I am reborn without a pattern

Chapter 625 Dare to think

To a certain extent, the bald old man is actually a crazy person.

This old guy's "obsession" is quite deep.

"Old man, you think the scientific research institute is set up casually according to the central planning? It must be closely related to the local scientific research development direction, industrial development, and population quality. Except for the capital, even Songjiang is not qualified to be picky."

Zhang Haonan could only say that he really dared to think about Wei Gang's whims.

How many research institutes have been established in Shacheng?

How about the Academy of Agricultural Sciences just move here?

"Then I think there are quite a lot of units in Songjiang. Didn't the central government also approve them?"

"Nonsense, why don't you look at what kind of research unit it is? Besides, apart from the original plans of several industrial ministries, there are also historical reasons. There were only two industrial bases in the early days, one in Northeast China and the other in Songjiang. Why don't you just relax Jiang? Northeast is now occupied by Songjiang. The capital city is lacking this..."

Zhang Haonan rubbed his fingers back and forth, "Is there a shortage in Songjiang? Do you know how many large-scale talent programs the Songjiang City Government has? The funding is not at the same level. Do you think the Academy of Agricultural Sciences came here to send people to the capital? Didn't you see it? Are most of them coming from the Northeast? They all want the benefits of settling in the Northeast. There is no other way. Nowadays, domestic funds are abundant and they can make large-scale inflows and outflows. There are not many people who are as easy to talk to as me. , it’s even more unique.”

Some words cannot be said too bluntly as they may hurt others.

The bald old man was silent for a moment and nodded, "Then we can definitely set up a sister organization, which will not only allow the scientific research units in the Northeast to generate income, but also ensure that the overall mechanism continues to operate."

"It's not that simple. For example, shipbuilding. I have direct contact with Blackwater Engineering. Is it okay? Yes, but if you want to copy the research institute to Shacheng, don't you know better than me how many people are involved? The capital will buy our account. To put it bluntly, we are all on the same line. The others who are not on the same line, treat us as turtles and local dogs from the south of the Yangtze River, which is useless."

Of course, the times have given Wei Gang unprecedented fighting power, and he forced his way out, but this does not mean that Zhang Haonan has to do the same.

As long as Zhang Haonan is happy, he doesn't want to touch anything sticky and procrastinating.

Therefore, it is unrealistic for Wei Gang, who wants to make his mouth water after one bite and thinks that everyone can make progress together. In the process of doing things, if there is a chicken feather in any link, he will say that what he has in his hand is Order arrow.

There are some differences in thinking. How old is Zhang Haonan? How old is the bald old man?

Wei Gang thought that he might end up in a coffin in a few years, so he spent his life trying to do unlimited things in a limited time.

But Zhang Haonan thought that even if he retired at the age of thirty, wouldn't there be still seven years left?

He was in no rush and took his time.

Just like the contact with Blackwater Engineering, I was very calm. I slowly cooperated for five years and had plenty of time and money.

"That means you think the difficulty lies in administrative constraints, is that what you mean?"

"Let me tell you straight, I'm too lazy to play on-stage intrigues with others. If you, old man, have the ability to make people jump out and scream at me, I would be very willing to fight. But if the whole process What kind of unspoken rules or tacit consent? I’m sorry, no need to discuss it, I’m not interested.”


The bald old man was speechless. He said that Zong Sang (animal) disliked the cold war as not satisfying enough.

"Don't look at me like this. With my strength and my status, it's meaningless to fight against others and see through it without saying anything. If I want to fight, I will fight to the end. Either you die or I die. There is no second way. I’m not an official, so what organization can unite around me?”


The relocation of some organizations requires layer upon layer of approvals. During this process, it would be trivial for a unit chief to stop you for three and a half months, but it is reasonable.

Zhang Haonan can't fight them one by one from imps to kings of hell, right?

Isn’t that a professional Sun Wukong?

He was full.

Either kill it in one fell swoop, that's the best way to enjoy it.

Luo Liba worked hard for two or three years and then sent the person to jail for ten years. What’s the point?

If you have this spare time, you might as well catch your opponent's overseas children, chop them up and feed them to the sharks, and then start a fight after they get angry. All you want is to have fun.

"Also, old sir, you have a really big appetite. How many county-level cities in the country can have the current scale of scientific research strength and potential? The scientific research results will explode in three to five years, and others will work hard for twenty years. You may not be there in the next year. Don’t be too greedy. If you eat the way you do now, you will be among the top five in the country. Will the central government be relieved? "

"I don't care what others think? I have a clear conscience."

"Why are you so old and you almost died in the bonded area? What are you pretending to be?"


After the two quarreled, it was over. In fact, the inner thoughts of the bald old man were even wilder than Zhang Haonan thought.

What this old guy wants is to integrate scientific research institutes and then turn them into a comprehensive research institute. Using this institute as a framework, he can then supplement undergraduate teaching.

What does it mean?

A super university with extremely strong comprehensive scientific research capabilities!

If this is done, Baoan City will ask him to be a consultant at 10,000%, and he will be the chief consultant.

Others dare not even think about it, but here at the bald old man, not only do you have to think about it, you also dare to act.

It's a no-brainer, it's good to touch it first. If you pick and choose at a pork stall and don't buy it, isn't it just a hand full of fat flowers?

Zhang Haonan didn't know how wild the bald old man was. He thought that this matter was over. He never expected that on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year when the whole city started to open for business, he actually went to the city government and started a fight. Reserve land ideas in Hezhen and Qianfu Town.

Now there are many universities in Shacheng, but after all, they are not local schools. Shacheng Institute of Technology is almost completing its historical mission, and it will become an ordinary one among all the colleges and universities in the country.

Therefore, if we want to further boost the local potential and cooperate with the city's leap-forward development, talent enrichment requires a stable talent pool.

For the leadership team of Shacheng City, this is all objectively visible. The rise of the "Shacai Food System" has diverted local high-end scientific research and technical talents to heavy industry and expanded towards balanced diversification.

Diversification is not a result, it is just a technical process whose function is to achieve a strategic purpose.

Therefore, most of the time, forced diversification in an inherently stable development system will often produce extremely bad results.

The diversification of a single system means forcibly splitting it into multiple systems. In the development of the industry, it can be summarized as "every line is like a mountain".

From the perspective of Shacheng City, the rise of the "Shashi Food Group" is not a fissioned collective, but a brand new group that does not seize the interests of the old collective. Then this kind of "diversification" is benign and can accelerate To achieve strategic goals, namely the overall development of the city and the material enrichment of urban and rural residents.

Then, Wei Gang's idea was much simpler. After taking stock of the city's wealth, he could plant as much "sycamore wood" as there were gaps in high-end talents.

Universities must be established, scientific research must be developed, and resources must be invested. In the face of any obstruction to the existing goals, Wei Gang wants to encourage young comrades to overcome obstructions, overcome difficulties, and get the job done well.

In this regard, the current leadership team of the municipal government may have strong backers, but the prestige at the grassroots level is completely insufficient.

Therefore, on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, Wei Gang first asked the veteran cadres to analyze the situation and made two preparations. One was to do a good job in the current city government's work. After all, the credit belongs to the current incumbent. He, Old Wei, is not here to take the credit. They came here to give honors; secondly, the sinking work was solved by old men like them who inspected and visited everywhere, and conveyed the strategic goals to the countryside in the most down-to-earth and simplest way.

The second point is that there are some links, which are all drudgery.

After all, if something happens, it will be a matter of recognizing the person rather than the cause. If Wei Gang is hit on the head, he will have to solve it even if he doesn't solve it.

Giving grassroots people who have ideas and want to lend a hand is equivalent to drawing a temporary circle and letting them weigh their concerns.

Zhang Haonan never thinks about these shabby things. Of course, he does not have a bureaucratic thinking mode, so there is no harm in not thinking about it.

As long as you scatter money as arrogantly as always, what's going to happen?

Money is not everything, but nothing is impossible without money.

On the eighth day of the new year, while the bald old man prepared his retirement work in the first and second quarters, Boss Zhang also went to Songjiang to warmly welcome the golden retriever old man.

He has officially registered "Trump Technology Co., Ltd. (China)", the production plant is in Lucheng, and the brand of mobile phones sold to America is "DJT".

The domestic shell changer is called "Sigel". As a new spring product, it will be fully sold in March.

Compared with big manufacturers, the two of them are really shabby in this industry, not even as good as minions.

However, the prospects are still good. After all, the main customers are telecom operators. If we win contract phone orders from major cities in Russia, the next two to three years will be a good year.

"Tang, welcome to China again."

"Happy New Year, Zhang!"

After the two shook hands, Zhang Haonan also greeted Joe Nash, "Mr. Nash looks really good."

"Wealth makes you young, dear Mr. Siegel."

Joe Nash was smiling. The Chinese hunk in front of him delayed his retirement, but this was exactly what he expected.

Because he loves his job and...enjoys life.

Thank the God of Wealth.

Although he came from a church family, Joe Nash quietly became a "pagan" in his heart.

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