Meng Guanghui continued: "That's why I stopped asking about them in the Alien Beast Forest."

"Also, we now know what happened after they returned to the city from the Alien Beast Forest."

"At that time, Fan Chengcai took a fancy to their team's aircraft. Because of this, Xia Chujian was almost beaten to death by Fan Chengcai, which attracted Zongsi's attention."

"I think it was precisely because of Fan Chengcai's incident that Zongsi got involved, and it was also one of the reasons why the other party did not dare to take action against this team again."

"Zongsi is the director of the Information Department of our Special Security Bureau, the second young master of the Zong family's military industry, and the eldest son of the imperial princess."

"A person of this status is familiar with the people in that team, and it is very likely that the other party will use a trap."

"Perhaps the other party is also continuing to plan to silence this team, but due to the intervention of our Special Security Bureau, the other party needs a more sophisticated plan and has not had time to take action again."

After Meng Guanghui finished his lengthy analysis, he actually saw Huo Yushen nodding slightly.

This means that he agrees with his analysis.

Meng Guanghui's eyes lit up and he said hurriedly: "Huo Shuai, what should we do next?"

Huo Yushen said calmly: "Since you think that the other party will take action again, what do you want to do?"

Meng Guanghui frowned, pondered in his mind for a while, and said: "... In the opinion of my subordinates, the Special Security Bureau will continue to protect this team. As long as the other party takes action, we can take immediate action."

Huo Yushen's expression was indifferent: "I don't have that many manpower to protect a few low-level genetic evolvers and ordinary people."

Meng Guanghui: "..."

"But they are the only clue now!" Meng Guanghui said unwillingly.

Huo Yushen lowered his eyes and said calmly: "We can let them help the Special Security Bureau with their tasks. This not only allows them to contribute, but also makes it more difficult for the other party to silence them again."

Meng Guanghui suddenly realized: "Huo Shuai is wise! I will find a solution right away!"

Meng Guanghui hung up the video communication and happily went to find a project.

Huo Yushen was sitting alone in his room. He remembered what Meng Guanghui said just now, "Because she has no mental power, the other party did not use mental power to attack her." The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Because she had no mental power, the other party didn't use mental power to attack her?

This Meng Guanghui, should he really listen to what he said? Is it human-like?

Huo Yushen naturally didn't believe this statement.

He now roughly understood why other people's mental power had no effect on Xia Chujian.

But he didn't want the second person to know for the time being.

Because this woman is indeed not a genetic evolver.

Although it seemed that she was immune to mental attacks, once the genetic evolvers attacked her physically, she would not be able to survive a move in their hands.

The fact that Fan Chengcai found a few humanoids and beat her half to death was irrefutable proof.

And, she is now his last important clue to finding his sister.

On the second day of the New Year, Quan's territory on Zangge Planet was bustling with activity.

The main residence on Quan's territory is located on the eastern outskirts of Changliu County, the capital city of Zangge Star, and is known as Jianmu Villa.

It was a sunny day. Although it was winter, because the towering Taishi Mountain in the north of the territory blocked the extremely cold air from the south, and the Changli Sea in the east brought warm sea breeze, the temperature at Quan's main residence was not as high as Not as outrageous as tens of degrees below zero.

But there are also temperatures of more than ten degrees below zero.

Fortunately, the open space in the front yard and backyard of Quan's main house is surrounded by transparent glass walls, and there is also a glass ceiling above the head that can automatically open and close.

There are geothermal devices buried underground throughout the front and back yards.

Therefore, even in the dead of winter, as long as the roof is closed and the floor heating is turned on, the yard will still be as warm as spring.

The lawn on the ground is always lush and green, and the various flower and fruit trees around the lawn, as well as the vines climbing on the wooden pavilion, can thrive regardless of the four seasons.

At this time, the glass ceiling was tightly closed on the grass in the front yard of the main house.

Those cold winds can't blow in, and coupled with the geothermal heat, the temperature here can be maintained at a constant temperature of 20 degrees above zero.

People from the Quan clan who come to pay New Year greetings don’t need to wear those heavy coats.

All of them are wearing light and luxurious spring clothes, as if they are attending a fashion feast.

In the open air far away from the grass is the apron, with various aircraft parked on it.

There is also a parking lot with various luxury cars parked there.

There is a streamlined wooden corridor near the wall of the yard, which connects the main house and the front gate like a picture scroll.

To the side of the corridor are long dining tables made of ancient vines. On the dining tables are placed famous foods from the five planets in the Beichen Galaxy.

The most famous band in the entire Beichen Empire was playing passionately in the Qingyin Pavilion on the other side of the grassland. The soothing music was like flowing water, making everyone feel relaxed and happy.

Mei Jiangli, the most famous female star in the Beichen Empire, posed to the music on the stage of Qingyin Pavilion and sang softly.

Not far away, Quan Yugui was wearing a tuxedo with a small bow tie, his face full of decadence and world-weariness, leaning lazily on the pillars of the corridor, holding a glass of well-structured cocktail in his hand, exuding an aura of keeping strangers away. .

Everyone also walked around him, not daring to come within ten meters of him.

Li Fengci, the second wife of the Quan family, came over, stood behind him, and said with a smile: "Yu Gui, yesterday I went back to your grandma's house, and I met Princess Jing. She asked you why you didn't go back with me..."

Quan Yugui didn't look back and said with a sullen face, "Tell her that I'm not interested in the Li family."

"You kid, the Li family is your maternal family, how can you not be interested?" Li Fengci glared at him and walked over to stand side by side with him.

Following Quan Yugui's line of sight, Li Fengci saw the female star who was singing on the Qingyin Pavilion stage diagonally in front of her. He clicked his tongue twice and said, "You are such a good lady, you must come out to be an actress... You are a star if you are good-sounding. It doesn’t sound good, it’s just a toy…”

Quan Yugui's eyes twitched, and then he whispered: "Mom, that's the eldest brother's fiancée! And she is also a noble girl, a top student in college, but she just likes art so she goes to make movies!"

Li Fengci curled his lips disdainfully, "Your eldest brother has such good conditions, but he only finds a noblewoman who is born as an earl... Of course, maybe it's because his own mother is only born as a marquis. If he finds someone who is better than His mother has a high title, so the future relationship between her daughter-in-law and mother-in-law..."

Li Fengci seemed to be thinking of that scene and couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

Quan Yugui's forehead was throbbing with veins.

He suddenly turned around, looked at Li Fengci, lowered his voice and said angrily: "That's enough! Mom! You can't stand the big brother, but you also want to control the third brother, but no matter how hard you try, this title will never fall to us. On top of the second room!"

Li Fengci's face darkened, and he lowered his voice and said, "Are you drunk? What nonsense are you talking about?! When will I take care of the third bedroom!"

"Haha, do you think I don't know about the dirty tricks between you and Secretary Zhao?" Quan Yugui took a sip of cocktail and squeezed out a sentence through his teeth: "I have killed Secretary Zhao... Do you know that she What kind of security company did we find! We almost let Caiwei..."

Li Fengci snorted coldly: "I haven't settled the score with you yet! No matter what my secretary does wrong, I should punish her! What do you mean by overstepping her authority?"

"...I am your son and your secretary, what can't I do with you?"

Li Fengci: "...I am more than just your son!"

Quan Yugui immediately said: "Okay, let the third child come to Quan to take care of this mess! I want to go back to be a doctor!"

He was a medical student and loved treating people. But as soon as he got his degree, his mother, Li Fengci, pulled him back to the Quan family and forced him to join the Quan family's security department.

"Don't even think about it!" Li Fengci objected categorically, "You must lay a foundation in the Quan family! You have a noble status, who is worthy of letting you treat diseases?!"

After saying that, she waved her long fishtail skirt and left angrily.

Power and return: "..."

He took a deep breath, took another sip of the cocktail, and looked up to see his cousin, dressed in a white formal suit, coming out of the main house elegantly.

The grass is green, and Quan Yuxun is very eye-catching in his white clothes.

Along the way, people from the Quan clan greeted him one after another.

"Yu Xun, long time no see. If you have time, go to my house in Beichen Star. You work in the Senate, which is not far from my house."

"Okay, Fourth Aunt, I will visit you when I have time."

"Yu Xun, your cousin went to the army and was assigned to serve on the Fifth Star Battleship. He won't be able to come back during the Chinese New Year. Can you help me bring him something?"

"No problem, third aunt, you give the things to my secretary, and they will ensure that they are delivered to my thirteenth cousin."

"Yu Xun, will Quan Mining sign Mei Guinv as its spokesperson this year?"

"Uncle Seventeen, Jiang Li and I got engaged last year, so we are half of the Quan family. According to our regulations, the Quan family cannot be the spokesperson of their own company, so it's still not possible. But thank you Uncle Seventeen for taking care of her."

It took half an hour for Quan and Xun to reach Quan and Gui.

Quan Yugui put away his decadent and world-weary look and said with a smile: "Brother, I watched you come out of the main house, but it was less than 500 meters away and you walked for half an hour."

Quan Yuxun smiled and said, "We are all relatives. We only see each other once every few years. It is appropriate to be polite."

Quan Yugui sneered and did not answer.

Quan Yuxun was used to his appearance, so he pretended not to see it and asked, "Have you seen Caiwei? Has she come out?"

Quan Yugui shook his head and said, "I didn't see it. But when she came back from Guiyuan Star, she said she was sick and never came out. She didn't even come down from the family dinner on New Year's Eve that day. It's not like you didn't know..."

"But today is different, and if her illness cannot be cured by the latest medical cabin produced by Ritchie, then staying at home will not help." Quan Yuxun looked at the carrier of his quantum optical brain watch and said: " I'll go find her."

Mei Jiangli also saw Quan Yuxun after singing in Qingyin Pavilion.

She was already very excited when she saw him walking towards him with all the stars in his arms.

She thought he was here to find her, so she gestured to her manager and told her that she would stop singing after singing this song.

After singing, she redressed backstage and waited for Quan Yuxun to pick her up.

As a result, after waiting for half an hour, Quan Yuxun still hadn't arrived.

Mei Jiangli couldn't wait any longer and came down from Qingyin Pavilion, planning to find Quan Yuxun.

As a result, Quan Yuxun was not seen, but the first secretary Yun Nuluo beside Quan Yuxun was seen.

This is the second update. There will be a new update at 05:00 in the evening.

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