I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 185: Get eager (second update)

Choosing to let the Shen family's "dish boss" appear in the news and newspapers was a decision made after more than a month of research.

Just like Sun Xinghe on the westward journey, the monsters who were killed under the golden cudgel either had no way out or had no backers. Those who served as mounts for Bodhisattvas and as boys for the ancestors always had a way to survive.

The Shen family's "food tycoon" relies on having many brothers and descendants. To put it simply, it started as a gangster. If you want to find a backer, you will have to operate for at least another year or two.

Unfortunately, Zhang Haonan had no intention of giving them a chance.

Except for the eldest son of the Shen family, who was in his fifties and had been running rampant in the township for many years, the remaining nephews and nephews were all thrown at the gate of Linjiang Town Health Center overnight by Zhang Zhiqin.

The reporter did not just cover the trivial matter of the "Shenjia Agricultural Products" store being closed down, but the reason for the industrial and commercial seizure was because "Shenjia Agricultural Products" sold cooked food.

The content reported in "Jiang Gao Daily" was about a suspected gang war between evil forces of extremely large scale and widespread influence...

Of course, let’s not say whether the Linjiang Town Police Station will strictly investigate the conflict between the evil forces. At least it is certain that the "Shen family father and son brothers" are involved in endangering the safety of market operations and disrupting social order.

At the same time, the younger generation of the Shen family is burdened with at least dozens of cases of extortion and gang fights. It is not a problem to start working on a sewing machine for two and a half years.

But this obviously won't satisfy Zhang Haonan. What he wants is that these people named Shen can't step on the sewing machine.

This is why he was thrown into Linjiang Town Health Center.

It can be treated, but only if it can be treated.

After the monsters without background are crippled, the monsters with background will understand what is talking about numbers and what is negotiation.

Be courteous first and then fight. If "Shacheng Food" has given you face, don't say it was unpredicted.

Zhang Haonan organized a delegation to visit Jianggao City Agriculture Bureau this time to show off his connections and financial resources.

The Yangtze River Agriculture Forum is mainly social and academic in nature, with experts from the Bureau of Agriculture giving the main speeches. The main job of the first collaborative unit, "Shacheng Food", is to provide a comfortable discussion environment, and then also participate in the discussion and talk about possible future opportunities. Investment direction and scale.

During this period, the "vegetable tyrant" was crushed to death by both black and white, but it was just a conversation piece. Zhang Haonan still doesn't even know what the boss of the Shen family calls him.

It's a pity that Wei Gang's warning and Jiang Gao were too close, otherwise Zhang Haonan's original intention would have been to send them directly to the Yangtze River for winter swimming.

The convoy arrived directly at the Jianggao Municipal Agriculture Bureau. Zhang Haonan slept in the car for about forty minutes and got off the bus just in time when he woke up.

There are not many people here at "Shacheng Food", mainly people from the Municipal Agriculture Bureau, Agricultural Development Zone, and Farm.

"Mr. Zhang, speech."


He nodded, glanced at the speech the accompanying secretary had brought, and handed it back: "It's well written."

After getting off the bus, the welcoming team was also lively, smiling and applauding. When they saw Zhang Haonan's image with a very different painting style, many people in the welcoming team looked a little surprised.

Zhang Haonan, wearing a coat, is full of gangsterism, without the elegance and gentleness that an agency cadre should have.

"Welcome, warm welcome, Director Chen, Mr. Zhang, on behalf of the Jianggao Municipal Agriculture Bureau, I welcome you..."

When shaking hands with Zhang Haonan, the difference in body size and the generous thickness of the coat only aggravated the strong contrast. This made Qiu Shaofei, director of the Jianggao Municipal Agriculture Bureau, as if he was standing in front of a cow.

The whole person is more than a circle smaller, and the person with a loose style is secretly smiling at the back of the team.

The staff of the Propaganda Department of the Agricultural Bureau were busy taking pictures. In fact, a reporter from the city TV station also said that he would come, but his car had a flat tire when he went out, and he was delayed halfway...

"Mr. Zhang, our Jianggao City Agriculture Bureau looks forward to cooperating with Mr. Zhang in the future!"

"Jiangaosha City is separated by a river. Since ancient times, we have exchanged what we need, and cooperation is necessary. I firmly believe that the main theme of development is cooperation. Only by working together can we create wealth and create a better future!"

Compared with empty words and clichés, the strength of 63 points in Chinese language in the college entrance examination is no less than that of others...

When Qiu Shaofei reaches middle age, he has seen many younger generations, but it is not rare to see a creature like this before, but it is the first time.

It would be normal to say that Zhang Haonan came from an official family and was a member of a large family, and had been immersed in the influence of "Eight-legged Essay" all year round. However, he had already inquired about it and found out that the creature in front of him was just from an ordinary peasant family.

It is not easy for an eighteen-year-old to have such a calm temperament.

After some greetings and introductions, they went to the living room and took their seats.

Zhang Haonan sat with Chen Wenlin, deputy director of the Shacheng Agricultural Bureau, and opposite Qiu Shaofei.

Since they were only discussing joining the Yangtze River Agriculture Forum, an academic and industrial development platform, and signing a letter of intent, there was no formal meeting, and both sides spoke in a casual manner.

Like Zhang Haonan, Qiu Shaofei did not read the speech prepared by his secretary.

It is of no use. It is not about promoting policies or showing merit. Long speeches are a complete waste of time.

"Director Chen, does the platform of the Yangtze River Agriculture Forum have anything specific to say?"

"I think it's better to let Mr. Zhang speak on this issue. Our Shacheng City Agriculture Bureau just launched an initiative to generate income for grassroots farmers and increase the regional agricultural output value as much as possible. But the initiative is just an initiative, and development still requires enterprises and The people work together, and 'Shacheng Food' is the first cooperative unit. Currently, specific agricultural and sideline products projects are proposed by 'Shacheng Food', and then the Municipal Agriculture Bureau studies and discusses..."

Chen Wenlin talked about the causes and consequences as well as the development direction of the platform. Qiu Shaofei and the participants from the Jianggao Municipal Agriculture Bureau across from him understood it immediately.

To put it bluntly, if the Shacheng City Agricultural Bureau wants to make money, farmers must have money, and the Agricultural Bureau must also have money, so that the city's finances will also grow.

Achievement and reputation are all important, and if you don’t do it to save face, but to do it well, you need the cooperation of enterprises. Currently, the highest-end food in Shacheng is “Shacheng Food”.

After all, the idea of ​​earning foreign exchange by exporting is still a pleasant one these days.

And Qiu Shaofei is looking forward to it precisely because of the strength shown by "Shacheng Food". You must know that Jianggao City's GDP this year is 6.7 billion. Just one "Shacheng Food" is close enough to Jianggao City's GDP. one-thirtieth of the value.

If the mayor and the deputy mayor in charge of agriculture hadn't been meeting in Chongzhou today, the municipal government's motorcade would have greeted Zhang Haonan's motorcade at the entrance of the provincial road along the river.

Qiu Shaofei attaches great importance to this "Yangtze River Agriculture Forum". He knows that after signing the letter of intent, he will definitely maintain long-term communication, which will definitely greatly promote the agricultural development of the region.

I dare not say too much, but within the framework of this platform, "Shacheng Food", as the first collaborative unit, can now launch a replica promotion model of "Daqiao Pig Farm".

If Zhang Haonan talks about cooperation now, Qiu Shaofei will dare to agree to any "treaty" that "loses power and humiliates the city". If it is not possible to sign a ninety-nine-year land lease, Qiu Shaofei really wants to give it a try.

"Mr. Zhang, could you please say a few words?"

"Okay, then I will tell you a little bit of my opinion."

Without being polite, Zhang Haonan looked at Qiu Shaofei and said, "As a businessman, I will talk from the perspective of profit."

"Let's start with the issue of field utilization. Whether it's Jianggao, Shacheng, or other surrounding areas, each rural household has very little farmland. Field management mainly depends on the number of people in the family, and the amount of food received per unit mu is Affected by factors such as planting, chemical fertilizers, climate, etc., coupled with traditional policies and market fluctuations, a single farmer family subjectively believes that if they plant an acre of land, they will have enough to eat. It is best if they can sell a little. If you don’t drop it, forget it.”

"After all, families are different. Some families have more people, some have fewer people, some may have to go to work, and some may be completely engaged in farming, so the field management must be uneven. Your family's fields will be more fertile and powdery. , I forgot to take the medicine at home, so I can’t manage and quantify it in a unified way.”

"Then if the same 100 acres of land are divided among dozens of households, a large amount of pesticides and fertilizers may be wasted. And the final total land output cannot be measured according to the high-yield fields of a certain household."

"But if we use a unified management method, whether it is a state-owned farm or a large farmer, if it is at least 100 acres of land, we can save at least 3% of the material input of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in grain cultivation. Director Chen, this is it Count?"

"Three point five, we have compared the situation of the farm and nearby retail investors."

Facing Zhang Haonan's question, Chen Wenlin gave a more accurate answer.

"So it is not difficult to see that farms or large households with relatively less input and relatively higher output must have improved their farmland utilization. But obviously calculating this account alone is not enough, because if individual farmers rent out their fields, What should they do themselves? They can’t just sit back and have nothing but nothing, right?”

"Therefore, after letting individual farmers leave their old land, how to maintain their livelihood is actually the key point. Of course, this is also one of the profits created."

"Compared with traditional small-scale farming operations, it is obvious that in modern society, industrial output is much higher than agriculture. Let retail farmers, or to be more precise, the working-age labor force in retail farmer families, enter industrial production activities, which is a way to improve retail farmers. primary means of household income.”

"At the same time, judging from the general laws of the labor market, to be honest, when farmers enter a factory, their own income expectations are not too high. As businessmen, or to be precise, employers, they can use relatively low labor costs to Employ the same number or even more production workers.”

"And this relatively low labor cost, for individual farmer families, at this stage, still achieves high growth in total household income. After all, objectively speaking, food prices, especially staple food prices, must be strictly controlled by the state. , the agricultural income of retail farmers has a basic upper limit."

"So from my perspective as an employer, I can earn at least two profit margins, one is the value-added of land use, and the other is the relatively low labor cost."

After Zhang Haonan's speech, he seemed to be talking about how to make profits for the employer, but Qiu Shaofei knew very well that Zhang Haonan laid out in front of him the biggest benefits that the government could get.

Under the conditions of the new era, backward areas may continue to enjoy a weak "industrial and agricultural scissors gap", but in areas where relatively developed and backward areas are mixed, fewer and fewer farmers are willing to continue to bear this hard scissors gap.

Conflicts will increase over time, and only by narrowing the gap between relative wealth and poverty in a region can conflicts be alleviated.

The best way, of course, is to develop rapidly and continuously increase investment or attract investment, which will naturally alleviate or even cover up conflicts.

Zhang Haonan was talking about how he could make a profit, but in fact he was luring the Jianggao City Agriculture Bureau in an open and fair manner. As long as he cooperated with him, he would get these benefits.

Of course, Jianggao City can choose not to cooperate. It doesn't matter. At most, Qiu Shaofei will be sent to work in the archives when he chooses to put on airs.

Before Zhang Haonan spoke, the Jianggao Municipal Agricultural Bureau only hoped to reach a cooperation project; but after Zhang Haonan spoke, the nature changed a little. The leadership of the Jianggao Municipal Agricultural Bureau now eagerly hopes to reach a cooperative project. !

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