I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 324 A little influence

"Tell me a few words? Just talk nonsense."

Zhang Haonan stood up from the boss's chair, nodded to Zhang Zhiqin, and then Zhang Zhiqin picked up the two boxes and placed them on the desk.

Walking to the box, Zhang Haonan opened the box, and there were piles of cash inside.

"This is 40% of the sales revenue. One hundred thousand units is less than 7 million, and 40% is about 2.8 million. I will calculate it as 2.8 million, and then add another 200,000. Let’s collect three million.”

"Take it and share it."

Zhang Haonan poured out all the money. Dai Bo, who was in the same dormitory, was stunned, and then blurted out: "Brother Haonan is awesome (broken sound) -"

Brother Bo's voice really broke this time, and his voice became shrill on the spot.

He took out a lollipop, tore off the candy wrapper and stuffed it into his mouth. Zhang Haonan smiled with satisfaction and nodded: "Brother Bo, I have to say more like this in the future. How do I know I'm awesome if I don't say it?"

"All the sales revenue of this game this year will not be subject to tax issues. You will spend the money you make. There are still three months to celebrate the New Year. Remember to inform your family so that no one will misunderstand that you have joined some unknown gang."

"The 'Thunder King' also has another bonus. I don't care about the specific details. Mr. Guo is still in charge. As I said, if you mess with me, you will get something to eat."

In fact, more than 40,000 copies of this game were sold in scattered exhibitions. The Jiankang Municipal Government purchased 25,000 copies this month and then handed them over to the state-owned bookstore to open a separate section.

At present, among all the state-owned bookstores across the country, only "Magic Three Kingdoms" by "偁利克哇" is the only game available for sale.

This time the Jiankang Municipal Government's procurement was said to support national software, but in fact it was bullshit. It was purely to "calm down" Boss Zhang and prevent him from making the matter too big.

Of course, this is just a small sweetener. Two of the first batch of villas on the market in Jiankang City are being renovated. Because a new swimming pool is to be added, and any groundbreaking requires approval from multiple departments, it can be regarded as appeasing Boss Zhang after the "Chen Qinghui bodyguard armed with gun case" "Steady in everything.

Zhang Haonan takes the overall situation into consideration... Not bad, not bad.

Compared with Zhang Haonan who doesn't go around barking and biting people, the children's parents protesting against the opening of a game software section in the bookstore... that's nothing.

"When you get money, deposit it in the bank. If you can buy a house, buy it. If you can't afford it, rent it out. If a woman seduce you, go to her. If you spend money indiscriminately, tell the company, and I will arrange for someone to secretly investigate whether she is trying to seduce you. . Break up after buying diamonds. I would rather go to Hexi for prostitution than waste money. Of course, I am not encouraging you to go out for prostitution, I am just using an analogy."

Sharing money is a very simple and happy thing. In this regard, the illiterate or semi-illiterate people in Wujiadai Village are no different from these famous college students.

We are all human beings, and we all have common basic needs.

Even the six captains of the "Thunder King" were no exception. They took the money and planned to change into a more durable plaid shirt, a pair of higher-end glasses, and then a more rigid hair style.

It doesn't matter whether you are bald or not, what matters is your temperament.

"Including financial software, warehouse management software, and game software, the company can be considered to be expanding its product categories. The game department can be expanded further and a new game peripheral development department will be added. This department will be recruited in Songjiang. People who were difficult to recruit before can now be recruited. If necessary, Mr. Guo can lead a team to go to Songjiang in person. I have bought some buildings in Songjiang. It is up to Mr. Guo to decide where it is suitable to set up an office for "Changli Kacha"."

Guo Wei was flattered, rubbed his hands and smiled, "You still have to obey the boss's instructions. Now the company can develop stably, overcome many difficulties, and not be disturbed by many non-business factors. This is all thanks to your foresight, boss." Profound influence..."

Yes, that's it, that's the kind of person I am.

"Mr. Guo, I have one thing to say. This kind of serial flattery is just pleasant to listen to. You can add some tricks in the future."

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely improve, work hard, and satisfy my boss!"

"Don't forget your share. The general manager shouldn't take too little money."

"Yes, thank you boss for your appreciation."

Zhang Haonan smiled and patted Guo Wei on the shoulder, then waved without looking back, "I'll give you three days off, have fun."


When Zhang Haonan left with his bodyguards, the entire company burst into amazing cheers.

Things like sharing money are always happy.

It's just that Zhang Haonan was here just now, so he had to be more reserved. Except for Dai Bo, who was a roommate in the dormitory, he had a very open relationship, and even the six captains of the "Thunder King" were a little more humane and sophisticated.

When Zhang Haonan arrived at the gate, Guo Wei trotted out to chase him. When he reached the door of the car, he asked nervously: "Boss, what a difference, this is not profit..."

"Afraid I'll lose money?"

Zhang Haonan smiled and said, "Don't worry about profits. I will pay today's money and taxes. As long as I lead the team well, I might be able to earn a thousand or three million in the future."


"Okay, go ahead and get busy."

Just as he was about to raise the car window, Zhang Haonan suddenly asked again, "Are you satisfied with going home?"

"My mother said that she would invite you to Liangxi for dinner during the New Year."

Grinning, Guo Wei's mood improved, "Boss, thank you very much."

"Thank you, do your best, and let's go."

"Boss, go slow."

Watching Zhang Haonan's car leave, Guo Wei paused for a while, then scratched his head on the spot. Several more employees came out with their shoulders clasped behind their backs and asked, "Mr. Guo, does flattery require such in-depth research?"

"You know what, this is called workplace art!"

After glaring at these company employees who had never convinced him, Mr. Guo was full of temperament and shouted domineeringly, "It's a holiday, but don't be too playful. If the boss says you have money to buy a house, just listen to the boss."

However, the employees ignored him and took a company car directly to the mall.

Seeing that these bastards didn't dare to talk back, Mr. Guo suddenly felt proud. His prestige in the company was indeed second only to his boss.

In the company car, several programmers were chatting and once again asked a puzzling question: "Why do you think Brother Haonan values ​​this idiot Guo Wei so much?"

"Who knows? Brother Haonan will do whatever he says, but Guo Wei is really stupid."

"The idiot's skills are terrible, but he still updates me on his progress day by day. If it weren't for Brother Haonan's face, I wouldn't want to listen to his barking."

"His barking skills are top-notch."

"Perhaps he has a high level of flattery. Brother Haonan really likes others to say nice things."

"This fool who ran away from Ming Dynasty is at least Wei Zhongxian."


Mr. Guo naturally didn't know that he was a eunuch in the eyes of his employees, but that was not important. What was important was that he could buy a big house in Liangxi with the money.

The unit building where his mother lived originally was a welfare house, which was used when his father was at work. The house in the country had not been renovated because it moved to the city, and it was still a three-room bungalow.

Now that he has some money and is hanging out with Zhang Haonan, he wants to bulldoze the old house in the countryside and rebuild it. He, who couldn't get approval before, can actually gain his reputation.

The three-story building in the countryside is specially decorated with large ceramic tiles and glazed tiles. The interior and exterior decoration costs RMB 350,000. The yard is spacious and has electric doors. It can be called a country villa. It is quite grand.

How could his mother be dissatisfied?

That's quite satisfying.

Isn’t one of your retirement jobs to show off your outstanding children?

The excellence of your children is a great success in your own upbringing and education, so of course you are also excellent.

What’s more, the legends about Zhang Haonan in the world are becoming more and more weird. They are either evil or unnatural. In short, in the small circle of Liangxi, there has been a rumor that Zhang Haonan is the grandson of a certain founding general...

Even Guo Wei's mother has heard of this rumor, and she said it very clearly. Why is the chairman of "Shacheng Food" so old? Why can the editors of Liangxi Newspaper be taught a lesson? There is a reason for this.

Guo Wei has explained many times that his boss is a self-made man, born to be strong, but his mother still said that he has little experience and will tell you his true identity casually?

This made Guo Wei very hurt. The boss was crazy and told his identity to the outside world, but not inside the company?

However, this kind of rumors cannot be said to be inconvenient for Guo Wei.

Anyway, in my hometown village, there are some famous people who now go to chat with his mother and ask "Mr. Guo, how are you now?". In the past, they would just say "Guo Wei" or "Awei".

It's really hard to say when you encounter this kind of thing in life.

Who would have thought that the country boss who pretended to be stupid and dumbfounded would turn out to be so stubborn?

Guo Wei has long been used to being treated like a fool by his employees in the company. It’s not like he doesn’t know about it and doesn’t care. His current personality is that of the “clack-talking” fool general manager.

He has no fart skills, he only knows how to flatter people.

The small companies outside that cooperate with "嘁哩卡哩" now know that Mr. Guo is the "eunuch with a pen" because of word of mouth from the company's programmers. For units that have software procurement needs in Gusu and Liangxi, Guo Wei said The names are "Guo Qiansui" and "Guan Guo", and I feel that the quality is not too bad.

There are some things that programmers don't quite understand the difficulty of, such as software export and peripheral development. Small companies have no influence on physical enterprises, so progress and adjustments in peripheral development are time-consuming and laborious.

But "嘁婷偓偓" is different. Zhang Haonan said that if he wants to open a mold, he only needs to prepare money and nothing else. If there is no colorist, he will directly borrow it from Liangxi Academy of Fine Arts. If the Academy of Fine Arts does not have one, he will go to the printing and dyeing factory. If the printing and dyeing factory does not have it, then he will go to the printing and dyeing factory. Go to the state-run dye institute.

After all, Guo Wei is also a graduate student of the "Taihu Road Light Industry Technical School", but it is impossible, absolutely impossible to get two senior technicians from his alma mater to serve him.

Not enough grade.

Boss Zhang is different. When Boss Zhang asks senior technicians to serve, he only needs to prepare soft sister coins.

So in this situation, despite the fact that "嘁婁彁偓" has no experience in developing game peripherals, the technical support of Fuhuadao is "Xuanniao Culture", and the manufacturing companies are related to Gusu and Liangxi. Just "Fangtian Painting Halberd" The production and manufacturing of "Qinglong Yanyue Knife" is almost a "one-stop process" from color mixing, material selection, mold opening, and packaging.

There is no link to argue with the manufacturer. After learning that Party A's father is Zhang Haonan, the chairman of "Shacheng Food", the boss of the state-owned company does not want to make a fuss, while the boss of the private company wants to make friends.

Everyone has his or her own needs.

Guo Wei also knows the reason. Therefore, when Zhang Haonan said he was going to Songjiang to recruit people, he really wanted to recruit people. Once the game peripheral product line is launched, he will be a "cash cow" until the game stops updating. That day has never been an exaggeration.

Similar to the "Magic Three Kingdoms" co-branded home slippers customized by "Longbow Shoe Factory", except for a few supervisors, ordinary programmers, including "Thunder King", don't know about this matter.

Now we are just waiting for an opportunity, waiting for "Magic Three Kingdoms" to have a word-of-mouth effect.

In fact, domestic game players are very interesting these days. Based on the total number of players around 1.2 million, a bad game can sell for 30,000 to 40,000, and a slightly better game can sell for 100,000. If the plot is interesting and the art is impressive However, with some decent music, it can be pushed to the level of three to four hundred thousand.

For projects like the "Warcraft" series that are being messed up by domestic agents, the lower limit is 100,000 sets and the upper limit is 1 million sets. Of course Zhang Haonan doesn't know the specific data, and he's not interested either. Anyway, he doesn't plan to rely on real-time strategy games. Single player games are profitable.

Even if it can make money, it's probably not as much as the bank interest he earns in a day, so it's not that interesting.

If you don’t have the time, it’s better to give money to programmers and make them happy.

It's not impossible to just take the money and run away. It doesn't matter to Zhang Haonan anyway. It's just that after running away, he can still think about the environment here in "嘁婷偓偓". That's impossible.

The only shortcoming is probably that "嘁婷偓偓" is not innovative, and it cannot be said that there is no innovation, but the direction of innovative applications is decided by Zhang Haonan. The developers themselves only have a high degree of freedom in projects and frontier exploration. The right to speak is zero.

Now Zhang Haonan just wants to cultivate a bigger IP, like "Journey to the West", "Harry Potter" and "Star Wars". If he runs out of money, he can use it to return the pot. There will always be people willing to pay.

He has zero knowledge of game development and no understanding at all. He simply operates the "game development" project as a large product cycle.

The game itself is a product he wants to use to make money easily, no different from dehydrated vegetables.

Guo Wei can conscientiously implement his own decisions and execute them extremely well. In Zhang Haonan's view, this is the most suitable general manager for "Chang Lika Cha".

What corporate culture, what company development, what future exploration...

No, no need at all.

The corporate culture of "偁婷偓偓" is that there is no culture, and the company's development direction has no direction.

I love to put things in a mess, and I love to mess with things. Anyway, if the product passes the test, the quality is up to standard, and consumers are satisfied, it forms a closed loop, and that’s it.

No need for much thinking.

If any idiot intersperses the plot with weird reflections and says "But is it all worth it?", this idiot had better pack up and leave.

However, the small-scale social discussion triggered by "Magic Three Kingdoms" still attracted the interest of a small group of cadres in the cultural industry department who want to generate income.

The vice president of Liangjiang Provincial Cultural and Creative Group even asked Zhang Haonan to have a meal. He was not asking whether the game was profitable like Mr. Ye. Although this vice president had never been to the countryside, he was very knowledgeable even though he was old.

For example, he visited the Edo International Game Show, also known as "Tokyo Game Show", in the spring and autumn of last year.

Along with him were the heads of the Songjiang Electronic Software Industry Committee and the relevant departments of the Suzhou software industry. Don't look at the parents on the market who are shouting and killing electronic games. You must know that "electronic pets" are placed on the second hand. Things that were extremely abstract ten years ago are all supported by the government these days.

Of course, after making a fortune and then "killing Ma Su with tears", that is the tears of the times.

Therefore, unlike the Japanese ministers who do not know how to use computers, the local gangs in the Yangtze River Delta... no, the local organizations are still very polite.

Very polite to economic development...

The developed game industry in developed countries actually involves very complex and huge basic research, ranging from microelectronics, software development and even the management technology of emerging industries, which are completely different from traditional industries.

After all, the production cycle is different, the efficiency is also different, and the feedback mechanism is also different.

How can you make money if you don't keep pace with the times?

"Mr. Zhang, I see that the game companies on TGS often produce tens of millions or hundreds of millions of American dollars. Doesn't this area have great potential?"

"It must be deep. Although my understanding of games is very shallow, since it is a business, it must be different ways to achieve the same goal. It is nothing more than producing the goods, putting them on the market, and then selling them to consumers. The issues involved here, There are just a few. The first is whether it can be produced. If not, what are the reasons for the inability and whether it can be solved? The second is the channels and efficiency of putting it on the market, as well as the size of the market. The third is the acceptance of consumers, that is, end customers. …”

Faced with the question from Gao Lideng, the vice president of Liangjiang Provincial Cultural and Creative Group, Zhang Haonan expressed his views. He did not hide any details about his own operation of "嘁哩卡偓", but the key point was to mention the "Magic Three Kingdoms" 100,000 copies of this game were purchased, with revenue approaching 7 million.

This small amount of money is definitely not attractive to Gao Liqiang, but he understands the efficiency of making money.

"The game industry is a special market because it is not targeted at the general public, but at relatively niche groups, or even special groups."

"You can say that for now."

"Is Mr. Zhang referring to the increase in the number of Internet users? And the promotion of civilian computers?"


Zhang Haonan nodded and argued to Gao, "The increase in the number of Internet users means that the potential customer base of computer software users is increasing. This is an objective fact. As this base increases, the support for game software must also increase simultaneously. This is Normal social laws.”

"Mr. Zhang, I actually had an idea recently. It's not just recently. In fact, when I participated in the TGS Spring Exhibition the year before last, I made an opinion to the province, that is, when subsidizing the output of cultural and creative works, game software can also be included. Among them, it’s just a pity that there were no decent products in the province to support my opinions.”

Gao Liqiang, who wears glasses and has gray hair, is already quite old and is approaching retirement age. His energy level is far less than that of Ding Yong, and he feels weak from years of hard work.

"Mr. Gao, why don't we just wait for the preliminary sales of "Magic Three Kingdoms" to come out in November. If it's still acceptable, after this year, I think we can fully cooperate with each other. The Cultural and Creative Group will establish a new joint venture with '嘁婷偓偓'" Company. The model is based on the 'Zijin' Company. What do you think, Mr. Gao?"

"I personally welcome it, and I hope to achieve results and make breakthroughs in this area as soon as possible, which can be regarded as further expanding the group's business scope. But..."

Gao Lizheng didn't finish his words, and it was obvious that he also had some hesitation.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gao, my credibility, Zhang Haonan, is not yet in doubt. I think even if some leaders in the province have objections to me, it is only about my personal style of conduct, not my business credit." .”

"As long as Mr. Zhang understands."

"Long live your understanding."

Bringing the cultural and creative group into contact cannot be just a personal act of Gao Liqiang. There must have been preliminary discussions in the organization.

It’s just that there hasn’t been a decent game before. Even if it can be sold for a few dollars, in the past few years, it has been making millions of profits every day. It is of no use and cannot be valued by industry cadres at this level.

You say you have a future. You have earned millions from one vote, but you don’t know where the next millions will be. What future do you have?

You have a future as a chicken.

But Zhang Haonan is different. "Chengli Kacha" may have no future, but its boss has a bright future.

If Gao Liqiang doesn't have a friendly attitude, he has already mastered the official tone he should have.

When facing Zhang Haonan, you have to be more direct. After all, if you talk in a roundabout way, if the person named Zhang doesn't understand, he will just pick up a fist as big as a sandbag and hit the old man who is about to retire twice. Isn't this a memorial service?

After Zhang Haonan released the friendly signal, the relevant departments within the cultural and creative group held a small meeting, and then at the provincial meeting at the end of the month, they picked up the nonsense from the previous year and talked about it again.

Not to mention, after mentioning "偁婷偩偓" and Zhang Haonan, the nonsense in the past seems to have become a lot more pleasant now.

Liu Chen, director of the Jiankang City National Planning Commission, also made a special mention of the development direction of the game industry when attending a provincial department meeting. However, the data listed were mainly for Japanese slaves and Americans, and the future is bright. , you can definitely consider playing a role in planning for the future.

After all, when Boss Zhang farms and opens factories, it is Boss Zhang’s steady and steady construction of material civilization; when Boss Zhang develops software and sells games, it is Boss Zhang’s enterprising spiritual civilization construction.

Grab it with both hands, both hands are very hard.

PS: Sorry for the late update, I was a little busy during the day.

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