I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 106 He has selfish motives (second update)

Zong Ruoan recalled that that morning, he went to Xia Chujie's house and asked her to sign an agreement.

When I came out, I happened to meet Zhu Yingying's parents, who were looking for Zhu Yingying.

He also personally took them to Lee Hospital, only to find that Zhu Yingying was not admitted to the hospital.

Later, he got news from the Mulan City Correctional Department that Zhu Yingying was one of the seven missing people and was believed to have died in the fire in the third private room.

And before she was burned to death, someone else took these photos and sent them to Zhu Yingying's class teacher Wang Yixiao?

Then Wang Yixiao modified these photos into Xia Chujian's avatar, threatening Xia Chujian?

Did Xia Chujian dig up Wang Yixiao’s ancestral grave or kill her parents?

Why did Wang Yixiao use this method to deal with his underage students? !

Wang Yixiao should be glad that she is dead. If she were still alive, he would make her feel worse than death!

Zong Ruoan was so angry that he curled up his fingers and punched the computer table hard.

His punch was so hard that it actually triggered the office alarm.

However, he quickly said to the mechanical intelligence in the office: "The alarm has been cleared. It was a misunderstanding."

Huo Yushen's temporary office is right next to his office.

Hearing the alarm sound in Zong Ruoan's office, Huo Yushen rushed over immediately.

As a result, I heard Zong Ruoan say: "The alarm has been lifted. It's a misunderstanding."

Huo Yushen thought for a while and didn't go in.

He returned to his office, opened the internal communication system, and asked his secretary Kang Shanxing: "Shanxing, did you find the list of local dignitaries you asked Zong Ruoan to check?"

Kang Shanxing said: "Huo Shuai, Colonel Zong has recently been assisting in investigating cases in the Dafu County Correctional Department system. As for the list, he said he has a clue and will hand over the list of powerful people this weekend."

Huo Yushen said calmly, "Is there something wrong with the Punishment Department of Guiyuan Star?"

"Well, as the only noble of Guiyuan Star, Fan has stretched his hands too far. The entire Punishment Department is almost surnamed Fan."

"If necessary, you can ask Zong Ruo'an to mobilize the Ji Xian Division."

"Huo Shuai, if the Ji Xian Division is dispatched, the governor of Guiyuan Star will probably be replaced..." Kang Shanxing reminded tactfully.

Huo Yushen said lightly: "If the Governor of Guiyuan Star cannot even suppress a noble named Fan, then he will be replaced."

Lu Jianpeng and others hurried to Imperial 892 Hospital.

It just so happened that Wang Yixiao’s family members had not completed all the procedures.

Lu Jianpeng took out his Special Security Bureau ID and removed Wang Yixiao's body and all her belongings.

There is a specialized forensic testing department under the Information Department of the Special Security Bureau, but Zong Ruoan also called a technician from the R\u0026D department to take several samples from the crack of one of Wang Yixiao's fingernails.

After a day and night of analysis and research, an investigation report was placed on Zong Ruoan's desk.

Zong Ruoan read the report and found that although Wang Yixiao's quantum optical brain data could not be recovered, they analyzed the important ingredients from the powder remaining on Wang Yixiao's fingernails.

This result made him realize that this was not his decision.

Zong Ruoan immediately spoke to Huo Yushen through the internal system.

"Inspector Huo, I have some important findings that I want to report to you."

Huo Yushen thought it was Zong Ruoan who had found out about the dignitaries related to Guiyuan Star, so he immediately pushed aside all the meetings in hand and said, "Go to the first-level conference room immediately."

The first-level conference room at the Special Security Bureau branch has the strictest security measures and the most powerful magnetic field interference to ensure that conversations here cannot be electronically eavesdropped or monitored and recorded.

Although in the Special Security Bureau headquarters of Beichen Star, there are places that are more secretive than the first-level conference room.

But currently, there is no need for such advanced equipment on this backward Guiyuan star.

Zong Ruoan brought all the information to the first-level conference room.

After entering, the Internet here and outside are cut off.

The only connection with the outside world is an ancient intercom telephone.

Huo Yushen sat at the head of the conference table and asked sternly: "What was found?"

Zong Ruoan clicked on the virtual display screen of the quantum optical brain and played the findings related to Wang Yixiao.

"Inspector Huo, today the Information Department of the Special Security Bureau received a mechanical intelligence report that a genetically abnormal object appeared in an office of Mulan City No. 1 High School."

"After I took people there, I discovered this genetically abnormal goldfish."

On the virtual display screen of the three-dimensional holographic projection, the goldfish with a white belly turned over and horns on its head was displayed.

Huo Yushen looked at the screen expressionlessly and said nothing.

Zong Ruoan added: "This office belongs to Wang Yixiao, the head teacher of the junior high school intermediate class at Mulan City No. 1 High School. She has a student named Xia Chujian."

Hearing the name Xia Chujian, Huo Yushen's face did not change at all, as if he had no idea who Xia Chujian was, but he still looked at Zong Ruoan coldly.

Zong Ruoan continued: "We were collecting evidence at the scene. When we were leaving, we happened to meet Xia Chujian and two of her elders, who also came to Wang Yixiao's office."

"After talking, I learned that Wang Yixiao had given Xia Chujian corporal punishment today. Xia Chujian's aunt came to the school specifically to complain about Wang Yixiao."

When he said this, Huo Yushen calmly interrupted his narration: "Colonel Zong, what does this have to do with your discovery?"

Zong Ruoan said seriously: "This matter has something to do with Xia Chujian. If it weren't for her being physically punished, we might not have found the reason for the changes in this genetically abnormal goldfish so quickly."

"Go on."

"At that time, half of Xia Chujian's face was severely swollen. I suggested that she treat the injury first, but she was worried that after the injury was cured, she would have no evidence to complain to the school about Wang Yixiao."

"I said we can check the surveillance."

"But Xia Chujian said that in that office at that time, Wang Yixiao turned off the surveillance camera before beating her. Therefore, I told her that the surveillance of Beichen Empire School and the final switch are in the hands of the Special Security Bureau."

Huo Yushen's voice became even colder when he heard this: "Zong Ruo'an, you violated the discipline."

"Yes, Inspector Huo, I will write a review and give it to you."

"It won't happen again."

"Thank you, Inspector Huo." Zong Ruoan saluted and continued: "So I asked the subordinates of the Information Department at the headquarters to call Wang Yixiao from Mulan City's No. 1 High School based on the time mentioned by Xia Chujian. Monitoring of two offices. As usual, except for that time point, the ten minutes before and after will be retrieved. "

"As a result we found some content..."

In the next three-dimensional holographic projection, Huo Yushen saw Wang Yixiao taking the medicine with his fingernails and feeding the goldfish, and also saw Wang Yixiao taking the medicine himself.

Then, he saw Xia Chujian walking into Wang Yixiao's office, saw Wang Yixiao slap Xia Chujian, and saw Xia Chujian's face swelling rapidly.

I also saw Wang Yi smiling and suddenly called up some photos.

Those photos were projected on the virtual display screen in the surveillance camera. Now they are intercepted from the surveillance camera twice, and the resolution is not very high.

Huo Yushen pointed at the photos casually: "...were these pictures restored using mechanical intelligence?"

You can tell at a glance that these pictures have been modified.

Zong Ruoan nodded hurriedly: "...restored. The original picture is not Xia Chujian's avatar, but another girl. That girl is the girl who died in the arson case in the private club."

As he spoke, he called up the photos he had restored with mechanical intelligence and put them side by side with Wang Yixiao's modified photos.

Looking at it this way, the difference is obvious.

Although the girls' bodies in the photos all look the same, their heads are completely different.

In those pictures of Xia Chu, her expression was cold and empty, as if no matter what you said, she was staying out of it, which seemed incompatible with the scenes in the pictures.

As for the pictures of Zhu Yingying, her shame and timidity, anger and panic are all very consistent with the scene at that time.

Huo Yushen still had no expression on his face, frowning slightly, and he was a little impatient: "Why did Wang Yixiao change the image of Zhu Yingying and replace it with Xia Chujian?"

Zong Ruoan was slightly startled: "...Inspector Huo also knows that the girl's name is Zhu Yingying?"

Huo Yushen's expression became more and more grim: "Isn't it the 'Yu' case? It is said that seven people died. Those trash from the Mulan City Correctional Department can't even investigate how the fire started."

Zong Ruoan was not in charge of that case. He didn't know much, so he didn't ask too much. He just said, "This Zhu Yingying is a classmate whom I met at the beginning of Xia and a neighbor in the same building."

After thinking about it, he still told the story of his visit to Xia Chujian that day: "Because of the case at the Correctional Department of Mulan City Checkpoint, I went to the home of Xia Chujian's classmate. That day happened to be an arson case in a private club. The next day, Zhu Yingying’s parents were looking for someone because she hadn’t returned home all night.”

Huo Yushen finally looked at Zong Ruoan's face, which was more beautiful than a woman's, with a slightly cold gaze: "Why are you going to Xia Chujian's house?"

"...Because there is a document that she needs to sign."

"Xia Chujian is a minor. She cannot sign any legally binding documents." Huo Yushen's voice was always cold and cold, without any emotion.

Zong Ruoan raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Inspector Huo, are you familiar with Xia Chujian?"

Why do you even know that she is still a minor?

You must know that most of the senior high school students in Beichen Empire are over eighteen years old and adults.

Huo Yushen said calmly: "I'm not familiar with her, but she is an important witness in a case."

"Have you seen her?"

Huo Yushen stopped answering and just looked at Zong Ruoan.

His eyes were extremely calm, but his attitude of rejecting others from thousands of miles away was too obvious.

Zong Ruoan wanted to ask what the case was, but seeing Huo Yushen's unkind attitude, he swallowed his words.

Huo Yushen is the supreme inspector of the Special Security Bureau and is only responsible to Beichen Emperor Tantai Hongyuan.

Huo Yushen can intervene in all matters of the Special Security Bureau, but Zong Ruoan cannot.

Zong Ruoan can only interfere with people or things within his jurisdiction.

Zong Ruoan had no choice but to say: "I was negligent. Fortunately, Xia Chujian's aunt was present at the time. She was Xia Chujian's sole guardian, so she could sign the document on Xia Chujian's behalf."

"what document?"

"...At the checkpoint between Mulan City and the Alien Beast Forest, there was a little conflict between their night hunter team and Fan Chengcai, the deputy director of Dafu County's Punishment Department."

"What is the conflict? Is this the reason why you are pursuing the Guiyuan Star Punishment Department?"

Huo Yushen's questions went to the core more and more, and cold sweat broke out on Zong Ruoan's head.

He couldn't deny that he was indeed a little selfish.

This is the second update. There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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