I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 310 The next generation is formidable (Second update, please vote for me)

Mao Yonggui, Chu Qingjuan and Sang Yadi were originally in the simulated fighter system training room next door, wearing headphones and concentrating on consolidating what they learned today.

Therefore, I didn't hear the prompt sound that spread throughout the base just now.

But now, the huge roar outside the training room, the noisy footsteps, and the excited shouts of someone woke them up.

Chu Qingjuan frowned: "What happened?"

When I looked up, I saw that everyone in the simulation training room was leaving, and they followed suit.

They went out relatively late, and when they looked up at the sky, they saw only the fiery red fireworks, which were almost falling to the center of the base.

In order to avoid accidental damage, the falling fighter plane will definitely be destroyed before falling.


The base's anti-aircraft ion beam cannon was dispatched in time, and one shot blasted the burning fighter into the smallest atoms.

"Whose training aircraft had an accident? Did the students and instructors parachute?" Mao Yonggui asked a female student next to him.

The female student was Lin Xiaoxiao. She came out early in the morning, stood at the door, looked at the sky with a pale face, and murmured: "Don't you know? This is your roommate's training machine..."

Xia Chujian helped her and saved her career. Lin Xiaoxiao has been secretly paying attention to her.

She knew that she was timid and cowardly, but she was not a ungrateful person.

Unexpectedly, the girl who kindly helped her would end up like this on her first day on the plane.

Is it true that a person cannot be too kind?

"Ah?! This is our first meeting?! No way!" Mao Yonggui exclaimed.

She, Chu Qingjuan and Sang Yadi looked at each other, and they all saw extreme regret and regret in each other's eyes.

Fortunately, not long after, two more colorful parachutes appeared within everyone's sight.

"Ahhh! They're okay! It's okay! They're parachuting!" Lin Xiaoxiao covered her mouth, so happy that tears almost came out.

Sure enough, you still have to be kind, because God will help you!

Mao Yonggui, Chu Qingjuan, and Sang Yadi immediately ran towards the direction of the parachute landing without saying a word.

Also running over at the same time were the instructors, doctors and support staff from the base.

They all go there by car, which is faster.

Because the base is so big that it occupies the entire basin, it might take more than twenty minutes to run from the surrounding barracks, training rooms, and dormitories on two legs.

It's much faster to take a car.

When Pei Zijing arrived with the convoy, the two parachutes were still swinging slowly in the air.

Everyone can clearly see that the operation of the red parachute is relatively unfamiliar, while the operation of the green parachute is more skillful.

If he read correctly, the red parachute should belong to the student and the green parachute to the instructor.

But this group of students shouldn't be so unfamiliar with parachute operations...

Although they are all pilots of Star Fighters, and Star Fighters fight in outer space, there is no such thing as parachuting. As part of the pilot's basic training, even Star Fighter pilots must learn to use parachutes.

Pei Zijing looked up at the sky with a heavy heart, praying that the two would land smoothly.

If not, his airship is also sent out to stand by, so that in case of emergency, it can meet them in mid-air.

However, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is better not to drag the airship in, because if you are not careful, the parachute rope will get entangled in the airship. At that time, not only the skydiver will have an accident, but also the airship.

Fortunately, the worst didn't happen.

After waiting for another five minutes, two parachutes, one red and one green, finally landed slowly and safely on the large playground of the base.

Pei Zijing strode forward.

"See you in the summer, are you okay?" He walked towards the red parachute and asked with concern.

Xia Chujian didn't even have time to take off the parachute hook, and cried directly to Pei Zijing: "I'm sorry, Chief Instructor Pei! I can't help it! I really can't help it! You want me to keep accelerating! I tried! In the end, the engine exploded Yes! I don’t know what’s going on! I did it according to your request!”

"I don't know how the fighter plane crashed! I really followed your instructions!"

When Xia Chujian broke the record just now, many instructors in the flight base knew about it. When she heard her cry, she immediately understood something and her eyes fell on Pei Zijing.

And the staff in the main control room of the base knew that Pei Zijing personally ordered the student to continue flying at an accelerated speed!

This is for records, not human lives!

Pei Zijing's heart sank and he stopped.

He didn't want something like this to happen. He carefully looked at the engine data sent back at that time, and it was clear that it had not reached the critical value of the maximum load-bearing capacity...

Of course, something went wrong later, and by the time he found out, it was already too late.

It was exactly the same as the test pilot's accident decades ago. The engine was overloaded and exploded, causing the fighter plane to disintegrate.

The only good thing is that last time, the test pilot failed to parachute in time in order to stabilize the speed for thirty seconds, but this time, both of them parachuted.

As long as no one is killed, it's not a big problem.

Pei Zijing comforted himself in this way.

But Xia Chujian turned around and said to Yu Fei who was taking off the green parachute hook: "Instructor Yu! Thank you for your help! You told me not to exceed the actual maximum speed before, saying that it was dangerous, but I didn't Listen to you! This result is all my fault! I bring it upon myself! I didn’t listen to you!”

She bowed to Yu Fei repeatedly and cried with genuine emotion.

Xia Chujian took off his helmet, his hair was messy and he didn't look good.

But Yu Fei was so impressed by this female student!

Pei Zijing actually suffered a big loss on the first day and even solved the problem of being expelled!

The younger generation is to be feared. It is impossible not to accept it!

He calmed down and said with a kind face: "I am just reminding you based on the facts. Chief Instructor Pei does not agree, and there is nothing I can do about it. I have been dismissed by Chief Instructor Pei, so you can be lucky. "

Xia Chujian immediately turned around, bowed to Pei Zijing again and said, "Instructor Pei! Please! Don't let Instructor Yu be dismissed! He was a kind reminder! He is a very experienced instructor, and I learned a lot from him! If If he hadn’t taught me well, I wouldn’t have broken the record this time! Please!”

Pei Zijing was upset. He knew something had happened and he must be responsible, but in the end the record was still broken.

Although it has not reached the theoretical maximum speed, it is already a great achievement to increase the actual maximum speed to fifty kilometers per minute, which is only four kilometers away from the theoretical maximum speed.

He put his hands behind his back and said calmly, "Okay, I just gave you a chance to break the record. Yu Fei has merit and will not be dismissed. You and Yu Fei, go to the medical room to check first and treat any injuries, and then Each of you will write a summary of the situation, and I will give you credit."

Yu Fei's eyes lit up.

The crisis of being dismissed suddenly turned into the joy of making a contribution!

It's very difficult for them to get promoted now, because they must have merit in battle!

But war merit is something that only front-line troops can easily obtain. Where do they, the second and third lines, get the chance to make war merits!

But this time, it is indeed different.

Yu Fei suppressed the corner of his mouth that was about to curl up and said quickly: "Thank you, Chief Instructor Pei! I know that Chief Instructor Pei is knowledgeable and good at handling people! If it weren't for Chief Instructor Pei's strategizing, I would have almost missed this opportunity to contribute to the Harrier fighter's speed record. opportunity! I am still too conservative and too unwilling to make progress!"

Xia Chujian lowered his head and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

This Yu Fei is too weak.

Pei Zijing's words made him fall over again.

Of course, Xia Chujian never thought that this incident alone could do anything to Pei Zijing.

What good things are you thinking about?

She just wanted Pei Zijing to learn a lesson and remind him not to let these little soldiers become cannon fodder for the sake of his promotion!

But she really didn't expect Yu Fei's attitude.

Mistake, big mistake.

If Yu Fei got hot-headed and told her all about his plan, she wouldn't be able to live without it.

But thinking about it again, if Yu Fei is so stupid, he won't even think about making meritorious deeds, because this means that Xia Chujian's record will not be credible.

Xia Chujian believed that Yu Fei could figure this out clearly.

Of course, no one is a fool.

When Xia Chujian and Yu Fei were helped into the ambulance and headed to the medical room, Yu Fei asked with concern: "Xia Chujian, are you okay? It's not comfortable in there. I'll go into the medical cabin later and have a good check-up." .”

Then he said with emotion: "This time, the person I should thank the most is you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have any merit."

Xia Chujian felt relieved now, because Yu Fei was assuring her that he would not be stupid enough to betray her.

Xia Chujian also murmured: "It's all thanks to Instructor Yu's teachings. If it weren't for Instructor Yu, I would be dead this time! - Instructor Yu's life-saving grace, Chu Jian will definitely repay it!"

"We can be regarded as comrades who have experienced life and death together. Don't talk about life-saving grace. Isn't that what we should do?" Yu Fei smiled at Xia Chujian and said with a righteous look.

Xia Chujian now only believes that this guy will not tell the truth. Otherwise, she does not believe a word.

And she was just an ordinary pilot, with no education or family background, so she just had some luck.

Xia Chujian showed a grateful smile, portraying a weak, pitiful, and helpless character.

Yu Fei could hardly believe his eyes!

Is this the ruthless man who told him to "shut up" on the fighter plane? !

At that moment, he could even feel a hint of murderous intent!

If he dares to act rashly, this guy can really kill people...

But when I think about it, he is the chief pilot of the Phantom-class fighter who came from the front-line troops. How many people can he kill?

How could a man like him, who was hiding in a flight base and working as an instructor and enjoying his life as a wealthy man, be as murderous as her?

Yu Fei patted his chest carefully and said to the nurse next to him: "I'm a little out of breath. Can you give me some oxygen?"

The nurse quickly put on the oxygen mask.

Xia Chujian also rubbed his temples with his hands and said feebly: "Not only do I have a tight chest, but I also have a headache. Could it be that I have a concussion?"

"Student Xia, don't worry. We'll be in the medical room right away. We have a first-class medical cabin. Just lie down in it and get some treatment." Another nurse also brought an oxygen mask over and put it on Xia Chujian.

Xia Chujian took a deep breath of oxygen. Don't mention it, this thing is really refreshing, more effective than anything else!

This is the second update. Remind everyone of you Xiaoxiang tickets, monthly tickets and recommended tickets!

The update that was posted in the morning was reviewed and was not released until an hour later. It’s not that it’s not updated on time.

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening. Three updates tomorrow.

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