Entering the Minghao Fund Investment Office is not something that should be boasted about for Yi Yang. To him, it is just like junior high school to high school. It is the same reason that he worked hard to study in Hanning City.

It’s just a change of learning environment.

For his current stage and major, it is different from high school, where there is always a score and a quantifiable goal hanging there, and learning is no longer a matter of upgrading and practicing.

But for others, it will always be an interesting anecdote.

Yi Yang had just finished the interview when he was interviewed by a financial media. Of course, this kind of interview was not a particularly big media. It was probably just the level of Donghai Finance Channel, which has a Donghai Finance magazine.

Everyone likes to hear legendary stories with twists and turns. Later, Yi Yang bought a copy of the magazine with poor sales just to read his own interview, and found that the content had basically misinterpreted the reason why he passed the interview.

The title is, "An ordinary student at Tunghai University stood out among the top students from northern Qing Dynasty and entered the Minghao Fund, just because his answer was "I don't know." 》

Yi Yang flipped through the pages quite speechlessly, then stuffed the magazine into the trash can.

The scene at Tunghai University remains the same.

A few days later, Yi Yang bought some small gifts to visit Kang Xin. Of course, they were not particularly expensive gifts. They were just the cakes he bought for his future father-in-law last time. However, it took nearly an hour and a half to take a taxi there and back. Above all, there is a heart.

Kang Xin was also a little surprised that Yi Yang actually entered Minghao Fund... Although he recommended him for an interview, he was still surprised.

The quiet lotus pond in the afternoon, the breeze is light, the branches on the river bank are swaying, the weather has become a bit cooler.

"It really surprised me." Kang Xin looked at the lotus pond, holding the cakes given by Yi Yang, and smiled: "This Huanxi will like to eat them very much. When the time comes, tell her that you gave them to her, and she will probably know how to eat them." Even happier.”


"By the way, I noticed that there are a lot of bicycles in the school. Are they the shared bicycles you talked about last time?"

Yi Yang was slightly startled and nodded.

Ma Wenwu is a very action-oriented person. The previously planned plan has been implemented. It is still within Tunghai University and is considered a pilot project.

As a top investor, Kang Xin's vision is naturally able to see things far beyond this era.

Walking to a public leisure chair and sitting down, Kang Xin looked at the lake and said, "I didn't pay special attention to this project before, but recently you guys came up with it and I actually experienced it... Oh, by the way, I I’m not qualified to ride yet, use someone else’s account... haha, because the frequency of ordering takeout is too low, and I don’t have enough credit points.”

Yi Yang was slightly startled and couldn't help but smile.

"Well, I also observed the use of many people and listened to the usage experience of some students, and then I seriously thought about your project..."

He glanced at Yi Yang, "Do you want to hear my opinion?"

Yi Yang nodded quickly.

"Well, this project is bold and may even change some industries."

Yi Yang was naturally not surprised, after all, he had witnessed some things with his own eyes.

"But, there are several risks." After a pause, Kang Xin continued.


"First of all, this project has broad prospects and a broad market. Now it is only on campus, but I think it is completely possible to spread it to society... In fact, this is what other investors can see."

Kang Xin looked at Yi Yang: "So, it is probably easy to obtain financing for this project."

Yi Yang listened patiently.

"But precisely because of this, it can easily enter a state of wild growth. If management is not kept up, it will cause many problems."

"The maintenance of bicycles, theft by some people with very low moral standards in society is not impossible, and the handling of parking that does not follow the rules... I just thought of a few issues, but the hidden dangers are far more than that."

"Second, this project is too simple. There are no technical barriers. It can be copied by almost any Internet company with funds. So I think it won't be long before your project really starts to enter the financing stage. , you will encounter many, many opponents.”

Yi Yang nodded and said, "Yes, but I think this is a good thing."

"A good thing?" Kang Xin raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Well, when there are more competitors, this is a brand new field, a field with a blank market. In order to seize the market, major capitals will rush to spend money to subsidize..."

Yi Yang showed a very clear smile: "For ordinary people, there are many choices when going out, and life will be much more convenient. More importantly, it will be very cheap. There are few opportunities to plunder the wool of capitalists."

Kang Xin was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

For a moment, he didn't know whether Yi Yang really thought so or was joking.

He looked towards the lake.

Hmm... After being an investor for a long time, sometimes I forget to look at problems from the perspective of ordinary people.

After a moment, Kang Xin shook his head: "Capital is not for charity. The initial investment will be doubled in the future, and ordinary people will still have to foot the bill."

Yi Yang nodded and looked at the lake, "It's just that a lot of capital that blindly enters the game will die a lot and eventually become nutrients for others."

Kang Xin glanced at Yi Yang with interest and smiled: "It sounds like you don't care about this project very much?"

Yi Yang's eyes moved, he smiled and shook his head: "How could that be possible..."

Kang Xin's expression became serious, he looked at the lake and said: "Yi Yang, you are a good young man. I admire you very much, especially because you can pass Svenson's interview. This makes me appreciate you even more. I won't I’m stingy with my recognition for you, but the better you are, the more seriously I want to tell you something.”

Yi Yang's expression suddenly became serious.

The lake breeze blew his hair, making Kang Xin's thin face look slightly darker, and his calm and wise eyes looked deep.

"This sentence is to be a person of conscience, not to make money."

Kang Xin patted Yi Yang on the shoulder.

"This is also the core spirit of Minghao Fund. The balance between making money and realizing certain social ideals must be grasped."

Yi Yang was startled, then nodded seriously.

On the way back, Kang Xin asked casually: "By the way, Yi Yang, if Tencent and Alibaba come to acquire your project at the same time, who would you prefer to sell it to?"

Yi Yang said without thinking: "Of course it's Ali."

"Why?" Kang Xin was a little surprised.

"Because...credit points!" Yi Yang said without hesitation: "One of the difficulties in implementing the shared bicycle project is that in order to ensure that users do not intentionally damage the bicycles, they must pledge something."

"I think at least some companies will try to use deposits as collateral."

"This creates a risk... When a company has a very high capital pool, it will be difficult to maintain its original intention."

Yi Yang sighed and said, "Teacher Kang, to tell you the truth, I have a lot of debt and I made a little money a while ago. My first thought at that time was to find a way to use the money I made to continue making money. , and then gritted his teeth and chose to take the initiative to pay off the debt."

"From a company's perspective, users' deposits are liabilities. When the debt is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, the company will definitely want to do something else with so much cash..."

Kang Xin nodded: "This is a very simple business logic."

"But what if we lose the money? What if the user's deposit is still not paid?"

Kang Xin said nothing.

Yi Yang said: "So to answer your question just now, why do I prefer Alibaba? Because Alibaba has its own credit system, and their pledge can be realized by relying on the reputation system. Without a deposit, it is not only more friendly to users, but also For enterprises, it is a kind of shackles, but it is also a kind of protection. If you don’t have money, you won’t mess around, haha... I don’t know if this is right.”

Kang Xin was stunned for a long time, not only surprised by the depth and distance of Yi Yang's perspective on the problem, but also the angle from which he thought about the problem...

Very novel indeed.

Finally, Yi Yang smiled: "If a product or company wants to change people's lifestyles, it must first be alive."


Kang Xin smiled, took the gift from Yi Yang and left, adding, "I won't invite you to my home this time. I have a few friends here."


Yi Yang stopped.

Kang Xin turned around and said something again.

"Don't forget your original intention."


Minghao Fund practices the concept that Kang Xin said: "The balance between making money and realizing certain social ideals must be grasped." The most obvious feature is that their investments do not deliberately In pursuit of so-called trends, they practice long-term investment rather than value theory. This may cause them to miss some trends, but they can always remain firm when some market financial risks come.

The formation of this concept comes from their corporate culture.

As an intern, Yi Yang's after-school life was completely occupied by the work of Minghao Fund for a long time.

Of course, he enjoyed it.

His job is to help a senior organize materials. In the process, he can always learn unexpected nutrients.

Over time, Yi Yang was able to gradually summarize some of the characteristics of Minghao Fund.

Here, everyone maintains an absolutely rational thinking and always maintains forward-looking insights into the financial market, and this insight comes from everyone's understanding of market laws and mastery of modern financial theories. and a summary of practical explorations.

They don't care about seniority and even dare to use investment managers who are just starting out in their careers.

Even for Yi Yang, this is a precious internship experience.

Knowledge is like a ladder that allows you to observe things from a higher perspective.

His previous rebirth experience allowed him to see some things, but as his study deepens, he will find that those things are only one aspect that ordinary people can see, just like a blind man touching an elephant, unable to get the full picture.

The knowledge he learned at Tunghai University, especially at Minghao Fund, in just a few months has continued to deepen his understanding of people, business, environment and organizations, as well as his understanding of value investing.

Some things I saw in my previous life, looking back now, seem to be deconstructed before my eyes, clearly visible.

This is what learning is about.

You can see more than others in the same situation.

And the meaning of interns from high-end universities like them is not just to do odd jobs for others in the office.

Joining Yi Yang for internship were two top students from Guanghua School of Management.

After most of the semester's accumulation, before the winter break, it's time to show off their true talents.

Before the meeting, Yi Yang was not in a good mood.

Because my sister vaguely expressed her wish to travel together during the winter vacation on the video call the day before.

It’s a trip, not a vacation.

She wanted to change her perspective, go to the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and see people in different places.

Yi Yang was troubled by this.

Because the winter vacation is the time when you can really show your talents after entering the Minghao Fund.

Each of the three interns will be assigned to conduct an independent research project.

To complete this research, there is naturally no way to fulfill my sister's wish.

Of course, Jiang Lili's big heart wouldn't mind, but thinking about it, as a boyfriend, she was always tolerant of herself more often.

Although both the girl and herself always define her by her sister, and she takes pleasure in it, she cannot really take it for granted because of this.

Love is mutual.

After some reflection, I was shocked to realize that I had actually done too little for my sister.

The more I thought about this, the more depressed I became.

With such a mood, I entered the conference room.

The senior who led them was a doctor who had returned from overseas. Unlike some so-called pheasant "returnees", he was a serious doctor from an Ivy League school. There was a Chinese character for soup in his name, so everyone simply called him Tom Cruise.

Tom got straight to the point: "Let me tell you straight, you have been with our Minghao Fund for a while, and you know our style here."

"We have a dedicated investment research center and a decision-making center, and all research decisions require a large amount of research data as a basis."

“We spend more money on research every year than many similar capital companies spend on business banquets.”

Everyone listened very seriously, and their eyes showed excitement about trying.

After a pause, Tom smiled and said: "During the period of joining Minghao Fund, you have all proved your rigorous rational thinking. I am very pleased that you all have the possibility to get closer to our company. "

"Minghao Fund does not care about temporary gains and losses, but is also willing to give newcomers the opportunity to stand out. At present, the Strategic Research Department has three research topics focusing on future market trends."

"The first one is new energy vehicles."

"The second one is logistics."

"The third one is tourism resources."

Tom Cruise said: "Next, you should think carefully about which research direction you want to choose, um... ten minutes. After ten minutes, I want to hear your thoughts."

"Then, I will determine the final research direction for each person based on your ideas."

"Next, you need to submit a research plan to me within three days. If it is approved, research funds will be arranged for you within my authority."

After a pause, Tom emphasized again seriously: "As long as it is reasonable, even if the funding exceeds my authority, it is not impossible! Of course, the review department is very strict in reviewing the plan."

After listening to the three directions, Yi Yang was obviously startled. Then he looked at the other two interns and noticed that their eyes were a little subtle.

I wish everyone good luck in the college entrance examination!

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