I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 247: The one who flirts first is cheap (first update, please vote for me)

Driven by intuition, the big black dog ran over from the other side of the elevator and huddled at Xia Yuanfang's feet, trying its best to avoid the increasingly approaching blast wave.


With a final loud bang, the explosion finally hit the elevator like a tsunami.

The elevator's circuit system was instantly interrupted.

The elevator was completely pulled by gravity, vibrated wildly, and plummeted down instantly.

There was even a deep depression on the top of the entire elevator car.

However, when the depression continued to sink, squeezing the remaining space, Liushun slightly raised the semicircular mechanical head and tried his best to support it so that the depression would no longer be squeezed.

Xia Chujian was still wearing a full set of Shao Siming's black and silver mecha. At this time, all the excellent performance of this mecha was revealed.

Not only is it resistant to beatings, it’s also resistant to earthquakes!

When the elevator rumbled and was directly pressed to the ground by the explosion shock wave, the entire elevator car was in a state of disarray.

Fortunately, this elevator is indeed new, and it is built according to new safety standards. It can withstand a magnitude 12 earthquake, and it can also withstand the huge explosion shock wave.

But the elevator door was stuck, the entire building's electrical system was also severely damaged, and the elevator door could no longer be opened.

Xia Chujian wanted to look up, but found that the elevator car was compressing inward from all sides, almost rolling the inner car into a ball...

A ball of steel.

Immediately afterwards, heat waves hit one after another, and the entire deformed elevator car seemed to be roasting in a steel oven.

Xia Chujian was wearing the Shao Siming black and silver mecha from head to toe, and could not feel the temperature change for the time being.

She coughed twice, opened a small gap in her helmet, and asked in a hoarse voice: "...Liu Shun? Are you okay?"

Liushun's slightly dull electronic analog synthesis sounded: "Master, Liushun's head is flat."

Xia Chujian reluctantly looked up.

Liushun's originally hemispherical and convex mechanical head has been pressed into a concave basin shape, and the eye display screen is no longer visible.

The pressure from the top of the elevator was extremely strong. If she hadn't had the helmet of the Shao Si Ming Mecha protecting her head, her head would have deflated by now...

Xia Chujian comforted it and said: "Don't worry, when we go out, I will find the best master for you and make you the best head."

Liushun expressed his gratitude angrily.

Before Xia Chu met, he couldn't sense the real situation outside because he was wearing Shao Siming's black and silver mecha.

At this time, she opened a small gap and felt that not only was the air in the entire elevator car extremely bad, but the temperature was getting higher and higher!

Looking down at Xia Yuanfang, Sixi and Wufu who were unconscious, Xia Chujian knew that they couldn't hold on!

She gritted her teeth and said to Liushun, "No matter what I do, I can't record it or sense it. Do you hear me?"

Liushun immediately turned off all sensing systems, but said in a slightly dull electronic analog synthesized voice: "Liu Shun has heard the sounds of ambulances and fire trucks coming."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She simply opened the eyepiece that came with Shao Siming's black and silver mecha helmet, and looked outside the elevator through its far-red external perspective imaging function.

I don't know what happened outside, but it has become an open space with piles of rubble and ruins piled on it.

There were fire trucks and ambulances coming one after another, and many heavily armed firefighters came with high-pressure water pipes and water cannons.

What she didn't see was that outside the elevator, in the dark night sky, the eleven-story old building that was burned red by the fire and the sound of various explosions was heard, right in front of the staff of the Mulan City Correctional Department who rushed to the rescue. It got lower inch by inch, and with a final bang, the whole building collapsed in front of everyone, just like a fixed-point blast.

This old building is still an original reinforced cement concrete structure.

The heat generated by the huge explosion on the roof directly melted the steel bars of the entire building, making the building unable to support itself and eventually collapsed into a pile of rubble.

Among this pile of rubble, there is an almost spherical elevator car, standing there very abruptly.

The fire was still burning around the elevator car, and seemed to melt the elevator car.

Not only was this building affected by the explosion, but three other buildings adjacent to it were also affected by the shock wave of the explosion and were crumbling.

The people on the three buildings woke up from their sleep, screaming and evacuating quickly.

Xia Chujian quickly used the quantum optical brain to send a distress signal to the Mulan City Correctional Department, while raising his legs and kicking the elevator car three times.

The super performance display of Shao Siming's black silver mecha was heard. His kick created a hole and almost broke the thick steel plate of the elevator car.

She didn't dare to use too much force, after all, there were already people outside, but she had to let those people know and save them quickly!

At almost the same moment, the rescue system of the Mulan City Correctional Department received Xia Chujian's distress signal. At the same time, the ambulance personnel on site also heard the loud noise coming from the elevator car.

clang! clang! clang!

It sounded like someone banging on the elevator.

"There's someone! There's someone in the elevator!"

Everyone was so excited that they immediately set up high-pressure water cannons and poured water on the elevator car.

The duty flying vehicle in the sky drops special materials that can specifically target natural gas leaks.

Five minutes later, the fire was extinguished and there was no natural gas content at the site. Everyone could take tools and cut the elevator car that had become a ball.

Soon, the outer panels of the elevator car were cut symmetrically.

Two cleaning robots came over, one on the left and one on the right, holding on to the cut outer panel of the elevator car. Their robotic arms extended, and their power systems made an accelerating sound.

Then with a bang, the elevator car that had been rolled into a ball was opened, revealing the situation inside.

When Xia Chujian had already started cutting the elevator car outside, he quickly put away the helmet of Shao Siming's black silver mecha and used it as a neck gaiter.

When the elevator car was fully opened, her head and face were already covered with a lot of dust from the elevator car.

The various media waiting outside were eager to swarm in and take first-hand shots.

Xia Chujian hurriedly bent down and wrapped Xia Yuanfang, Sixi and Wufu in the big blanket that Liushun took out.

Her whole body was covered with dust, her face was all black and gray, and her hair was disheveled, covering most of her face. Even her aunt couldn't recognize her when she was standing in front of her, so she was not afraid of being photographed at all.

Just when the media were about to come over for interviews, the staff of the Mulan City Correctional Department who came to the rescue blocked them directly. Then several medical staff came over with a stretcher and put Xia Yuanfang and Wufu, who were still unconscious in the blanket, onto the stretcher. .

Although Coyotito was also unconscious, there was no stretcher for him.

Xia Chujian had no choice but to hold the puppy Sixi in his arms and get into the ambulance with the robot Liushun whose head was flattened into a basin.

Just before the ambulance closed, a well-heeled male anchor from the self-media crowded in front of Xia Chu and asked loudly: "The whole building collapsed, and no one ran out except you... How did you escape?" ? Did you set the fire beforehand?"

Xia Chujian was furious. She had been feeling aggrieved all day, but now she reached the critical point.

She jumped out of the ambulance, grabbed the greasy male anchor by the neck, slapped him, and said coldly: "You are the one who set the fire! Your whole family is an arsonist!"

"Tell me, did you set the fire on purpose?! So you could make big news?!"

"Are you still live streaming now?!"

Xia Chujian then discovered that the male anchor had been keeping the live broadcast on while he was asking questions. He immediately grabbed his live broadcast pole, threw it to the ground, and stepped on it twice, crushing the other person's live broadcast equipment. Turn around and leave.

This anchor also worked hard to get first-hand information.

Unexpectedly, when Xia Chujian came here, he not only kicked the iron plate, but was also slapped by Xia Chujian until his nose bleeds, and even his back molars became loose.

There weren't many people in the male anchor's live broadcast room at the beginning.

But after he teased someone first and got slapped, he suddenly became angry.

Countless netizens flocked to his live broadcast room, just to see what happened to the sudden building collapse in Mulan City.

The explosion was so loud that people within a ten-mile radius heard the sound and felt the vibration, waking up many sleeping people.

Now watching the scene through live broadcast, everyone was still cheering that someone in the building survived, but then they saw the anchor suddenly ran to ask others if they were arsonists...

Many people were disgusted by this showmanship, and then they saw him being slapped by Xia Chujian.

This slap is really refreshing!

But not long after this slap, the live broadcast room went black.

But it doesn't matter, that slap has been videotaped a long time ago, and it was made into a moving picture, and it started to be uploaded to the Star Network and played repeatedly.

At this time, the male anchor's face immediately swelled up in pain. He covered his face and said inarticulately: "How dare you hit me! Do you know that I am an Internet celebrity! I have tens of thousands of fans. ! You were recorded on the live broadcast! I want Hao (to sue) you!"

Xia Chujian jumped back into the ambulance and said coldly: "I will also sue you for slander and slander. Which anchor are you? I will also sue your platform!"

As soon as he heard that he was going to counter-sue and sue the platform, the male anchor immediately became scared.

Then the staff of the Department of Corrections who caught up behind him also asked the male anchor to leave the scene and clear the cordon.

Although the building collapsed into ruins, there was no guarantee that anyone would survive.

Mulan City has historical records. After a magnitude 10 earthquake hundreds of years ago, some survivors were found in the ruins.

This is a rescue scene now, and no media, no matter what kind of media, is allowed to cross the on-site clearance cordon.

At the same time, the Criminal Investigation Section of the Mulan City Correctional Department immediately opened an investigation into the explosion and collapse of the building.

The media on the periphery were idle and did not want to leave at this time, for fear that others would steal the big news.

They each showed their talents and racked their brains to find various connections, trying to find out who the family that survived in the building today was.

Although they do not believe that the family set the fire, they are indeed interested in knowing how they escaped.

Every time there is news about this kind of disaster, the most eye-catching thing is this little story of "survival after the disaster".

Because the scope of the damage this time was relatively large, the rescue staff of the Mulan City Correctional Department specially borrowed a very efficient large-scale biological detector from the Special Security Bureau branch.

This kind of biological detector can detect various biological signs within one square kilometer at one time, especially the biological signs of the human body.

Whether alive or dead, it can be detected.

It's the end of the month, so all your red sleeve votes and monthly votes are ready to vote!

There are also recommendation tickets!

Second update at 1pm.

I saved some drafts and will try to update three times tomorrow!

PS: Those who like to guess the plot, don’t be fooled by the appearance! To see the essence through the phenomenon.

But it doesn't matter if you can't guess it. The treasures keep chasing it every day, and in the end they feel like "Wow! So that's it." Then Mouhan is satisfied. It has to make everyone feel that it's worth their money, right? (*^▽^*)

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