To be honest, when I typed the last word yesterday, I felt very lost. I can’t describe the feeling.

I even had trouble sleeping because of it last's outrageous.

Even when I was at work today, I was thinking about something good to say in my speech.

In my opinion, the speech is quite serious and should be treated with the same enthusiasm and seriousness as writing the main text.

I really can’t think of anything to say, so I’ll just explain the journey of writing this book.

This book was put on the shelves in June last year, so it has been exactly one year.

In one year, I can actually count the number of times I asked for leave on one hand, and I didn’t even stop updating during the Chinese New Year. So far, I have written a total of...well, 1.61 million words, haha, I can be considered diligent (* ̄︶  ̄).

The original intention of writing this book in the first place was actually a bit funny.

When I was writing my last book, a friend in real life knew that I was writing online articles and asked me what I was writing. He wanted to read it.

But after much deliberation, I felt that I was too embarrassed to tell my real friends about my last book, so I declined.

This is probably the dilemma of many online writers like me... In reality, they are absolutely embarrassed to tell others about their works. Otherwise, their inner thoughts will be spied on, which will cause shame and death.

What I thought at the time was that it would be great if I could write a novel that I wouldn’t be ashamed of even if I showed it to people around me.

Then, I conceived this novel.

When I first wrote this book, there was no outline, only a beginning and an end. The inspiration at that time was that the protagonist was severely beaten by society at the beginning because he knew the importance of reading, and then at the end, when he completed his transformation, he found A person, let the protagonist tell him the importance of reading, thus completing the logical closed loop of the entire story.

According to this idea, there are actually many places suitable for the ending of this book, which can echo the beginning and end and deepen the theme.

But as the story develops, a broader and broader plot line unfolds, starting to develop in some uncontrollable directions... It's not that the plot is uncontrollable, but the impact of the plot line on the theme is uncontrollable.

What I hope is that the tension in the final ending is brought about by the core theme of "learning", but if it continues to develop, the protagonist's success will probably not be due to "learning", but just like traditional urban novels, relying on Foreknowledge, trickery, speculation, and other things that are contrary to the theme of this book.

I'm actually very confused, because the results of this book are really good. If I continue to sell it, I can still make money, but I think it will just become bad money.

In this context, I also encountered some [uncontrollable factors]. I won’t go into details here. I was very angry at the time, but gradually calmed down. The angrier I became, the more the other party was in a dark place. The corner is secretly happy.

How should I put it? It had a big impact on me, because according to the feedback from the website, just before the end, they were still working tirelessly on JB. I can only say 6, if that friend learns to have such a If you are enthusiastic, you can probably go to a good school.

Under the influence of many factors, I chose to decisively stop the story here, but overall, I am still satisfied that to gain something, I must lose something.

Now that I have briefly shared my journey, let me answer a few questions that may interest you.

The first is the extra issue.

Well, I know how to write extras, but I haven’t figured out which form to publish them in. Currently, I have initially decided on two methods. The ideal one would be to publish the kind of extras that can be unlocked for free with a full subscription, but I don’t know how to set it up yet. The extra story seems to require specific activities, so the second plan is to post the extra story in the all-subscription group. Because [Full Subscription] is a rare support for me. Apart from a red envelope during the Chinese New Year, there are no real benefits for the Full Subscription group, so if there are book friends who want to read the extra chapters, you can add Full Subscription Group.

As for this book, I will probably finish it directly.

The second is the question of the next book.

Hmm... I will continue to write, after all, I need money.

As for the next book, I haven’t decided on the subject yet, so the classification will probably still be urban. Some core things will not be lost.

I like the interaction between people, I like interesting characters, and I like a warm and welcoming atmosphere. These things will still be the key words of the next book.

But the subject matter may be somewhat different from this book, because I also like to challenge myself and don’t like to stay in my comfort zone all the time.

Let’s talk about time. Well, after I finished writing this book, I want to take a break and occasionally think about some extras. Finally, I will think about the next book, so I will have some free time, probably in mid-to-late July. I will work hard. Let’s meet everyone in the next book, and we will notify you in the group when the time is determined!

By the way, there is one more important thing to say, which is the last title activity of this book. The way to participate in the activity is to post in the comment area. The key point is——

The title contains the words "Finish Spreading Flowers"!

The title contains the words "Finish Spreading Flowers"!

The title contains the words "Finish Spreading Flowers"!

It's the title! title! title!

Many book friends post comments in the comment section without a [title].

Fan titles will be awarded from high to low according to your fan value... Of course, if there are comments that I like, I will also give them directly.

Finally, thank you all brothers and sisters for your support over the past year!

I wish you all the best to get on the gold list, pass the public and postgraduate entrance exams, get promoted and get a salary increase, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life!


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