I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 480 This look is so cool (first update)

Qilu, who suffers from symmetry obsessive-compulsive disorder, secretly added a small butt-shaped seat with the same Higanhua shape to Xia Chujian's left shoulder.

Although there is no Awu on the left shoulder, Qilu secretly made a small robot head using the spilled materials from the Shao Siming mecha, planning to use it as his shelter in the future.

Xia Chujian looked at the mirror on the small combat aircraft and saw that the shape of the young commander's mecha had changed again.

The two black flowers blooming on the shoulders look both beautiful and solemn.

If you ignore the two silly little heads, they quietly poke their heads out from the core of the black Hibiscus flower.

Xia Chu saw it happily and said, "Qilu, isn't it pretty?"

The little robot head on her left shoulder began to buzz: "Master, it's not just beautiful!"

"One, they strengthen the defense of their master's shoulders."

"Two, they really can be used as gun butts!"

Xia Chu was overjoyed and said: "Then if I want to fight in the future, not only will I have two robotic arms that can carry conventional weapons, but I can also carry two more weapons on my shoulders?!"

Then she is a walking arsenal, one person can be like an army of thousands!

When Xia Chu saw it, he immediately thought this look was so cool!

"Let's go! The three of us go down to explore the road!"

As Xia Chujian said, he flew the small combat aircraft to a high altitude and stopped, then opened the hatch and jumped out.

Awu, who was sitting on her right shoulder, was puzzled and said: "Sister, where is the third helper here? There are only sister and Awu!"

Xia Chujian said: "There is also my mecha. Awu, the mecha is also my good partner. You should listen to it!"

Awu's black crystal bean-like eyes glanced gently at the little robot head in the black flower on the other side.

Qilu controlled the little robot's head, looked over seriously, and said, "Hello, I am the mechanical intelligence of the master's mecha. Please be more obedient in the future."

Awu: "...Oh, Awu will be obedient!"

Qilu: "...Don't think that just because you're cute, I can be bribed by you!"

Xia Chujian scolded in a low voice: "Shut up! This is not a place for quarreling!"

"Don't forget, after you go down, you can't speak, absolutely not, and you can't make any noise."

Awu nodded hurriedly.

But when he raised his head again, his puppy mouth had been restricted by a chew.

At this time, Qilu returned to the fully enclosed helmet that Xia Chu had seen. The little Tongyin said with embarrassment: "Master, Qilu just went out to get some fresh air..."

Xia Chujian: "..."

You call that breathable?

Talk like you need to breathe.

Xia Chujian didn't say much this time, but just reminded it: "Qilu, what you said is to take my life safety as the biggest purpose."

"What if you run out and talk nonsense and are discovered by the intelligent creatures below?"

Qilu hurriedly said: "Master, don't worry, Qilu will pay attention to it in the future!"

Xia Chujian ignored it and quickly descended invisibly from high altitude, passing through the layers of marine green plants and arriving at the island inside.

When she passed through the marine green plants above the island, she tried her best to move gently, but she still touched several large fan-shaped leaves of ferns, making a faint rustling sound.

That voice is really loud.

Xia Chujian thought to himself, with these marine green plants, there really is no need for a radar system!

No one who gets in can avoid making this sound.

But at the same time, there were several mutated seabirds with two or three heads that flew out from the large fern and collided with the large fan-shaped leaves of the fern. They also made a sputtering sound, like the sound of ocean waves.

In the long building below that looked like a barracks, several strange-looking soldiers walked out and looked up at the sky.

When they discovered it was a seabird, they cursed and went back to the long building.

Xia Chujian landed quietly on the ground.

Just as he was about to enter the long building to take a look, he suddenly heard the sound of rushing water. He hurriedly hid behind a building and looked carefully at the direction of the sound.

Right there, a creature with a seahorse head, horns, thick limbs, and membrane wings on its back walked onto the shore from the water at the edge of the island.

From Xia Chu's perspective, one can see the gray-green scales on its body and its white belly.

It can walk upright, its body is very long, and its mouth is as big as a toad's mouth. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a toad's head.

Xia Chujian's heart moved.

Isn't this what Qilu has seen her look like, the deep diver Haidagon!

There is actually one here!

Xia Chu felt relaxed at this moment and was no longer so nervous.

Because Qilu said that Haidagon can be killed.

Its fatal weakness is the gills on its cheeks.

As long as it hits this place, it will kill in one blow.

In this case, there is nothing to fear.

Xia Chujian was just curious. Haidagon feeds on humans. Can he only eat humans, or can he also eat other things, but humans are the staple food...

Just when she was thinking wildly, she discovered that the doors of those barrack-style houses suddenly opened, and many soldiers rushed out from inside.

They quickly stood up in the open space on the island, as if undergoing a review, and raised their hands to salute the deep diver Haidagon who had just walked out of the sea.

They did not salute like the soldiers of the Beichen Empire. They bent their right arms, extended their palms, put their five fingers together, and raised them to their ears to salute.

Instead, the right arm is straightened and pointed into the air.

Some mourners have several right arms, which are also stretched out at the same time.

For a moment, there were many arms in front of Haidagon, and it looked quite spectacular.

But that scene made Xia Chujian feel a little disgusted.

While these mourners were busy lining up, she quietly walked into the interior of a long building through the large open door.

As soon as she entered, the scene inside gave her a surprise.

It turns out that this long building is really a barracks, but it just looks like a barracks of the Beichen Empire military from the outside.

The furnishings inside still have distinct characteristics of the island warriors.

I saw that there were many thick branches stretched out in this large barracks.

There are beds that look like hammocks tied to the branches.

It was obvious that these mourners slept on these beds.

Xia Chujian only glanced at it, and the mechanical intelligence of Shao Siming's mecha showed on her eyepiece display that the space of this barracks was roughly divided into four floors by these vines.

Each floor has 250 beds.

There are a thousand beds on four floors.

Xia Chujian remembered seeing from above that there were ten such barracks in total.

So there are about 10,000 mourners here.

Looking at it again, Xia Chujian's eyes suddenly twitched.

She saw a gun at the head of a tree hammock...

It was not a sniper rifle that she was familiar with, but an older style Type 37 rifle.

Those were old-style firearms that had been eliminated by the Beichen Empire military for a long time.

But it’s not too old. The model from 90 years ago had powerful firepower and an intelligent aiming system. However, the level of intelligent system is not as high as that of 90 years later.

Xia Chujian quietly rose into the air, flew to the second floor hammock, and picked up the Type 37 rifle.

It seemed that it had been well maintained. In this humid environment, the gun body was not rusty at all, and the barrel was still fully loaded with bullets.

Xia Chujian rolled his eyes and had a brilliant idea in his mind.

She held the gun in her backhand and quickly returned to the outside of the barracks.

She was still invisible, and she was holding the Type 37 rifle.

This rifle cannot be invisible.

So it looked like a gun floated out of the barracks on its own.

Fortunately, everyone was gathering at the front, and no one noticed any movement in the barracks at the rear.

Xia Chujian quickly came to the back of the last soldier in the queue, quietly placed the rifle on the ground, and covered it with the dust from the island.

The location of this mourner was just to the right of Haidagon.

From her angle, she could clearly see the right side of the Haidagon.

Just then, she heard the Deep One standing on the big rock, Hydagon, begin to speak.

It actually speaks Beichen dialect!

"When will you hand over the food we want?"

Then a mourner stood at the front and spoke word by word in broken Beichen dialect: "Great Yiha, food is here."

"But, it's not new."

"Want to eat?"

Haidagon, who was called "Iha", immediately said: "Where is it?! Send it up quickly!"

While they were talking, several mourners broke away from the team and ran to the other side of the island.

Not long after, they came over carrying a huge shell.

The shell was at least two meters long and shaped like a bed.

They brought the shell over and placed it in front of the deep diver Haidagon named Yiha.

Haidagon's toad mouth spanned the entire face, and a stream of sticky saliva suddenly flowed out uncontrollably.

It raised its right paw with webbed fingers, wiped its mouth, then let out a roar and kicked the shell with its hind legs.

The shell slowly opened, revealing a human body inside.

When Xia Chu saw it, he immediately became angry.

This is also a female soldier wearing a Star Marine combat uniform!

Looking at the style and color of the combat uniform, it was exactly the same as the 321 female combatants who died in the pit before.

Xia Chujian immediately understood.

She found only 321 female combatants in that deep pit.

But later I heard from those people that it was clearly 500 female Marines and 1,500 male Marines.

Fifteen hundred male soldiers died in that tribe.

But there are still 179 female soldiers whose whereabouts are unknown.

At that time, she thought she had died in the battle long ago and her body could not be collected.

Now it seems that he did not die in battle, but was sent directly here to be used as food for the deep diver Haidagon!

And looking at the attire of this female soldier, she is one of the 179 missing female soldiers from the First Star Fleet...

This female soldier had already died long ago.

The mourners only used shells to preserve her body.

The deep diver Haidagon's halazi dripped directly onto the shell.

Then it stretched out its webbed front paws and grabbed the female soldier on the head!

Xia Chujian suddenly burst out at this moment.

She kicked the 37-type rifle up from the ground, then held it with one hand, quickly put it on the shoulder of the soldier in front, and pulled the trigger!

This is the first update, the second update will be at 1pm.

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