I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 461 No plan, only goals (second update)

Xia Chujian's heart tightened.

But Qilu was typing on her eyepiece display.

[Qilu]: Master, directly behind you at eight o'clock, there is a two-headed warrior holding two sniper rifles, aiming again.

Xia Chujian's eyes widened in disbelief.

The soldier is holding a sniper rifle? !

This kind of shock was no less than seeing a wild rhinoceros appear in front of her in a star cruiser!

And is this intended to target again at the same spot? !

Does he know how to snipe or not?

Xia Chujian's body moved faster than his brain.

She did not turn around, and she still carried a Xia Zhi 085 assault rifle on her right arm.

This kind of gun can be regarded as a simplified version of a sniper rifle on land.

It’s just that the bullets are not as powerful as sniper bullets, and the aiming system doesn’t have the intelligence of a real sniper rifle.

But in Xia Chujian's hand, it was no different from a sniper rifle.

She turned her back and fired twice!

Behind him, there was a dull roar at eight o'clock.

Someone seemed to be lifted up by something, fell backwards, and fell heavily to the ground.

Xia Chujian quickly turned around, and the young commander activated the mecha and flew towards the place where the heavy object landed with a swish.

Behind the dense ferns, I saw a two-headed warrior lying on his back on the ground.

He has two heads and four arms. No wonder he can control two sniper rifles at the same time.

But now, there is a round bullet hole on the forehead of each of his heads.

This was caused by Xia Chujian's assault rifle bullet, which directly blew out his brain.

No matter how many heads you have, it's useless in the face of bullets that are fired without miss.

Xia Chujian didn't look much at this strange-looking soldier. She bent down and picked up a sniper rifle to take a closer look.

Although this sniper rifle was modified, Xia Chu recognized it immediately when he saw it. It was a modified Inquisitor No. 7 sniper rifle.

But the barrel is thicker and shorter, and the sight is just an ordinary optical sight, not the current smart sight.

Judging from the length, thickness and intelligence, it was obviously modified according to the body shape of the Sage.

Which arsenal is this so considerate?

Xia Chujian felt contempt in his heart.

After taking the video as evidence as usual, Xia Chujian came over and asked them to collect the body of this tragic man.

This is a Slayer who can use conventional thermal weapons. He cannot be burned by fire like the previous Slayers.

Because this means that on this planet, the dangers faced by outsiders like them have escalated.

Before, Xia Chujian had only thought that the Sages were primitive aborigines who could only use sticks and stones. Even if they stood and did not fight back, these Sages could not do anything to them wearing mechas.

But now, these mourners have weapons that can penetrate conventional mechas, and none of her soldiers are safe!

Xia Chujian waved his hand and asked the people who came to collect the corpse to leave, and continued walking alone among the dense ferns.

Until she walked far into the woods, Qilu quietly typed on the display screen of her eyepiece.

[Qilu]: Master, there are no upright creatures within ten miles. You can speak now.

It seemed to understand that Xia Chujian went deep into the forest to find a place where he could talk to Qilu without being discovered by others.

Xia Chujian switched back to her original voice with some discomfort.

She said: "What does it mean that there are no upright creatures? There are also crawling creatures here?"

Qilu said: "Yes, there is not much accumulation on the water surface in this area, only half a meter deep."

"So there are some mutant reptiles around, for example, a crab as big as an adult pig, running rampant behind you."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She turned around and thought, the mecha's mechanical arm instantly carried an Assassin 110 hand cannon.

With a casual shot, the big crab that was sneaking behind her and trying to attack her was hit in the little head.

No matter how small the head is, it is its fatal point.

Xia Chujian turned around and walked over, looking at the crab that was as big as a fat pig, and clicked his tongue: "This crab is not particularly big, and the meat should be quite delicious."

Of course, this is compared to the previous three-meter-tall crab.

Unfortunately, the amount of radiation is too high.

Even though it was dead, the crab shell was still glowing green from the inside out.

Xia Chujian turned and left.

A long black creature suddenly jumped out and dragged away the dead crab as big as a fat pig.

Xia Chujian didn't care either.

After these things die, they become food for others, natural selection, no big deal.

When they reached the depths of the woods, Xia Chujian stopped and jumped up.

Shao Siming's mecha used full power and instantly broke through the dense branches of coral trees and fern trees, arriving at the top of the forest of marine plants.

The tallest tree here is nearly 1,000 meters tall.

Standing on the top of the tree and looking around, there are no longer dense stems and branches in front of you. You can see very far away, as if you are very close to the sky.

It was dusk at this time, the setting sun was melting gold, the dusk clouds merged together, and the sunset glow on the horizon was like a rich and colorful oil painting.

Large swathes of dark violet, separated by patches of dazzling gold and orange.

The colorful coral trees in the distance are set off by the sunset, as if the colors from the sky are flowing down, dyeing them the same color as the sunset in the sky.

The magnificent sight is dazzling.

Xia Chujian let out a long breath, his aggrieved mood was relieved, and even the tension in his brain relaxed.

She ran back and forth on the top of the thousand-meter-high tree, her feet as light as stepping on clouds.

After a while, she was sweating all over, and then she stopped and sat down on the top of a soft and fluffy tree.

"Qilu, our plan has to change."

Qilu's childlike voice said timidly: "Master, what is your plan?"

Xia Chujian: "..."

Qilu is indeed a high-level mechanical intelligence. Look at this stab, it was almost fatal.

Xia Chujian sighed and said, "Qilu, you are right, I actually don't have any plans."

"In other words, my plan is based on the information provided by the base."

"The base's information is so wrong that it reaches Guiyuan Planet. Of course it cannot be used."

"So my plan doesn't work anymore and I have to change it."

Qilu still asked in a nagging tone: "Then what is the master's plan?"

Xia Chujian rubbed his neck and said, "My original plan was to find the place where the Wanshou Flying Fish once appeared on Morizawa Planet, and directly catch the Wanshou Flying Fish that was ridden by the Sage."

"As it turned out, you also saw that the Wanshou Flying Fish was replaced by the military a month ago..."

Qilu said "Oh" obediently and said, "So the master thinks that there is no second Wanshou flying fish to be caught here?"

Xia Chujian said: "I don't know, because there was something wrong with my previous judgment. There is a high probability that this is not the nest of Wanshou Flying Fish."

"Also, those mourners are not as primitive and backward as we think."

"They even have private deals with the Beichen Empire's military or traitors in the military."

"Those traitors not only provided human race to the mourners to help them improve their descendants, but also provided weapons."

"Under such circumstances, how can I safely release those Star Marines?"

"Even if they have mechas, the Slayers also have sniper rifles."

The Beichen Empire's sniper rifle bullets are ordinary types that cannot penetrate conventional mechas, but two, three, or even five or ten bullets are not necessarily possible.

As long as the mecha is damaged, these starry sky marines will be completely unable to resist the nuclear radiation here.

Xia Chujian closed her eyes, anxious.

Qilu praised her cutely: "Master is right! Then our plan must be changed."

Xia Chujian said: "Does Qilu have any plans?"

Qilu was silent for a while and said: "Qilu has no plan, only goals."

Xia Chujian was curious: "Qilu has a goal? What goal?"

Qilu said: "Protect the master's life."

"No matter what happens, the owner's life must be protected."

Xia Chu was moved and funny when he saw it, and said: "Qilu is still a child who has just turned one month old. There is no need to protect me. I should protect Qilu!"

Qilu: "..."

Its established procedures were suddenly disrupted.

Because no one has ever said that we need to protect the safety of a mechanical intelligence.

This not only goes against its underlying logic, but also makes its processor run so fast that it almost burns out.

It is frantically searching its own database to see if there is the same data, providing it with logical assistance so that it can generate a decent response.

But it can't be found...

Xia Chujian didn't expect Qilu to say anything. She raised her head and looked at the sky that was gradually darkening after being extremely beautiful, as well as the full moon that gradually revealed its outline. Thoughts were swirling in her mind.

She pondered: "Qilu, the female Marine who died before gave me a coordinate address, saying that it was the lair of Wanshou Feiyu. Do you think it is credible?"

Qilu said: "Master, are you willing to let Qilu check the coordinate location?"

Xia Chujian knew that Qilu had also "seen" the coordinates through the camera on the helmet.

She said, "Check it and see where it is."

As a result, Qilu searched in his own database, frowned and said: "That coordinate position is in the south, basically at the south pole of the Morisawa star."

"It's too far away from here. It's a hundred thousand miles away in a straight line. Qilu's radar system can't scan that far."

Xia Chujian frowned: "We only have two weeks, we should explore the road first."

She suddenly raised her head and said, "Qilu, do you know what the food of the Wanshou Flying Fish is?"

Qilu's childish voice was a little confused: "...food? What does the Wanshou Flying Fish eat?"


After a while, Qilu replied in a sweet voice: "In Qilu's database, Wanshou Flying Fish feeds on Crocodile Dragon."

Xia Chujian was surprised: "...crocodile dragon?! What kind of creature is that?"

The childish voice of Qilu said in a serious tone: "The Crocodile Dragon is the mount of the deep divers of Haidagon on the bottom of the sea."

Xia Chujian said: "Where is the crocodile dragon?"

Qilu said: "Of course Crocodile Dragon is on the bottom of the sea, that is, the bottom of the sea below the accumulation of water surface."

This is the second update. There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

PS: I saw some Baozi labeling a character we met for the first time as an "anti-PUA master". Haha, it's quite interesting. Do you guys want to like it?

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