Xia Chujian's brain is not ordinary smart among them!

Xia Chu was not particularly happy when he saw her. He just said dullly: "What's the use of thinking fast? It's all reasoning after the fact and it won't help."

Everyone who could die has died, so what if they guessed it?

The other party has wiped away all the clues.

Kang Shanxing was more knowledgeable than Xia Chujian.

He enlightened her and said: "Don't be discouraged when we meet for the first time. If you think about it, the other party has used such a large amount of resources, even using the mental spores of Mother Forrest, so he must have other motives."

Xia Chujian thought for a while: "So what Colonel Kang means is that this matter will not end here."

Kang Shanxing smiled and said, "Why do you think so?"

Xia Chujian shrugged: "It's very simple, because I haven't seen the person behind the scenes or 'plot' anything."

"So, they will still take action."

She thought for a while and then said: "...can the matter of the son of Forrest being beaten to death by me be kept secret? I didn't tell the truth to Chief Instructor Pei just now, just because I wanted to keep it secret for the time being."

Kang Shanxing said: "I sent my close subordinates to collect the body. They will not leak the secret."

Xia Chujian was a little embarrassed: "...but there are five hundred Star Marines on the Star Cruiser over there, and they all know about this."

Kang Shanxing frowned: "...you showed them the body?"

Xia Chujian nodded, "I also watched the video of the instructor shedding his skin after being parasitized..."

Kang Shanxing thought for a while and said, "That doesn't matter. They are also within the scope of our investigation."

"I'll ask our people to do some 'desensitization' processing on their brains later so that they can forget this memory."

Xia Chujian said hurriedly: "It was just an hour ago. Don't let them forget too much!"

She regards them as personal soldiers, but she must not forget her as the commander-in-chief!

Then she really did it for nothing!

Kang Shanxing said: "We know that desensitization for too long will cause irreversible damage to their brains. We will not do this kind of thing to our own people."

"But within an hour, it's easy to deal with and it won't have any impact on them."

"Didn't you put them to sleep before?"

Xia Chujian said: "Yes, then just deal with it directly until it goes into hibernation. Just let them think they are sleeping all the time."

Kang Shanxing agreed and immediately ordered his men to go to the cruiser to handle the matter.

Xia Chu saw and then said: "This way no one will know that the parasite of the Son of Forrest has been killed by me."

Kang Shanxing said: "So you want the people behind the scenes to think that they still have the parasite of Forrest's son as an internal agent?"

Xia Chujian looked at him uncertainly: "...is that okay?"

Kang Shanxing frowned: "It's not impossible, your idea is very novel."

"But the problem is, I don't know how they contacted the parasite of the Son of Forrest..."

Xia Chujian said: "I am also thinking about this problem. When I went to rescue them, I once saw someone from the Star Thieves exchanging information with people at the base using flares."

"Looking back now, most of the people working inside the base are people whose thoughts and actions have been controlled by the parasite of Forrest's Son."

Kang Shanxing said: "It is possible, but we still need to screen it."

Xia Chujian said: "Yes, I also want to know how you screen them!"

Kang Shanxing said, "I'll take you there soon."

"The cause of death of these three instructors here has been found out."

"In addition, the people who asked them to go on the mission also died violently at the base, so we initially infer that these three instructors were just unfortunate people chosen by the mastermind to be the victims and scapegoats."

Xia Chujian said: "Can we give them the treatment they deserve? For example, martyrs and so on...so that their families can receive pensions, right?"

Kang Shanxing sighed: "For the first time, unless we prove that these three people were killed, their families can get pensions."

But according to the evidence they have, it can only be seen that they took the poison themselves.

Although they looked a little weird when they took the poison, their behavior cannot be explained unless the information about the Sons of Forrest parasite is revealed.

Xia Chujian remained silent.

Kang Shanxing said: "Don't be sad, I will report to Huo Shuai and see if Huo Shuai can come up with any good ideas."

As he spoke, he switched the images on the virtual display.

Now it is no longer the airship surveillance video that was retrieved from the database before, but the video of twenty-six instructors being screened in the small room opposite.

Xia Chujian saw that in the small room without partitions before, walls suddenly rose up, dividing the small room into small compartments.

From her perspective, it was as if she were looking at a cross-section of a giant honeycomb.

This huge beehive is made up of small hexagonal cells.

In each small hive, there is an instructor.

So there are twenty-six hive cells in total.

They were all sitting on seats, with dense sensors attached to their heads.

Their eyes were staring straight ahead, as if what they saw in front of them was not six silver-white walls, but some unknown real scene.

Xia Chujian looked at this scene with a complicated expression.

Yes, she thought again of that day when Huo Yushen put these sensors on her head and asked the machine intelligence to draw the appearance of the girl she had seen.

That time I was drawing pictures, what about this time?

Xia Chujian looked at Kang Shanxing inquiringly.

Kang Shanxing said: "This is a lie detector."

Not doing mechanical drawing?

Xia Chujian was even more curious: "Then why didn't you ask any questions?"

The polygraph tests she had seen all asked some questions.

While waiting for the person to answer, the sensor attached to the person's body will measure various reaction data of the human body to analyze the authenticity of the other person's answer.

Kang Shanxing said: "This is a more advanced consciousness lie detector. It directly communicates with your deep consciousness. It is a lie detector specially designed to deal with genetic evolutionists."

Xia Chujian understood and said with a smile: "Is it because genetic evolvers can disguise their physical reactions and fool ordinary lie detectors?"

"We ordinary people can't do this... I didn't expect that the Special Security Bureau would have thought of this a long time ago."

"However, genetic evolvers are also very mentally powerful. Can't they disguise themselves deep in their consciousness?"

"Chief Instructor Pei can still resist the invasion of Mother Forrest's mental spores..."

Xia Chu saw many problems.

Kang Shanxing smiled and said nothing.

After a while, he asked: "Do you want to see everyone's reaction deep down in their consciousness?"

Xia Chujian's eyes lit up: "Yes! Of course!"

Kang Shanxing took a step back, raised one hand, and instantly pulled out ten virtual displays and suspended them in front of them.

In this way, the deep conscious reactions of ten instructors appeared in front of them.

Kang Shanxing said: "Did you see the silver-white partition rising in the small room?"

Xia Chujian said: "I saw it. They made this room look like a huge honeycomb."

Kang Shanxing said: "Each partition has the effect of inhibiting and penetrating mental power."

Xia Chujian was puzzled: "I understand suppression, what does penetration mean?"

Kang Shanxing said: "Do you remember that your team of Dark Night Hunters once went to our branch of the Special Security Bureau in Mulan City, Guiyuan Star?"

Xia Chujian's eyes flashed: "...Is it that time you asked me? I also praised your beautiful eyes..."

Kang Shanxing's face darkened, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and he said calmly: "Well, that was it."

"That time, we just used the level of mental power to crush you, and we were able to make you tell the truth."

"And this time, we are using genetic evolvers with special mental powers. Their special powers are that their mental powers are permeable."

Xia Chujian said: "...Are they just like those sons of Forrest? Can they control other people's thoughts?"

Kang Shanxing choked and said angrily: "...That's not that powerful. It can only penetrate their mental power into the deep subconscious of these people and suppress their mental vitality."

Only then did Xia Chujian understand: "...It's just like an inhibitor specifically targeting genetic evolvers."

Kang Shanxing then smiled and said, "Yes, the principle is similar. But that kind of inhibitor lasts longer."

"And this kind of penetration of pure spiritual power lasts only a short time and can last about an hour."

"Especially suitable for temporary occasions like this."

As the two of them talked, images of consciousness began to appear one after another on the ten virtual display screens.

There are seven images, all showing the instructors who were driving nervously. When they found that the console showed that they were following the starship of the star thief Bodhi Ye, they all immediately panicked.

There are two images, showing that after discovering the starship of the star thief Bodhi Ye, the two instructors couldn't wait to go directly to fight.

There is only one image showing the instructor contacting someone...

Xia Chujian shook his head, stared at the image of the instructor who was using the button-like equipment to contact people, and said, "...What's going on with this person?"

Kang Shanxing said: "It has been investigated. He was in contact with someone at the time, but not with the Star Thief, but with a female instructor on another starship...the two were a pair."

Xia Chujian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good...that's good..."

In times of crisis, he still remembers his girlfriend.

Already very good.

But Kang Shanxing didn’t feel good at all!

He said with a straight face: "The first batch of ten instructors were tested, and seven of them were afraid of war!"

"There is also a small family that only remembers itself, regardless of the overall situation!"

"Among the ten instructors, only two instructors still remember that they are soldiers!"

"This ratio is too low!"

Xia Chujian thought to herself, remember what happened to the small family?

You can't even protect your own family, and you still want to protect others?

She disagreed: "You are too harsh. I think three of these ten instructors are still acceptable."

"The seven instructors who are fearful of war are normal."

"If they were really brave, they wouldn't stay at the special flight training base in the rear."

This is the truth, but Kang Shanxing is still very dissatisfied.

This is the second update. There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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