I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 234: It’s as sweet as sugar (second update)

During the process of looking at the house, Wufu and Sixi were both quiet, their little heads turning non-stop.

It seems that the space in the house is too big for the eyes of one person and one dog.

Xia Chujian looked at the entire house and finally decided to cut off one-third of the library to make a secret door. Behind it was the small arsenal she wanted to build.

She spent the longest time in the room that was going to be used as a library, and she already had an idea of ​​how to separate it.

In that room, Xia Chujian sent the request directly to Baili Xin, asking him to create a secret room in the room that was used as a library according to the dimensions she gave.

Of course, they can only say that Baili Xin is a secret room.

These three words "Arsenal" will not be spoken to outsiders.

Baili Xin only thought it was a basic operation for rich people, so she quickly agreed and said it was a free service and she would not be charged any money.

Because Xia Chujian’s family has been building walls and houses one after another this year, in less than half a year, their family has made money that they had not made in the previous five years.

He even bought a new truck.

Of course, Xia Chujian would not let his work go to waste, and said, "We will pay as much as we need. Mr. Baili, what I want is the quality of the construction, and your honesty and trustworthiness."

Baili Xin revealed his true human nature when he met them in Xia Chu, and he couldn't help but feel that he was inferior to them.

But when Xia Chu saw that they had no prejudice or discrimination against their family, and they didn't pity them, they just regarded them as equal human beings, business was business, and they didn't take advantage of them.

Such customers are too difficult to find. Bailixin simply doesn't want to lose this big customer.

But when Xia Chujian said this, he didn't want the customer to feel uncomfortable, so he hurriedly said: "If you say that, I have to show my true skills. I will charge according to the market price, but our Baili family, in fact, There is an ancestral skill in building secret chambers. Once it is built, you will know it and you will not be disappointed.”

"Oh? Really? Then I can see it." Xia Chujian smiled and signed a new contract with him, asking them to start construction next week.

After settling the matter with the arsenal, Xia Chujian came out of the house used as a library.

Xia Yuanfang said: "It seems that this library was not built in vain. I will put more books in it in the future. I really liked it when I first saw it."

Xia Chujian smiled and did not refute.

Xia Yuanfang looked at her a few more times.

Because she knew that Xia Chujian didn't like reading at all, except for those messy online articles serialized on Xingwang...

But she didn't go into details and handed over a bowl of ice powder she had just made, "Eat a bowl of ice powder and take a rest before going out."

When Xia Chujian saw the crystal clear bowl of ice powder with rose petals on it, the little bit of heat caused by anxiety immediately disappeared.

Wufu was already sitting in his child's seat, holding a small wooden spoon and eating the ice powder seriously.

Aunt Chen, Zhu Yingying and Sanzong also had a bowl each, and they ate particularly deliciously.

The little puppy Sixi also had a bowl of dog food, but it wasn't ice powder, but he didn't care and ate happily in his dog bowl.

After eating the ice powder, Xia Chujian couldn't wait to see the aircraft that Xiaozizi Sixi had "planed out".

Xia Yuanfang had only heard Aunt Chen and the others talk about it, but had not seen it with her own eyes.

"...Is it across the lake? Why didn't you notice it before?" Xia Chujian said, holding Wufu in his arms and excitedly walked out of the door of the house.

Little Sixi shouted "Wulfu, Wulfu", swayed his short legs, and led the way.

Xia Yuanfang, Aunt Chen, and Zhu Yingying followed her.

Sanzhao came after him and had already put on his shoes.

Xia Chujian didn't mention it again, and said directly: "Sanzong, where is the aircraft that Sixi discovered?"

Sanzong said: "It's over there. Sanzong will take Mr. Shaojun over there."

At this time, Xiao Sixi could hardly run anymore and was panting with her pink tongue hanging out.

Sanzong bent down to pick it up, and walked as fast as flying to the other side of the lake.

The road here is relatively narrow, and the road built in the yard does not connect it, so it is not easy to drive, so they all walk there.

Fifteen minutes later, they reached the other side of the lake.

There are shrubs and weeds half as tall as a man, as well as towering trees all year round. It is like a primeval forest that is connected with the forest of alien animals.

Sanzong held Sixi in his arms and led the way.

He walked around the mysterious bushes and walked into the forest for another ten minutes before stopping at an arched shack-like place.

Putting Si Xi on the ground, Sanzhao pulled down all the camouflage vines with his bare hands.

A black and gold aircraft suddenly appeared in front of them.

Xia Chujian was stunned.

This aircraft looks so new!

It looks much newer than the Feng Qianzhan aircraft they captured!

The coating on the outside of this aircraft looks very high-end at first glance, with a little bit of dark golden light showing in the black and bright color.

Xia Chujian even thought that the black and silver of her young commander's black and silver mecha was more beautiful.

More importantly, this aircraft is so small!

Let's put it this way, Feng Qianzhan's aircraft is as big as a two-bedroom house.

Quan's aircraft is like a large fighter plane, with a total length of more than 500 meters.

There is also Huo Yushen's bat fighter, which is said to be the only fighter in the empire that can make space jumps. Its total length is almost one kilometer...

But the aircraft in front of me has a maximum length of one and a half meters, no more!

The height is only half a person's height.

Even compared to the aircraft that Sanzhao and the others are currently living in, it is just a toy!

No wonder it was Coyotito Sixi who discovered it.

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched, and the shape of this aircraft was completely different from other aircraft.

This aircraft is round, like a sun hat worn in summer.

Xia Yuanfang came over.

She knew that Sixi had "planed" an aircraft, but she had never seen it with her own eyes. She subconsciously thought it was similar to the aircraft she had seen.

So when she first saw the shape of the aircraft, she was so surprised that she couldn't help blurting out: "...U...flying saucer!"

Xia Chujian: "...".

"Auntie, what are you talking about?"

Xia Yuanfang hurriedly added, "Look at the shape of this thing. Does it look like a round saucer? It can fly, so isn't it a flying saucer?"

"Oh, it turns out it's these two words. I thought my aunt said, 'There are butterflies'!" Xia Chujian laughed.

Xia Yuanfang thought to himself, fortunately he didn't say UFO, otherwise it would be really difficult to explain the meaning of this UFO.

Because none of these countries in the entire Beichen Galaxy have that kind of alphabetical writing.

Aunt Chen also walked over and said, "This kind of aircraft is really small. I think it's only big enough for the first person to sit in it."

Xia Chujian touched the hatch that shone with dull black and gold, and said regretfully: "I can't see what's inside at all, but judging from the size, it shouldn't be a problem for two people, but no more."

She originally thought it was stolen or thrown away as garbage.

Now that I think about it, garbage is definitely not possible.

Because this aircraft is in such good condition, no one will throw it away as garbage.

Is that the stolen goods, temporarily hidden here?

If it's stolen goods, Xia Chujian wouldn't mind having some fun...

If it had an owner and was not stolen, this aircraft must have an unknown origin, just like her Feng Qianzhan aircraft.

Otherwise, he must have flown to Mulan City openly, so why are he hiding here?

Xia Chujian wanted to see what was inside.

Xia Yuanfang asked: "Can you open it?"

Xia Chujian shook his head: "I can't open it, but I have a friend, so it should be fine."

She was thinking of Song Mingqian, a teammate of the Night Hunters Association.

This guy has a knack for hacking aircraft.

Xia Yuanfang said: "We don't need this thing for the time being, so let's seal it up first. After you finish the college entrance examination and have time, you can think about how to deal with it."

Xia Chujian nodded: "I listen to my aunt."

She also thought of those teammates who had not contacted her for more than two months.

Have they not done any tasks for more than two months?

Xia Chujian's hands were itchy.

But she quickly remembered that Huo Yushen said that she was now a formal employee of the Special Security Bureau and could not take any private work outside. However, Huo Yushen also said that the Dark Night Hunters Association was another matter.

So can she continue to be her hunter, or can't she?

Xia Chujian's brain hurts thinking about it.

She sent a message directly to Huo Yushen.

[Xia Chumei]: Inspector Huo, can I still be a hunter and take on missions in the Dark Night Hunters Association?

This time, Huo Yushen didn't reply to her immediately.

But more than two hours later, when they were all having lunch in the restaurant of their new home, Huo Yushen's reply came belatedly.

[Huo Yushen]: If you accept the task, let Meng Guanghui review it. He said yes, that's all.

Xia Chu felt relieved when he saw it.

It seems that it is not impossible to accept private work.

But she remembered another question.

[Xia Chujian]: So, does the Special Security Bureau want a commission on the money I earn from taking on missions?

[Huo Yushen]: ...How much money can you earn? How many billion? Worth the commission from the Special Security Bureau?

[Xia Chumei]: A penny is also hard-earned money! Cat's head is on fire.JPG.

She posted an angry kitten emoji to show that she was angry.

Huo Yushen was unexpectedly silent when he saw her reply.

Then, for the first time, he apologized to Xia Chujian.

[Huo Yushen]: I'm sorry.

[Huo Yushen]: Every penny of hard-earned money deserves respect. I mean, one percent commission.

When Xia Chujian saw the first three words of Huo Yushen's reply, his eyes nearly popped out of his sockets!

Huo Yushen, this cold man who seemed to have the whole world not only owed him money, but also his life, actually said! apologize! Got it!

How rare!

Xia Chujian almost couldn't help but laugh three times, but when she saw his last sentence, she became even more angry.

She sneered inwardly and replied immediately.

[Xia Chumei]: No, no, no, we are a poor and small family, how can we resist your respect? You should continue to look down on my hard-earned money, I am happy with it.

Huo Yushen did not reply, thinking, is this how Ganzhiruyi is used?

He is indeed a scumbag.

This is the second update. There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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