I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 228 Victory in the first battle (second update)

For the first time, Xia Chujian could only jump one meter high.

But after the sparring robot showed her how to exert force and how to coordinate various parts of the body, she was able to jump 1.5 meters the second time!

Not only did Meng Guanghui look at her sideways, but even the sparring robot she called "Xia Yi" extended a mechanical thumb towards her.

But it took her six hours to go from 1.5 meters to 2.2 meters.

She took the trouble to run with the sparring robot, take off, and then use her strength to jump up!

Over and over again, never getting tired of it.

The monotonous repetition did not feel boring at all. Instead, she felt the coordination and cooperation of her body as she took off again and again, and even felt that her body was much lighter.

Xia Yuanfang observed her for a while and couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart.

If Xia Chujian could apply this kind of patience to her studies, how could her grades be so poor...

She, Sixi and Wufu only watched the first half hour of training and didn't want to watch anymore.

They returned to the lounge, Wufu was playing with his toys alone, and Sixi was wandering around. He was such a small dog that even the robots in the Special Security Bureau turned a blind eye to him.

Xia Yuanfang was seizing the time to read the documents.

Xia Chujian only returned to the lounge all day long, had lunch with his family, rested for half an hour, and then returned to the training ground.

Her efforts were not in vain, and her sweat was not in vain.

After six hours of training, she really jumped from only one meter to two meters and two!

By three o'clock in the afternoon, she was able to easily jump into the control room on the chest of the mecha.

When she smiled and stamped her feet in the control room of the two-meter-high mechanical mecha chest, her movements were so contagious that Meng Guanghui couldn't help but stamp her feet too.

Then, the sparring robot also stamped its feet, and even all the standing robots in the robot warehouse next to the hall began to stamp their feet.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The entire training hall was almost in resonance.

It was the little puppy Sixi who shouted "Wulfu" and jumped around a few times before breaking the terrifying thumping sound that was close to the resonance frequency.

Xia Yuanfang didn't know what happened, so he hugged Wufu and walked to the training hall.

Sixi followed Xia Yuanfang happily, running around in a mess with his short legs.

When they stood at the door of the training hall, Xia Chu saw that they had stopped stamping their feet.

The recorder on Meng Guanghui completely recorded the situation just now.

Xia Chujian stood at the door of the mecha's control room and saw Xia Yuanfang, Wufu and Sixi.

She waved her hand and said loudly: "Aunt! Four blessings! Five blessings! I can jump in!"

As she spoke, she jumped down, landed on the ground, turned around, took two steps back, and started running again.

Her slender and toned body was suddenly in a strange frequency. One knee was slightly bent, and her legs exploded with a burst of force. Her whole body flew into the air, and in the blink of an eye she jumped into the control room on the chest of the mechanical armor.

After standing still, she turned around, waved to Xia Yuanfang and said, "Auntie! Look! I jumped in!"

Xia Yuanfang smiled and praised her: "It's amazing when we first met! I knew it wouldn't be difficult for you! If you can use this patience in studying..."

Xia Chujian immediately let out a burst of exaggerated laughter, stopping Xia Yuanfang from talking any more.

Xia Yuanfang understood and smiled without saying a word.

Wufu clapped his hands and smiled like a little flower.

Coyotito Sixi also jumped up and down, wishing he could jump in with Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian looked back at the control cabin and asked Meng Guanghui: "Can I learn to drive this mecha next week?"

Meng Guanghui said: "You can learn it now if you want."

But it was already past three o'clock, and by the time I got home, it was already four o'clock.

Now it no longer gets completely dark at four o'clock, but it is also twilight, which is much darker than during the day.

Xia Yuanfang felt that since their family consisted of women and children (dogs), it would be best to go home before dark.

So she said softly: "Let's go next week. It's getting late. If we go out now, we can still catch the next suspended train."

Meng Guanghui didn't insist and said, "See you next week."

After Xia Chujian and Xia Yuanfang left, Meng Guanghui sent the video just now to Huo Yushen.

[Meng Guanghui]: Huo Shuai, it’s such a pity to see you this summer. If she was a genetic evolver, that would be perfect!

Over at Beichen Star, it was around three o'clock in the morning, and Meng Guanghui thought Huo Yushen was still sleeping at this time.

As a result, Huo Yushen replied to him five minutes later.

[Huo Yushen]: Is this the first training? Not bad, I will use mechanical armor in the future to let her experience the use of power.

[Huo Yushen]: If she was a genetic evolver, you should cry.

Meng Guanghui was excited when he saw the reply.

[Meng Guanghui]: Huo Shuai, you’re still up so late? ! Are you working overtime again?

Huo Yushen: "...".

He was still up at three o'clock in the morning. Of course he was working overtime. Could he still be a thief?

Huo Yushen was too lazy to pay attention to him and stopped replying. He continued to read his subordinates' reports on the purge of the royal guards, inner guards and secret guards.

Meng Guanghui waited for a while, but when he saw no response from Huo Yushen, he thought he had fallen asleep, so he closed the dialog box.

On Saturday of the next week, Xia Yuanfang felt relieved and decided not to go.

She said to Xia Chujian: "Chujian, it's too inconvenient for us to have a family with a family. Besides, today I plan to take Sixi and Wufu outside the city to see Sanzong, Aunt Chen, and Yingying. You Just go train alone.”

Xia Chujian was both happy that her aunt finally believed in her and gave her more freedom, but also sad that she couldn't go outside the city to see her land.

When she was leaving the house in the morning, she kept talking.

"Auntie, please remember to take a video. I want to see the progress over there."

"That time they said it could be done in four weeks. It's been a week now, at least a quarter of it is done, right?"

"Auntie, there's also the matter of building a house. Please see how Baili's house is doing and see if it can be used..."

"Auntie, remember to bring something for Sanzhao. I bought him a few sets of clothes on Xingwang. They are all suitable for spring and summer. There are also shoes. He doesn't seem to be used to wearing shoes..."

When Xiao Sixi heard the name of "Three Manes", she jumped up and shouted "Wulfu, Wulfu".

Xia Chujian picked it up, stuck to it, and said, "Sixi, do you miss Sanzong? Don't worry, when we finish building the house there, we will all live there!"

Anyway, she will take the college entrance examination in the summer. After the exam, she does not need to live in that small house in the city every day.

Wufu followed and circled around Xia Chujian. He also wanted to be hugged by her, but he was embarrassed to say so.

Xia Chujian saw it and picked him up, telling him this and that, so that Xia Yuanfang felt annoyed with her.

"Go quickly, don't be late for training." Xia Yuanfang pushed her out the door.

Xia Chu bared his teeth and turned to leave.

She walked to the elevator door and met her neighbor across the street, Mr. Yu, who was returning from walking his dog.

Mr. Yu said with a smile: "First time we meet, are you going to a cram school?"

Xia Chujian was carrying a backpack, which was about the same size as a schoolbag.

She was going out at this time of the weekend, and she was a senior in high school, which was very misleading.

Xia Chujian neither admitted nor denied, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yu went to walk the dog again? Where is Wangyou?"

Mr. Yu said proudly: "Our family Wangyou loves to study very much. She got up early in the morning and has already done two sets of papers."

Xia Chujian: "..."

Suddenly I felt a little uncomfortable.

She forced a smile, walked into the elevator alone, and went to the Special Security Bureau's branch in Mulan City.

She came alone today.

Meng Guanghui saw her walking in and subconsciously looked behind her, but he didn't see the large group of "family members" from last week.

"Eh? Your aunt agreed to let you come out alone?" Meng Guanghui asked curiously and gossiping.

Xia Chujian took off his backpack, stretched his shoulders, and said, "Well, my aunt is very reassured by Leader Meng, so she let me come alone."

Meng Guanghui was happy after hearing this, but also felt strange, as if something was wrong.

But when Xia Chujian walked into the training hall and jumped up into the control room of the mechanical armor, Meng Guanghui put aside the strange feeling that had just passed by him.

He then called the sparring robot over and ordered it to say: "Use your D-level strength to fight that mechanical mecha."

Then he jumped into the mecha's control room and said to Xia Chujian, who was looking around there, "Let me show you."

Xia Chujian sat in the co-pilot seat next to him, while Meng Guanghui sat in the driving seat of the mecha, closed the hatch and held the joystick.

He explained to Xia Chujian: "If a genetic evolver operates this mecha, he will directly use the sensor system of the brain-computer interface to control the mecha with mental power, which will be more convenient and faster."

"But mechas can also be driven by ordinary people, so they also have an operating system for ordinary people."

"Wearing these virtual perspective glasses allows you to see the external field of view of the mecha."

"And these two joysticks, and the two pedals underneath."

"The two joysticks on top control the arms of the mecha, the pedals on the bottom control the legs, and the instrument panel in front of you controls the head of the mecha. Let me show you how to use it first."

Then, Meng Guanghui stepped on his left foot, and the mecha immediately took off and flew into the air in the hall.

The sparring robot also flew up and kicked directly towards the huge mecha.

Meng Guanghui used the joystick to dodge flexibly, and at the same time swept his right arm back, almost interrupting the sparring robot.

Xia Chujian couldn't take his eyes off it, and his whole body and mind wanted to merge with the operating system.

After Meng Guanghui showed all the functions, he asked her: "Do you want to give it a try?"

When Xia Chu saw it, he was immediately eager to try: "I'll do it!"

The two exchanged seats.

Xia Chujian also put on a cool virtual perspective glasses, held the joystick with both hands, and then stepped on the two pedals.

She is five centimeters shorter than Meng Guanghui, but her legs are longer. She only needs to adjust the two pedals slightly forward by one centimeter, and she can step on them.

Then she jerked the joystick and stepped hard on the left pedal.

The three-meter-tall mechanical armor suddenly flew upward with a whoosh.

When she was about to reach the starry sky chart above her head, she pulled the joystick with her right arm and made a beautiful right turn. The mechanical armor almost passed by the starry sky chart on the dome of the hall.

As he rushed down, the sparring robot happened to catch up.

Xia Chujian directly hooked his right foot on the pedal and pulled it back, then quickly kicked it forward.

From the outside, it looked like a two-meter-long leg of the three-meter-tall mecha. It hooked back, accumulated enough strength, and then kicked forward violently.

The chasing sparring robot was unable to dodge and was kicked away by the mecha controlled by Xia Chujian, falling heavily to the ground.

Then, she quickly flew down, landed on one leg, stretched out her right arm controlling the mechanical mecha, and grabbed the sparring robot by the throat.

Meng Guanghui was stunned.

He said in surprise: "...Have you really never practiced mecha before?"

Xia Chujian thought, that young commander's black and silver mecha shouldn't be considered this kind of mechanical mecha, right?

The powertrain and operating system are completely different.

So she said calmly: "No, this is the first time to play this type of mecha."

She bit the word "this type" hard.

There will be an update at 0:50 p.m.

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