I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 320 Raising the flag to make a tiger skin (Second update, please vote for me)

Not long after, people from the base laboratory came over wearing full protective clothing.

They carefully inspected the pot of green plant, and from its white flower stamens, they used special tools to pick out the core of the seed that had been beaten to pieces by bullets.

The leading technician said: "Who shot this? The marksmanship was very accurate. Three shots directly hit the core of the relic."

Xia Chujian was about to say it was Lin Xiaoxiao, but Lin Xiaoxiao whispered: "I fired the first shot, but it missed and hit the wall. The next three shots were fired by Xia Chujian. Yes. She killed the remnant infected body."

Pei Zijing glanced at Xia Chujian.

The technician praised: "Xia Chujian's marksmanship is very good. He discovered the location of the seed core immediately, otherwise it would not be so easy to kill him at once."

Ji Nabi, who was standing behind Pei Zijing, looked at Xia Chujian suspiciously and said, "...were you going to kill the infected body just now? Didn't you want to kill me?"

Those three shots pierced the air, and the pressure that hit her face made Ji Nabi still breathless.

The feeling as if the space within ten meters around her was being reduced to a vacuum by the pressure of bullets was really unforgettable for her.

Xia Chujian handed the gun back to Lin Xiaoxiao and replied quietly to Ji Nabi: "You thought before you spoke. I don't even know you, why should I kill you?"

Jinabi's face turned red when she said that, and she said angrily: "You just shot me in the face!"

"...But what I hit was the relic infection on top of your head." Xia Chujian said displeasedly, "And it wasn't one shot, but three shots. If I really want to shoot you in the face, you Think you can escape?"

"How can your marksmanship be so good?" Ji Nabi looked at Xia Chujian in disbelief, "How did you practice your marksmanship?"

Xia Chujian opened his mouth, and suddenly remembered the gossip he had heard from those people before. His heart moved, and he immediately changed his words and said lightly: "Of course I have practiced marksmanship since childhood."

"Since you were young? What is your background? I heard that you are not a noble. How can you afford to practice shooting?"

Xia Chujian tilted his head and said with a smile: "My family is not a noble family, but I can thank the Zong family for taking care of it..."

Because she remembers the gossip content of these people, and she also knows that these people only believe what they believe.

Then give them content they can believe in.

At this time, not only the students in the cafeteria, but also Pei Zijing suddenly realized.

So that’s it…

That makes sense.

Except for Zong's military industry, almost no one can afford such a large amount of bullets to practice marksmanship.

When Ji Nabi heard that Xia Chujianjia was actually involved with the Zong family, she immediately changed her expression.

She was very uneasy and did not dare to confront Xia Chu again.

Xia Chujian noticed her waning and sighed in her heart.

She was also trying to make a big deal out of a tiger's skin. If the other party really wanted to get to the bottom of it, she planned to pull Zong Ruo'an out of the situation and use it as a false pretence.

These people probably don't have the guts or the channels to go to Zong Ruo'an for verification.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you ask for a certificate. Xia Chujian had already thought about it and sent a message to Meng Guanghui, asking him to find Zong Ruo'an to help her cover her lie.

Although Zong Ruoan has now left the Special Security Bureau, there must still be friendships with former colleagues like Meng Guanghui.

Therefore, Xia Chujian patted Lin Xiaoxiao's shoulder very calmly and said, "Your fighter skills are so good, but your marksmanship is not that good. Practice it well in the future."

Pei Zijing stood in the private room, looked back at her, and said to the technicians in the laboratory: "Pack up the infected species and take them away, and report to your superiors that a new type of infected species has appeared."

Xia Chu was slightly startled and asked: "General Instructor Pei, what is a new type of relic infectious agent?"

"In the past, we found that the relics only infected humans and animals, but this time, the relics began to infect plants." Pei Zijing pointed to the pot of green plants.

Xia Chujian's eyes widened: "The relics have never infected plants before?"

"As far as I know, no."

Pei Zijing watched as the technicians in the laboratory took away the green plants that had been infected with the relics, and also took away the other two pots of green plants in the box that had not mutated.

Xia Chujian remembered the big tree that suddenly grew crazily in the garden of Mulan City Square at the beginning of the year.

There are no tentacles sticking out of the trunks of those big trees, so they really should not be infected by the core of the relic.

But the sudden growth is somewhat similar to the green plant that grew and bloomed crazily just now.

But she didn't say anything, turned around and walked towards where her roommate was, and said, "It's okay, let's go back."

She took the lead towards the cafeteria door.

The base guard guarding the door did not let him go.

It was Pei Zijing who followed him out and raised his hand before Xia Chu met and walked out.

The three roommates also quickly chased after him.

None of the four people spoke on the way.

It wasn't until he returned to the dormitory that Mao Yonggui sighed and said: "When we first met, I see that your bad temper can't be changed. Fortunately, a relic infection appeared today, otherwise, both you and Lin Xiaoxiao's lives would be in danger... "

They could all see that Lin Xiaoxiao's first shot was clearly fired after Ji Nabi was angered.

When Xia Chu saw the three shots behind her, they were really not sure whether she wanted to hit Ji Nabi, or whether she had changed her mind temporarily because of the appearance of the relic infection.

Chu Qingjuan patted Xia Chujian on the shoulder and said nothing.

However, Sang Yadi held Xia Chujian's hand and stammered: "When we first... When we first met, I, I, I... I know you have offended your noble lady, Coco... But, I am really happy, you You...you can stand up...your marksmanship is so accurate!"

Xia Chujian closed her eyes, nodded and said, "Sister Sang, please stop praising me. I'm trying to change myself and not be so impulsive. However, there are always idiots who want to challenge my patience."

Mao Yonggui couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "When I first met, have you really never been wronged? Didn't you say that your family is very poor? Even if you are poor, you can still practice marksmanship since you were a child? Can you still be related to the Zong family?"

"I am very poor, but what does this have to do with being wronged?" Xia Chu was puzzled, "Do poor people have to be wronged? Also, the Zong family only provided me with bullets to practice shooting, and did not support me. Live a lifetime of wealth and wealth."

"Poor people don't necessarily have to be wronged, but they are more likely to be wronged than the rich and nobles." Chu Qingjuan stood in front of the mirror and adjusted her military uniform.

Seeing that they were getting more and more distracted, Mao Yonggui hurriedly said: "Okay, let's just argue for a few words. No matter how noble Ji Nabi is, she is still in the military camp. Her hands are not that long. Let's have a good time. Trying to surpass them is the biggest blow to them.”

Xia Chujian nodded: "I listen to Sister Mao. As long as they don't go too far, I can actually calm things down."

Chu Qingjuan twitched the corner of her mouth: "When we first met, when you said it, I suddenly couldn't look directly at the word 'putting things to rest'."

Xia Chu smiled and said, "...You'll just get used to it from now on."

She went to the bathroom to wash her face.

A few people rested in the dormitory for fifteen minutes and then gathered outside again.

Under the scorching sun, one hundred and ninety-seven male and female students stood neatly in front of the five-corner platform.

Chief Instructor Pei Zijing once again stepped onto the pentagonal platform, stood under the flag pole of the Beichen Empire, and lectured everyone.

"Dear students, the first phase of ground fighter training has ended. Everyone has seen the scores and rankings. If you are still dissatisfied with the scores, you are welcome to continue to complain and report."

"But this time, whether it is a complaint or a report, it must be with a real name."

"In addition, the second phase of ground fighter training begins today. This time, it is actual combat training."

"We have just received news that traces of rebels have been found in Whirlpool City, the largest city in the southern hemisphere of Kanli Star. According to intelligence, the rebels are going to attack Whirlpool City."

"The Whirlpool City Government has asked for help from our base, hoping that we can dispatch elite troops to quickly attack the rebel organizations!"

"Currently, it seems that the rebel organizations in Whirlpool City have sufficient supplies of weapons, including surface-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft smart cannons and smart machine guns, as well as their own air forces. However, they are mainly aircraft, with a large number of drones and fighter jets. There are only two or three of them, and they probably won’t be willing to take them out to fight, so we have a huge air advantage.”

"The order from the military has been issued, you need to act immediately."

"From now on, according to your ranking, go to the fighter training room and board the fighter plane with your ranking."

"Five minutes later, fly into the belly of the Peng transport aircraft. The transport aircraft will take you to Whirling City and destroy the rebel organization!"

"Please remember, this is not a drill! This is not a drill! This is actual combat!"

"The assessment standard this time will be based on the actual lethality caused by your respective fighters, converted into numerical values ​​based on the mechanical intelligence of the fighter planes. The one with the highest value will be ranked first."

Xia Chujian had never participated in such a military operation.

She was very worried that she would lose her chain, so she immediately went to the bathroom, put on the black and silver mecha of Shao Siming under her combat uniform, and then caught up with her roommate in front of her.

They rushed to the fighter training room together and found the fighter plane with their rankings on it.

Xia Chujian discovered that the top ten were all flying the highest-end fighter planes - Sculpture fighter planes.

From the 11th place to the 20th place, they are flying Xiaofang fighter jets.

The rest are all Harrier fighters.

The current fighters are not training aircraft, but real ground fighters.

In other words, there are no longer two seats in the cabin, but only one.

When she sat in the cabin and watched the hatch cover slowly closing, she realized why this matter sounded so unreliable...

She couldn't help but connected to Mao Yonggui's fighter plane and asked in a low voice: "Sister Mao, are we going to fight now?"

Mao Yonggui said: "Yes, this is your first time participating in this kind of battle, right? Don't be afraid! Just follow me!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

That's not enough.

She just felt that it was too hasty?

Xia Chujian continued to ask: "Is this okay? We don't know how many opponents we are facing, where they are, how we need to cooperate with each other, and what weapons we need to use. Don't we have these pre-war plans and deductions?"

If she wanted to play a real-time strategy military game on StarNet, she would have to prepare more than this time!

This is the second update, reminding you all about your monthly tickets! I asked for a while at the beginning of the month!

There are also recommendation tickets for Monday!

And thank you all for your rewards last month!

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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