I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 307 She wasn’t the only one catching the blind (first update)

Chu Qingjuan saw that Xia Chujian looked a little nervous and thought she was scared, so she let go and whispered: "Don't say anything about the Special Security Bureau outside, whether it's good or bad, remember?"

Xia Chujian nodded obediently: "Remember, thank you, Sister Chu, for reminding me."

Chu Qingjuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, class is about to start."

While talking, today's instructor has already stepped onto the podium.

This is a female instructor who looks to be in her thirties, but judging from the military rank on her shoulder, she is still only a captain.

With a straight face, she closed all the classroom doors and windows when she came in, and lowered the blackout curtains.

The classroom suddenly became dark.

Then she clicked on the virtual display screen of the physical quantum optical brain teaching equipment on the podium.

The podium immediately shone with light, and the virtual display screen was as big as a big screen in a movie theater.

Immediately afterwards, three-dimensional holographic images of three gray-black ground fighters also appeared on the virtual display.

The female instructor then said: "I am your instructor Yang Ling. You only have two weeks to familiarize yourself with the theoretical knowledge of ground fighters and star fighters, so I will not talk nonsense and just start the lecture."

"Besides, it's not enough for you to just listen to the lectures. You have to go back every day and spend several hours reading the contents of the textbooks I specified. In the final assessment, if you haven't finished reading the contents of the textbooks I specified, you will definitely fail."

After she finished speaking, regardless of everyone's whispers below, she continued: "This week we will talk about ground fighters, mainly Harrier, Hawker and Eagle fighters. As the names suggest, the characteristics of these three fighters are related to their names. .”

"The Harrier fighter is small in size and light in weight. It is very suitable for raids and fighting quickly. The disadvantage is that it is easy to be blown up by the enemy. But because the Harrier fighter only flies under the starry sky of the empire, there are currently no enemies in the empire. There are Ability to destroy Harrier fighter jets."

"The Hawker fighter is larger and heavier than the Harrier. It is slightly slower, but has more powerful firepower and can carry twenty small missiles at the same time. The operating system of this fighter also has certain technical flaws, that is, when When launching a missile, the fuselage will tilt to a certain extent. But a skilled pilot can perfectly overcome this flaw."

"The Eagle fighter has the speed of the Harrier fighter and the firepower of the Hawker fighter. It is also made of special metals that cannot even be penetrated by missiles. It is very safe. The disadvantage is that the operating system is very complex, and the star fighter is very safe. The people in the District Guard are not qualified enough and generally need to be operated by two pilots. And you need to master the technology of single-person flying of a Eagle fighter."

"Next week we will talk about three types of star fighter aircraft, including Thunder class, Aurora class and Phantom class. Most of you are the chief pilots of Thunder class and Aurora class fighters. A few of you... to be precise, there are six of you, yes The chief pilot of the Phantom-class fighter. Because you already have a certain foundation in these three types of fighters, the theoretical knowledge will focus on the repair and maintenance of the fighters."

"Okay, let's now talk about the internal structure of the Harrier ground fighter."

As the female instructor Yang Ling narrated, the classroom was completely silent. Everyone was watching the internal structure of the fighter plane displayed on the large virtual display screen attentively, while frantically writing down their experiences in electronic notebooks.

There is also automatic recording equipment in the classroom. After a class is finished, they can re-watch the content of the class through the small optical brain equipment on their seats.

This special training base does not allow them to record the lecture content themselves, and of course they cannot send it to the Star Network. That kind of behavior is a serious leak of secrets and will be sentenced to severe prison terms.

Xia Chujian was originally worried and not confident because her physics score was very poor, and many of these fighter aircraft structures involved physics knowledge.

Although Xia Yuanfang gave her more than two months of intensive tutoring, she was not that bad.

Unfortunately, as instructor Yang Ling's explanation became more and more in-depth, Xia Chujian found that it was still very difficult to understand.

Those complex mechanical structures, cutting-edge materials, as well as the flight characteristics of the fighter planes, and various parameter constants were like overwhelming black mosquitoes, swaying in front of her eyes.

She was getting more and more nervous, but when she secretly looked at her roommates and other students, she found that most of them were like her, their eyes were blank, and they were probably spinning in circles...

Xia Chujian instantly calmed down.

It seemed like she wasn't the only one who was blind.

No one understands it.

Two hours later, most of the students walked out of the classroom with empty eyes and weak legs, and went to the ground fighter training room for aircraft training.

Xia Chujian asked Chu Qingjuan secretly: "Sister Chu, do you understand?"

Chu Qingjuan smiled bitterly and shook her head: "...I haven't had much contact with ground fighters. The first class has so much useful information. I won't sleep tonight. I must read the designated teaching materials!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

Mao Yonggui said: "I don't plan to sleep, but I'm worried that even if I don't sleep, I won't be able to finish reading so many designated teaching materials!"

Sanyadi nodded: "Me, me, me... me too."

Xia Chujian was silent.

She seemed to live in a King Juan dormitory...

It wasn't that she didn't want to stay up late to read the textbooks, but she was worried that even if she stayed up late, she wouldn't be able to understand how to break it?

Xia Chujian wanted to ask her aunt if she could have a look at her teaching materials and then sort out an outline for her?

Xia Chujian followed everyone into the ground fighter training room with his wishful thinking in mind.

This ground fighter training room is more like rows of huge three-story warehouses.

Each floor of the warehouse can accommodate ten ground fighters side by side.

There are five rows of warehouses, with each floor adding up to fifty aircraft. The three floors accommodate three types of ground fighters, a total of one hundred and fifty.

The first thing they trained today was the Harrier fighter jet.

Several people walked into the first floor of the first row of warehouses and saw ten Harrier fighter jets lined up in a large, uncut training room.

The chief officer of the training room walked out with his hands behind his back and said: "You will be in groups of four according to the dormitory, sharing a fighter plane, and training on the plane."

"Each fighter plane is randomly equipped with an instructor, and can only take one student to the sky at a time. You can adjust the order of the flight yourself."

After the chief officer finished speaking, he walked to the first Harrier fighter and said, "I will take this one."

Standing in front of the Harrier fighter plane were the four girls from Ji Nabi's dormitory.

Xia Chu saw them lining up next to the second fighter plane, just to the right of the first fighter plane.

The one who came over to teach them was an older instructor with a military rank of only second lieutenant.

The bishop who assigned the task before had a military rank of lieutenant.

Xia Chu knew from the first meeting that the chief officer should be a more powerful instructor.

He taught in Ji Nabi's dormitory, and after Lin Xiaoxiao's incident, everyone knew that that dormitory was full of noble girls.

Haha, this order is really "random"...

Xia Chujian silently looked away and discussed with his roommates: "Which one of us will go to heaven first?"

Mao Yonggui said: "Drawing lots?"

The corner of Xia Chujian's mouth twitched: "Is this worth drawing lots? I'll be the last one, you can do whatever you want."

Mao Yonggui said quickly: "Then the penultimate one."

Chu Qingjuan said: "I am number two, Adi, you should be number one."

Sanyadi looked at them and didn't refuse, saying, "I, I... I'll go up first."

The young instructor was already sitting in the fighter plane.

Sanyadi followed in and sat behind the instructor.

Because this Harrier fighter is too small, there is actually only one seat for one person, but because it is a training aircraft, another seat was temporarily installed, which can only be installed in the back row.

So if you want to learn how to fly a fighter plane, you can only watch it from behind.

Fortunately, everyone is a skilled pilot with driving experience. The principles of a star fighter are not much different from those of a ground fighter, so it is easy to draw analogies.

After being carried around for ten minutes, Sanyadi was able to get started on her own.

After flying for twenty minutes, she went to another training room where there was a simulated fighter system to consolidate the knowledge she had just learned.

Next came Chu Qingjuan and Mao Yonggui. They were also very talented fighter pilots. Their previous experience in flying star fighter aircraft made them familiar with this kind of ground fighter quickly.

After they all went to the simulated fighter system training room next door, it was finally Xia Chu's turn to meet.

Basically thirty minutes per person.

Xia Chujian got on the plane with the young instructor uneasily.

When the fighter plane took off, Xia Chujian immediately felt the extremely fast acceleration.

But fortunately, she felt that it was slower than the combat aircraft she had flown that could control nuclear fusion as a generator.

Looking at the operating system displayed by the instructor, Xia Chujian felt relieved.

She used to feel that since she had no experience in piloting fighter planes, she would be greatly outclassed by other students.

But this time she got on the fighter plane, and she realized that the operating interface of Quan's large aircraft was actually a fighter plane...

Coincidentally, she had fully learned the "piloting skills" on that Quan's large aircraft.

Now looking at the instructor's operation, I actually feel that I can do better...

Her eyes flickered, and she took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

Don't be blindly proud.

Whether she can drive better than this instructor depends on her actual operation.

That time on Quan's large aircraft, she had only studied their operating system and had no actual driving experience.

She listened attentively to what the instructor said and asked questions she didn't understand from time to time.

The instructor blushed when he heard this, because the question Xia Chujian asked happened to be something he himself didn't understand...

As far as his experience is concerned, on many key issues, he is still in a state of "knowing it but not knowing why."

He felt that Xia Chujian asked much more in-depth questions than the first three students!

Therefore, he could only pick and answer the questions he knew. If he didn't know the answer, he would just rush through it.

Xia Chujian seemed to understand something, so he didn't ask any questions later and just watched his operations.

Ten minutes later, it was Xia Chujian’s turn to drive.

She put her hand on the mode control panel, recalled the instructor's operation just now, and then started the fighter plane.

The Beichen Empire's civilian aircraft and aircraft have all achieved 100% autonomous driving.

As long as you can set the starting and destination addresses, they can fly automatically and take you to your destination safely.

But fighters are different. Whether it is a ground fighter or a star fighter, even if the operating system can be fully automatic, it cannot be truly fully automatic.

Because the enemy will not fight according to your established procedures, the mechanical intelligence must act under the control of the pilot.

In a word, humans are still fighting, not machine intelligence.

Second update at 1pm.

The number of people was written wrongly in the previous chapter. It should be 160 men and 40 women. It has been modified. Thank you guys for catching bugs.

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