those who can just participate in the interview are almost considered the best among their peers, while those who can pass the interview will be even fewer.

When Kang Xin asked if he would like to participate in this project, he agreed without any hesitation.

There is no way, it would be difficult for a normal person to refuse.

With the development of Minghao Fund to this day, it can be said that it has set a benchmark for domestic university endowment funds, with its rigor and professionalism, its atmosphere, and its understanding of investment...

Even if you work for nothing in that environment, you can still gain a lot.

However, there is a practical problem in front of him now, that is, he does not know in what form this interview will be conducted, let alone what his own abilities are lacking compared to what Minghao Fund needs.

There is no way to improve it in a targeted manner.

Looking at a frog on a lotus leaf on the lake, Yi Yang kicked a stone and splashed a splash of water next to the frog. The frog was startled and jumped into the lotus pond in a hurry.

He sighed slightly, but then smiled somewhat relaxedly.

In fact, the trouble still comes from too high expectations.

Although it is a precious opportunity to get into the interview, you should not worry about gains and losses because of it.

You must know that among his opponents, there are too many opponents who are more capable on paper.

Exchange students from prestigious foreign universities, graduate students from our own school...even top students from the Department of Economics and Management of Peking University Guanghua and Tsinghua...

Everyone not only has a good-looking resume, but many of them have already made some real achievements in this industry.

Of course, there is no need to belittle oneself. After all, being able to make a net profit of nearly 20 million as an angel investor in my freshman year and continue to invest in a company with good prospects is also a very amazing achievement.

Thinking of this, Yi Yang's mentality became a little calmer, and he secretly set a principle for himself: tell the truth and don't force yourself to pass the interview.

After all, every investment institution has its own unique style, and Minghao Fund may not be suitable for you.

Well... tell the truth.

The time for the interview has not yet been determined, but according to Kang Xin, it is still early.


time flies.

After entering my sophomore year, time passed faster. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, it began to rain for a long time in Donghai City. Walking on the road, the breeze was cool.

In such an environment, the freshmen returned to school after completing their military training. The bleakness brought by the weather was somewhat diluted by the unique noise of freshmen.

School is a place of reincarnation.

What the sophomores experienced last year is being replayed on campus with almost no changes. The recruitment of various clubs and the preparation of several large-scale activities may have new ideas and the creativity of individual students, but they are still within the same framework. Turn and turn.

For most sophomores and above, the school is still the same, and Tunghai University is also the same, with no major changes. Xuehai Road and Shanghai Road are the most crowded, with all kinds of clothes, students holding books or notebooks, and occasionally You can see a boy confessing his love to a girl in a secret corner, and you can smell a certain scent from a distance.

A scent of romance and youth.

But most students are still busy working on experiments, clubs, libraries, and various competitions for a tomorrow that they don’t know where to lead.

It's just that most people can't reach Wei Shen's level. They have to take a break, chat with friends about the latest gossip, browse the forum, and learn about the recent interesting things in school as a pastime.

For people in this kind of college, the gossip about entertainment stars is not as interesting as the gossip about a famous figure in the school.

What everyone talks about most frequently these days is the Minghao Foundation internship project.

Minghao Fund has a very high status in Tunghai University. Even in the eyes of students of Tunghai University, it is extremely rare to be able to work at Minghao Fund in the future.

If it is possible to enter an internship, it may not be impossible to get a long-term offer after graduation.

Of course, ordinary students don't know as much about this matter as Yi Yang does.

For most students, this matter is still just speculation, and not much reliable news has come out.

The interview will take place around mid-to-late October. There are many opinions on how many places there are and the conditions for registration, but none of them are very reliable.

But as more and more people posted on the forum to confirm, several conditions for registration seemed to have been compromised.

"First of all, you must be a senior or above. After completing all courses, there seems to be a requirement for grade points, and your professional ability must be strong enough!"

"There are no special requirements for majors. They may not be finance majors. Think about it, I want to invest in an AI project. Finance majors may not be able to understand it, right? Of course, other majors must still have certain financial skills. OK."

"Boys are more popular than girls... It's not that boys are favored over girls. This industry is very stressful. Although it's an internship, it must be very tiring. It's always inconvenient for girls..."

"The people upstairs are discriminating against girls!"

Yi Yang was naturally paying attention to this matter. This project of Minghao Foundation internship attracted so many people's attention, which really surprised him.

But it is more reasonable to think about it. After all, this era is the golden age of finance, and finance is a very high-end industry.

Minghao Fund has not yet made an official announcement, but it has already become quite popular in schools, and many non-financial majors are eager to try it.

Finally in late September, an announcement was finally posted on the official website of Tunghai University, which immediately caused a stir among the student community. Even Yi Yang was a little surprised when he saw it.

There was a slight difference from what Kang Xin told him before. This interview was actually open to all students in the school.

Doesn’t it mean that freshmen and sophomores are not eligible?

With doubts, Yi Yang couldn't help but call Kang Xin to confirm.

The main problem is whether his recommendation is useful.

Kang Xin said very calmly that it was indeed open to the whole school and was even announced on the official websites of several first-tier universities at the same time. However, after several rounds of screening, 99% of those who signed up would be rejected and would not be able to enter the interview. There is not even one left in a hundred.

The Investment Office adjusted the rules and decided to expand the scope, mainly considering that some talents may be buried.

At that time, filling in personal information will eliminate most people, and then two preliminary interviews will be organized. Only those who pass the preliminary interview can enter the final interview.

It is equivalent to three rounds of interviews.

Each committee member has three recommendation quotas, and these three quotas will actually be reflected in the second preliminary meeting.

Yi Yang understood. To put it simply, he still had to register according to the normal process, but he was one of Kang Xin's default candidates. When the time came, he would definitely have the green light. The examiner for the final interview would also be Kang Xin, just a formality.


The most lively place in Tunghai University is Xuehai Road. Due to its unique location close to any area and its spacious and straight character, this road has become the first choice for many activities.

Cultural activities such as Tunghai University Food Festival, club recruitment, and some clubs often take place here. Each group applies to the school student union management department for a stall. After registration and approval, they can carry out exhibition activities on this road.

This is also a manifestation of the power of the school student union.

This road has been very busy recently because the information registration for the Minghao Foundation internship project is here.

Many students who are eager, unaware, and have various purposes come to join in the fun, so the school has a good flow on weekdays, and there are even more people in these two days.

This group of college students with very flexible minds can always find opportunities in unexpected places.

Some societies took advantage of the hot spot and actively applied for activities, placing their stalls in front of the information registration point.

Finally, several music-related clubs joined forces and took advantage of the large flow of people on Xuehai Road in the past few days to organize a campus music and culture festival.

Along the way, there are guitar clubs, folk clubs, pop music clubs, rap clubs, folk music clubs... twenty or thirty music-related clubs. They have set up small stages on this road to show off their youth. style.

On the way to register for internship project information, Yi Yang watched the performances along the way with great interest.

Naturally, they have no profit-making purpose, they just regard this place as a stage where they can display their talents.

Only in the pure land of university can we perform so purely.

In a small corner, there is a small stage with the name Guitar Playing and Singing Club. There are about five or six guitars and seven or eight people, who are seriously preparing for the next performance.

A girl who played the guitar quite roughly finished the song very confidently with a triumphant expression. The onlookers seemed to be unable to hear that she played several wrong notes in a row and the rhythm was unstable. Applauded.

Just because the person singing is not her, but the girl next to her.

Someone nearby shouted: "Let's play another song!"

"Can I request a song?"

The girl playing the guitar snorted: "Do you think I know a lot of songs? I've been practicing today's song for more than two weeks!"

"Baohan, you are really holding me back for a long time! Haha..."

Yang Jiunian smiled shyly: "Not really... It's all because of Baohan that I dare to go on stage."

Although she really wanted to be a singer, she was very afraid of going on stage.

At this time, Yi Yang happened to stroll over, and by chance he saw Yang Jiunian in the crowd.

Looking at this girl, he instinctively wanted to pretend that he didn't see her, turned his face and walked away.

Mainly because I'm afraid of embarrassing her.

We all know that when a person feels embarrassed, he or she will also have a subtle and uncomfortable experience that is difficult to describe.

But before he could walk away, he was suddenly pulled.

"Hey, Yi Yang?"

Yi Yang was startled, and when he turned around, he saw that it was Zhao Ping.

"Oh...Senior Zhao?"

"Just call me Zhao Ping."

"Why are you here?"

While Yi Yang was talking to Zhao Ping, he peeked at the club booth next to him. Fortunately, Yang Jiunian and the others didn't seem to notice him.

Zhao Ping laughed loudly: "I'm already a senior in college, and there happens to be this project from the Minghao Fund. I plan to try it."

Although he said try, his tone gave people a very stable feeling.

Yi Yang smiled: "Oh...that's good."

"Haha, the assets of Minghao Fund are very large. It is still beneficial to study there. What about you?"

"Me..." Yi Yang laughed twice and said, "I'm going to join in the fun too."

"Oh, that's it..." Zhao Ping rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "The internship threshold of this Minghao Fund is relatively high. To be honest, it seems difficult for those below junior year to get into the final..."

"Really? So I'm just joining in the fun..."

Zhao Ping nodded. It's normal for someone like Yi Yang to have ideas and want to try everything. Unfortunately, he's still a little too impulsive. If he knows a little about other people's thresholds, he won't come over to join in the fun.

Most of the students in the school who are in their junior and senior years come to submit their resumes.

"But don't be discouraged if you fail. You will still have many opportunities in the future." Zhao Ping patted Yi Yang on the shoulder.

"Oh, hehe...hehe...thank you."

Zhao Ping felt that he and Yi Yang were very good friends, so he naturally put his arm around his shoulders and said, "Don't rush about submitting your resume. There are quite a few people queuing up there. I was just hanging out here." When I was young, I noticed the singing group of this club, which was pretty good and had star potential.”

Then, before Yi Yang could react, he dragged Yi Yang to the front of the stage, and then Zhao Ping shouted at the stage: "Nianhan group, you can do one more!"

In fact, Yang Jiunian had noticed Yi Yang a long time ago and saw what Zhao Ping was doing in her peripheral vision. When she raised her head, she happened to make eye contact with Yi Yang.

Sighing slightly, she laughed dryly: "Hello..."

Yi Yang looked calm. He didn't do anything embarrassing. He smiled and said, "Hello."

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